Manufacturing Jobs Jumped by 54,000 in November! How About Those Tariffs?!


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
According to the BLS jobs report for November, manufacturing jobs jumped by a whopping 54,000 last month, the biggest one-month increase since 1983!

As of July of this year, Trump's economy has buried Obama's economy in the number of new manufacturing jobs created. Forbes magazine:

In the last 30 months of President Obama’s term, manufacturing employment grew by 185,000 or 1.5%. In President Trump’s first 30 months, manufacturers added 499,000 jobs, expanding by 4.0%. (In Trump's First 30 Months, Manufacturing Up By 314,000 Jobs Over Obama; Which States Are Hot? see also​

In fact, last year, 2018, the economy added 264,000 manufacturing jobs, the biggest one-year increase since 1988.

U.S. enjoys best manufacturing jobs growth of the last 30 years

And keep in mind that during Obama's entire presidency, all 8 years, we had a net loss in manufacturing jobs. After Obama signed the 2015 compromise budget deal, which made most of the Bush tax cuts permanent and preserved about $700 billion in tax breaks, manufacturing jobs began to bounce back. But the jump in manufacturing jobs under Trump has been much greater than it was under Obama.

I guess this means that Trump's tariffs are not "devastating our manufacturing sector," hey? Does this mean that all the liberals who have posted threads that have pounced on the short, temporary drop in manufacturing jobs that we've seen in the last few months--will those liberals now admit that since Trump has been in office, we have seen a historic increase in manufacturing jobs?

Will the Democratic presidential candidates stop repeating the lie that Trump has not kept his promise to increase the number of manufacturing jobs? In spite of the slowdown in manufacturing jobs that we've seen over the last few months, there has still been a large overall increase in manufacturing jobs since Trump took office, and, again, last month we saw the biggest jump since 1983. It is misleading to cherry-pick the numbers just for the last few months and ignore the numbers for the 34 months that Trump has been in office.

DNC off on Trump, Wisconsin manufacturing jobs
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According to the BLS jobs report for November, manufacturing jobs jumped by a whopping 54,000 last month, the biggest one-month increase since 1983!

As of July of this year, Trump's economy has buried Obama's economy in the number of new manufacturing jobs created. Forbes magazine:

In the last 30 months of President Obama’s term, manufacturing employment grew by 185,000 or 1.5%. In President Trump’s first 30 months, manufacturers added 499,000 jobs, expanding by 4.0%. (In Trump's First 30 Months, Manufacturing Up By 314,000 Jobs Over Obama; Which States Are Hot? see also​

In fact, last year, 2018, the economy added 264,000 manufacturing jobs, the biggest one-year increase since 1988.

U.S. enjoys best manufacturing jobs growth of the last 30 years

And keep in mind that during Obama's entire presidency, all 8 years, we had a net loss in manufacturing jobs. After Obama signed the 2015 compromise budget deal, which made most of the Bush tax cuts permanent and preserved about $700 billion in tax breaks, manufacturing jobs began to bounce back. But the jump in manufacturing jobs under Trump has been much greater than it was under Obama.

I guess this means that Trump's tariffs are not "devastating our manufacturing sector," hey? Does this mean that all the liberals who have posted threads that have pounced on the short, temporary drop in manufacturing jobs that we've seen in the last few months--will those liberals now admit that since Trump has been in office, we have seen a historic increase in manufacturing jobs?

Will the Democratic presidential candidates stop repeating the lie that Trump has not kept his promise to increase the number of manufacturing jobs? In spite of the slowdown in manufacturing jobs that we've seen over the last few months, there has still been a large overall increase in manufacturing jobs since Trump took office, and, again, last month we saw the biggest jump since 1983. It is misleading to cherry-pick the numbers just for the last few months and ignore the numbers for the 34 months that Trump has been in office.

DNC off on Trump, Wisconsin manufacturing jobs
See? Now you've upset Joey!
According to the BLS jobs report for November, manufacturing jobs jumped by a whopping 54,000 last month, the biggest one-month increase since 1983!

