Marianne Faithfull has been left with fatigue and breathing problems months after being treated for Covid-19 in hospital.


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2016
1960s icon Marianne Faithfull reveals 'long Covid' battle
Faithfull, 74, said she had suffered with lingering symptoms after contracting the virus duing the first wave of the pandemic in Britain in April last year.
"Three things: the memory, fatigue and my lungs are still not OK - I have to have oxygen and all that stuff," she told the paper, adding that the side-effects were "strange" and "awful".

A high number of Covid-19 patients have experienced lasting effects from the virus after an initial recovery with a lingering disease known as "long Covid".
Symptoms range from memory problems, shortness of breath, loss of taste or smell, post-traumatic stress disorder, and in some cases patients can be left bed-ridden for months.

Faithfull, a 1960s icons who was catapulted to fame at the age of just 17 singing As Tears Go By, written by Mick Jagger and Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones .

1960s icon Marianne Faithfull reveals 'long Covid' battle
1960s icon Marianne Faithfull reveals 'long Covid' battle
Faithfull, 74, said she had suffered with lingering symptoms after contracting the virus duing the first wave of the pandemic in Britain in April last year.
"Three things: the memory, fatigue and my lungs are still not OK - I have to have oxygen and all that stuff," she told the paper, adding that the side-effects were "strange" and "awful".

A high number of Covid-19 patients have experienced lasting effects from the virus after an initial recovery with a lingering disease known as "long Covid".
Symptoms range from memory problems, shortness of breath, loss of taste or smell, post-traumatic stress disorder, and in some cases patients can be left bed-ridden for months.

Faithfull, a 1960s icons who was catapulted to fame at the age of just 17 singing As Tears Go By, written by Mick Jagger and Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones .

1960s icon Marianne Faithfull reveals 'long Covid' battle

I remember telling deniers on here about long Covid in October last year having watched a news report of a man in his thirties. You could see he was traumatised having thought he was going to die. He had never been ill in his life bar the odd bought of flu and was a builder or roofer can't quite remember which but was fit and healthy.
He was still in a wheelchair months later.

As for Marianne, she is Jewish and was lucky to be born at all. Her mother was a performer in a cabaret act in Berlin before WWll and after Hitler came to power she went to Vienna Austria where her family lived and thought she would be safe. As antisemitism grew her father managed to ship her to London. Had he not made that decision it is doubtful she would have ever been born.

So it's good to hear she's made it through and hopefully, she will make a full recovery as she is one of life's survivors.

I still remember seeing her on Top of the pops when I was a kid and she not that much older, performing her best-known song, written by then-boyfriend Mick Jagger that reached No 1. -
1960s icon Marianne Faithfull reveals 'long Covid' battle
Faithfull, 74, said she had suffered with lingering symptoms after contracting the virus duing the first wave of the pandemic in Britain in April last year.
"Three things: the memory, fatigue and my lungs are still not OK - I have to have oxygen and all that stuff," she told the paper, adding that the side-effects were "strange" and "awful".

A high number of Covid-19 patients have experienced lasting effects from the virus after an initial recovery with a lingering disease known as "long Covid".
Symptoms range from memory problems, shortness of breath, loss of taste or smell, post-traumatic stress disorder, and in some cases patients can be left bed-ridden for months.

Faithfull, a 1960s icons who was catapulted to fame at the age of just 17 singing As Tears Go By, written by Mick Jagger and Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones .

1960s icon Marianne Faithfull reveals 'long Covid' battle

I remember telling deniers on here about long Covid in October last year having watched a news report of a man in his thirties. You could see he was traumatised having thought he was going to die. He had never been ill in his life bar the odd bought of flu and was a builder or roofer can't quite remember which but was fit and healthy.
He was still in a wheelchair months later.

As for Marianne, she is Jewish and was lucky to be born at all. Her mother was a performer in a cabaret act in Berlin before WWll and after Hitler came to power she went to Vienna Austria where her family lived and thought she would be safe. As antisemitism grew her father managed to ship her to London. Had he not made that decision it is doubtful she would have ever been born.

So it's good to hear she's made it through and hopefully, she will make a full recovery as she is one of life's survivors.

I still remember seeing her on Top of the pops when I was a kid and she not that much older, performing her best-known song, written by then-boyfriend Mick Jagger that reached No 1. -

This covid-19 is very strange here in France it start by the lost of 16 old girl with no heath problem she got the covid and then she die 3 hours after and it’s better to have the truth when people’s lives are at stake. I know that here in France the truth about what happens after catching covid is hidden from us. Heath, There’s nothing more important than that. And now we don’t know the risks of the vaccine either? Now they’re just telling us about the curfew and nothing about the covid variants, I get more information from my sister who works in the emergency room that way I know exactly what’s going on .
1960s icon Marianne Faithfull reveals 'long Covid' battle
Faithfull, 74, said she had suffered with lingering symptoms after contracting the virus duing the first wave of the pandemic in Britain in April last year.
"Three things: the memory, fatigue and my lungs are still not OK - I have to have oxygen and all that stuff," she told the paper, adding that the side-effects were "strange" and "awful".

