'Make America Great Again'

You're using historical data pre-Obama. He did fundamentally change America in such a way there is no precedent or other data that could be used in your assessment. I think that Obama is worse than Hitler, Nixon and Clinton combined. The damage to America by Obama is unprecedented.

and again, what do you base that on, other than your own freaking out that there's a negro in the White House?

I think the last 8 years have been rough economically because the crash of 2008 was as bad as it was. That's really not on Obama. Should he have done more? Maybe. Would the GOP have let him? They said they would block him at every turn and they've tried.

But the idea that America is somehow "different" is silly. The real problem is, we are exactly the same as we were pre-Crash. The real problem with Obama is that he hasn't been a transformative figure in ways either the right or the left has claimed.
The republicans gave Obama everything he wanted. He owns the failing economy.
Yep. No obstruction on the part of the pubes that's for sure. They gave him everything he asked for.


I used to think you idiots just typed this shit in to try to get a rise out of sane people, but I have come to the conclusion that you morons actually believe this shit you type in.
He has got every budget he wanted, did he not?


A budget wasn't passed most years.
You're using historical data pre-Obama. He did fundamentally change America in such a way there is no precedent or other data that could be used in your assessment. I think that Obama is worse than Hitler, Nixon and Clinton combined. The damage to America by Obama is unprecedented.

and again, what do you base that on, other than your own freaking out that there's a negro in the White House?

I think the last 8 years have been rough economically because the crash of 2008 was as bad as it was. That's really not on Obama. Should he have done more? Maybe. Would the GOP have let him? They said they would block him at every turn and they've tried.

But the idea that America is somehow "different" is silly. The real problem is, we are exactly the same as we were pre-Crash. The real problem with Obama is that he hasn't been a transformative figure in ways either the right or the left has claimed.
The republicans gave Obama everything he wanted. He owns the failing economy.
Yep. No obstruction on the part of the pubes that's for sure. They gave him everything he asked for.


I used to think you idiots just typed this shit in to try to get a rise out of sane people, but I have come to the conclusion that you morons actually believe this shit you type in.
He has got every budget he wanted, did he not?


A budget wasn't passed most years.

continuing resolutions ....
Yeah, we stopped reading. I'm sure you being a typical leftard, you'll blame bush for everything, even though he hasn't been in office for 7 years.

Moving on to more intelligent posts. (please feel free to say I'm racists now, since we all know you don't have any real arguments.)

The problem is, you were the sort who voted for Romney because you hated Obama so much. You didn't care he belonged to a whacky cult and made his fortune screwing dumb ass crackers like you out of jobs.

Yes, I do blame Bush for his wars and his recessions. Why don't you?

I don't blame Bush for the recession, because I actually look at the facts. Fact: The housing price bubble started in 1997. Fact: Freddie Mac first started guaranteeing sub-prime loans in 1997. Fact: Prior to 1997, there were zero sub-prime loans given a AAA rating, or bundled in Mortgage Backed Securities. Fact: The dramatic rise of sub-prime loans started in 1997. Fact: The first attempt to force banks, in the court of law, happened in late 1990s.

When you look at the facts, you can't blame Bush, for something that clearly, and undeniably started in the 90s, before he was president.

No, I did not vote for Romney. I never did hate Obama. Obama might be wrong... might be ignorant... he might be inexperienced. But Obama the person was, and possibly still is a decent human being. There's a reason we have the cliche "the pathway to hell is paved with good intentions". That should be Obama's core motto.

But the Clintons? No no.... Hillary.... IS EVIL. She is a true, evil person. Bill Clinton was a lying, law breaking, womanizing, raping, conniving, traitor, who sold out the country. The only person on this planet that makes him look good.... is his wife, who is black scum to her core.

I *HATE* the Clintons, and rightly so. They are trash. So no, I didn't vote for Romney. The only way I would have voted for Romney, was if he was running against a Clinton. Romney was very socialist. More regulations, Romney Care in Massachusetts, which resulted in spiking costs, massive wait times, and the most expensive health care costs in the entire country.

