M&M characters redesigned for a "more dynamic, progressive world," Mars announces


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Hallelujah! We're saved. First Aunt Jemima (a real black entrepreneur btw), then Mrs. Buterrworth, then the Uncle Ben guy. Now, this. Lesbian M&M's too? Progress!

M&M's iconic characters — six different colored "lentils," each with their own personality — have gotten a modern makeover for a "more dynamic, progressive world," Mars said Thursday. The redesign is focused on creating a sense of belonging and community, as well as spotlighting the character's "personalities, rather than their gender."

The most notable changes include the green M&M's redesign, which will exchange the white heeled go-go boots she was given in 1997 for "cool, laid-back sneakers to reflect her effortless confidence." Mars had received criticism for the green M&M's sexy characterization. The green M&M will also be "better represented to reflect confidence and empowerment, as a strong female, and known for much more than her boots."

The green M&M and the brown M&M will have a more friendly relationship, showcasing a "force supporting women." The two characters' dynamic will have them "together throwing shine and not shade," the company said. The two characters have sometimes been at odds in advertisements, but they have also been seen as friends — or more than friends in others, like this viral tweet from 2015 showing the two holding hands on a beach.

Mars also added that the brown M&M's heels will be lowered to a professional heel height.

So M&Ms have gone woke and turned to shit.

You can keep your your shit candy.
So M&Ms have gone woke and turned to shit.

You can keep your your shit candy.
They went the way of the skittle.
"No i dont want to taste the fucking rainbow. I only munch on pussy, bitch!"
I don't even really have the words to be honest. This is just the bottom of the pandering barrel.

I like m&ms and all but I hope they lose a shit load of money over this and I hope some marketing people get fired.
Hallelujah! We're saved. First Aunt Jemima (a real black entrepreneur btw), then Mrs. Buterrworth, then the Uncle Ben guy. Now, this. Lesbian M&M's too? Progress!

M&M's iconic characters — six different colored "lentils," each with their own personality — have gotten a modern makeover for a "more dynamic, progressive world," Mars said Thursday. The redesign is focused on creating a sense of belonging and community, as well as spotlighting the character's "personalities, rather than their gender."
The most notable changes include the green M&M's redesign, which will exchange the white heeled go-go boots she was given in 1997 for "cool, laid-back sneakers to reflect her effortless confidence." Mars had received criticism for the green M&M's sexy characterization. The green M&M will also be "better represented to reflect confidence and empowerment, as a strong female, and known for much more than her boots."
The green M&M and the brown M&M will have a more friendly relationship, showcasing a "force supporting women." The two characters' dynamic will have them "together throwing shine and not shade," the company said. The two characters have sometimes been at odds in advertisements, but they have also been seen as friends — or more than friends in others, like this viral tweet from 2015 showing the two holding hands on a beach.
Mars also added that the brown M&M's heels will be lowered to a professional heel height.

. . . And what does any of this have to do with candy? What about this screams, "I want to buy and eat these!"?
One positive… since I already don’t eat M&Ms I don’t have to stop buying them. I’ll have to remind my wife not to get any.

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