

Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
What would you rather happen? People like Reverend Wright just keep quiet? Would that make white people like you feel better? Are you really that sensitive and insecure? It seems bizzare to me that some human beings have to live through such hard times at the hands of others and yet we have to protect the sensitivities of those that do them harm? How does that make sense. What used to happen to black people who spoke up? They were jailed, hanged, lynched, murdered. And yet we can't speak of this?
Anonymous internet forum user

Before I start, I want it plainly understood that not all whites are responsible for the racism discussed or the damages caused by it. There have been many great white men and women who have helped me in my life. I know whites who I can count as genuine friends. White people who were there for me in times of need. Those who visited me when I was sick, who fed me when I had nothing to eat and gave me a couch when I had nowhere to stay. I should not to have to write this disclaimer, but because of the low life’s we have allowed into our national discourse, this is necessary.

To borrow a line from the late great Richard Pryor, “There is an attack of lunacy going on here.” How in the hell did whites come to believe that suddenly they are the new black? What makes some of them believe this like it is spoken gospel from the good lord himself? I have heard of cultural appropriation but this is taking it to the extreme. Blacks and other people of color are called racists for pointing out racism that has impacted their lives which still happens. Women are called sexists for talking about the wrongs men have done to them. We elected an idiot for president who knew nothing about public policy, the constitution and governing just because we were tired of correctness.

Police are murdering citizens and it’s seen on video but no one goes to prison. Those same police complain about people holding them accountable for their killing like it’s wrong for them to do so. We have blacks telling other blacks that racism is just made up. Whites ignore the high crime in their own communities to lecture us on how terrible crime is in black communities. Then there are the we shall blame no one from the past nor hold people from that past by the same standards as today folks who celebrate certain past events and hold us to standards written over two centuries ago on a piece of paper. The whole world where whites live they complain about racism happening to them. How they are losing their “culture and identity.” They seem to have forgotten how they dismantled cultures all over this planet.

In America, there are whites who seem to have forgotten some 400 years of racial oppression and today want to pretend none of it happened. Even though blacks and other other people of color have been in America just as long as whites, despite the fact that our blood has been shed in every war this country has fought, there are whites who believe this is their country only. No, we will not shut up! “We are going to fight until hell freezes over and then fight on the ice.”

Until whites stop their bullshit.
To borrow a line from the late great Richard Pryor, “There is an attack of lunacy going on here.” How in the hell did whites come to believe that suddenly they are the new black?


What would you rather happen? People like Reverend Wright just keep quiet? Would that make white people like you feel better? Are you really that sensitive and insecure? It seems bizzare to me that some human beings have to live through such hard times at the hands of others and yet we have to protect the sensitivities of those that do them harm? How does that make sense. What used to happen to black people who spoke up? They were jailed, hanged, lynched, murdered. And yet we can't speak of this?
Anonymous internet forum user

Before I start, I want it plainly understood that not all whites are responsible for the racism discussed or the damages caused by it. There have been many great white men and women who have helped me in my life. I know whites who I can count as genuine friends. White people who were there for me in times of need. Those who visited me when I was sick, who fed me when I had nothing to eat and gave me a couch when I had nowhere to stay. I should not to have to write this disclaimer, but because of the low life’s we have allowed into our national discourse, this is necessary.

To borrow a line from the late great Richard Pryor, “There is an attack of lunacy going on here.” How in the hell did whites come to believe that suddenly they are the new black? What makes some of them believe this like it is spoken gospel from the good lord himself? I have heard of cultural appropriation but this is taking it to the extreme. Blacks and other people of color are called racists for pointing out racism that has impacted their lives which still happens. Women are called sexists for talking about the wrongs men have done to them. We elected an idiot for president who knew nothing about public policy, the constitution and governing just because we were tired of correctness.

