MASSIVE Twitter Attack By "Bitcoin Scammers"

Just read over there that one of the admins of twatter was hacked and THAT was the magic entrance. I don't feel sorry for them one bit.
Imagine if the Trump account had tweeted that our nation had just been attacked? That’s how serious this is. Something that simple could crash world markets, and start wars. With one single Tweet...
It’s time to consider Federalizing some of these Social Media giants as public utilities, or just shut them down altogether. It’s a matter of national security.
Hey- it's against rich people- no biggie- check the other thread about this-

What thread? I did a search and came up dry, otherwise I wouldn't have started this.
oh i started one in politics but it got moved - it was fine since it wasn't really political. but it got buried in GENERAL TOPICS so even if you checked all the usual places you'd not have seen it.

would rather have it here anyway so glad you reposted here so we can follow up on it today.
This is nuts. The sheer amount of accounts that were tweeting the scam demonstrate that this wasn't just "password guessing", but that the hackers had some kind of back-end, administrative access to Twitter.

The amount of damage they *could* have done shouldn't be ignored. Imagine, for a moment, if they had made verified politicians start tweeting something about a pre-emptive attack on Russia or China. It also begs the question - was this really a bitcoin scam? Or was that just a cover to gain access to the private information & messages of high profile individuals?

2020 is wild.
Twitter should ban itself

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