Man wins lottery and continues to get food stamps

This is the mentality that some CONSERVATIVES have created.

When you tell people "Fuck you. We're not caring for people. You're on your own. Whatever we can get away with legally...fair is fair, motherfuckers!!"

...then you get shit like this. Conservatives have brought this on themselves.
Nice title.. Democrat wins lottery and continues to get food stamps.

Link?.. Or is that a stupid-ass assumption?

I can't find anything in the story that says he's a democrat.

Just another right wing lie. My god, there are so many of them. Why are the right wingers such liar lovers?

Nice title.. Democrat wins lottery and continues to get food stamps.

Link?.. Or is that a stupid-ass assumption?

I can't find anything in the story that says he's a democrat.

Just another right wing lie. My god, there are so many of them. Why are the right wingers such liar lovers?

They do tend to enjoy decieving even to the point of decieving themselves.

I can't find anything in the story that says he's a democrat.

Just another right wing lie. My god, there are so many of them. Why are the right wingers such liar lovers?

They do tend to enjoy decieving even to the point of decieving themselves.

You're so right. It's the only explanation for how they vote against their own interests and for the interests of the millionaires in every election. They hate the poor so they use their vote to benefit the rich, even though they are working class. It makes no sense, but it's explained by their hatred for the poor. And the weirdest part is that they claim to be Christians, which is a religion that teaches it's sheep to love the poor and help the poor and that it's easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to get to heaven. So it's all kinds of twisted thinking that has them voting for Republicans. It's all that right wing propaganda, paid for by the multi-millionaires, that's twisted their minds.

Actually the welfare crowd IS the GOP base. Libs on the average are more financially successful than the lazy CON$ervative slackers.

And this guy is definitely a CON$ervative because no amount of money is enough for him!!!!!

Well then it should be easy to cut off the Welfare then. Sounds like it will be no problem getting those Democrat Congressmen and women to vote that way since none of their constitutes collect welfare.

What a moron!
I wish they would cut you lazy CON$ervative welfare queens off, but unfortunately Democrats are not coldhearted scum like the GOP and have too much compassion to kick you CON$ervative leeches to the curb. Since the Dems are the wealthy and they are willing to tax themselves to support you lazy fucks, who am I to stop them.

The fact remains that this guy is a die hard CON$ervative because no amount of money satisfies him.

My friends, you're all correct, Republicans, RWers and the rest of the other radical self-proclaimed "Conservatives" are nothing but scum...utter guttersnipe.

The only way to explain their radical behavior is to see them for what they are....

Is this guy a registered republican or a registered democrat? If you can show some linked evidence either way I'd present it to Gunny and ask for a thread title change.

But dont get up the mods asses when you ask just tell him "Someone changed my title, here is proof that they are wrong, can you please change it back?" or "Someone changed my title, we dont have proof of what party he is in, can you remove party affiliation from my title"

If you start complaining to him that a mod changed it he will just Gunnyslap you.

Does it matter? I'm sure someone like that goes with whatever party offers him the most at the time, and his vote will go to the highest bidder.

This is their only post I read and I clicked the thread because of the title, i didn't hear any news organizations comment on the man's party affiliation before.

I was just trying to be informative and helpful :(

And I wasn't being critical of you. :eusa_angel:
$2M Michigan lottery winner defends use of food stamps

A Michigan man who won $2 million in a state lottery game continues to collect food stamps 11 months after striking it rich.

And there's nothing the state can do about it, at least for now.

Leroy Fick, 59, of Auburn won $2 million in the state lottery TV show "Make Me Rich!" last June. But the state's Department of Human Services determined he was still eligible for food stamps, Fick's attorney, John Wilson of Midland, said Tuesday.

Eligibility for food stamps is based on gross income and follows federal guidelines; lottery winnings are considered liquid assets and don't count as income. As long as Fick's gross income stays below the eligibility requirement for food stamps, he can receive them, even if he has a million dollars in the bank.

Food stamps are paid for through tax dollars and are meant to help support low-income families.

"If you're going to try to make me feel bad, you're not going to do it," Fick told WNEM-TV in Saginaw on Monday.

Wilson said Fick told the DHS officials he'd won $2 million but was told he could keep using the Bridge Card issued to him to buy groceries.

Fick could not be reached for comment Tuesday.

Al Kimichik, director of the office of inspector general for DHS, said the department could not comment on individual cases but that it this week began the process of requesting a waiver from the federal government to close the lottery loophole. If it is granted, assets would be counted in determining food stamp eligibility.

Though the food stamp program is federal and states must follow U.S. guidelines, states sometimes request waivers of rules. Michigan was granted a waiver recently to stop college students from qualifying for food stamps.

