Maunder minimum gone missing

The Fukashima earthquake shifted the earth's axis and increased the rotation of the earth. Wouldn't that factor have an ultimately more profound effect on the world's weather than Al Gore's lame theory of man made global warming? No money in it though.
One can see here how a series of decreasing values make up the temperature record.


The Fukashima earthquake shifted the earth's axis and increased the rotation of the earth. Wouldn't that factor have an ultimately more profound effect on the world's weather than Al Gore's lame theory of man made global warming? No money in it though.
I believe NASA's prediction was more in line with the Dalton minimum. They believe it's a great decade for space travel because of the reduced sun spot activity. :)
Dingleberry, that was not a prediction, that link was to observation of what the sun is doing right now.
Dingleberry, that was not a prediction, that link was to observation of what the sun is doing right now.
And NASA's prediction was in line with the Dalton Minimum not the Maunder Minimum. So it appears that you are the only one who thinks it is unusual that cycle 25 is not matching the Maunder Minimum.
And NASA's prediction was in line with the Dalton Minimum not the Maunder Minimum. So it appears that you are the only one who thinks it is unusual that cycle 25 is not matching the Maunder Minimum.
No, you are confused. The last grand solar minimum was the Maunder Minimum. Another grand solar minimum was predicted to start occurring by now. The Dalton Minimum is not a grand solar minimum. One example:

You do now, because i linked you to one of many studies.
Except that study didn't predict that solar cycle 25 would be a Grand Solar Minimum so I still don't know anyone who is predicting solar cycle 25 will be a Grand Solar Minimum.

But I do agree that it's not just a coincidence that Grand Solar Minimums lead to colder temperatures.
Except that study didn't predict that solar cycle 25 would be a Grand Solar Minimum so I still don't know anyone who is predicting solar cycle 25 will be a Grand Solar Minimum.

But I do agree that it's not just a coincidence that Grand Solar Minimums lead to colder temperatures.
It's pretty much exactly what the study's author says, in the first paragraph...?

But anyhoo, not germane. Yes, agreed, the idea is that solar minimums are a downward pressure on temps. But if you have enough other factors pushing up on temps, the temps could increase during a solar minimum anyway.
It's pretty much exactly what the study's author says, in the first paragraph...?

But anyhoo, not germane. Yes, agreed, the idea is that solar minimums are a downward pressure on temps. But if you have enough other factors pushing up on temps, the temps could increase during a solar minimum anyway.
Looks like they were wrong about that, huh?

The problem I have with so-called sensitivity maps is that if CO2 is such a dominant variable how did we ever transition from a greenhouse planet to an icehouse planet or transition from glacial to interglacials and back again. By down playing every other component they have painted a picture that effectively eliminates every other component as capable of changing climates.

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