Maxine Waters: 'The Tea Party Can Go Straight To Hell'

Actually Wicked Colon Jouster, if you target STATES, you're targeting a group of individiuals.

When you target specific districts, those districts are represented by just ONE person.

Target a district, you target the individual.

Try again ya retarded shithead.
So, in your feeble mind:

Targeting GROUPS of individuals.....Good

Targeting one individual.........Bad


You fuckin' lib's are comical.

The hypocrisy of you loons is both bizarre and downright funny.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Targeting states to turn them blue or red has been political status quo for decades.

Targeting individual districts is something new though.
Says Congresswoman Maxine Waters.


Motion carried.

Maxine Waters On Jobs, Unemployment: 'The Tea Party Can Go Straight To Hell'

RealClearPolitics - Kerosene Maxine to Tea Party: "Go to Hell!"

Waters' list of insults, vulgarities and blame-whitey scapegoating easily makes her the Al Sharpton of Congress.

Waters once said of the then-sitting president: "I would like to ... say ... very clearly that I believe George (H.W.) Bush is a racist."

She also referred to Republican former Los Angeles Mayor Richard Riordan as a "plantation owner."

She called the 1992 Los Angeles riots a "rebellion," and bellowed, "No justice, no peace!"

In 1973, the former Black Panther Joanne Chesimard shot and killed a New Jersey state trooper. Found guilty of murder and sentenced to life in prison, Chesimard escaped from a New Jersey penitentiary and fled to Cuba. Congress passed a resolution urging Castro to extradite her to this country. But Waters wrote Castro a letter, urging him to keep the "persecuted ... political activist" and likened the cop killer to Martin Luther King, since Chesimard had been "persecuted for her civil rights work"!

Waters wrote a foreword for a book, "Dark Alliance," that accused the CIA of playing a prominent role in the Los Angeles area drug trade. Never mind that practically every major newspaper -- The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and The Washington Post -- all examined and rejected the charge.

The congresswoman can dish it out, but what happens when people fight back? When an anonymous letter claimed that the Los Angeles Police Commission president, at a meeting, called her a "bitch," Waters went ballistic. She unsuccessfully demanded his resignation.
Waters currently faces an investigation by the House ethics committee. She phoned then-Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson in 2008, asking his office to meet with minority bank owners. He complied. But most of the bankers in attendance were from OneUnited Bank -- a bank in which Waters' husband owned shares and on whose board he once served. OneUnited asked for a special bailout, and three months later, it received $12 million.

Waters' tea party attack once again exposes her as one of the most racist, hateful and vulgar members of Congress -- prompting Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum to call her "vile." He was far too kind.


Larry Elder
Says Congresswoman Maxine Waters.


Motion carried.

Maxine Waters On Jobs, Unemployment: 'The Tea Party Can Go Straight To Hell'

RealClearPolitics - Kerosene Maxine to Tea Party: "Go to Hell!"

Waters' list of insults, vulgarities and blame-whitey scapegoating easily makes her the Al Sharpton of Congress.

Waters once said of the then-sitting president: "I would like to ... say ... very clearly that I believe George (H.W.) Bush is a racist."

She also referred to Republican former Los Angeles Mayor Richard Riordan as a "plantation owner."

She called the 1992 Los Angeles riots a "rebellion," and bellowed, "No justice, no peace!"

Waters currently faces an investigation by the House ethics committee. She phoned then-Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson in 2008, asking his office to meet with minority bank owners. He complied. But most of the bankers in attendance were from OneUnited Bank -- a bank in which Waters' husband owned shares and on whose board he once served. OneUnited asked for a special bailout, and three months later, it received $12 million.

Waters' tea party attack once again exposes her as one of the most racist, hateful and vulgar members of Congress -- prompting Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum to call her "vile." He was far too kind.


Larry Elder
Larry "the sage of south central" Elder is the man!

And Maxine Waters hates his guts!......He's all over that corrupt, crazy wench.

Was so glad when he came back on the air here in So. Cal.
Last edited:
Says Congresswoman Maxine Waters.


Motion carried.

Maxine Waters On Jobs, Unemployment: 'The Tea Party Can Go Straight To Hell'

RealClearPolitics - Kerosene Maxine to Tea Party: "Go to Hell!"

Waters' tea party attack once again exposes her as one of the most racist, hateful and vulgar members of Congress -- prompting Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum to call her "vile." He was far too kind.


Larry Elder
Larry "the sage of south central" Elder is the man!

