Matt Gaetz: “On First Day of Republican Control, We Should Take Over J6 Committee and Release Every Second of Footage That'll Exonerate Our Patriots'

The Capitol Police LET THEM IN!!!!!
Why do you believe that?

Because they had informants all over the place......and the democrats also deployed blm and antifa throughout the U.S. leading up to the election......they were there on Jan. 6...

For the entire year, blm and antifa burned, looted and murdered in black neighborhoods to hurt Trump....not one act of violence by Trump supporters...the entire time...

Then you try to sell us that even with 7 months of burning, looting and killing by blm and antifa....they chose not to show up in D.C. election day?

Sell that to biden voters, you dumb ass...
You say that because you’re more devoted to Trump than to the country.

Destruction of businesses sucks and is wrong. But their losses can be recovered. It happens all the time.

Our nation is far more valuable than that.
Trump IS America!!!
Or when they simply walked through the halls.....inside the rope ass...
That calm lasted all of five minutes, tard.

Your fellow monkeys smeared their shit on the walls, and beat the shit out of 150 police officers.

Don't be so fucking ass.
Those were blm and moron.

So which was Ashli Babbitt? Antifa or BLM?

Which were the Proud Boys? Antifa or BLM?

My god, the level of mental retardation required to make this unbelievably stupid claim is mind boggling.
Those were blm and moron.
“He” also won’t offer any explanation as to how those people opened magnetically sealed doors that can only be opened from the inside. They must have magic powers or something right? The FBI has admitted they had instigators there. Under oath, they didn’t say there were none, they stated they would not say how many were there.

So which was Ashli Babbitt? Antifa or BLM?

Which were the Proud Boys? Antifa or BLM?

My god, the level of mental retardation required to make this unbelievably stupid claim is mind boggling.

You mean the unarmed woman who was shot in the neck without warning?

You are really defending that?
“He” also won’t offer any explanation as to how those people opened magnetically sealed doors that can only be opened from the inside. They must have magic powers or something right? The FBI has admitted they had instigators there. Under oath, they didn’t say there were none, they stated they would not say how many were there.

The republicans should release all of the information.....and put the FBI whistle blowers in front of the committee.....

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