Macron scolding Biden again.

Brandon doesn't really even understand what's going on.


Really SUCKS to be Joe Biden! Now he either has to preside over the biggest self-made economic collapse in US history or conceded his climate dreams to allowing the oil industry to produce again!

Unfortunately for Joe, the USA, and Biden voters, even if oil producers agree to ramp up after having been treated like pariahs by this bozo, it will still take many months to increase production and many more before it starts hitting the pumps!

Sucks to be a democrat and they got no one to thank but themselves.

Oh wait, maybe they can thank Vladimir Putin. :laughing0301:
Worst and most un-American POTUS ever, and the dumbest Cabinet ever.

That's just Joe being Joe.
Why would oil companies accommodate Biden? He'll target them again the second things calm down. Biden has to go.

The Democrats have to go. They can never again be allowed power, not the extremist cult that they have become.

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