Police are murdering citizens and it’s seen on video but no one goes to prison. Those same police complain about people holding them accountable for their killing like it’s wrong for them to do so. We have blacks telling other blacks that racism is just made up. Whites ignore the high crime in their own communities to lecture us on how terrible crime is in black communities. Then there are the we shall blame no one from the past nor hold people from that past by the same standards as today folks who celebrate certain past events and hold us to standards written over two centuries ago on a piece of paper. The whole world where whites live they complain about racism happening to them. How they are losing their “culture and identity.” They seem to have forgotten how they dismantled cultures all over this planet.

In America, there are whites who seem to have forgotten some 400 years of racial oppression and today want to pretend none of it happened. Even though blacks and other other people of color have been in America just as long as whites, despite the fact that our blood has been shed in every war this country has fought, there are whites who believe this is their country only. No, we will not shut up! “We are going to fight until hell freezes over and then fight on the ice.”

Until whites stop their bullshit.

I want people like Wright to be judged on their actions and words.

That reveal them to be anti-American, racist scum.

Note that Wright was not lynched. The hey day of lynching is well over a century gone. He was not even beaten. I don't know if harsh language was even used to his face.

Why is it that whites ignore the fact they commit more crime and that white on white crime is just as bad?

Why do whites commit more crimes?

Because there are more whites in this country than blacks.

When Asians and Hispanics grow larger than the white population the Hispanic community will have more crime committed.

I know you can not understand...
All 4 of my grandparents immigrated here in the early 1900s.
Tracing the 400 years of my heritage, it didn't happen.
muh Reparations! You're going to fight and lose because you're fighting a losing battle and on the wrong side.
What would you rather happen? People like Reverend Wright just keep quiet? Would that make white people like you feel better? Are you really that sensitive and insecure? It seems bizzare to me that some human beings have to live through such hard times at the hands of others and yet we have to protect the sensitivities of those that do them harm? How does that make sense. What used to happen to black people who spoke up? They were jailed, hanged, lynched, murdered. And yet we can't speak of this?
Anonymous internet forum user

Before I start, I want it plainly understood that not all whites are responsible for the racism discussed or the damages caused by it. There have been many great white men and women who have helped me in my life. I know whites who I can count as genuine friends. White people who were there for me in times of need. Those who visited me when I was sick, who fed me when I had nothing to eat and gave me a couch when I had nowhere to stay. I should not to have to write this disclaimer, but because of the low life’s we have allowed into our national discourse, this is necessary.

To borrow a line from the late great Richard Pryor, “There is an attack of lunacy going on here.” How in the hell did whites come to believe that suddenly they are the new black? What makes some of them believe this like it is spoken gospel from the good lord himself? I have heard of cultural appropriation but this is taking it to the extreme. Blacks and other people of color are called racists for pointing out racism that has impacted their lives which still happens. Women are called sexists for talking about the wrongs men have done to them. We elected an idiot for president who knew nothing about public policy, the constitution and governing just because we were tired of correctness.

Police are murdering citizens and it’s seen on video but no one goes to prison. Those same police complain about people holding them accountable for their killing like it’s wrong for them to do so. We have blacks telling other blacks that racism is just made up. Whites ignore the high crime in their own communities to lecture us on how terrible crime is in black communities. Then there are the we shall blame no one from the past nor hold people from that past by the same standards as today folks who celebrate certain past events and hold us to standards written over two centuries ago on a piece of paper. The whole world where whites live they complain about racism happening to them. How they are losing their “culture and identity.” They seem to have forgotten how they dismantled cultures all over this planet.

In America, there are whites who seem to have forgotten some 400 years of racial oppression and today want to pretend none of it happened. Even though blacks and other other people of color have been in America just as long as whites, despite the fact that our blood has been shed in every war this country has fought, there are whites who believe this is their country only. No, we will not shut up! “We are going to fight until hell freezes over and then fight on the ice.”

Until whites stop their bullshit.
What would you rather happen? People like Reverend Wright just keep quiet? Would that make white people like you feel better? Are you really that sensitive and insecure? It seems bizzare to me that some human beings have to live through such hard times at the hands of others and yet we have to protect the sensitivities of those that do them harm? How does that make sense. What used to happen to black people who spoke up? They were jailed, hanged, lynched, murdered. And yet we can't speak of this?
Anonymous internet forum user

Before I start, I want it plainly understood that not all whites are responsible for the racism discussed or the damages caused by it. There have been many great white men and women who have helped me in my life. I know whites who I can count as genuine friends. White people who were there for me in times of need. Those who visited me when I was sick, who fed me when I had nothing to eat and gave me a couch when I had nowhere to stay. I should not to have to write this disclaimer, but because of the low life’s we have allowed into our national discourse, this is necessary.

