The MAGA crowd gave us a clear manifesto of what needs to be done in the U.S., having chosen Trump for our next president.
The question comes up that is being asked is "do these MAGA people have enough brains, knowledge, evaluating/assessing capabilities that would make us feel comfortable that they chose wisely?
Here is one example showing some of the MAGA crowd
Having put that video up, it can be said by some that the video does not truly represent the MAGA crowd or only represents a small "cherry picked" portion of the MAGA people.
In doing some additional research, I did find an article that goes in a totally different direction but it does paint a much more informative picture of one of the things that is truly happening, and not only to the Trump supporters but to the Trump detractors. That is the idea that Trump is NOT A PERSON!
"not a person"? c'mon, Trump is a person and there is no doubt about it, right?
Well the article goes into the people's perception that Trump is God (Trumper's view) or that Trump is the Devil (anti-trumpers view). This is certainly crazy and against knowledge and beliefs (there is no God and no Satan) that are centered in reality...........but then again, it certainly fits in perfectly into what most people have been saying about Trump............he is God............he is Satan!
Here is the article that talks about this:
Americans today see two contradictory futures looming in the middle distance: In one scenario, Donald Trump is convicted of serious crimes and sent to prison. In the second, he returns to the presidency in 2025. How is it possible that a twice-impeached former president facing 91 criminal counts can now be elected to return to the Oval Office? Why do his supporters not recoil when Trump promises to unleash an authoritarian regime as president and to assume the role of dictator on Day One? What explains his enduring appeal?
It is worth noting that Murray’s (Harvard Psychologist) characterization of Satan bears an uncanny resemblance to the psychological portrait of Trump painted by many psychologists today. A malignant narcissism rages at the core of Satan’s personality. Cast out of heaven for his overmastering pride, Satan wants to be God, resents the fact that he is not God and insists that his supreme worth entitles him to privileges that nobody else should enjoy while undergirding his reign as sovereign of the mortal world below.
On the other side, Trump has often compared himself to a superhero. He has famously described himself as a “stable genius” who has never made a mistake. He is not lying when he makes these outrageous claims, for Trump truly believes them to be true, just as he believes he won the 2020 election. Trump is like a golden god in his mind and in the minds of many of his supporters: a superhero, able to do things that no other human can do; a warrior who fights furiously to win every battle, completely immersed in the moment. His very identity is the supremely heroic role he plays on TV and in real life. The role is charismatic and mesmerizing
After reading this article and having experienced everything said (great and horrible) about Trump, this ("not a person") view, seems to be reality we are actually experiencing.
Having said all of the above, what does this say about us (All Americans) that believe in the unbelievable?
One tangible thing that is very worrisome (when all is considered) is that talking about all Americans believing the unbelievable is bad enough, but when you consider that Trump himself (the elected president) believes he is God (or at least believes he was "chosen by God") comes into the equation, this is really scary scenario.
What do you think about this God or Satan idea that is being seen now?
The question comes up that is being asked is "do these MAGA people have enough brains, knowledge, evaluating/assessing capabilities that would make us feel comfortable that they chose wisely?
Here is one example showing some of the MAGA crowd
Having put that video up, it can be said by some that the video does not truly represent the MAGA crowd or only represents a small "cherry picked" portion of the MAGA people.
In doing some additional research, I did find an article that goes in a totally different direction but it does paint a much more informative picture of one of the things that is truly happening, and not only to the Trump supporters but to the Trump detractors. That is the idea that Trump is NOT A PERSON!
"not a person"? c'mon, Trump is a person and there is no doubt about it, right?
Well the article goes into the people's perception that Trump is God (Trumper's view) or that Trump is the Devil (anti-trumpers view). This is certainly crazy and against knowledge and beliefs (there is no God and no Satan) that are centered in reality...........but then again, it certainly fits in perfectly into what most people have been saying about Trump............he is God............he is Satan!
Here is the article that talks about this:
Trumpism. In the minds of his most ardent supporters, the ex-president is both more and less than a person
Americans today see two contradictory futures looming in the middle distance: In one scenario, Donald Trump is convicted of serious crimes and sent to prison. In the second, he returns to the presidency in 2025. How is it possible that a twice-impeached former president facing 91 criminal counts can now be elected to return to the Oval Office? Why do his supporters not recoil when Trump promises to unleash an authoritarian regime as president and to assume the role of dictator on Day One? What explains his enduring appeal?
It is worth noting that Murray’s (Harvard Psychologist) characterization of Satan bears an uncanny resemblance to the psychological portrait of Trump painted by many psychologists today. A malignant narcissism rages at the core of Satan’s personality. Cast out of heaven for his overmastering pride, Satan wants to be God, resents the fact that he is not God and insists that his supreme worth entitles him to privileges that nobody else should enjoy while undergirding his reign as sovereign of the mortal world below.
On the other side, Trump has often compared himself to a superhero. He has famously described himself as a “stable genius” who has never made a mistake. He is not lying when he makes these outrageous claims, for Trump truly believes them to be true, just as he believes he won the 2020 election. Trump is like a golden god in his mind and in the minds of many of his supporters: a superhero, able to do things that no other human can do; a warrior who fights furiously to win every battle, completely immersed in the moment. His very identity is the supremely heroic role he plays on TV and in real life. The role is charismatic and mesmerizing
After reading this article and having experienced everything said (great and horrible) about Trump, this ("not a person") view, seems to be reality we are actually experiencing.
Having said all of the above, what does this say about us (All Americans) that believe in the unbelievable?
One tangible thing that is very worrisome (when all is considered) is that talking about all Americans believing the unbelievable is bad enough, but when you consider that Trump himself (the elected president) believes he is God (or at least believes he was "chosen by God") comes into the equation, this is really scary scenario.
What do you think about this God or Satan idea that is being seen now?
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