'Make America Great Again'

Do a little research on who signed and who pushed to overturn Glass Steagall in 1999, hint, Phil Gramm and whom? The results were what?
During the same year, 1999, what President approved and applauded the financial reform act of 1999 authored by Gramm, Leach, and Bliley? The results were what?

Guy, are you ever going to hold Bush accountable for any of his fuckups? Bush had been president for EIGHT YEARS when the economy collapsed in 2008. That's all on him, man.
NO, that's not it. That just shape your jerk-ness has taken.

It is one thing to disagree with someone, it is another to need to assume that anyone that disagrees with you has to be "Stupid".

Do you like being angry?

No, guy you stupid, inbred rednecks sitting their with your bibles and your confederate flags watching NASCAR, you people TRULY ARE STUPID. I mean, I can keep pointing out how fucking stupid you are, but you are too stupid to get the joke. Even Corky the Retard would get it after a certain point, but not you idiots.

All you did there was showcase your various bigotries and how angry you are.

YOu said nothing to support your case and indeed undermined it with your hysteria.
"When the plague descended on Thebes, Oedipus sent his brother-in-law to the Delphic oracle to discover the cause. Little did he realize that the crime for which Thebes was being punished was his own. Today’s Republican Party is our Oedipus. A plague has descended on the party in the form of the most successful demagogue-charlatan in the history of U.S. politics. The party searches desperately for the cause and the remedy without realizing that, like Oedipus, it is the party itself that brought on this plague. The party’s own political crimes are being punished in a bit of cosmic justice fit for a Greek tragedy."

Trump is the GOP’s Frankenstein monster. Now he’s strong enough to destroy the party.

First Republican for Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump Emerges

Instead of pompous Arguments by Assertion, how about posting something to support your point?
All you did there was showcase your various bigotries and how angry you are.

YOu said nothing to support your case and indeed undermined it with your hysteria.

Guy, pointing out your racism is pointless, when you think that hating people of color is perfectly acceptable, and flying the Confederate Flag is something to be proud of.

Corky the retard is too stupid to realize he's retarded... what's your excuse.
All you did there was showcase your various bigotries and how angry you are.

YOu said nothing to support your case and indeed undermined it with your hysteria.

Guy, pointing out your racism is pointless, when you think that hating people of color is perfectly acceptable, and flying the Confederate Flag is something to be proud of.

Corky the retard is too stupid to realize he's retarded... what's your excuse.

And you double down.


Here, a confederate flag for you.

Earned trust? After all the laws broken by Clinton, and you people still supported him no matter what felonies committed, and you want to talk about earned trust? You people have zero credibility on trust. If anyone should not be talking about lack of trust, it's you people on the left.

Again, no one died because Clinton lied about a blow job. The same can't be said about Bush and the stuff he lied about.

I have no idea what happened last week. My position on voting is already established. If Hillary is the DNC nomination, I will vote for whoever the Republicans put up, no matter what they do. Anyone... Absolutely ANYONE but Hillary Clinton. The only way I'd even consider voting for someone else, is if the GOP resurrects Stalin and Hitler, and run them on a ticket together, and even then, I'd have to think about it.

If Hillary is shot down, then I'll look at the options, when I get to that fork in the road. In other words, I don't really pay attention to these dog and pony shows.

Well, obviously, you have some weird obsession about the Clintons. I think you need to get over it.

What was obvious from that debate from a sensible person, is that none of these guys was worthy of being President except maybe Kasich, and Kasich is in last place. Rubio and Cruz decided that the best way to score points was to ape Trump's boorish behavior.

Now this I love. You left wingers are all the same. You talk about supporting the poor, and helping the lower class, but when you meet one, you attack him, insult him, and berate him. See that right there, is what you people on the left really think.

What I really think is that if you couldn't make good money and get a good job when we had 3% unemployment on Clinton's watch, you have to be Templar Kormac level inept. (This is the guy who lives with his granny at 26, complains about how horrible things are and has all sorts of excuses why he doesn't have a job.)

I thought it was the big corporations fault? I thought you can't blame the poor, for earning less. It's government fault for not raising the minimum wage or some such crap, right? But when you meet someone that earned very little, and it's a democrap in office, suddenly, I must be a moron for earning so little... right?

No, you must be a moron because you come on here and say pretty moronic things.

You can blame government for everything, and the poor are excused for everything, until it's your guy in office, and then it's not governments fault, or the corporation, suddenly I must be a moron! :D

You people. So typical. So predictable. I've seen this from you left-wingers a million times. It's hilarious each time.

Again- Under Clinton, we had 3% unemployment. HS Kids were able to get good jobs. The big corporations you love couldn't get Bush in fast enough to fuck it up for everyone.

You lied, about Bush lying. Obviously you have some sort of weird obsession with the Bushs. I think you need to get over it.

Kasich was obviously a great choice, which coming from you is odd given the fact that if you listened to left-wingers from Ohio, you'd have though Kasich was a demonic troll. He cut government employee Union benefits, and eliminated the deficit, and created a surplus.

Rubio was my next best, then Cruz. Trump isn't even on my list of good alternatives, other than the humor factor of watching the left wingers flip out over him. The only list Trump is on, as a viable option, is the 'vote against Hillary' list.

If you think Clinton only lied about a blow job, then you are either willfully stupid, or just plain ignorant.

Idiot: "you are a moron, because you come here and say pretty moronic things"

Me: "The text you are replying to, was things left-wingers have said to me"

Idiot: "... and that is moronic..."

Me: "So you are saying your ideology, which is what I was quoting, is moronic. Got it".

I would agree.
You lied, about Bush lying. Obviously you have some sort of weird obsession with the Bushs. I think you need to get over it.

Bush said there were weapons of mass destruction. There were no weapons of mass destruction. Bush lied. People died.