A high number of Covid-19 patients have experienced lasting effects from the virus after an initial recovery with a lingering disease known as "long Covid".
Symptoms range from memory problems, shortness of breath, loss of taste or smell, post-traumatic stress disorder, and in some cases patients can be left bed-ridden for months.

Faithfull, a 1960s icons who was catapulted to fame at the age of just 17 singing As Tears Go By, written by Mick Jagger and Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones .

1960s icon Marianne Faithfull reveals 'long Covid' battle

I remember telling deniers on here about long Covid in October last year having watched a news report of a man in his thirties. You could see he was traumatised having thought he was going to die. He had never been ill in his life bar the odd bought of flu and was a builder or roofer can't quite remember which but was fit and healthy.
He was still in a wheelchair months later.

As for Marianne, she is Jewish and was lucky to be born at all. Her mother was a performer in a cabaret act in Berlin before WWll and after Hitler came to power she went to Vienna Austria where her family lived and thought she would be safe. As antisemitism grew her father managed to ship her to London. Had he not made that decision it is doubtful she would have ever been born.

So it's good to hear she's made it through and hopefully, she will make a full recovery as she is one of life's survivors.

I still remember seeing her on Top of the pops when I was a kid and she not that much older, performing her best-known song, written by then-boyfriend Mick Jagger that reached No 1. -

This covid-19 is very strange here in France it start by the lost of 16 old girl with no heath problem she got the covid and then she die 3 hours after and it’s better to have the truth when people’s lives are at stake. I know that here in France the truth about what happens after catching covid is hidden from us. Heath, There’s nothing more important than that. And now we don’t know the risks of the vaccine either? Now they’re just telling us about the curfew and nothing about the covid variants, I get more information from my sister who works in the emergency room that way I know exactly what’s going on .

So what does your sister say? Has she been overwhelmed? I think people like your sister are amazing and I'm surprised that more of them aren't having nervous breakdowns.
Here in the UK, the problem is that for the last ten years the government with their austerity policy allowed the medical profession to be run down. Year after year before the pandemic we had a crisis in the NHS trying to cope with the seasonal flu. Now the reason for the lockdowns is so the NHS isn't overwhelmed.
They opened new Nightingale centres with thousands of extra beds to cope but then found there was no one to staff them.
Hopefully, the new vaccines will take effect and start reducing the numbers getting infected and taking the pressure off your sister and her colleagues. When it's over their needs to be an enquiry into exactly what weaknesses were in all countries government policies that left the medical professions too ill equipt to cope and allowed the virus to spread so quickly. Please give your sister my regards, She and her colleagues deserve a big cash bonus and extra time off in recognition of the nine months of hell that they have been put through.
1960s icon Marianne Faithfull reveals 'long Covid' battle
Faithfull, 74, said she had suffered with lingering symptoms after contracting the virus duing the first wave of the pandemic in Britain in April last year.
"Three things: the memory, fatigue and my lungs are still not OK - I have to have oxygen and all that stuff," she told the paper, adding that the side-effects were "strange" and "awful".

A high number of Covid-19 patients have experienced lasting effects from the virus after an initial recovery with a lingering disease known as "long Covid".
Symptoms range from memory problems, shortness of breath, loss of taste or smell, post-traumatic stress disorder, and in some cases patients can be left bed-ridden for months.

Faithfull, a 1960s icons who was catapulted to fame at the age of just 17 singing As Tears Go By, written by Mick Jagger and Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones .

1960s icon Marianne Faithfull reveals 'long Covid' battle

I remember telling deniers on here about long Covid in October last year having watched a news report of a man in his thirties. You could see he was traumatised having thought he was going to die. He had never been ill in his life bar the odd bought of flu and was a builder or roofer can't quite remember which but was fit and healthy.
He was still in a wheelchair months later.

As for Marianne, she is Jewish and was lucky to be born at all. Her mother was a performer in a cabaret act in Berlin before WWll and after Hitler came to power she went to Vienna Austria where her family lived and thought she would be safe. As antisemitism grew her father managed to ship her to London. Had he not made that decision it is doubtful she would have ever been born.

So it's good to hear she's made it through and hopefully, she will make a full recovery as she is one of life's survivors.

I still remember seeing her on Top of the pops when I was a kid and she not that much older, performing her best-known song, written by then-boyfriend Mick Jagger that reached No 1. -

This covid-19 is very strange here in France it start by the lost of 16 old girl with no heath problem she got the covid and then she die 3 hours after and it’s better to have the truth when people’s lives are at stake. I know that here in France the truth about what happens after catching covid is hidden from us. Heath, There’s nothing more important than that. And now we don’t know the risks of the vaccine either? Now they’re just telling us about the curfew and nothing about the covid variants, I get more information from my sister who works in the emergency room that way I know exactly what’s going on .