To borrow a line from the late great Richard Pryor, “There is an attack of lunacy going on here.” How in the hell did whites come to believe that suddenly they are the new black? What makes some of them believe this like it is spoken gospel from the good lord himself? I have heard of cultural appropriation but this is taking it to the extreme. Blacks and other people of color are called racists for pointing out racism that has impacted their lives which still happens. Women are called sexists for talking about the wrongs men have done to them. We elected an idiot for president who knew nothing about public policy, the constitution and governing just because we were tired of correctness.

Police are murdering citizens and it’s seen on video but no one goes to prison. Those same police complain about people holding them accountable for their killing like it’s wrong for them to do so. We have blacks telling other blacks that racism is just made up. Whites ignore the high crime in their own communities to lecture us on how terrible crime is in black communities. Then there are the we shall blame no one from the past nor hold people from that past by the same standards as today folks who celebrate certain past events and hold us to standards written over two centuries ago on a piece of paper. The whole world where whites live they complain about racism happening to them. How they are losing their “culture and identity.” They seem to have forgotten how they dismantled cultures all over this planet.

In America, there are whites who seem to have forgotten some 400 years of racial oppression and today want to pretend none of it happened. Even though blacks and other other people of color have been in America just as long as whites, despite the fact that our blood has been shed in every war this country has fought, there are whites who believe this is their country only. No, we will not shut up! “We are going to fight until hell freezes over and then fight on the ice.”

Until whites stop their bullshit.

Wow. You need help allot. Hang in there little fella.

PRO BLACK minded IM2 published, "There have been many great white men and women who have helped me in my life. I know whites who I can count as genuine friends. White people who were there for me in times of need. Those who visited me when I was sick,..."

IM2, how would your white friends who offered you a helping hand, react if they became aware you embrace HATE, as well as actively engage in INTRA-RACIAL DISCRIMINATION when you intentionally denigrate their free thinking black friends, neighbors and co-workers as "BOOT LICKING LAWN JOCKEYS?"

Denounce INTRA-Racial Discrimination.jpg

Become enlightened, YouTube search terms: "mental health illness black community"

What would you rather happen? People like Reverend Wright just keep quiet? Would that make white people like you feel better? Are you really that sensitive and insecure? It seems bizzare to me that some human beings have to live through such hard times at the hands of others and yet we have to protect the sensitivities of those that do them harm? How does that make sense. What used to happen to black people who spoke up? They were jailed, hanged, lynched, murdered. And yet we can't speak of this?
Anonymous internet forum user

Before I start, I want it plainly understood that not all whites are responsible for the racism discussed or the damages caused by it. There have been many great white men and women who have helped me in my life. I know whites who I can count as genuine friends. White people who were there for me in times of need. Those who visited me when I was sick, who fed me when I had nothing to eat and gave me a couch when I had nowhere to stay. I should not to have to write this disclaimer, but because of the low life’s we have allowed into our national discourse, this is necessary.

To borrow a line from the late great Richard Pryor, “There is an attack of lunacy going on here.” How in the hell did whites come to believe that suddenly they are the new black? What makes some of them believe this like it is spoken gospel from the good lord himself? I have heard of cultural appropriation but this is taking it to the extreme. Blacks and other people of color are called racists for pointing out racism that has impacted their lives which still happens. Women are called sexists for talking about the wrongs men have done to them. We elected an idiot for president who knew nothing about public policy, the constitution and governing just because we were tired of correctness.