Kasich was obviously a great choice, which coming from you is odd given the fact that if you listened to left-wingers from Ohio, you'd have though Kasich was a demonic troll. He cut government employee Union benefits, and eliminated the deficit, and created a surplus.

He did a lot of crappy stuff, too, or tried to. Compared to Cruz and Trump and Uncle Tom, though, he's a statesman. And in last place

If you think Clinton only lied about a blow job, then you are either willfully stupid, or just plain ignorant.

Ken Starr spent 70 million dollars trying to prove wrongdoing on Clinton's part with Whitewater, Filegate, Travelgate, the suicide of Vince Foster, and all he came up with afer all that effort was ... Clinton lied about a blow job.
No one died because Clinton lied about a blow job.
Donald Trump, the businessman, is executing a textbook case of a hostile takeover of the Republican Party. It is beautiful.
I'ts the whole iphone generation of totally mindless sheeple who are voting a bully into office.
Part of the human condition is look back at your formative years and think they were somehow better than today despite all of the evidence to the contrary. I'm certain life was better when I was in my late teens despite the fact that crime was higher, people were poorer and we were all scared of nuclear anahilation, my father thinks things were better when Hitler was marching across europe and my grandfather though things were better in his day and he had Polio.

Make XXX great again is just a a way of appealing to any voter over the age of 30, its what you say around it that makes policy.

You're using historical data pre-Obama. He did fundamentally change America in such a way there is no precedent or other data that could be used in your assessment. I think that Obama is worse than Hitler, Nixon and Clinton combined. The damage to America by Obama is unprecedented.


You are a tart of exponential proportion. Please do not vote.
You lied, about Bush lying. Obviously you have some sort of weird obsession with the Bushs. I think you need to get over it.

Bush said there were weapons of mass destruction. There were no weapons of mass destruction. Bush lied. People died.

Kasich was obviously a great choice, which coming from you is odd given the fact that if you listened to left-wingers from Ohio, you'd have though Kasich was a demonic troll. He cut government employee Union benefits, and eliminated the deficit, and created a surplus.

He did a lot of crappy stuff, too, or tried to. Compared to Cruz and Trump and Uncle Tom, though, he's a statesman. And in last place

If you think Clinton only lied about a blow job, then you are either willfully stupid, or just plain ignorant.

Ken Starr spent 70 million dollars trying to prove wrongdoing on Clinton's part with Whitewater, Filegate, Travelgate, the suicide of Vince Foster, and all he came up with afer all that effort was ... Clinton lied about a blow job.
No one died because Clinton lied about a blow job.

Bush did not lie. The only lie, is the one you are telling. If you were honest, you'd know better. Same with the evidence on Clinton. You are just ignorant. But don't worry. There is an entire political party for ignorant people, where you will fit in perfectly.
And make Donald Trump greater? If he could, I think he would change the name of our country to Trump World or something.
Do a little research on who signed and who pushed to overturn Glass Steagall in 1999, hint, Phil Gramm and whom? The results were what?
During the same year, 1999, what President approved and applauded the financial reform act of 1999 authored by Gramm, Leach, and Bliley? The results were what?

Guy, are you ever going to hold Bush accountable for any of his fuckups? Bush had been president for EIGHT YEARS when the economy collapsed in 2008. That's all on him, man.

I look at the facts. Not correlations. I lost my job last year. Obama was president. In left-wing idiot world, I should blame Obama for my job loss. Because he's been in power 7 years, and I lost my job.

That's the difference between the right and the left. You people don't look at anything logically. You "feel" like Bush is at fault, because something bad happened, when he existed in the white house.

We look at facts. When did the housing bubble start?


The FACT is that the housing bubble started in 1997. Period. No excuses. No "well yeah but". FACT, housing bubble started in 1997.

When did the sub-prime loans take off?


FACT, the sub-prime loan market was a niche market until 1997.

Question, what connection does the sub-prime loans, and housing price bubble, have to government policy.

First Union Capital Markets Corp., Bear, Stearns & Co. Price Securities Offering Backed By Affordable Mortgages

First Union Capital Markets Corp. and Bear, Stearns & Co. Inc. have priced a $384.6 million offering of securities backed by Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) loans - marking the industry's first public securitization of CRA loans.

The $384.6 million in senior certificates are guaranteed by Freddie Mac and have an implied "AAA" rating. First Union Capital Markets Corp. is the investment banking subsidiary of First Union Corporation (NYSE: FTU).​

FACT, Freddie Mac guaranteed sub-prime mortgage backed securities in 1997.

FACT, Andrew Cuomo in the Clinton administration 1998, openly and proudly proclaimed their law suits forced banks to make sub-prime loans, and even admitted the default rate would be higher on those risky loans.

So to answer your question, when are we on the right going to blame Bush for the sub-prime crash? Never. Not unless we become and irrational, illogical, and incompetent as you. We would have to have a brains surgically removed, and ignore all of the facts, to be a worthless and mindless as you people on the left.
FACT, Andrew Cuomo in the Clinton administration 1998, openly and proudly proclaimed their law suits forced banks to make sub-prime loans, and even admitted the default rate would be higher on those risky loans.

So to answer your question, when are we on the right going to blame Bush for the sub-prime crash? Never. Not unless we become and irrational, illogical, and incompetent as you. We would have to have a brains surgically removed, and ignore all of the facts, to be a worthless and mindless as you people on the left.
They don't care. Facts are inconveniences that can be minimized or dismissed with steady propaganda. It happened on Bush's watch so they will run with that until the end of time.
But don't worry. There is an entire political party for ignorant people, where you will fit in perfectly.

You think (I know you don't think very well) that Joe is gonna vote Republican?

Not a chance. He made that mistake in the past. I doubt he does it again.

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