As of July of this year, Trump's economy has buried Obama's economy in the number of new manufacturing jobs created. Forbes magazine:

In the last 30 months of President Obama’s term, manufacturing employment grew by 185,000 or 1.5%. In President Trump’s first 30 months, manufacturers added 499,000 jobs, expanding by 4.0%. (In Trump's First 30 Months, Manufacturing Up By 314,000 Jobs Over Obama; Which States Are Hot? see also​

In fact, last year, 2018, the economy added 264,000 manufacturing jobs, the biggest one-year increase since 1988.

U.S. enjoys best manufacturing jobs growth of the last 30 years

And keep in mind that during Obama's entire presidency, all 8 years, we had a net loss in manufacturing jobs. After Obama signed the 2015 compromise budget deal, which made most of the Bush tax cuts permanent and preserved about $700 billion in tax breaks, manufacturing jobs began to bounce back. But the jump in manufacturing jobs under Trump has been much greater than it was under Obama.

I guess this means that Trump's tariffs are not "devastating our manufacturing sector," hey? Does this mean that all the liberals who have posted threads that have pounced on the short, temporary drop in manufacturing jobs that we've seen in the last few months--will those liberals now admit that since Trump has been in office, we have seen a historic increase in manufacturing jobs?

Will the Democratic presidential candidates stop repeating the lie that Trump has not kept his promise to increase the number of manufacturing jobs? In spite of the slowdown in manufacturing jobs that we've seen over the last few months, there has still been a large overall increase in manufacturing jobs since Trump took office, and, again, last month we saw the biggest jump since 1983. It is misleading to cherry-pick the numbers just for the last few months and ignore the numbers for the 34 months that Trump has been in office.

DNC off on Trump, Wisconsin manufacturing jobs

Trump is bringing back REAL jobs. All Obama did was create part time shit jobs
That's only because the GM strikers went back to work. We are in a Manufacturing decline.

As usual you're an idiot and a liar

Manufacturing employment rose by 54,000 in November, following a decline of 43,000 in the prior month. Within manufacturing, employment in motor vehicles and parts was up by 41,000 in November, reflecting the return of workers who were on strike in October.

from an article in the OP.
yeah, we remember all those articles written 2 months ago foretelling economic collapse.

It's not happening. That's the point.

I'm sorry.
yeah, we remember all those articles written 2 months ago foretelling economic collapse.

It's not happening. That's the point.

I'm sorry.

Actually, it probably is... and won't you all look stupid when it does.

Look on the brighter side.... when Trump gets voted out, you can blame the Democrats for his recession.
Yeah, we'll put that right there with Hillary's landslide victory, Zimmerman's conviction and Trump's collusion. :)
According to the BLS jobs report for November, manufacturing jobs jumped by a whopping 54,000 last month, the biggest one-month increase since 1983!

As of July of this year, Trump's economy has buried Obama's economy in the number of new manufacturing jobs created. Forbes magazine:

In the last 30 months of President Obama’s term, manufacturing employment grew by 185,000 or 1.5%. In President Trump’s first 30 months, manufacturers added 499,000 jobs, expanding by 4.0%. (In Trump's First 30 Months, Manufacturing Up By 314,000 Jobs Over Obama; Which States Are Hot? see also​

In fact, last year, 2018, the economy added 264,000 manufacturing jobs, the biggest one-year increase since 1988.

U.S. enjoys best manufacturing jobs growth of the last 30 years

And keep in mind that during Obama's entire presidency, all 8 years, we had a net loss in manufacturing jobs. After Obama signed the 2015 compromise budget deal, which made most of the Bush tax cuts permanent and preserved about $700 billion in tax breaks, manufacturing jobs began to bounce back. But the jump in manufacturing jobs under Trump has been much greater than it was under Obama.

I guess this means that Trump's tariffs are not "devastating our manufacturing sector," hey? Does this mean that all the liberals who have posted threads that have pounced on the short, temporary drop in manufacturing jobs that we've seen in the last few months--will those liberals now admit that since Trump has been in office, we have seen a historic increase in manufacturing jobs?

Will the Democratic presidential candidates stop repeating the lie that Trump has not kept his promise to increase the number of manufacturing jobs? In spite of the slowdown in manufacturing jobs that we've seen over the last few months, there has still been a large overall increase in manufacturing jobs since Trump took office, and, again, last month we saw the biggest jump since 1983. It is misleading to cherry-pick the numbers just for the last few months and ignore the numbers for the 34 months that Trump has been in office.

