Marriage Matters: Consequences of Redefining Marriage

If people like you had gotten their way regarding the changes in marriage that allowed the races to mix, we wouldn't have Obama as President:eusa_whistle:

Gee wouldn't that be just awful?


A Census Bureau analysis published yesterday has picked up some attention on among a certain (read: liberal) segment of the Internet. According to the latest figures from 2009, married couples in conservative states tend to divorce at higher rates than more liberal ones. To make a hard figure out of it: of the 20 states with the highest divorce rates, 14 voted for John McCain in 2008. The states where people call it quits the most frequently are Arkansas, Maine, Oklahoma, Alabama, Kentucky, and Alaska.

The Associated Press picked up on the red states' tendencies for higher divorce rates, quoting a sociology professor as saying, "Surprisingly, the South and West, which we think of as more socially conservative, have higher rates of divorce than does the supposedly liberal East ... The reason is that young adults in the South and West tend to have less education and marry earlier, both of which lead to a higher risk of divorce." Left-leaning AlterNet notes the irony that the social conservatism touted by politicians there don't make marriages last: "in many states where politicians claim that their constituents are the most family values oriented 'real Americans' who are afraid of the sanctity of marriage being trampled by the gays, the divorce rates are actually higher." Jezebel plays off of that theme by offering an alternation explanation to the red-blue divorce divide: gay marriage. It writes: "of the four states with the lowest divorce rates, three allow gay marriage. So maybe the gays aren't destroying the traditional family after all?" (Really, it's of the four states or districts--namely, New Jersey, D.C., New York, and Connecticut--with the lowest divorce rates.)

Strange how the trailer dwelling bible thumping crackers in jesusland have higher divorce rates:eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:
Marriage is between one man and one woman. It has traditionally always been that way in this country. People who want it to be between 2 men and one woman, or 2 women and one man, or any other combination are seeking to redefine the traditional notion of marriage.
That is obvious to anyone with two functioning brain cells.

Polygamy was common in many Native American peoples.
The states where people call it quits the most frequently are Arkansas, Maine, Oklahoma, Alabama, Kentucky, and Alaska.

Strange how the trailer dwelling bible thumping crackers in jesusland have higher divorce rates:eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

No, what is odd is that a professor would ignore the data from Maine and Alaska.


Gee, could a Sociology Professor be impartial, and subjective!

Marriage is nothing but a property contract.

That is one thing it is, but its a whole lot more. Married people can inherit each others SS. They don't have to testify against the other in court. They get to visit each other in hospitals on their death bed. There are over 1,000 federal rights, benefits & privileges associated with legal marriage. There is no compelling state reason to deny gay couples the cash and prizes.
What's the big taboo over 'redefining' something?

Wasn't the Constitution itself one of the most significant redefinitions of how people should be governed?

Didn't we eventually redefine the status of blacks in our society? Didn't we redefine the status of women in society?
Society has an interest in fostering stable families, which means one mother, one father. This is why it is tax advantaged. Studies quoted here look like advocacy literature rather than real research. For those who want gov't out of the marriage business, do you also want gov't out of the divorce, custody, adoption and inheritance business? Because those are all related.
States have the power over the marriage franchise. This is pretty much settled law. The libtards want to rewrite this so they can appeal popular ballot initiatives to gay judges who will be sympathetic to overturningthe rule of law.

Obviously you’re unaware this makes no sense whatsoever.

It is incumbent upon opponents of equal protection rights to justify the state’s interest in denying same-sex couples access to marriage law. In this they have failed.

Although the states are at liberty to compose marriage law as they see fit, they are compelled by the Constitution to allow access to that law by all citizens, regardless their sexual orientation. The doctrine of coverture is present in no state’s marriage law. The marriage law of every state establishes a contract between two equal partners, where gender is irrelevant. Consequently there is no reason why a same-sex couple should not have access to their state’s marriage law.

Your opposition to equal protection rights is thus motivated solely by animus toward same-sex couples, and ignorance of the Constitution and its case law.
I have already stated the state's interest in not allowing same sex couples. Once you open the door to same sex couples then "marriage" is a meaningless concept. No society has long endured without a strong concept of marriage.
I know hetero parents that are married to each other, hetero parents that divorced and married new spouses, unmarried couples, gay couples, and both male and female single parents.

You know what? Some of the kids have become very successsful in life, some became total losers, and most fell somewhere in between.

Not only did the success/failure spread across all of the parents, it spreads among siblings within a family unit. Yes, I know people that grew up and had great lives while their siblings were criminals.

There are many factors that determine a child's success in life. Marriage isn't a major consideration.

Good points, family life is not some scripted series of events slated for television. Things happen and the ability to overcome life situations is a skill we learn as we live each day.
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Sorry, but what a bunch of "moralistic" horse shit. I just heard a study on Foxnews (radio) the other day where it demonstrated that children raised by two homosexual parents did better than single parent homes.

Whatever the source, whatever "demonstration" would be nonsense.

There aren't enough queer-parent households to demonstrate any conclusive differences.
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If children did not need a mother and a father, then children who come from these dysfunctional arrangements would not be dysfunctional themselves.

According to Children-our, homes without fathers ultimately affect children in numerous tragic ways:

* 63 percent of youth suicides are from fatherless homes
* 90 percent of all homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes
* 85 percent of all children who show behavior disorders come from fatherless homes
* 80 percent of rapists with anger problems come from fatherless homes
* 71 percent of all high school dropouts come from fatherless homes
* 75 percent of all adolescent patients in chemical-abuse centers come from fatherless homes
* 85 percent of all youths in prison come from fatherless homes

Single mothers have just been sooooo good for the country. Don't bat an eye about it.

72 Percent of African-American Children Born to Unwed Mothers

And 100% of the families don't need you shoving your morals down their throats.
The fact is that kids do not need a mother and a father. If they did, it would be illegal to be a single parent. Instead, single women have babies all the time, and no one bats an eye.

Yes and Single Mothers have made places like the Inner Cities all around this Nation a Better Place...

Yes, let's make the Standard for this Nation Denying Children a Mother or a Father because we are that Selfish Sexually.




Sorry, but what a bunch of "moralistic" horse shit. I just heard a study on Foxnews (radio) the other day where it demonstrated that children raised by two homosexual parents did better than single parent homes.

Whatever the source, whatever "demonstration" would be nonsense.

There aren't enough queer-parent households to demonstrate any conclusive differences.


Not to mention Two Lesbians can't act like a Father to a Son or a Daughter nor can Two Gay Men be a Mother to a Son or a Daughter no matter how Prissy either of them Act...

And it's an Act. :thup:



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