So what does your sister say? Has she been overwhelmed? I think people like your sister are amazing and I'm surprised that more of them aren't having nervous breakdowns.
Here in the UK, the problem is that for the last ten years the government with their austerity policy allowed the medical profession to be run down. Year after year before the pandemic we had a crisis in the NHS trying to cope with the seasonal flu. Now the reason for the lockdowns is so the NHS isn't overwhelmed.
They opened new Nightingale centres with thousands of extra beds to cope but then found there was no one to staff them.
Hopefully, the new vaccines will take effect and start reducing the numbers getting infected and taking the pressure off your sister and her colleagues. When it's over their needs to be an enquiry into exactly what weaknesses were in all countries government policies that left the medical professions too ill equipt to cope and allowed the virus to spread so quickly. Please give your sister my regards, She and her colleagues deserve a big cash bonus and extra time off in recognition of the nine months of hell that they have been put through.

My sister is courageous and has a heart on her hand, she has to follow a very stricke protocol to go to work at the hospital and to go home and once home she can be called in the middle of the night because there are too many new covid patients, She also near patients before they going to die because they are alone without their loved ones, her biggest fear is being forced to sort make choices between patients covid, she is a beautiful person, i simply adore her.
1960s icon Marianne Faithfull reveals 'long Covid' battle
Faithfull, 74, said she had suffered with lingering symptoms after contracting the virus duing the first wave of the pandemic in Britain in April last year.
"Three things: the memory, fatigue and my lungs are still not OK - I have to have oxygen and all that stuff," she told the paper, adding that the side-effects were "strange" and "awful".

A high number of Covid-19 patients have experienced lasting effects from the virus after an initial recovery with a lingering disease known as "long Covid".
Symptoms range from memory problems, shortness of breath, loss of taste or smell, post-traumatic stress disorder, and in some cases patients can be left bed-ridden for months.

Faithfull, a 1960s icons who was catapulted to fame at the age of just 17 singing As Tears Go By, written by Mick Jagger and Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones .

1960s icon Marianne Faithfull reveals 'long Covid' battle

I remember telling deniers on here about long Covid in October last year having watched a news report of a man in his thirties. You could see he was traumatised having thought he was going to die. He had never been ill in his life bar the odd bought of flu and was a builder or roofer can't quite remember which but was fit and healthy.
He was still in a wheelchair months later.

As for Marianne, she is Jewish and was lucky to be born at all. Her mother was a performer in a cabaret act in Berlin before WWll and after Hitler came to power she went to Vienna Austria where her family lived and thought she would be safe. As antisemitism grew her father managed to ship her to London. Had he not made that decision it is doubtful she would have ever been born.

So it's good to hear she's made it through and hopefully, she will make a full recovery as she is one of life's survivors.

I still remember seeing her on Top of the pops when I was a kid and she not that much older, performing her best-known song, written by then-boyfriend Mick Jagger that reached No 1. -

This covid-19 is very strange here in France it start by the lost of 16 old girl with no heath problem she got the covid and then she die 3 hours after and it’s better to have the truth when people’s lives are at stake. I know that here in France the truth about what happens after catching covid is hidden from us. Heath, There’s nothing more important than that. And now we don’t know the risks of the vaccine either? Now they’re just telling us about the curfew and nothing about the covid variants, I get more information from my sister who works in the emergency room that way I know exactly what’s going on .

So what does your sister say? Has she been overwhelmed? I think people like your sister are amazing and I'm surprised that more of them aren't having nervous breakdowns.
Here in the UK, the problem is that for the last ten years the government with their austerity policy allowed the medical profession to be run down. Year after year before the pandemic we had a crisis in the NHS trying to cope with the seasonal flu. Now the reason for the lockdowns is so the NHS isn't overwhelmed.
They opened new Nightingale centres with thousands of extra beds to cope but then found there was no one to staff them.
Hopefully, the new vaccines will take effect and start reducing the numbers getting infected and taking the pressure off your sister and her colleagues. When it's over their needs to be an enquiry into exactly what weaknesses were in all countries government policies that left the medical professions too ill equipt to cope and allowed the virus to spread so quickly. Please give your sister my regards, She and her colleagues deserve a big cash bonus and extra time off in recognition of the nine months of hell that they have been put through.

My sister is courageous and has a heart on her hand, she has to follow a very stricke protocol to go to work at the hospital and to go home and once home she can be called in the middle of the night because there are too many new covid patients, She also near patients before they going to die because they are alone without their loved ones, her biggest fear is being forced to sort make choices between patients covid, she is a beautiful person, i simply adore her.

Yea, I have no doubt she must be.

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