"For Leroy Fick to continue to use a Bridge Card, paid for by the taxpayers, after winning the lottery, is obscene," said Sen. Rick Jones, R-Grand Ledge. "What a waste of taxpayer money."

Jones contacted DHS officials Monday about Fick's case, and was told the department's hands were tied by federal regulations.

"There is no liquid asset requirement for getting food stamps," Jones said. "The department is asking the federal government for an immediate change (in policy). They're hoping this case will help the federal government act."

Until then, Fick can collect food stamps and keep his lottery winnings in the bank.

"I am not going to sit and debate the ethics of this," Wilson said. "But from his standpoint, he did what he was supposed to do -- he informed the state, and the state said he could keep using the card. The problem is with the state."


Leroy Fick aka The rich Democrat welfare rat

Thread title Modified....



Isn't maliciously changing a title a violation of the rules?


I owe a mod some rep!
Considering the rate of inflation over the past 40 or 50 years, I doubt today's seniors paid in as much as they are now drawing out.

This is true-but it shouldn't be taken out on those collecting. They were forced into an agreement with the government. They had no choice in it-the government cannot back out on their deal towards those seniors, especially when they forced it upon them.

Actually, what you say is a misconception that many people believe and hence the reason they claim Social Security is a "guarantee." Social Security is a government program and like with any government program the government absolutely can back out on it at any time they desire and you're left holding the bag. They've done it before and I assure you they'll do it again. That is nothing guaranteed about a government program.

I always tell people to plan for retirement and not even factor in Social Security as a consideration. Should it still be around when I retire (fat chance of that) then it'll be extra spending cash.
Number of Dems receiveing Welfare: 10.4%
Number of Repubs receiving Welfare: 5.1%
Number of Dems receiving Food Stamps, General Aid, and SSI: 23% vs. 10%
Number of Dems receiving Medicaid: 8.2% vs 3.3% Repubs

Source: Democrats and Republicans--rhetoric and reality. By Joseph Fried

But the total number of Dems far out ways the total number of Repubs. So this should also be noted:

So the number of Republicans receiving food stamps is a little less than half the number of Democrats. That's still a decent size chunk of Republicans so your stats still do not prove this man is a Democrat. That's what we're looking for here, proof. You claimed it was a fact. You rightfully got called on it and then you started acting like a baby even though you were the one who titled the thread to purposely inflame people in the first place. (It backfired on you)

So after all of this you still have no proof that this man is registered Democrat or even registered to vote at all. You seem to keep glossing over that third possibility.
$2M Michigan lottery winner defends use of food stamps

A Michigan man who won $2 million in a state lottery game continues to collect food stamps 11 months after striking it rich.

And there's nothing the state can do about it, at least for now.

Leroy Fick, 59, of Auburn won $2 million in the state lottery TV show "Make Me Rich!" last June. But the state's Department of Human Services determined he was still eligible for food stamps, Fick's attorney, John Wilson of Midland, said Tuesday.

Eligibility for food stamps is based on gross income and follows federal guidelines; lottery winnings are considered liquid assets and don't count as income. As long as Fick's gross income stays below the eligibility requirement for food stamps, he can receive them, even if he has a million dollars in the bank.

Food stamps are paid for through tax dollars and are meant to help support low-income families.

"If you're going to try to make me feel bad, you're not going to do it," Fick told WNEM-TV in Saginaw on Monday.

Wilson said Fick told the DHS officials he'd won $2 million but was told he could keep using the Bridge Card issued to him to buy groceries.

Fick could not be reached for comment Tuesday.

Al Kimichik, director of the office of inspector general for DHS, said the department could not comment on individual cases but that it this week began the process of requesting a waiver from the federal government to close the lottery loophole. If it is granted, assets would be counted in determining food stamp eligibility.

Though the food stamp program is federal and states must follow U.S. guidelines, states sometimes request waivers of rules. Michigan was granted a waiver recently to stop college students from qualifying for food stamps.

"For Leroy Fick to continue to use a Bridge Card, paid for by the taxpayers, after winning the lottery, is obscene," said Sen. Rick Jones, R-Grand Ledge. "What a waste of taxpayer money."

Jones contacted DHS officials Monday about Fick's case, and was told the department's hands were tied by federal regulations.

"There is no liquid asset requirement for getting food stamps," Jones said. "The department is asking the federal government for an immediate change (in policy). They're hoping this case will help the federal government act."

Until then, Fick can collect food stamps and keep his lottery winnings in the bank.

"I am not going to sit and debate the ethics of this," Wilson said. "But from his standpoint, he did what he was supposed to do -- he informed the state, and the state said he could keep using the card. The problem is with the state."


Leroy Fick aka The rich Democrat welfare rat

Thread title Modified....



