Mark Judge, Key Witness To Alleged Brett Kavanaugh Assault, Refuses To Testify

Really? I haven't heard anybody bring it up unless somebody on the left brings up a Republican being accused of something similar.
LOL - You child rapers lie like a rug!

Such a brilliant and clever reply. You really are a leftist, aincha?

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Come on Ray you have a pussy grabbing pervert once accused by his first wife of rape in your WH and you turn a blind eye Figures ,,you're a republican
Bill Clinton is accused of rape, but you don't mind that. Why?
If it could be proved I sure would mind BTW I was a republican back then Changed soon after voting for GWB in 2000...Do you really believe Ford woke up one morning and put her life in jeopardy to lie about Kavanaugh? That makes no sense and you bringing up Clinton doesn't change that fact

And what do you believe? That she sat on this story for 35 years and just decided to come out with it when Kavanaough was nominated? What timing, huh?

Let me ask: what was her goal by coming out now?

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Come on Ray you have a pussy grabbing pervert once accused by his first wife of rape in your WH and you turn a blind eye Figures ,,you're a republican
Bill Clinton is accused of rape, but you don't mind that. Why?
If it could be proved I sure would mind BTW I was a republican back then Changed soon after voting for GWB in 2000...Do you really believe Ford woke up one morning and put her life in jeopardy to lie about Kavanaugh? That makes no sense and you bringing up Clinton doesn't change that fact
You really can't see your own bias, can you. You demand proof when a Democrat is accused of rape, yet you don't demand proof when a Republican is accused. You really need to examine your obvious double standard.
No double standard I'd like proof BUT I don't want the FBI prevented because of time restrains and banning of some witnesses to be interviewed Can't you see from the get go republicans fought against an honest and full investigation? You have one, YES one AH in thomas, we need another?

The Republicans run the show now. They allowed this liar to testify, kept Kavanaugh out of the room because she couldn’t look him in the eye, they held back the confirmation for two weeks, now they are allowing an FBI investigation for up to another week. I believe that Republicans met you more than half way. I believe they met you 4/5 of the way; something Democrats would never dream do doing. And you’re still complaining.

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Ray if you can sleep at night knowing these liars on the republican side having only the wealthy in their sights and will do anything to achieve their fed up goals then god bless I have some stocks to look at now CU another time
Great. When you can show evidence of Trump molesting anybody, you post that right here for us to see, won't you?
No evidence of Clinton rape, but Repubtards can't stop constantly obsessing about it.

Really? I haven't heard anybody bring it up unless somebody on the left brings up a Republican being accused of something similar.
LOL - You child rapers lie like a rug!

Such a brilliant and clever reply. You really are a leftist, aincha?

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Come on Ray you have a pussy grabbing pervert once accused by his first wife of rape in your WH and you turn a blind eye Figures ,,you're a republican

Yes, because ex’s never have an ax to grind. All these Republican rapists that never get reported to authorities.

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Such a brilliant and clever reply. You really are a leftist, aincha?

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Come on Ray you have a pussy grabbing pervert once accused by his first wife of rape in your WH and you turn a blind eye Figures ,,you're a republican
Bill Clinton is accused of rape, but you don't mind that. Why?
If it could be proved I sure would mind BTW I was a republican back then Changed soon after voting for GWB in 2000...Do you really believe Ford woke up one morning and put her life in jeopardy to lie about Kavanaugh? That makes no sense and you bringing up Clinton doesn't change that fact
You really can't see your own bias, can you. You demand proof when a Democrat is accused of rape, yet you don't demand proof when a Republican is accused. You really need to examine your obvious double standard.
No double standard I'd like proof BUT I don't want the FBI prevented because of time restrains and banning of some witnesses to be interviewed Can't you see from the get go republicans fought against an honest and full investigation? You have one, YES one AH in thomas, we need another?
Nope, you demand proof when a Democrat is accused, but take one person's uncorroborated testimony when a Republican is accused. You're biased. Feinstein sat on the letter for over 2 months. Why didn't she have the FBI investigate?
FBI to interview all the potential victims...


And another long-time fucking idiot becomes too vile to just ignore.