DNC off on Trump, Wisconsin manufacturing jobs

41,000 of the 54,000 were people returning from the strike.

Talk about cherry picking numbers...look in the mirror.

Seems the Dems always have to pick the pieces off of the Republican's recession. Why Bush Sr lost,

"read my lips, no new taxes", and Bush Jr led us into the deepest recession of the 20th century.

US lost more tax revenue than any other developed country in 2018 due to Trump tax cuts, new report says

(that is why there are cuts to all social programs, like Hud, Snap, title X, etc)
After all the shit Hillary, Ears, and the DNC have pulled, you STILL think Ds are different from Rs.

That’s really crazy.
According to the BLS jobs report for November, manufacturing jobs jumped by a whopping 54,000 last month, the biggest one-month increase since 1983!

That's only because the GM strikers went back to work. We are in a Manufacturing decline.

Wrong! Workers on strike do not get unemployment benefits because going on strike is considered a decision to voluntarily leave employment.

Therefore they are not counted in the unemployment figures. The House Democrats proposed a bill to give striking workers unemployment benefits, but it hasn't been passed.

House Dems Propose Unemployment Benefits For Striking Workers
According to the BLS jobs report for November, manufacturing jobs jumped by a whopping 54,000 last month, the biggest one-month increase since 1983!

As of July of this year, Trump's economy has buried Obama's economy in the number of new manufacturing jobs created. Forbes magazine:

In the last 30 months of President Obama’s term, manufacturing employment grew by 185,000 or 1.5%. In President Trump’s first 30 months, manufacturers added 499,000 jobs, expanding by 4.0%. (In Trump's First 30 Months, Manufacturing Up By 314,000 Jobs Over Obama; Which States Are Hot? see also​

In fact, last year, 2018, the economy added 264,000 manufacturing jobs, the biggest one-year increase since 1988.

U.S. enjoys best manufacturing jobs growth of the last 30 years

And keep in mind that during Obama's entire presidency, all 8 years, we had a net loss in manufacturing jobs. After Obama signed the 2015 compromise budget deal, which made most of the Bush tax cuts permanent and preserved about $700 billion in tax breaks, manufacturing jobs began to bounce back. But the jump in manufacturing jobs under Trump has been much greater than it was under Obama.

I guess this means that Trump's tariffs are not "devastating our manufacturing sector," hey? Does this mean that all the liberals who have posted threads that have pounced on the short, temporary drop in manufacturing jobs that we've seen in the last few months--will those liberals now admit that since Trump has been in office, we have seen a historic increase in manufacturing jobs?

Will the Democratic presidential candidates stop repeating the lie that Trump has not kept his promise to increase the number of manufacturing jobs? In spite of the slowdown in manufacturing jobs that we've seen over the last few months, there has still been a large overall increase in manufacturing jobs since Trump took office, and, again, last month we saw the biggest jump since 1983. It is misleading to cherry-pick the numbers just for the last few months and ignore the numbers for the 34 months that Trump has been in office.

DNC off on Trump, Wisconsin manufacturing jobs

This is especially significant, when considered in the context that Trump's economy is an aging expansion, not an economy bouncing back from a financial meltdown.
According to the BLS jobs report for November, manufacturing jobs jumped by a whopping 54,000 last month, the biggest one-month increase since 1983!

That's only because the GM strikers went back to work. We are in a Manufacturing decline.

Wrong! Workers on strike do not get unemployment benefits because going on strike is considered a decision to voluntarily leave employment.

Therefore they are not counted in the unemployment figures. The House Democrats proposed a bill to give striking workers unemployment benefits, but it hasn't been passed.

House Dems Propose Unemployment Benefits For Striking Workers

The report from the BLS states that 41,000 of the 54,000 are strikers returning to work.
According to the BLS jobs report for November, manufacturing jobs jumped by a whopping 54,000 last month, the biggest one-month increase since 1983!

As of July of this year, Trump's economy has buried Obama's economy in the number of new manufacturing jobs created. Forbes magazine:

In the last 30 months of President Obama’s term, manufacturing employment grew by 185,000 or 1.5%. In President Trump’s first 30 months, manufacturers added 499,000 jobs, expanding by 4.0%. (In Trump's First 30 Months, Manufacturing Up By 314,000 Jobs Over Obama; Which States Are Hot? see also​

In fact, last year, 2018, the economy added 264,000 manufacturing jobs, the biggest one-year increase since 1988.