Police are murdering citizens and it’s seen on video but no one goes to prison. Those same police complain about people holding them accountable for their killing like it’s wrong for them to do so. We have blacks telling other blacks that racism is just made up. Whites ignore the high crime in their own communities to lecture us on how terrible crime is in black communities. Then there are the we shall blame no one from the past nor hold people from that past by the same standards as today folks who celebrate certain past events and hold us to standards written over two centuries ago on a piece of paper. The whole world where whites live they complain about racism happening to them. How they are losing their “culture and identity.” They seem to have forgotten how they dismantled cultures all over this planet.

In America, there are whites who seem to have forgotten some 400 years of racial oppression and today want to pretend none of it happened. Even though blacks and other other people of color have been in America just as long as whites, despite the fact that our blood has been shed in every war this country has fought, there are whites who believe this is their country only. No, we will not shut up! “We are going to fight until hell freezes over and then fight on the ice.”

Until whites stop their bullshit.

More black crime.

Ann Coulter


Do any former Michelle Obama aides know the perps' families? They could be in for a nice surprise!

Chicago Police


Two Men Charged with Murder of an Off-Duty Officer John Rivera. Menelik Jackson, 24 and Jovan Battle, 32 were arrested for the incident which occurred on March 23, 2019 in the 700 block of N. Clark at approximately 3:25 a.m.


9:31 AM - Mar 26, 2019
Twitter Ads info and privacy
What would you rather happen? People like Reverend Wright just keep quiet? Would that make white people like you feel better? Are you really that sensitive and insecure? It seems bizzare to me that some human beings have to live through such hard times at the hands of others and yet we have to protect the sensitivities of those that do them harm? How does that make sense. What used to happen to black people who spoke up? They were jailed, hanged, lynched, murdered. And yet we can't speak of this?
Anonymous internet forum user

Before I start, I want it plainly understood that not all whites are responsible for the racism discussed or the damages caused by it. There have been many great white men and women who have helped me in my life. I know whites who I can count as genuine friends. White people who were there for me in times of need. Those who visited me when I was sick, who fed me when I had nothing to eat and gave me a couch when I had nowhere to stay. I should not to have to write this disclaimer, but because of the low life’s we have allowed into our national discourse, this is necessary.

To borrow a line from the late great Richard Pryor, “There is an attack of lunacy going on here.” How in the hell did whites come to believe that suddenly they are the new black? What makes some of them believe this like it is spoken gospel from the good lord himself? I have heard of cultural appropriation but this is taking it to the extreme. Blacks and other people of color are called racists for pointing out racism that has impacted their lives which still happens. Women are called sexists for talking about the wrongs men have done to them. We elected an idiot for president who knew nothing about public policy, the constitution and governing just because we were tired of correctness.

Police are murdering citizens and it’s seen on video but no one goes to prison. Those same police complain about people holding them accountable for their killing like it’s wrong for them to do so. We have blacks telling other blacks that racism is just made up. Whites ignore the high crime in their own communities to lecture us on how terrible crime is in black communities. Then there are the we shall blame no one from the past nor hold people from that past by the same standards as today folks who celebrate certain past events and hold us to standards written over two centuries ago on a piece of paper. The whole world where whites live they complain about racism happening to them. How they are losing their “culture and identity.” They seem to have forgotten how they dismantled cultures all over this planet.

In America, there are whites who seem to have forgotten some 400 years of racial oppression and today want to pretend none of it happened. Even though blacks and other other people of color have been in America just as long as whites, despite the fact that our blood has been shed in every war this country has fought, there are whites who believe this is their country only. No, we will not shut up! “We are going to fight until hell freezes over and then fight on the ice.”

Until whites stop their bullshit.
What would you rather happen? People like Reverend Wright just keep quiet? Would that make white people like you feel better? Are you really that sensitive and insecure? It seems bizzare to me that some human beings have to live through such hard times at the hands of others and yet we have to protect the sensitivities of those that do them harm? How does that make sense. What used to happen to black people who spoke up? They were jailed, hanged, lynched, murdered. And yet we can't speak of this?
Anonymous internet forum user

Before I start, I want it plainly understood that not all whites are responsible for the racism discussed or the damages caused by it. There have been many great white men and women who have helped me in my life. I know whites who I can count as genuine friends. White people who were there for me in times of need. Those who visited me when I was sick, who fed me when I had nothing to eat and gave me a couch when I had nowhere to stay. I should not to have to write this disclaimer, but because of the low life’s we have allowed into our national discourse, this is necessary.