So let me get this straight: You want to see a mans life ruined, scorned for life, lose the apex of his entire career, because he drank too much in school?
NO I want to see him step down and be replaced by another conservative who isn't such an AH

Step down for what reason, because some political activist came forward with a BS story? Is that the way we are to do things now? I can't wait for a Democrat President to make a SC pick. I hope the Republicans do to them what they are doing to Kavanugh today. Then we'll see if you say you just want them to step down.

Might help your reams of garbage if you knew the difference between a noun and an adjective
Our judge is a pampered republican activist, worked for ken Starr and a guy who had to resign because of 30 years of groping.
Now his son is clerking for guess who?

So let me get this straight: You want to see a mans life ruined, scorned for life, lose the apex of his entire career, because he drank too much in school?
NO I want to see him step down and be replaced by another conservative who isn't such an AH

Step down for what reason, because some political activist came forward with a BS story? Is that the way we are to do things now? I can't wait for a Democrat President to make a SC pick. I hope the Republicans do to them what they are doing to Kavanugh today. Then we'll see if you say you just want them to step down.

Might help your reams of garbage if you knew the difference between a noun and an adjective
Our judge is a pampered republican activist, worked for ken Starr and a guy who had to resign because of 30 years of groping.
Now his son is clerking for guess who?

Oh, yeah, that totally makes him guilty of sexual assault. Of course, in your eyes, he's guilty of literally anything and everything you can accuse him of, just because he's a Republican.

Now ask us who in the hell gives a rat's fat, furry ass about the opinions and accusations of a partisan, hypocritical piece of shit hack like you.
With all the skeletons in republican closets it wouldn’t surprise me

So why didn't Sweathog report this to the police? Help the so-called victims out? Talk to them after the party? At least get some names? Continue to go to these parties anyway?

I hope the FBI does investigate her. I hope she not only ends up losing her government job, but faces charges for lying as well.
Yep, she knew women were being raped and ignored their cries for help. She turned her back on her sisters. Therefore, she was a willing accomplice.

According to her, they were so drugged up by Kavanaugh and Judge that they just laid there helpless. Yet not one of them reported the account to police including her. Even if a woman is out of it, she knows if she's been raped or not. Also, every guy in those "trains" are just as guilty of rape as well. I wonder how many names she's going to give to the FBI?
Trump saying FBI will have free reign is bullshit FBI limited to who they can question

No they are not, according to Trump they can do whatever it takes to end this abortion.
I just bought more shares in coat hangers.
From a proud member of the "zip it up, see you later" brigade

Step down for what reason, because some political activist came forward with a BS story? Is that the way we are to do things now? I can't wait for a Democrat President to make a SC pick. I hope the Republicans do to them what they are doing to Kavanugh today. Then we'll see if you say you just want them to step down.

Might help your reams of garbage if you knew the difference between a noun and an adjective
Our judge is a pampered republican activist, worked for ken Starr and a guy who had to resign because of 30 years of groping.
Now his son is clerking for guess who?

Oh, yeah, that totally makes him guilty of sexual assault. Of course, in your eyes, he's guilty of literally anything and everything you can accuse him of, just because he's a Republican.

Now ask us who in the hell gives a rat's fat, furry ass about the opinions and accusations of a partisan, hypocritical piece of shit hack like you.

Shit hack?
Dead giveaway for zero college
No need to read on
They didn't try to ruin a mans life. They didn't make up BS stories about him that have absolutely no supporting proof.

The country was turning against Democrats. You lost the House. You lost the Senate. You lost most of the governorships across the country. It was Hussein's last year. That's why they didn't honor DumBama's pick. And even if they did, the majority wouldn't have confirmed him anyhow.
they didn't try to ruin clintons life HIS and HERS? More women molested by trump than Bill but you scum gave Trump a pass
Juanita Broderick was raped by Bill Clinton and Democrats ignored her. When y'all start taking EVERYONE that cries "rape" seriously, then we will.
A she said he said???
Juanita Broaderick can name the place and day when Clinton raped her. Ford can't. Funny you should say "A she said he said", when that's exactly what you have with Ford. You really can't see yourselves, can you.
Not so it's a they said if his pal can testify truthfully

You're assuming that truthfully=supportive of the accusation. There's no reason to think that.
So let me get this straight: You want to see a mans life ruined, scorned for life, lose the apex of his entire career, because he drank too much in school?
NO I want to see him step down and be replaced by another conservative who isn't such an AH

Step down for what reason, because some political activist came forward with a BS story? Is that the way we are to do things now? I can't wait for a Democrat President to make a SC pick. I hope the Republicans do to them what they are doing to Kavanugh today. Then we'll see if you say you just want them to step down.