Romney was Obama Jr. No, of course I didn't vote for him.
i stopped reading there.

I get it, man. It's hard for you to admit your racism. I'm sure some of your best friends are darkies.

Why are you such a jerk?

Because I have no tolerance for stupid white people who vote to fuck over working people, including themselves.

Yeah, I agree with you completely on that. The person who is doing that.... Is you! Your the guy! You are the one who votes to "fuck over working people, including themselves". Why do you think we insult you all the time? You are trying to screw all of us over, with your socialist policies that ruin nations, and that includes yourself!

How dumb does a moron have to be to see socialist policies destroying countries around the world, and demand those same policies here to destroy himself and everyone here?

Did you miss France?

France in a state of economic emergency: Hollande

Since 2002, France has had a Center-Socialist (by their own description) party. In 2012 they elected a outright Socialist party.

Today they are in an economic emergency. And then you wonder why the right wing has nothing but contempt and mockery for leftard morons demanding we be more like those idiots over there? You wonder why we have no tolerance for your utterly incompetent belief systems, that have been proven wrong for over a hundred years?

Get a clue.
I don't blame Bush for the recession, because I actually look at the facts. Fact: The housing price bubble started in 1997. Fact: Freddie Mac first started guaranteeing sub-prime loans in 1997. Fact: Prior to 1997, there were zero sub-prime loans given a AAA rating, or bundled in Mortgage Backed Securities. Fact: The dramatic rise of sub-prime loans started in 1997. Fact: The first attempt to force banks, in the court of law, happened in late 1990s.

When you look at the facts, you can't blame Bush, for something that clearly, and undeniably started in the 90s, before he was president.

the flaw in your argument is that 1) Bush wasn't as responsible or more responsible for the Housing Bubble than Clinton was. In fact, Bush thought the Housing Bubble was a wonderful thing. Here he is saying it's a wonderful thing. And he thought more minorities should own their home. So the idea that Democrats were selling houses to poor people and the Republicans wanted to stop that, but Barney Frank was having Anal Sex, or something, is just fucking silly.

Second the problem was not poor people buying houses. The problem was middle class people putting themselves into hock buying overpriced McMansions they were hoping to flip, and the big banks selling those overleveraged mortgages as "investments" by overstating their value.

But the Clintons? No no.... Hillary.... IS EVIL. She is a true, evil person. Bill Clinton was a lying, law breaking, womanizing, raping, conniving, traitor, who sold out the country. The only person on this planet that makes him look good.... is his wife, who is black scum to her core.

I *HATE* the Clintons, and rightly so. They are trash. So no, I didn't vote for Romney. The only way I would have voted for Romney, was if he was running against a Clinton. Romney was very socialist. More regulations, Romney Care in Massachusetts, which resulted in spiking costs, massive wait times, and the most expensive health care costs in the entire country.

Ahhh. Poor Mittens, No on liked him before he got nominated and everyone denied supporting him after he lost.

Okay, dude, you are going to be pretty miserable when she is sworn in as the 45th President.

you see, here's the thing. Back in 1999, I was one of your frothing right wingers who said "Subornation of Perjury" like it was a real thing. I didn't realize how good I had it when Clinton was President when I was able to nearly double my salary by 2000 from 1992 (When I had just gotten out of the Army and the economy sucked.)

Then Old Dubya came along, and one busted 401K, one underwater mortgage and one 25% salary cut later, I realized that fucking over hte working class isn't an accident of GOP rule, it's a design feature.

I don't care if Hillary used the wrong E-mail and I don't care how much pipe Bill was laying into the intern pool. I've just finally managed to claw my way back from the mess Bush left my life in 2008 and I'm really not keen on giving another Republican a chance to fuck it up again.
Yeah, I agree with you completely on that. The person who is doing that.... Is you! Your the guy! You are the one who votes to "fuck over working people, including themselves". Why do you think we insult you all the time? You are trying to screw all of us over, with your socialist policies that ruin nations, and that includes yourself!