Isn't maliciously changing a title a violation of the rules?

Look let's not be dishonest. No where from your source does it state what his political affillation is. Just because he get's food stamps does not make him a democrat.
  • Thanks
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Number of Dems receiveing Welfare: 10.4%
Number of Repubs receiving Welfare: 5.1%
Number of Dems receiving Food Stamps, General Aid, and SSI: 23% vs. 10%
Number of Dems receiving Medicaid: 8.2% vs 3.3% Repubs

Source: Democrats and Republicans--rhetoric and reality. By Joseph Fried

But the total number of Dems far out ways the total number of Repubs. So this should also be noted:

So the number of Republicans receiving food stamps is a little less than half the number of Democrats. That's still a decent size chunk of Republicans so your stats still do not prove this man is a Democrat. That's what we're looking for here, proof. You claimed it was a fact. You rightfully got called on it and then you started acting like a baby even though you were the one who titled the thread to purposely inflame people in the first place. (It backfired on you)

So after all of this you still have no proof that this man is registered Democrat or even registered to vote at all. You seem to keep glossing over that third possibility.

I don't even buy that graph for a second..

75% of those on welfare don't even know what a republican or democrat is...

They're so fucking stupid they just go with the person who gives them free money to hold a sign (democrats/unions).

All most democrats on welfare know is that Obama is the guy who's allegedly supposed to give them free shit...

Democrats give away free shit, hence they're good caring people.

Republicans are against giving away free shit, hence they hate people.

Thats pretty much most of the lefts understanding on republican vs democrat.
But it's a statistical likelihood...

No speculation please. The government does not keep a statistic of Political affiliation of food stamp recipient.

Lol you guys are silly. I know the area he lives, our local news is reporting he is registered as a democrat. The dude is a Democrat. Get over it.

I think that's a pile of shit..

But like I've already said.. It really doesn't matter, does it? I'm pretty sure the fact that he's an a$$hole has been established.. And I haven't seen one person stick up for him.

He makes everyone that recieves assistance look bad.
Nice title.. Democrat wins lottery and continues to get food stamps.

Link?.. Or is that a stupid-ass assumption?

How many republicans do you know on food stamps??

I bet there are a few but not many...

Its not exactly like the welfare crowed is the republican voting base.

NOT if they can avoid getting there in the first place...but there are many being forced there thanks to the Statists and the State of this economy...

1 in 6 on foodstamps in this Republic is unacceptable.
But it's a statistical likelihood...

No speculation please. The government does not keep a statistic of Political affiliation of food stamp recipient.

Lol you guys are silly. I know the area he lives, our local news is reporting he is registered as a democrat. The dude is a Democrat. Get over it.

That’s fine I am not arguing that. What my disagreement was with is the OP which did not mention his political affiliation was. If an area news source says he's democrat then that’s fine.
Democrats give away free shit, hence they're good caring people.
Pure and complete BS. Democrats give away other peoples money. Every statistic shows that Conservatives, and Republicans out give to charity by a large margin Democrats and Liberals.
Republicans are against giving away free shit, hence they hate people..
Correction Republicans are against taking one group of peoples money and giving to another. Simply go google who gives more to charity if you do not believe it. Republicans and Conservatives consistently out give your so called compassionate Liberals.
So the number of Republicans receiving food stamps is a little less than half the number of Democrats. That's still a decent size chunk of Republicans so your stats still do not prove this man is a Democrat. That's what we're looking for here, proof. You claimed it was a fact. You rightfully got called on it and then you started acting like a baby even though you were the one who titled the thread to purposely inflame people in the first place. (It backfired on you)

So after all of this you still have no proof that this man is registered Democrat or even registered to vote at all. You seem to keep glossing over that third possibility.

So much for Freespeech on this board.

Isn't maliciously changing a title a violation of the rules?

Aren't thread titles subjective? If thread title are not subjective there are 100s that will need to be changed. Just about every Dem title comes to mind.

This is censorship. The Dems love censorship.
Last edited:
So the number of Republicans receiving food stamps is a little less than half the number of Democrats. That's still a decent size chunk of Republicans so your stats still do not prove this man is a Democrat. That's what we're looking for here, proof. You claimed it was a fact. You rightfully got called on it and then you started acting like a baby even though you were the one who titled the thread to purposely inflame people in the first place. (It backfired on you)

So after all of this you still have no proof that this man is registered Democrat or even registered to vote at all. You seem to keep glossing over that third possibility.

So much for Freespeech on this board.

Isn't maliciously changing a title a violation of the rules?

Aren'e thread titles subjective? If thread title are not subjective there are 100s that will need to be changed. Just about every Dem title comes to mind.
What the title said and what was in the content of the thread was another thing.

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