Many Republicans now backing Biden


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
A group of 73 former U.S. national security officials in Republican administrations, including former heads of the CIA and FBI and Trump administration officials are endorsing Biden, asserting that Trump’s “corrupt behavior renders him unfit to serve as president.” Many others, including the Bush family, Cindy McCain, Charlie Dent, former Republican Senators David Durenberger, Gordon J. Humphrey, John Warner, Jeff Flake, former Trump Assistant Director of Homeland Security Elizabeth Neumann, former Pennsylvania Gov. and Bush Department of Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge - all of whom who called a Trump second term “a real danger.” This is far from a complete list, and does not include most members of the Lincoln Project.

Trump's base of support is eroding, as his actions and words have become more radical and hateful. Trump supporters: 2016 is long gone, and this will not end well for "The Donald" Oh, BTW ---Before you Trump backers start crying "fake news" I would remind you that Forbes is a right leaning business publication, not exactly a nest of looney Liberals. :bye1:

A group of 73 former U.S. national security officials in Republican administrations, including former heads of the CIA and FBI and Trump administration officials are endorsing Biden, asserting that Trump’s “corrupt behavior renders him unfit to serve as president.” Many others, including the Bush family, Cindy McCain, Charlie Dent, former Republican Senators David Durenberger, Gordon J. Humphrey, John Warner, Jeff Flake, former Trump Assistant Director of Homeland Security Elizabeth Neumann, former Pennsylvania Gov. and Bush Department of Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge - all of whom who called a Trump second term “a real danger.” This is far from a complete list, and does not include most members of the Lincoln Project.

Trump's base of support is eroding, as his actions and words have become more radical and hateful. Trump supporters: 2016 is long gone, and this will not end well for "The Donald" Oh, BTW ---Before you Trump backers start crying "fake news" I would remind you that Forbes is a right leaning business publication, not exactly a nest of looney Liberals. :bye1:

/——-/ 73 votes???? Oh we got him now
A group of 73 former U.S. national security officials in Republican administrations, including former heads of the CIA and FBI and Trump administration officials are endorsing Biden, asserting that Trump’s “corrupt behavior renders him unfit to serve as president.” Many others, including the Bush family, Cindy McCain, Charlie Dent, former Republican Senators David Durenberger, Gordon J. Humphrey, John Warner, Jeff Flake, former Trump Assistant Director of Homeland Security Elizabeth Neumann, former Pennsylvania Gov. and Bush Department of Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge - all of whom who called a Trump second term “a real danger.” This is far from a complete list, and does not include most members of the Lincoln Project.

Trump's base of support is eroding, as his actions and words have become more radical and hateful. Trump supporters: 2016 is long gone, and this will not end well for "The Donald" Oh, BTW ---Before you Trump backers start crying "fake news" I would remind you that Forbes is a right leaning business publication, not exactly a nest of looney Liberals. :bye1:

:uhoh3: :uhoh3: :uhoh3:
A group of 73 former U.S. national security officials in Republican administrations, including former heads of the CIA and FBI and Trump administration officials are endorsing Biden, asserting that Trump’s “corrupt behavior renders him unfit to serve as president.” Many others, including the Bush family, Cindy McCain, Charlie Dent, former Republican Senators David Durenberger, Gordon J. Humphrey, John Warner, Jeff Flake, former Trump Assistant Director of Homeland Security Elizabeth Neumann, former Pennsylvania Gov. and Bush Department of Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge - all of whom who called a Trump second term “a real danger.” This is far from a complete list, and does not include most members of the Lincoln Project.

Trump's base of support is eroding, as his actions and words have become more radical and hateful. Trump supporters: 2016 is long gone, and this will not end well for "The Donald" Oh, BTW ---Before you Trump backers start crying "fake news" I would remind you that Forbes is a right leaning business publication, not exactly a nest of looney Liberals. :bye1:

Washington swamp rats and sore losers.

its the good old boy establishment getting even with an outsider who beat them at their own game

and liars

the enemy they want to punish is not trump but instead We the People who elected him
A group of 73 former U.S. national security officials in Republican administrations, including former heads of the CIA and FBI and Trump administration officials are endorsing Biden, asserting that Trump’s “corrupt behavior renders him unfit to serve as president.” Many others, including the Bush family, Cindy McCain, Charlie Dent, former Republican Senators David Durenberger, Gordon J. Humphrey, John Warner, Jeff Flake, former Trump Assistant Director of Homeland Security Elizabeth Neumann, former Pennsylvania Gov. and Bush Department of Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge - all of whom who called a Trump second term “a real danger.” This is far from a complete list, and does not include most members of the Lincoln Project.