Except you really can't make that argument. Bill Clinton was a golden age for American working folks. seriously, you could send out a resume and get an interview for a better paying job really easily back then.

And when you say "Socialism", you just sound silly, you realize that, right?
I don't blame Bush for the recession, because I actually look at the facts. Fact: The housing price bubble started in 1997. Fact: Freddie Mac first started guaranteeing sub-prime loans in 1997. Fact: Prior to 1997, there were zero sub-prime loans given a AAA rating, or bundled in Mortgage Backed Securities. Fact: The dramatic rise of sub-prime loans started in 1997. Fact: The first attempt to force banks, in the court of law, happened in late 1990s.

When you look at the facts, you can't blame Bush, for something that clearly, and undeniably started in the 90s, before he was president.

the flaw in your argument is that 1) Bush wasn't as responsible or more responsible for the Housing Bubble than Clinton was. In fact, Bush thought the Housing Bubble was a wonderful thing. Here he is saying it's a wonderful thing. And he thought more minorities should own their home. So the idea that Democrats were selling houses to poor people and the Republicans wanted to stop that, but Barney Frank was having Anal Sex, or something, is just fucking silly.

Second the problem was not poor people buying houses. The problem was middle class people putting themselves into hock buying overpriced McMansions they were hoping to flip, and the big banks selling those overleveraged mortgages as "investments" by overstating their value.

But the Clintons? No no.... Hillary.... IS EVIL. She is a true, evil person. Bill Clinton was a lying, law breaking, womanizing, raping, conniving, traitor, who sold out the country. The only person on this planet that makes him look good.... is his wife, who is black scum to her core.

I *HATE* the Clintons, and rightly so. They are trash. So no, I didn't vote for Romney. The only way I would have voted for Romney, was if he was running against a Clinton. Romney was very socialist. More regulations, Romney Care in Massachusetts, which resulted in spiking costs, massive wait times, and the most expensive health care costs in the entire country.

Ahhh. Poor Mittens, No on liked him before he got nominated and everyone denied supporting him after he lost.

Okay, dude, you are going to be pretty miserable when she is sworn in as the 45th President.

you see, here's the thing. Back in 1999, I was one of your frothing right wingers who said "Subornation of Perjury" like it was a real thing. I didn't realize how good I had it when Clinton was President when I was able to nearly double my salary by 2000 from 1992 (When I had just gotten out of the Army and the economy sucked.)

Then Old Dubya came along, and one busted 401K, one underwater mortgage and one 25% salary cut later, I realized that fucking over hte working class isn't an accident of GOP rule, it's a design feature.

I don't care if Hillary used the wrong E-mail and I don't care how much pipe Bill was laying into the intern pool. I've just finally managed to claw my way back from the mess Bush left my life in 2008 and I'm really not keen on giving another Republican a chance to fuck it up again.

I've posted that clip several times. RW's are too stupid to understand it.

43 begging Fannie for 5 million new loans confuses them.. It was Bill Clinton's fault.
Yeah, I agree with you completely on that. The person who is doing that.... Is you! Your the guy! You are the one who votes to "fuck over working people, including themselves". Why do you think we insult you all the time? You are trying to screw all of us over, with your socialist policies that ruin nations, and that includes yourself!

Except you really can't make that argument. Bill Clinton was a golden age for American working folks. seriously, you could send out a resume and get an interview for a better paying job really easily back then.

And when you say "Socialism", you just sound silly, you realize that, right?

