Man texted his probation officer to seek 'weed'

A man in New York state has been sentenced to two years in jail after accidentally texting his probation officer a message seeking marijuana.

Prosecutors said Alvin Cross Jr. of Albany sent a text message to his probation officer which read, "You have some weed?"

Source: Man texted his probation officer to seek weed - eReporter

Talk about a divine appointment, eh? I had a similar experience only I did not turn the young man in. I prayed for him!

He texted my cellphone looking for pot and I told him I do not have any of that but I have Jesus and I would like to know if he had accepted Jesus as his Savior. I cannot remember his exact reply but I did let him know I was the new owner of the phone number he was texting and it was evident to me the former owner was a dealer!

So I told him I would delete his phone call / phone number - it was no problem - but that I would like to know if it would be alright with him if I continued pray for him. He texted back what would you be praying about?

I told him I will pray God sends angels to protect you every day and also that God's plan will be fulfilled for your life! That's it!

He wrote back Okay! Thank you!

So I prayed for him by the name Texter and continued to pray for the young man every single day. Now New Years Day I got a text message from him again! He said to me, Have you been praying for me? I said, Yes. Every day. I told you I would. He said, What did you pray? I said for protection - that God would send his angels to keep you and protect you and fulfill his plan for your life.

He said, Man! This is crazy! I was in an accident last night that totaled my car - it rolled 3 times - I didn't have a seat belt on - something kept me in my seat. The cops said you should be dead right now and its a good thing you had your seat belt on. I walked away without any injuries. I know I didn't have my seat belt on - this is crazy!

I texted him back - That was your angel that kept you in the seat while you were rolling in the car - ( not exact words - I cannot remember the exact words it was a long time ago ) he texted me back thank you for praying for me. I said your welcome. Bye.

Then about 6 months later I texted him and said, how are you doing? The LORD wanted me to check up on him. He said, this is so crazy! My mother asked me today if I had heard from you! I said the LORD put him on my mind so I was just checking on him. Then about a year or so later I texted him and he was enrolled in College and was back in church he said - he was living for the LORD. So then I knew Gods plan had been fulfilled in his life and all my prayers had been answered! Yay! God!

That is my story about a person texting me for pot. He got the right number though because the LORD had picked me to be the person praying for him. Isn't God the best? Yes! He is!
Jesus is awesome!

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