"Maybe I'm Wrong About Guns"

BACKGROUND CHECKS: Which rights does it violate and how?
The same right violated by you bring stopped, w/o resonable suspiction or probable cause, from walking down the street by a police officer, who then restrains you while he checks to see if you have any outstanding warrants. If you do not, you may continue walking down the street.
And yet, they are all unnecessary and ineffective restrictions on the exercise of the right to keep and bear arms
Unnecessary and ineffective restrictions on the esercise of a right are infringements on said right.
"Shall not be infringed."
Tune off Democratic Underground and educate yourself.
So you think criminals should be allowed to buy and own firearms?
What about criminals in prison?
You're opposed to banning firearms in court?
Even for a criminal defendant?

You see, sonny. Laws and regulations are already in place and they are both necessary and effective.
Gun laws tend to be less effective because you people insist they be ineffective.
Banning tracing of gun ownership
Allowing gun show purchases
Allowing unchecked purchases and transfers

Which is why we go federal.
The same right violated by you bring stopped, w/o resonable suspiction or probable cause, from walking down the street by a police officer, who then restrains you while he checks to see if you have any outstanding warrants. If you do not, you may continue walking down the street.
If the officer has probable cause, you have no complaint.
The attempt to purchase a firearm is probable cause to investigate whether you may be a threat.

No violations here. Try again.
If the officer has probable cause, you have no complaint.
Ah. You cannot read. Explains much.

I said:
The same right violated by you bring stopped, w/o reasonable suspicion or probable cause, from walking down the street by a police officer, who then restrains you while he checks to see if you have any outstanding warrants. If you do not, you may continue walking down the street.

The right violated, above? That's the right violated by background checks.
Which is why we go federal.
This is why we do not. Any other discussion by you is extraneous.


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