And Maxine Waters hates his guts!......He's all over that corrupt, crazy wench.

Was so glad when he came back on the air here in So. Cal.

Larry Elder is a sell out with a personal agenda against Maxine Waters because he requested that she debate him and she blew him off so just because he calls he racist doesn't make her a racist, its rather him that hates her guts.
Larry "the sage of south central" Elder is the man!

And Maxine Waters hates his guts!......He's all over that corrupt, crazy wench.

Was so glad when he came back on the air here in So. Cal.

Larry Elder is a sell out with a personal agenda against Maxine Waters because he requested that she debate him and she blew him off so just because he calls he racist doesn't make her a racist, its rather him that hates her guts.
Yeah, he's just an Uncle Tom, eh?

Any black who dares to repeatedly expose a corrupt, dirty black politician is nothing but a "sell out" and Uncle Tom.


Because we all know its not like Tea Party people are citizens too, right? Only people who actually voted for this MORON are citizens -and the rest can just go straight to hell, right? Its not like Maxine Waters took an oath to represent the people who disagreed with her and she only represents those who voted for her, right? That's why the oath she took actually said she swore to defend leftwing extremists who thought just like her and everyone else could just go straight to hell.

The woman doesn't deserve to hold office and those applauding this woman's statement should hang their heads in shame. Her constituents don't even represent the opinions of the majority in her state much less that of the entire nation -and in case you leftwing extremist WHACK JOBS don't know it, more than half of all people said they trusted the Tea Party over either Democrats or Republicans in Congress. So I wonder who the majority in this country think should actually go straight to hell. I have an opinion on that. And it doesn't agree with the opinion of Maxine -someone I think is one of the most stupid members of Congress. Ever. And I suspect the overwhelming majority in this country absolutely agree with that.
If you target a state, you're stating that you want to take that state over politically via elections.

If you target an individual, you are going after that one individual personally, whether it's for political or other reasons.

No, targeting a group of people is not the same as targeting an individual.
Yeah, ok!:cuckoo:


You lib's just don't have the capacity in your feeble minds to admit Jack Shit.

Don't have the capacity in your feeble minds to admit that Palin's map was in no way different then the dem's, and that her map had nothing to do with a crazy LEFTY blowing a hole in Giffords head.

Palin's map targetting individual people...the Democrat map provided as a comparison targetted states.

But please feel free to continue to show us that you just don't get it.

Are you really that stupid or are you faking it? Both sides target specific RACES. Why would anyone target a STATE if they didn't believe they could actually win the specific races up for grabs in that election in that state. It is specific races that makes a state a possible win -and that means believing very specific people running in that election can be defeated. Really -grow a thicker skin because I'm gonna puke on yours and your panty waist "delicate sensibilities" here.

And of course you are insisting the left doesn't target individuals when trying to win an election, right? Which must be why the left actually debates IDEAS and POSITIONS and doesn't try to distract voters with character assassinations and smears, right? Oh PULLEEZE! Yeah, that's why Palin was bombarded with different IDEAS and not PERSONAL character smears that even targeted her kids, right? That oh so "noble" left that only debates IDEAS. You are so full of shit. The left invented character assassination. The left's bible -Saul Alinksy's Rules for Radicals tells the left how to make it an art and why they shouldn't bother debating ideas -they can't win that battle!. So the left brings character smears out before ANY attempt to try and persuade voters their positions are superior. That is because the left already knows their positions are NOT superior. They can't win on the issues. They can't win on ideas. Winning on character assassination is their only hope -and it is their FIRST resort. Always.
Yeah, ok!:cuckoo:


You lib's just don't have the capacity in your feeble minds to admit Jack Shit.

Don't have the capacity in your feeble minds to admit that Palin's map was in no way different then the dem's, and that her map had nothing to do with a crazy LEFTY blowing a hole in Giffords head.

Palin's map targetting individual people...the Democrat map provided as a comparison targetted states.

But please feel free to continue to show us that you just don't get it.

Are you really that stupid or are you faking it? Both sides target specific RACES. Why would anyone target a STATE if they didn't believe they could actually win the specific races up for grabs in that election in that state. It is specific races that makes a state a possible win -and that means believing very specific people running in that election can be defeated. Really -grow a thicker skin because I'm gonna puke on yours and your panty waist "delicate sensibilities" here.

