Trump Calls for DirecTV Boycott Over 'Communist' Plot to Drop OAN

Quit lying. You're paying higher prices for fuel, electricity, food, shelter, and just about everything else too. Just like everyone else.

Except you're too much of a chickenshit to put the blame on the responsible parties: Joe Biden and the Democrat Party.

No, his mom is. Evil is a leech, and a troll.
Dang those pesky Commies!

Former President Donald Trump has called on his supporters to "boycott and cancel" DirecTV if it follows through on a "Communist" plot to drop the right-wing One America News Network (OAN).
The satellite service provider announced last month that it would no longer be carrying OAN after its contract with parent company Herring Networks Inc. expires in April.
In a Tuesday statement, Trump insisted that DirecTV and AT&T, which owns 70 percent of DirecTV, were making the decision to drop the "very popular channel" in service to the "Communist movement."
"If AT&T/DirecTV cancels OAN, I hope that everyone will boycott and cancel DirecTV," Trump said. "It is a very popular channel, far more popular than most would understand, and they are being treated horribly by the Radical Left lunatics running the networks.
"Instead of being allowed to grow, their voice is being shuttered," added the former president. "Don't let it happen, cancel DirecTV. If you feel infringed by what this Communist movement is doing, cancel DirecTV!"

It is not clear that OAN is "very popular." Although ratings company Nielsen does not currently track OAN since the network does not subscribe to its service, it was found to average only 14,000 daily viewers when it was tracked for a brief time in the spring of 2019
OAN may have gained some new viewers since the 2020 presidential election, as it increasingly aired false claims of massive election fraud and became heavily promoted by and associated with Trump.
A number of "high-profile" OAN staffers left the network for fellow conservative network Newsmax, in pursuit of larger audience, better pay and less "extremism" in its pro-Trump coverage, according to a May report from The Daily Beast.
The network is available in roughly 30 million out of 121 million U.S. TV households, according to Reuters. The outlet reported that DirecTV is OAN's largest single carrier by far and accounts for about 90 percent of the network's revenue.

He wants his propaganda stations to succeed. But the market has spoken.
And there you go. Now I know.

You can look at those awful, horrible, hateful things said by people on your end, brush them off, and change the subject.

You're an even worse person than I thought.

Yuck. Go away.
Just like those who can't seem to con-demn NAZI flag carriers protesting in front of Disneyworld.
Poor thing. Awe. But we the bad guys huh? Forget the summer of love with BLM hitting little ole ladies with 2 x 4s attacking republicans at the movies with their kids. Threatening them while they are eating.

Oh and we said we've had enough of their shit and threats and we BAD?? Isnt that right Mr. Fake?? Now say thankyou like normal. lmao
Well, we know you want us to forget the FAILED insurrection on Jan 6th, 2021.
Just like those who can't seem to con-demn NAZI flag carriers protesting in front of Disneyworld.
I'd like to have conversations directly with them to discuss this stuff, but it's pointless when they play games like that.

Or at least I think they're playing games. Who knows. All you can do is observe. It's easier in real life.
Well, we know you want us to forget the FAILED insurrection on Jan 6th, 2021.

Yeah you keep bleating about that, like the good little sheep you are, while ignoring the real insurrection led by chucky schumer

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