marijuana moving off Schedule 1

I get the feeling some people think this is a legalization move. This would change marijuana to Schedule III, not legalize it. It would allow for medical use and research, which are still restricted federally as a Schedule I drug.
Smoke shots are just the capitalist response to a market.
Yes, they certainly are and it’s making the government billions of dollars. I think it’s the bad part of capitalism. The good parts of capitalism include automobile plants and the buying and selling of cars for example.

Good capitalism supports positive morals, people being able to buy a home at an affordable price. And part of such a system has also made people extraordinarily rich like Henry Ford. Henry Ford became one of the richest men in world history, but he also provided millions of middle-class jobs to Americans.

Smoke shop owners don’t really serve a purpose other than providing a few low-paying jobs to young adults and older stoners… and getting a bunch of people high. So people buy marijuana and the drug is simply serving the purpose of getting them high. It’s not like say buying a car which is serving a multitude of purposes that benefit the entire society.
Exactly! You can argue various side effects if you want, but that whole "gateway drug" is bullshit.
Marijuana can be a gateway drug just like alcohol can also be a gateway drug. People get high or drunk, and some portion of them might also wanna blow some Coke or shoot up some heroin eventually.

Sure plenty of marijuana smokers lead responsible lives same with alcohol users, but a portion of both categories include people who go sprees of violence or are very lazy playing video games all the time watching a bunch of porn, not really leading a positive lifestyle.

For a lot of people the image is the problem. They don’t want to be somebody who is smoking a joint getting high. Around the world this is felt. Men would rather be the masculine man who perhaps has a wife and kids. A sharp dressed guy who occasionally has a drink of alcohol, but doesn’t smoke any weed. And in no way shape or form am I trying to insult weed smokers , plenty of them benefit our society I’m simply pointing out what a lot of the world wants themselves to be and that is not inclusive of a marijuana smoker.
According to CDC, the percentage of those who consume pot and develop pot usage disorders is three times higher than the percentage of those who develop lung disease from prolonged asbestos exposure.
Pot advocates are mostly retarded. The rest are psychopaths.
Do you have a link for that?
I’m interested in what pro marijuana people have to say about Singapore. And the people of Singapore that reject the marijuana lifestyle. In Singapore marijuana is illegal and there are extremely harsh penalties for drug dealers, including marijuana dealers. What do pro pot people think about that? Do they think Singaporeans are dumb or Losers or something like that? Do they think the people of Singapore should loosen up and smoke a few joints?

Mind you, Singapore is the cleanest and safest country in the entire world. It is one of the most economically successful countries in the world. It’s population is very friendly
Marijuana can be a gateway drug just like alcohol can also be a gateway drug. People get high or drunk, and some portion of them might also wanna blow some Coke or shoot up some heroin eventually.

Sure plenty of marijuana smokers lead responsible lives same with alcohol users, but a portion of both categories include people who go sprees of violence or are very lazy playing video games all the time watching a bunch of porn, not really leading a positive lifestyle.

For a lot of people the image is the problem. They don’t want to be somebody who is smoking a joint getting high. Around the world this is felt. Men would rather be the masculine man who perhaps has a wife and kids. A sharp dressed guy who occasionally has a drink of alcohol, but doesn’t smoke any weed. And in no way shape or form am I trying to insult weed smokers , plenty of them benefit our society I’m simply pointing out what a lot of the world wants themselves to be and that is not inclusive of a marijuana smoker.
Yeah gotta be careful when you smoke that devil cabbage you might end up as president of the United States
Yeah gotta be careful when you smoke that devil cabbage you might end up as president of the United States
I’m about to put you on ignore . I’ve made many different points and your trolling above.

Respond to one of the many points, quote, the point I’ve made, and let’s have a polite conversation?
I stopped drinking after attending one too many funerals of my drinking buddie, so now a Coors Light would probably have an effect

I was drinking far less as I grew older. Seeing so many people posting about staying drunk during the 2020 shutdown, we decided to stop drinking with a few exceptions. I have had a total of 4 beers this year.
dear god you just cant help yourself can you,,,

its OK if people experience life differently than you,,
It’s not worth it speaking with him. I welcome people who disagree with me, and enjoy having a productive conversation with those who disagree with me. But when you’re dealing with somebody like John Doe, he doesn’t bring any substance to the table.

He’s one of the no substance posters makes one line posts doesn’t provide an argument. I’ve also seen him use vicious language against other people. He’s an Internet keyboard warrior. Not worth worth responding to. Put him on ignore makes for a much more productive forum experience
Yes, they certainly are and it’s making the government billions of dollars. I think it’s the bad part of capitalism. The good parts of capitalism include automobile plants and the buying and selling of cars for example.

Good capitalism supports positive morals, people being able to buy a home at an affordable price. And part of such a system has also made people extraordinarily rich like Henry Ford. Henry Ford became one of the richest men in world history, but he also provided millions of middle-class jobs to Americans.

Smoke shop owners don’t really serve a purpose other than providing a few low-paying jobs to young adults and older stoners… and getting a bunch of people high. So people buy marijuana and the drug is simply serving the purpose of getting them high. It’s not like say buying a car which is serving a multitude of purposes that benefit the entire society.

Its not like tens of thousands of people die from using weed, like they do in car accidents.
I’m interested in what pro marijuana people have to say about Singapore. And the people of Singapore that reject the marijuana lifestyle. In Singapore marijuana is illegal and there are extremely harsh penalties for drug dealers, including marijuana dealers. What do pro pot people think about that? Do they think Singaporeans are dumb or Losers or something like that? Do they think the people of Singapore should loosen up and smoke a few joints?

Mind you, Singapore is the cleanest and safest country in the entire world. It is one of the most economically successful countries in the world. It’s population is very friendly

I think they make their own laws, and live with them. I think the people in charge are wrong.
I’m about to put you on ignore . I’ve made many different points and your trolling above.

Respond to one of the many points, quote, the point I’ve made, and let’s have a polite conversation?
Damn man smoke a bowl and chill. Your points are about as valid as Refer Madness is. If smoking weed is good enough for a president it’s good enough for an adult to make that choice if they choose, You claimed sharp dressed men don’t smoke weed, but that simply is not true. Some of the most sharp dressed and powerful men throughout history have smoked cannabis including many of the founding fathers. Smoking weed is about as American as one can get. Weed and its cousin Hemp were a very important part of early American history. Old Iron Sides had over 120,000 pounds of it on board.
These threads are always the've got the people saying marijuana is dangerous (which I agree with, but probably for different reasons) and then you have those who love smoking weed who laugh and say there's nothing at all harmful with it. And usually both sides end up getting mad at each other. lol

I'm just really really glad that I never had any interest in it, because I've seen with my own eyes that it is psychologically addictive. And that's just one of the problems with it.

straight edge ftw :p

I'm a person just like you
But I've got better things to do
Than sit around and fuck my head
Hang out with the living dead
Snort white shit up my nose
Pass out at the shows
I don't even think about speed
That's something I just don't need

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