And of course you are insisting the left doesn't target individuals when trying to win an election, right? Which must be why the left actually debates IDEAS and POSITIONS and doesn't try to distract voters with character assassinations and smears, right? Oh PULLEEZE! Yeah, that's why Palin was bombarded with different IDEAS and not PERSONAL character smears that even targeted her kids, right? That oh so "noble" left that only debates IDEAS. You are so full of shit. The left invented character assassination. The left's bible -Saul Alinksy's Rules for Radicals tells the left how to make it an art and why they shouldn't bother debating ideas -they can't win that battle!. So the left brings character smears out before ANY attempt to try and persuade voters their positions are superior. That is because the left already knows their positions are NOT superior. They can't win on the issues. They can't win on ideas. Winning on character assassination is their only hope -and it is their FIRST resort. Always.

Nail on head.:clap2:
Larry "the sage of south central" Elder is the man!

And Maxine Waters hates his guts!......He's all over that corrupt, crazy wench.

Was so glad when he came back on the air here in So. Cal.

Larry Elder is a sell out with a personal agenda against Maxine Waters because he requested that she debate him and she blew him off so just because he calls he racist doesn't make her a racist, its rather him that hates her guts.
Yeah, he's just an Uncle Tom, eh?

Any black who dares to repeatedly expose a corrupt, dirty black politician is nothing but a "sell out" and Uncle Tom.


So any black rightwinger who attacks a black liberal is truthful and honest and all black liberals are dirty and dishonest? Jester shut the fack up you partisan dipshat.
Larry Elder isn't just "any black" he is a black that makes his living attacking liberal blacks

[ame=] Stupid Black Men: How to Play the Race Card--and Lose (9780312367336): Larry Elder: Books[/ame]

tell me that he isn't a facking race hustler for white conservatives.
Larry Elder is a sell out with a personal agenda against Maxine Waters because he requested that she debate him and she blew him off so just because he calls he racist doesn't make her a racist, its rather him that hates her guts.
He's a sellout because he doesn't blindly parrot the "blame whitey" mantra?

Have you ever even tried thinking for yourself?
Larry Elder is a sell out with a personal agenda against Maxine Waters because he requested that she debate him and she blew him off so just because he calls he racist doesn't make her a racist, its rather him that hates her guts.
Yeah, he's just an Uncle Tom, eh?

Any black who dares to repeatedly expose a corrupt, dirty black politician is nothing but a "sell out" and Uncle Tom.


So any black rightwinger who attacks a black liberal is truthful and honest and all black liberals are dirty and dishonest? Jester shut the fack up you partisan dipshat.
Waters is certainly dirty and dishonest. Or do you think it was just coincidence that a bank her husband owns stock in received bailout money?

Waters Helped Bank Whose Stock She Once Owned -

It's not racism to point out a minority's ethical lapses.
Yeah, he's just an Uncle Tom, eh?

Any black who dares to repeatedly expose a corrupt, dirty black politician is nothing but a "sell out" and Uncle Tom.


So any black rightwinger who attacks a black liberal is truthful and honest and all black liberals are dirty and dishonest? Jester shut the fack up you partisan dipshat.
Waters is certainly dirty and dishonest. Or do you think it was just coincidence that a bank her husband owns stock in received bailout money?

Waters Helped Bank Whose Stock She Once Owned -

It's not racism to point out a minority's ethical lapses.

It's not racism to point out a PERSON's ethical lapses.
So, targeting a state made up primarily of repub individuals, is not the same as targeting a district made up of primarily democrat individuals?

Do you not understand how ridiculous both Bodey and yourself are making yourselves sound?

LMAO!:lol:........This is some of the most ridiculous, and funniest shit i've heard on this board......Seriously. keep moving those goal posts.

First you say that there are maps with democrats putting crosshairs on republicans....then you change that to saying that there are maps with democrats putting targets on republicans....then you change that to say that there are maps with democrats putting targets on states FULL of republicans....and now, you say targetting a state "made up primarly of repub individuals".
As for your question...if Palin had targetted a beef. If she had targetted a beef. However, she did not do that....she targetted INDIVIDUALS...with symbols used for shooting. Poor, poor choice....a choice that Democrat map makers were smart enough not to make.
I didn't move any goal posts, son.

Palin targeted dem districts, Dem's targeted repub states.......No different, dumbass.:cuckoo:

Have you always lived with your head buried firmly in your stink hole?

Why don't you just admit it. If Palin had targeted a state, you would be screaching at the moon about it also......For several simple reasons....Unlike you, she's attractive, successful, a great wife and mother, straight, and a conservative.

Goalposts moved into the next county.

And yet you still got your pee pee wacked.


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