Marje craziness crosses the channel

Being gun owners protects America from attack apparently.
Perhaps not, but being gun owners allowed us to kick the English army off the continent and allowed us to change from their despotic rule to the representative democracy that we have today. The best thing was we got to change those dreadful tea and crumpets to hot dogs and fries.
I see. So you are a dick all of the time because Americans promote patriotism, America First and high standards, personal rights and prosperity. That stuff just "sets you off."
Oh, stick your bumper sticker talking points (lies) where the sun don't shine. Magaturds aren't American, nor are they patriots.
Marjorie Taylor Greene replies to @SiobhanKennedy4 after she questioned the Republican congresswoman about why she was opposed to new gun control legislation.
Because Greene is a liar and demagogue.

Because like most on the right she resorts to slippery slope fallacies and fearmongering about guns being ‘banned’ and ‘confiscated’ – when in fact no one seeks to do either.

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