Actually the most I ever earned was under Bush. Not Clinton, or Obama. If you want to make ambiguous unprovable statements, so can I.
I don't blame Bush for the recession, because I actually look at the facts. Fact: The housing price bubble started in 1997. Fact: Freddie Mac first started guaranteeing sub-prime loans in 1997. Fact: Prior to 1997, there were zero sub-prime loans given a AAA rating, or bundled in Mortgage Backed Securities. Fact: The dramatic rise of sub-prime loans started in 1997. Fact: The first attempt to force banks, in the court of law, happened in late 1990s.

When you look at the facts, you can't blame Bush, for something that clearly, and undeniably started in the 90s, before he was president.

the flaw in your argument is that 1) Bush wasn't as responsible or more responsible for the Housing Bubble than Clinton was. In fact, Bush thought the Housing Bubble was a wonderful thing. Here he is saying it's a wonderful thing. And he thought more minorities should own their home. So the idea that Democrats were selling houses to poor people and the Republicans wanted to stop that, but Barney Frank was having Anal Sex, or something, is just fucking silly.

Second the problem was not poor people buying houses. The problem was middle class people putting themselves into hock buying overpriced McMansions they were hoping to flip, and the big banks selling those overleveraged mortgages as "investments" by overstating their value.

But the Clintons? No no.... Hillary.... IS EVIL. She is a true, evil person. Bill Clinton was a lying, law breaking, womanizing, raping, conniving, traitor, who sold out the country. The only person on this planet that makes him look good.... is his wife, who is black scum to her core.

I *HATE* the Clintons, and rightly so. They are trash. So no, I didn't vote for Romney. The only way I would have voted for Romney, was if he was running against a Clinton. Romney was very socialist. More regulations, Romney Care in Massachusetts, which resulted in spiking costs, massive wait times, and the most expensive health care costs in the entire country.

Ahhh. Poor Mittens, No on liked him before he got nominated and everyone denied supporting him after he lost.

Okay, dude, you are going to be pretty miserable when she is sworn in as the 45th President.

you see, here's the thing. Back in 1999, I was one of your frothing right wingers who said "Subornation of Perjury" like it was a real thing. I didn't realize how good I had it when Clinton was President when I was able to nearly double my salary by 2000 from 1992 (When I had just gotten out of the Army and the economy sucked.)

Then Old Dubya came along, and one busted 401K, one underwater mortgage and one 25% salary cut later, I realized that fucking over hte working class isn't an accident of GOP rule, it's a design feature.

I don't care if Hillary used the wrong E-mail and I don't care how much pipe Bill was laying into the intern pool. I've just finally managed to claw my way back from the mess Bush left my life in 2008 and I'm really not keen on giving another Republican a chance to fuck it up again.

Saying someone supported X, or thought X was a good thing, is not the same as causing X.

No one every suggested that Bush thought there was a housing bubble. No one every suggested Bush thought promoting home ownership was bad.

Doesn't change the fact that the policies that caused everything started in 1997.

Banks were not overstating their value. There is zero evidence of that. The only support for such a claim, is that values fell... But that implies that idea that value is static. Value is not static. Everything that exists, has a dynamic value. Beenie babies sold for $50 on Ebay. The real value of a Beenie Baby.... was $50. If the market is willing to buy my 900 Sq Ft condo for $110K, than that is the real value. Next year, the market might only pay $80K for the same condo. The bank didn't overstate anything. The real value was $110K. Now the real value is $80K.

Value is dynamic.

Equally, there is little evidence that MBSs were over leveraged. People claim they were, by looking at the loan to value ratio, after values dropped. That's ridiculous. If you buy a car worth $20,000, with an $18,000 loan, $2,000 down, you have a 90% loan to value, right? But what if a new model comes out, and new media discovers massive problems with your model, and suddenly the the value of the car is $14,000? Now you have a 128% loan to value ratio. Obviously you are a horrible person, who was so stupid, you borrowed more than the car was worth, you idiot.

By the way, most of the rest of the world, has lower LTV requirements, than here in the US. Yet the problem originated here. So that's a failed argument from any perspective.