U.S. enjoys best manufacturing jobs growth of the last 30 years

And keep in mind that during Obama's entire presidency, all 8 years, we had a net loss in manufacturing jobs. After Obama signed the 2015 compromise budget deal, which made most of the Bush tax cuts permanent and preserved about $700 billion in tax breaks, manufacturing jobs began to bounce back. But the jump in manufacturing jobs under Trump has been much greater than it was under Obama.

I guess this means that Trump's tariffs are not "devastating our manufacturing sector," hey? Does this mean that all the liberals who have posted threads that have pounced on the short, temporary drop in manufacturing jobs that we've seen in the last few months--will those liberals now admit that since Trump has been in office, we have seen a historic increase in manufacturing jobs?

Will the Democratic presidential candidates stop repeating the lie that Trump has not kept his promise to increase the number of manufacturing jobs? In spite of the slowdown in manufacturing jobs that we've seen over the last few months, there has still been a large overall increase in manufacturing jobs since Trump took office, and, again, last month we saw the biggest jump since 1983. It is misleading to cherry-pick the numbers just for the last few months and ignore the numbers for the 34 months that Trump has been in office.

DNC off on Trump, Wisconsin manufacturing jobs

This is especially significant, when considered in the context that Trump's economy is an aging expansion, not an economy bouncing back from a financial meltdown.

A little less significant when you realize that even with this large gain, jobs added this year will be the lowest since 2011.
According to the BLS jobs report for November, manufacturing jobs jumped by a whopping 54,000 last month, the biggest one-month increase since 1983!

As of July of this year, Trump's economy has buried Obama's economy in the number of new manufacturing jobs created. Forbes magazine:

In the last 30 months of President Obama’s term, manufacturing employment grew by 185,000 or 1.5%. In President Trump’s first 30 months, manufacturers added 499,000 jobs, expanding by 4.0%. (In Trump's First 30 Months, Manufacturing Up By 314,000 Jobs Over Obama; Which States Are Hot? see also​

In fact, last year, 2018, the economy added 264,000 manufacturing jobs, the biggest one-year increase since 1988.

U.S. enjoys best manufacturing jobs growth of the last 30 years

And keep in mind that during Obama's entire presidency, all 8 years, we had a net loss in manufacturing jobs. After Obama signed the 2015 compromise budget deal, which made most of the Bush tax cuts permanent and preserved about $700 billion in tax breaks, manufacturing jobs began to bounce back. But the jump in manufacturing jobs under Trump has been much greater than it was under Obama.

I guess this means that Trump's tariffs are not "devastating our manufacturing sector," hey? Does this mean that all the liberals who have posted threads that have pounced on the short, temporary drop in manufacturing jobs that we've seen in the last few months--will those liberals now admit that since Trump has been in office, we have seen a historic increase in manufacturing jobs?

Will the Democratic presidential candidates stop repeating the lie that Trump has not kept his promise to increase the number of manufacturing jobs? In spite of the slowdown in manufacturing jobs that we've seen over the last few months, there has still been a large overall increase in manufacturing jobs since Trump took office, and, again, last month we saw the biggest jump since 1983. It is misleading to cherry-pick the numbers just for the last few months and ignore the numbers for the 34 months that Trump has been in office.

DNC off on Trump, Wisconsin manufacturing jobs

This is especially significant, when considered in the context that Trump's economy is an aging expansion, not an economy bouncing back from a financial meltdown.

A little less significant when you realize that even with this large gain, jobs added this year will be the lowest since 2011.
When you've got a Trumpian unemployment rate of 3.5% instead of an Obamian rate of 7, there isn't much room for growth.
According to the BLS jobs report for November, manufacturing jobs jumped by a whopping 54,000 last month, the biggest one-month increase since 1983!

As of July of this year, Trump's economy has buried Obama's economy in the number of new manufacturing jobs created. Forbes magazine:

In the last 30 months of President Obama’s term, manufacturing employment grew by 185,000 or 1.5%. In President Trump’s first 30 months, manufacturers added 499,000 jobs, expanding by 4.0%. (In Trump's First 30 Months, Manufacturing Up By 314,000 Jobs Over Obama; Which States Are Hot? see also​

In fact, last year, 2018, the economy added 264,000 manufacturing jobs, the biggest one-year increase since 1988.