Might help your reams of garbage if you knew the difference between a noun and an adjective
Our judge is a pampered republican activist, worked for ken Starr and a guy who had to resign because of 30 years of groping.
Now his son is clerking for guess who?

Oh, yeah, that totally makes him guilty of sexual assault. Of course, in your eyes, he's guilty of literally anything and everything you can accuse him of, just because he's a Republican.

Now ask us who in the hell gives a rat's fat, furry ass about the opinions and accusations of a partisan, hypocritical piece of shit hack like you.

Shit hack?
Dead giveaway for zero college
No need to read on

Always assuming one wants to be generous enough to call what you've been doing "reading". Color me surprised that you grabbed the first excuse you could to run away. Go on, shoo, little one. I can mock you as easily either way.
LOL - You child rapers lie like a rug!

Such a brilliant and clever reply. You really are a leftist, aincha?

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Come on Ray you have a pussy grabbing pervert once accused by his first wife of rape in your WH and you turn a blind eye Figures ,,you're a republican
Bill Clinton is accused of rape, but you don't mind that. Why?
If it could be proved I sure would mind BTW I was a republican back then Changed soon after voting for GWB in 2000...Do you really believe Ford woke up one morning and put her life in jeopardy to lie about Kavanaugh? That makes no sense and you bringing up Clinton doesn't change that fact

And what do you believe? That she sat on this story for 35 years and just decided to come out with it when Kavanaough was nominated? What timing, huh?

Let me ask: what was her goal by coming out now?

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Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy:

Ford came out now because she has been weaponized by the Dems to destroy Kavanaugh by Any Means Necessary.
So why didn't Sweathog report this to the police? Help the so-called victims out? Talk to them after the party? At least get some names? Continue to go to these parties anyway?

I hope the FBI does investigate her. I hope she not only ends up losing her government job, but faces charges for lying as well.
Yep, she knew women were being raped and ignored their cries for help. She turned her back on her sisters. Therefore, she was a willing accomplice.

According to her, they were so drugged up by Kavanaugh and Judge that they just laid there helpless. Yet not one of them reported the account to police including her. Even if a woman is out of it, she knows if she's been raped or not. Also, every guy in those "trains" are just as guilty of rape as well. I wonder how many names she's going to give to the FBI?
Trump saying FBI will have free reign is bullshit FBI limited to who they can question

No they are not, according to Trump they can do whatever it takes to end this abortion.
I just bought more shares in coat hangers.
From a proud member of the "zip it up, see you later" brigade
This girl I know says she knows how to get a home made abortion. It's lots and lots of alcohol for a couple days until you miscarriage.
Come on Ray you have a pussy grabbing pervert once accused by his first wife of rape in your WH and you turn a blind eye Figures ,,you're a republican
Bill Clinton is accused of rape, but you don't mind that. Why?
If it could be proved I sure would mind BTW I was a republican back then Changed soon after voting for GWB in 2000...Do you really believe Ford woke up one morning and put her life in jeopardy to lie about Kavanaugh? That makes no sense and you bringing up Clinton doesn't change that fact
You really can't see your own bias, can you. You demand proof when a Democrat is accused of rape, yet you don't demand proof when a Republican is accused. You really need to examine your obvious double standard.
No double standard I'd like proof BUT I don't want the FBI prevented because of time restrains and banning of some witnesses to be interviewed Can't you see from the get go republicans fought against an honest and full investigation? You have one, YES one AH in thomas, we need another?

The Republicans run the show now. They allowed this liar to testify, kept Kavanaugh out of the room because she couldn’t look him in the eye, they held back the confirmation for two weeks, now they are allowing an FBI investigation for up to another week. I believe that Republicans met you more than half way. I believe they met you 4/5 of the way; something Democrats would never dream do doing. And you’re still complaining.