No, dude... EVERYONE is going to be miserable if she is sworn in. Everyone. The only way Hillary won't screw up this country, is if enough republicans hold congress to prevent her from doing anything, and even then it will be scandal after scandal, after scandal.
I don't blame Bush for the recession, because I actually look at the facts. Fact: The housing price bubble started in 1997. Fact: Freddie Mac first started guaranteeing sub-prime loans in 1997. Fact: Prior to 1997, there were zero sub-prime loans given a AAA rating, or bundled in Mortgage Backed Securities. Fact: The dramatic rise of sub-prime loans started in 1997. Fact: The first attempt to force banks, in the court of law, happened in late 1990s.

When you look at the facts, you can't blame Bush, for something that clearly, and undeniably started in the 90s, before he was president.

the flaw in your argument is that 1) Bush wasn't as responsible or more responsible for the Housing Bubble than Clinton was. In fact, Bush thought the Housing Bubble was a wonderful thing. Here he is saying it's a wonderful thing. And he thought more minorities should own their home. So the idea that Democrats were selling houses to poor people and the Republicans wanted to stop that, but Barney Frank was having Anal Sex, or something, is just fucking silly.

Second the problem was not poor people buying houses. The problem was middle class people putting themselves into hock buying overpriced McMansions they were hoping to flip, and the big banks selling those overleveraged mortgages as "investments" by overstating their value.

But the Clintons? No no.... Hillary.... IS EVIL. She is a true, evil person. Bill Clinton was a lying, law breaking, womanizing, raping, conniving, traitor, who sold out the country. The only person on this planet that makes him look good.... is his wife, who is black scum to her core.

I *HATE* the Clintons, and rightly so. They are trash. So no, I didn't vote for Romney. The only way I would have voted for Romney, was if he was running against a Clinton. Romney was very socialist. More regulations, Romney Care in Massachusetts, which resulted in spiking costs, massive wait times, and the most expensive health care costs in the entire country.

Ahhh. Poor Mittens, No on liked him before he got nominated and everyone denied supporting him after he lost.

Okay, dude, you are going to be pretty miserable when she is sworn in as the 45th President.

you see, here's the thing. Back in 1999, I was one of your frothing right wingers who said "Subornation of Perjury" like it was a real thing. I didn't realize how good I had it when Clinton was President when I was able to nearly double my salary by 2000 from 1992 (When I had just gotten out of the Army and the economy sucked.)

Then Old Dubya came along, and one busted 401K, one underwater mortgage and one 25% salary cut later, I realized that fucking over hte working class isn't an accident of GOP rule, it's a design feature.

I don't care if Hillary used the wrong E-mail and I don't care how much pipe Bill was laying into the intern pool. I've just finally managed to claw my way back from the mess Bush left my life in 2008 and I'm really not keen on giving another Republican a chance to fuck it up again.

I've posted that clip several times. RW's are too stupid to understand it.

43 begging Fannie for 5 million new loans confuses them.. It was Bill Clinton's fault.

Again, it's because you are so mindlessly stupid, you don't understand the difference between supporting something, and causing it.

Are you, as a representative of the leftards, telling me that you really want to blame Bush, for a housing bubble that started in 1997? That's how dumb you are? Is Forest Gump your hero or something?
Actually the most I ever earned was under Bush. Not Clinton, or Obama. If you want to make ambiguous unprovable statements, so can I.

Well, what kind of moron are you that you didn't make money when Clinton was President, because, heck, I knew HS kids who were making $10.00 an hour at McDonald's then.

But that's not the point I was making, and if I explain it to you again, you still won't understand it.

Yes, 2006 was a pretty good year for me. And then we got Bush's SECOND recessions that knocked off all the hard work and progress I had made after his FIRST recession threw me for a loop.

Your side hasn't earned my trust again, that's the thing. and given what your presidential race has devolved down to, I don't think you guys are ready to be trusted again.