To borrow a line from the late great Richard Pryor, “There is an attack of lunacy going on here.” How in the hell did whites come to believe that suddenly they are the new black? What makes some of them believe this like it is spoken gospel from the good lord himself? I have heard of cultural appropriation but this is taking it to the extreme. Blacks and other people of color are called racists for pointing out racism that has impacted their lives which still happens. Women are called sexists for talking about the wrongs men have done to them. We elected an idiot for president who knew nothing about public policy, the constitution and governing just because we were tired of correctness.

Police are murdering citizens and it’s seen on video but no one goes to prison. Those same police complain about people holding them accountable for their killing like it’s wrong for them to do so. We have blacks telling other blacks that racism is just made up. Whites ignore the high crime in their own communities to lecture us on how terrible crime is in black communities. Then there are the we shall blame no one from the past nor hold people from that past by the same standards as today folks who celebrate certain past events and hold us to standards written over two centuries ago on a piece of paper. The whole world where whites live they complain about racism happening to them. How they are losing their “culture and identity.” They seem to have forgotten how they dismantled cultures all over this planet.

In America, there are whites who seem to have forgotten some 400 years of racial oppression and today want to pretend none of it happened. Even though blacks and other other people of color have been in America just as long as whites, despite the fact that our blood has been shed in every war this country has fought, there are whites who believe this is their country only. No, we will not shut up! “We are going to fight until hell freezes over and then fight on the ice.”

Until whites stop their bullshit.

Wow. You need help allot. Hang in there little fella.

I'm fine. You're the one who needs help.
What would you rather happen? People like Reverend Wright just keep quiet? Would that make white people like you feel better? Are you really that sensitive and insecure? It seems bizzare to me that some human beings have to live through such hard times at the hands of others and yet we have to protect the sensitivities of those that do them harm? How does that make sense. What used to happen to black people who spoke up? They were jailed, hanged, lynched, murdered. And yet we can't speak of this?
Anonymous internet forum user

Before I start, I want it plainly understood that not all whites are responsible for the racism discussed or the damages caused by it. There have been many great white men and women who have helped me in my life. I know whites who I can count as genuine friends. White people who were there for me in times of need. Those who visited me when I was sick, who fed me when I had nothing to eat and gave me a couch when I had nowhere to stay. I should not to have to write this disclaimer, but because of the low life’s we have allowed into our national discourse, this is necessary.

To borrow a line from the late great Richard Pryor, “There is an attack of lunacy going on here.” How in the hell did whites come to believe that suddenly they are the new black? What makes some of them believe this like it is spoken gospel from the good lord himself? I have heard of cultural appropriation but this is taking it to the extreme. Blacks and other people of color are called racists for pointing out racism that has impacted their lives which still happens. Women are called sexists for talking about the wrongs men have done to them. We elected an idiot for president who knew nothing about public policy, the constitution and governing just because we were tired of correctness.

Police are murdering citizens and it’s seen on video but no one goes to prison. Those same police complain about people holding them accountable for their killing like it’s wrong for them to do so. We have blacks telling other blacks that racism is just made up. Whites ignore the high crime in their own communities to lecture us on how terrible crime is in black communities. Then there are the we shall blame no one from the past nor hold people from that past by the same standards as today folks who celebrate certain past events and hold us to standards written over two centuries ago on a piece of paper. The whole world where whites live they complain about racism happening to them. How they are losing their “culture and identity.” They seem to have forgotten how they dismantled cultures all over this planet.

In America, there are whites who seem to have forgotten some 400 years of racial oppression and today want to pretend none of it happened. Even though blacks and other other people of color have been in America just as long as whites, despite the fact that our blood has been shed in every war this country has fought, there are whites who believe this is their country only. No, we will not shut up! “We are going to fight until hell freezes over and then fight on the ice.”