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The only thing that will stop their complaining is a full stop on any confirmations until they're in charge again.

The FBI's investigation into Kavanaugh is far more Constrained than previously known,
and experts say 'it would be Comical if it wasn't so important'

"...The White House counsel Don McGahn, who is in charge of Guiding Kavanaugh's confirmation process, is ALSO Directing the FBI on the scope of its background check.

"That seems like a clear conflict of interest,"...
Such a brilliant and clever reply. You really are a leftist, aincha?

Sent from my iPad using
Come on Ray you have a pussy grabbing pervert once accused by his first wife of rape in your WH and you turn a blind eye Figures ,,you're a republican
Bill Clinton is accused of rape, but you don't mind that. Why?
If it could be proved I sure would mind BTW I was a republican back then Changed soon after voting for GWB in 2000...Do you really believe Ford woke up one morning and put her life in jeopardy to lie about Kavanaugh? That makes no sense and you bringing up Clinton doesn't change that fact

And what do you believe? That she sat on this story for 35 years and just decided to come out with it when Kavanaough was nominated? What timing, huh?

Let me ask: what was her goal by coming out now?

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Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy:

Ford came out now because she has been weaponized by the Dems to destroy Kavanaugh by Any Means Necessary.

k, a pampered operative, worked for ken Starr, and a guy who groped his people for 30 years before being thrown out. Now his kid is working for K .
Great role models.
Yep, she knew women were being raped and ignored their cries for help. She turned her back on her sisters. Therefore, she was a willing accomplice.

According to her, they were so drugged up by Kavanaugh and Judge that they just laid there helpless. Yet not one of them reported the account to police including her. Even if a woman is out of it, she knows if she's been raped or not. Also, every guy in those "trains" are just as guilty of rape as well. I wonder how many names she's going to give to the FBI?
Trump saying FBI will have free reign is bullshit FBI limited to who they can question

No they are not, according to Trump they can do whatever it takes to end this abortion.
I just bought more shares in coat hangers.
From a proud member of the "zip it up, see you later" brigade
This girl I know says she knows how to get a home made abortion. It's lots and lots of alcohol for a couple days until you miscarriage.

I think that was. K and his high level pampered boys thought

The FBI's investigation into Kavanaugh is far more Constrained than previously known,
and experts say 'it would be Comical if it wasn't so important'

"...The White House counsel Don McGahn, who is in charge of Guiding Kavanaugh's confirmation process, is ALSO Directing the FBI on the scope of its background check.

"That seems like a clear conflict of interest,"...

Only to the same extent as demanding that the same Executive Branch which appoints Supreme Court nominees also conduct yet another background check on him.

Which turnip truck did you fall off of today, anyway?

The FBI's investigation into Kavanaugh is far more Constrained than previously known,
and experts say 'it would be Comical if it wasn't so important'

"...The White House counsel Don McGahn, who is in charge of Guiding Kavanaugh's confirmation process, is ALSO Directing the FBI on the scope of its background check.

"That seems like a clear conflict of interest,"...

Only to the same extent as demanding that the same Executive Branch which appoints Supreme Court nominees also conduct yet another background check on him.

Which turnip truck did you fall off of today, anyway?
I literally Fell of the Conflict of Interest/Any semblance of Decency truck.

The FBI's investigation into Kavanaugh is far more Constrained than previously known,
and experts say 'it would be Comical if it wasn't so important'

"...The White House counsel Don McGahn, who is in charge of Guiding Kavanaugh's confirmation process, is ALSO Directing the FBI on the scope of its background check.

"That seems like a clear conflict of interest,"...

Only to the same extent as demanding that the same Executive Branch which appoints Supreme Court nominees also conduct yet another background check on him.

Which turnip truck did you fall off of today, anyway?
I literally Fell of the Conflict of Interest/Any semblance of Decency truck.

Sounds a lot more like the "Partisan Excuses - He's Guilty Because I Want Him To Be" truck.

But hey, far be it from me to interrupt your fapping to the exciting idea that you've discovered the "conspiracy" of people in Washington politics being acquainted with each other. :rolleyes:

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