I hated Romney, but Romney at least ACTED Presidential. What the fuck was that last week?
Again, it's because you are so mindlessly stupid, you don't understand the difference between supporting something, and causing it.

Are you, as a representative of the leftards, telling me that you really want to blame Bush, for a housing bubble that started in 1997? That's how dumb you are? Is Forest Gump your hero or something?

Again, the housing bubble wasn't the problem. The problem was the banks selling those subprime mortgages off as investments by misrepresenting them.

Point was, if the "Housing Bubble" was really a problem, Bush could have called for reforms at any time during the SIX YEARS his party controlled congress. Barney Frank couldn't do shit about it.

He didn't. He doubled down. He talked about how we needed to get MORE minorities into houses they couldn't afford.
Actually the most I ever earned was under Bush. Not Clinton, or Obama. If you want to make ambiguous unprovable statements, so can I.

Well, what kind of moron are you that you didn't make money when Clinton was President, because, heck, I knew HS kids who were making $10.00 an hour at McDonald's then.

But that's not the point I was making, and if I explain it to you again, you still won't understand it.

Yes, 2006 was a pretty good year for me. And then we got Bush's SECOND recessions that knocked off all the hard work and progress I had made after his FIRST recession threw me for a loop.

Your side hasn't earned my trust again, that's the thing. and given what your presidential race has devolved down to, I don't think you guys are ready to be trusted again.

I hated Romney, but Romney at least ACTED Presidential. What the fuck was that last week?

Earned trust? After all the laws broken by Clinton, and you people still supported him no matter what felonies committed, and you want to talk about earned trust? You people have zero credibility on trust. If anyone should not be talking about lack of trust, it's you people on the left.

I have no idea what happened last week. My position on voting is already established. If Hillary is the DNC nomination, I will vote for whoever the Republicans put up, no matter what they do. Anyone... Absolutely ANYONE but Hillary Clinton. The only way I'd even consider voting for someone else, is if the GOP resurrects Stalin and Hitler, and run them on a ticket together, and even then, I'd have to think about it.

If Hillary is shot down, then I'll look at the options, when I get to that fork in the road. In other words, I don't really pay attention to these dog and pony shows.

Well, what kind of moron are you that you didn't make money when Clinton was President, because, heck, I knew HS kids who were making $10.00 an hour at McDonald's then.

Now this I love. You left wingers are all the same. You talk about supporting the poor, and helping the lower class, but when you meet one, you attack him, insult him, and berate him. See that right there, is what you people on the left really think.

I thought it was the big corporations fault? I thought you can't blame the poor, for earning less. It's government fault for not raising the minimum wage or some such crap, right? But when you meet someone that earned very little, and it's a democrap in office, suddenly, I must be a moron for earning so little... right?

You can blame government for everything, and the poor are excused for everything, until it's your guy in office, and then it's not governments fault, or the corporation, suddenly I must be a moron! :D

You people. So typical. So predictable. I've seen this from you left-wingers a million times. It's hilarious each time. :)
Earned trust? After all the laws broken by Clinton, and you people still supported him no matter what felonies committed, and you want to talk about earned trust? You people have zero credibility on trust. If anyone should not be talking about lack of trust, it's you people on the left.

Again, no one died because Clinton lied about a blow job. The same can't be said about Bush and the stuff he lied about.

I have no idea what happened last week. My position on voting is already established. If Hillary is the DNC nomination, I will vote for whoever the Republicans put up, no matter what they do. Anyone... Absolutely ANYONE but Hillary Clinton. The only way I'd even consider voting for someone else, is if the GOP resurrects Stalin and Hitler, and run them on a ticket together, and even then, I'd have to think about it.

If Hillary is shot down, then I'll look at the options, when I get to that fork in the road. In other words, I don't really pay attention to these dog and pony shows.

Well, obviously, you have some weird obsession about the Clintons. I think you need to get over it.