Until whites stop their bullshit.

More black crime.

Ann Coulter


Do any former Michelle Obama aides know the perps' families? They could be in for a nice surprise!

Chicago Police


Two Men Charged with Murder of an Off-Duty Officer John Rivera. Menelik Jackson, 24 and Jovan Battle, 32 were arrested for the incident which occurred on March 23, 2019 in the 700 block of N. Clark at approximately 3:25 a.m.


9:31 AM - Mar 26, 2019
Twitter Ads info and privacy

And whites still commit more crimes.
What would you rather happen? People like Reverend Wright just keep quiet? Would that make white people like you feel better? Are you really that sensitive and insecure? It seems bizzare to me that some human beings have to live through such hard times at the hands of others and yet we have to protect the sensitivities of those that do them harm? How does that make sense. What used to happen to black people who spoke up? They were jailed, hanged, lynched, murdered. And yet we can't speak of this?
Anonymous internet forum user

Before I start, I want it plainly understood that not all whites are responsible for the racism discussed or the damages caused by it. There have been many great white men and women who have helped me in my life. I know whites who I can count as genuine friends. White people who were there for me in times of need. Those who visited me when I was sick, who fed me when I had nothing to eat and gave me a couch when I had nowhere to stay. I should not to have to write this disclaimer, but because of the low life’s we have allowed into our national discourse, this is necessary.

To borrow a line from the late great Richard Pryor, “There is an attack of lunacy going on here.” How in the hell did whites come to believe that suddenly they are the new black? What makes some of them believe this like it is spoken gospel from the good lord himself? I have heard of cultural appropriation but this is taking it to the extreme. Blacks and other people of color are called racists for pointing out racism that has impacted their lives which still happens. Women are called sexists for talking about the wrongs men have done to them. We elected an idiot for president who knew nothing about public policy, the constitution and governing just because we were tired of correctness.

Police are murdering citizens and it’s seen on video but no one goes to prison. Those same police complain about people holding them accountable for their killing like it’s wrong for them to do so. We have blacks telling other blacks that racism is just made up. Whites ignore the high crime in their own communities to lecture us on how terrible crime is in black communities. Then there are the we shall blame no one from the past nor hold people from that past by the same standards as today folks who celebrate certain past events and hold us to standards written over two centuries ago on a piece of paper. The whole world where whites live they complain about racism happening to them. How they are losing their “culture and identity.” They seem to have forgotten how they dismantled cultures all over this planet.

In America, there are whites who seem to have forgotten some 400 years of racial oppression and today want to pretend none of it happened. Even though blacks and other other people of color have been in America just as long as whites, despite the fact that our blood has been shed in every war this country has fought, there are whites who believe this is their country only. No, we will not shut up! “We are going to fight until hell freezes over and then fight on the ice.”

Until whites stop their bullshit.

More black crime.

Ann Coulter


Do any former Michelle Obama aides know the perps' families? They could be in for a nice surprise!

Chicago Police


Two Men Charged with Murder of an Off-Duty Officer John Rivera. Menelik Jackson, 24 and Jovan Battle, 32 were arrested for the incident which occurred on March 23, 2019 in the 700 block of N. Clark at approximately 3:25 a.m.


9:31 AM - Mar 26, 2019
Twitter Ads info and privacy

And whites still commit more crimes.
If whites committed crimes at the level blacks do, we all would be living in chaos of non-stop crimes.


Why is it that whites ignore the fact they commit more crime and that white on white crime is just as bad?
Per capita? White on White crime is just as bad? What type? Statistics?

You must not have read many of his posts. He NEVER talks about per capita, because he know it would destroy his argument. He just keeps saying over and over and over again "White people commit more crime". Based on his posts, I don't think he's stupid. But he must think the rest of us are. It's tiring.
It is about delivery, my friend. You want to have a conversation as equals, I am okay with that. You want to lecture me, tell me I'm a bad person, etc. ... I'm going to either fight you or ignore you. That's just human nature. If you treat white people like they are not human then you're going to get that negative reaction ... but then, maybe that's what you really crave.

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