U.S. enjoys best manufacturing jobs growth of the last 30 years

And keep in mind that during Obama's entire presidency, all 8 years, we had a net loss in manufacturing jobs. After Obama signed the 2015 compromise budget deal, which made most of the Bush tax cuts permanent and preserved about $700 billion in tax breaks, manufacturing jobs began to bounce back. But the jump in manufacturing jobs under Trump has been much greater than it was under Obama.

I guess this means that Trump's tariffs are not "devastating our manufacturing sector," hey? Does this mean that all the liberals who have posted threads that have pounced on the short, temporary drop in manufacturing jobs that we've seen in the last few months--will those liberals now admit that since Trump has been in office, we have seen a historic increase in manufacturing jobs?

Will the Democratic presidential candidates stop repeating the lie that Trump has not kept his promise to increase the number of manufacturing jobs? In spite of the slowdown in manufacturing jobs that we've seen over the last few months, there has still been a large overall increase in manufacturing jobs since Trump took office, and, again, last month we saw the biggest jump since 1983. It is misleading to cherry-pick the numbers just for the last few months and ignore the numbers for the 34 months that Trump has been in office.

DNC off on Trump, Wisconsin manufacturing jobs

This is especially significant, when considered in the context that Trump's economy is an aging expansion, not an economy bouncing back from a financial meltdown.

A little less significant when you realize that even with this large gain, jobs added this year will be the lowest since 2011.

Actually, as it is such an old expansion, when you would expect to see such numbers plateauing, instead of accelerating,

it makes them far MORE significant.

It gives even MORE weight to the ideas behind them.

AND suggests what I want to see, ie, a change not in the short term numbers, but a deeper changing in the underlying long term trends.
According to the BLS jobs report for November, manufacturing jobs jumped by a whopping 54,000 last month, the biggest one-month increase since 1983!

As of July of this year, Trump's economy has buried Obama's economy in the number of new manufacturing jobs created. Forbes magazine:

In the last 30 months of President Obama’s term, manufacturing employment grew by 185,000 or 1.5%. In President Trump’s first 30 months, manufacturers added 499,000 jobs, expanding by 4.0%. (In Trump's First 30 Months, Manufacturing Up By 314,000 Jobs Over Obama; Which States Are Hot? see also​

In fact, last year, 2018, the economy added 264,000 manufacturing jobs, the biggest one-year increase since 1988.

U.S. enjoys best manufacturing jobs growth of the last 30 years

And keep in mind that during Obama's entire presidency, all 8 years, we had a net loss in manufacturing jobs. After Obama signed the 2015 compromise budget deal, which made most of the Bush tax cuts permanent and preserved about $700 billion in tax breaks, manufacturing jobs began to bounce back. But the jump in manufacturing jobs under Trump has been much greater than it was under Obama.

I guess this means that Trump's tariffs are not "devastating our manufacturing sector," hey? Does this mean that all the liberals who have posted threads that have pounced on the short, temporary drop in manufacturing jobs that we've seen in the last few months--will those liberals now admit that since Trump has been in office, we have seen a historic increase in manufacturing jobs?

Will the Democratic presidential candidates stop repeating the lie that Trump has not kept his promise to increase the number of manufacturing jobs? In spite of the slowdown in manufacturing jobs that we've seen over the last few months, there has still been a large overall increase in manufacturing jobs since Trump took office, and, again, last month we saw the biggest jump since 1983. It is misleading to cherry-pick the numbers just for the last few months and ignore the numbers for the 34 months that Trump has been in office.

DNC off on Trump, Wisconsin manufacturing jobs

This is especially significant, when considered in the context that Trump's economy is an aging expansion, not an economy bouncing back from a financial meltdown.

A little less significant when you realize that even with this large gain, jobs added this year will be the lowest since 2011.
When you've got a Trumpian unemployment rate of 3.5% instead of an Obamian rate of 7, there isn't much room for growth.

Obama left office with the UE rate of 4.7, a 39.5% drop from his first month in office.
It is now 3.5%, a drop of 25.5%.

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