Trump's base of support is eroding, as his actions and words have become more radical and hateful. Trump supporters: 2016 is long gone, and this will not end well for "The Donald" Oh, BTW ---Before you Trump backers start crying "fake news" I would remind you that Forbes is a right leaning business publication, not exactly a nest of looney Liberals. :bye1:

They are swamp monsters...they are republican members of the democrat party..........

They were RINO's to begin with....

No, the fact is those voting against Trump are today version of the GOP and Trump himself is truly the RINO within the party.

Now you will disagree but the fact is many of Trump close friends during his Hollywood days were Democrats and there is no way of changing the spots on that leopard...

The real RINO is Trump just like Reagan and yet their voting base will proclaim anyone who disagree with Trump or back then Reagan were the RINO’s within the political party...
A group of 73 former U.S. national security officials in Republican administrations, including former heads of the CIA and FBI and Trump administration officials are endorsing Biden, asserting that Trump’s “corrupt behavior renders him unfit to serve as president.” Many others, including the Bush family, Cindy McCain, Charlie Dent, former Republican Senators David Durenberger, Gordon J. Humphrey, John Warner, Jeff Flake, former Trump Assistant Director of Homeland Security Elizabeth Neumann, former Pennsylvania Gov. and Bush Department of Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge - all of whom who called a Trump second term “a real danger.” This is far from a complete list, and does not include most members of the Lincoln Project.

Trump's base of support is eroding, as his actions and words have become more radical and hateful. Trump supporters: 2016 is long gone, and this will not end well for "The Donald" Oh, BTW ---Before you Trump backers start crying "fake news" I would remind you that Forbes is a right leaning business publication, not exactly a nest of looney Liberals. :bye1:

Didn't we see this same shit in 2016.....and wasn't it just a bunch Never Trumper Globalists?
There always has been a group of Republicans, like John McCain and Mitt Romney, willing to sell out their country for the chance to live in a mansion in Arizona.
A group of 73 former U.S. national security officials in Republican administrations, including former heads of the CIA and FBI and Trump administration officials are endorsing Biden, asserting that Trump’s “corrupt behavior renders him unfit to serve as president.” Many others, including the Bush family, Cindy McCain, Charlie Dent, former Republican Senators David Durenberger, Gordon J. Humphrey, John Warner, Jeff Flake, former Trump Assistant Director of Homeland Security Elizabeth Neumann, former Pennsylvania Gov. and Bush Department of Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge - all of whom who called a Trump second term “a real danger.” This is far from a complete list, and does not include most members of the Lincoln Project.

Trump's base of support is eroding, as his actions and words have become more radical and hateful. Trump supporters: 2016 is long gone, and this will not end well for "The Donald" Oh, BTW ---Before you Trump backers start crying "fake news" I would remind you that Forbes is a right leaning business publication, not exactly a nest of looney Liberals. :bye1:

All the people you mention are self serving, anti job, neocon globalists. The Republican party gets stronger every time one of those assholes leave. Those people are no friend to the American worker or our middle class. Viva Trump.
We still need more. More Americans willing to step forward willing to put their country before their party.

I agree, but there is not one thing about the Democratic Party that puts the country above the party. It is clear they will destroy the country for the sake of the party. It isn’t coincidental the left wing extremists are the flag burners and “GD America” crowd and they also align themselves with Democrats.
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We still need more. More Americans willing to step forward willing to put their country before their party.

Trump is cheered for being the bull in the china shop. This is what that looks like.
What I see is chaos being created by Democrats and Trump is just trying to do his job.
You're mistaking fighting against the swamp and the creatures in that swamp as a bull in the china shop.
What you want is the don't like anyone who rocks the boat and tries to do something about the corruption in Washington.
We still need more. More Americans willing to step forward willing to put their country before their party.

Trump is cheered for being the bull in the china shop. This is what that looks like.
What I see is chaos being created by Democrats and Trump is just trying to do his job.
You're mistaking fighting against the swamp and the creatures in that swamp as a bull in the china shop.
What you want is the don't like anyone who rocks the boat and tries to do something about the corruption in Washington.
I know that's what you see. I'm not denying that, and I'm not trying to change that.
They were RINO's to begin with....
RINO's. Jeesh. Not exactly a big tent party. Trump and the 35 per centers should have started their own nut ball party instead of destroying the Republican party.
Many embraced Trump to further their agenda. Like everyone and everything such avaricious politicos use, they are forgotten and discarded the moment usefulness ends. This is the duopoly.

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