What was obvious from that debate from a sensible person, is that none of these guys was worthy of being President except maybe Kasich, and Kasich is in last place. Rubio and Cruz decided that the best way to score points was to ape Trump's boorish behavior.

Now this I love. You left wingers are all the same. You talk about supporting the poor, and helping the lower class, but when you meet one, you attack him, insult him, and berate him. See that right there, is what you people on the left really think.

What I really think is that if you couldn't make good money and get a good job when we had 3% unemployment on Clinton's watch, you have to be Templar Kormac level inept. (This is the guy who lives with his granny at 26, complains about how horrible things are and has all sorts of excuses why he doesn't have a job.)

I thought it was the big corporations fault? I thought you can't blame the poor, for earning less. It's government fault for not raising the minimum wage or some such crap, right? But when you meet someone that earned very little, and it's a democrap in office, suddenly, I must be a moron for earning so little... right?

No, you must be a moron because you come on here and say pretty moronic things.

You can blame government for everything, and the poor are excused for everything, until it's your guy in office, and then it's not governments fault, or the corporation, suddenly I must be a moron! :D

You people. So typical. So predictable. I've seen this from you left-wingers a million times. It's hilarious each time.

Again- Under Clinton, we had 3% unemployment. HS Kids were able to get good jobs. The big corporations you love couldn't get Bush in fast enough to fuck it up for everyone.
i stopped reading there.

I get it, man. It's hard for you to admit your racism. I'm sure some of your best friends are darkies.

Why are you such a jerk?

Because I have no tolerance for stupid white people who vote to fuck over working people, including themselves.

Because you are too stupid to realize that the illegal alien you hate so much for doing a job you wouldn't want to do is not your enemy. The rich guy who hires him is, but you keep voting for his interests.

So now you got a rich guy who has screwed over thousands of working people, probably more than Romney did, and you lap that sh it up because he says the racist shit you'd never be able to say in public.

NO, that's not it. That just shape your jerk-ness has taken.

It is one thing to disagree with someone, it is another to need to assume that anyone that disagrees with you has to be "Stupid".

Do you like being angry?
NO, that's not it. That just shape your jerk-ness has taken.

It is one thing to disagree with someone, it is another to need to assume that anyone that disagrees with you has to be "Stupid".

Do you like being angry?

No, guy you stupid, inbred rednecks sitting their with your bibles and your confederate flags watching NASCAR, you people TRULY ARE STUPID. I mean, I can keep pointing out how fucking stupid you are, but you are too stupid to get the joke. Even Corky the Retard would get it after a certain point, but not you idiots.
Am I correct in that the DOT COM bubble burst in the early winter of 2010 into February 2011 and aftermath was Bush recession number 1, and the collapse of the housing and financial market commencing in 2006 was recession number 2?
Financial reforms that lead to the 2006 crash were adopted and signed by whom and under what administration? Who in the Senate shut down and would not approve for a vote the oversight portion, and what party blocked the efforts of what president from auditing Fannie and Freddie?
Need a hint?

Do a little research on who signed and who pushed to overturn Glass Steagall in 1999, hint, Phil Gramm and whom? The results were what?
During the same year, 1999, what President approved and applauded the financial reform act of 1999 authored by Gramm, Leach, and Bliley? The results were what?
"When the plague descended on Thebes, Oedipus sent his brother-in-law to the Delphic oracle to discover the cause. Little did he realize that the crime for which Thebes was being punished was his own. Today’s Republican Party is our Oedipus. A plague has descended on the party in the form of the most successful demagogue-charlatan in the history of U.S. politics. The party searches desperately for the cause and the remedy without realizing that, like Oedipus, it is the party itself that brought on this plague. The party’s own political crimes are being punished in a bit of cosmic justice fit for a Greek tragedy."

Trump is the GOP’s Frankenstein monster. Now he’s strong enough to destroy the party.


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