Low flying jet over Manhattan

how is it bush gets blamed for 9/11...but obama's own presidential airplane does a flyover of new york, scares the crap of people, causes the market to dip....and he is not responsible...
how is it bush gets blamed for 9/11...but obama's own presidential airplane does a flyover of new york, scares the crap of people, causes the market to dip....and he is not responsible...

Yurt, it's because Obama is Jesus Christ......I almost posted that with a straight face.
funny...i said now that this is the white house's fault the libs and media will go silent...

typical, obama can't be faulted for anything and the MSM is in his pocket
The swine flu caused the market to dip. Have we become so weak as a country that a plane flying by downtown NYC causes everyone to grab their binky?

I guess the terrorists have won.
You are wrong Ravi, this caused a major panic in lower Manhatten and on the Jersey Shore.

NY mayor Bloomberg said 'furious' was too soft a word for how he felt about it.

This was a major mistake by the DoD.
The swine flu caused the market to dip. Have we become so weak as a country that a plane flying by downtown NYC causes everyone to grab their binky?

I guess the terrorists have won.
You are wrong Ravi, this caused a major panic in lower Manhatten and on the Jersey Shore.

NY mayor Bloomberg said 'furious' was too soft a word for how he felt about it.

This was a major mistake by the DoD.

the whitehouse ordered it and is responsible for it, but obama won't apologize...i guess now that he won, he threw out that buck that stops with him
First problem is you have a civilian appointee as director of the White House Military Office. I know, I know..he used to be secretary of the Army...but he is a civilian. Every other director has been an active duty military member.

Second problem is the FAA knew it would cause panic but decided to do it anyway. Then they threaten the NYPD, the Secret Service, the FBI and the mayor's office with federal sanctions if any of them lets the word out.

Caldera can pick up the phone and direct not just Air Force One's back up plane and the USAF to deploy jets for a photo op just like that? He didn't have to clear that with anyone?

Plush job.
Boys and girls, from right and left, seems all of us are bright enough to get the point of photo op. This wasn't DOD, this was the party in power, read: Obama folk. They are making a video, might have been for 100 days, might have been for 2010, who knows? Was a screw up.
Apparently most of you don't watch the news very much.

Obama didn't find out about it until it was done.

It was one of his secretaries that did it, and thought it would be a good photo op. Obama said it would never happen again.

I'd personally like to see that hispanic motherfuckers nuts placed on a chopping block and pounded to dust. The douchebag's name is Louis E. Caldera.

If Obama keeps this idiot on in his cabinet, he's a fucking moron. I hope Caldera is fired by Friday.
Apparently most of you don't watch the news very much.

Obama didn't find out about it until it was done.

It was one of his secretaries that did it, and thought it would be a good photo op. Obama said it would never happen again.

I'd personally like to see that hispanic motherfuckers nuts placed on a chopping block and pounded to dust. The douchebag's name is Louis E. Caldera.

If Obama keeps this idiot on in his cabinet, he's a fucking moron. I hope Caldera is fired by Friday.

He won't be. Rahm chewed his ass out. He is a political appointee by Obama. He's not going to fire him.

Besides, Obama apologized and said it would never happen again.

The masses are appeased.
I wasn't happy until Alberto Gonzalez left, and I won't be happy until Caldera is gone.

Maybe he will get hit by a bus.......there's always hope........would be nice for his family and friends to experience terror like what he put on NYC.

Personally? I'd like to see him in full traction in the hospital, with a 6 month coma. Hopefully it happens this week.
President Obama has asked for an internal investigation of a photo-op featuring the presidential jet that sent thousands of New Yorkers running for their lives -- and sent officials in Washington, D.C., running for political cover.

White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said Tuesday Obama was "furious" when he heard about the incident and has ordered a deputy chief of staff of find out "why that decision was made and to ensure that it never happens again."

Obama Calls for Probe into New York City Flyover Photo Flop - First 100 Days of Presidency - Politics FOXNews.com

If he is so furious about this, why isn't he asking the questions.

Barack...please...listen to me. You don't need an internal investigation. You don't need a deputy chief of staff to ask questions.

This is what you do. You call Caldera to your office. Just you and him. Then you look at him - directly into his eyes and you say, "What the fuck were you thinking?" Then when he starts to answer you tell him, "No..be quiet. There is no correct answer to that question. Look, I like you. That is why I appointed you to this position. I broke all kind of protocol with you. First one who wasn't an active duty military member. But I promise you, you do something like this again, and you will never serve in the government again. Do you get it?"

Problem solved. No investigation. No drama. Just you and him.

You give him that kind of chewing out and he will be afraid to even pass gas.

Get some cojones Mr. President. You can do this. You don't have to everybody love you.
The swine flu caused the market to dip. Have we become so weak as a country that a plane flying by downtown NYC causes everyone to grab their binky?

I guess the terrorists have won.
You are wrong Ravi, this caused a major panic in lower Manhatten and on the Jersey Shore.

NY mayor Bloomberg said 'furious' was too soft a word for how he felt about it.

This was a major mistake by the DoD.
I think it was stupid but at the same time I don't think Obama had anything to do with it. I also have to wonder why after all this time we should treat New Yorkers like the mentally unstable.

And before you get on your high horse...even DavidS wasn't that upset when he started this thread. He originally titled the thread "Nevermind" and edited his post to say it was just a photo op...not exactly the reaction of someone that was panicked.
The swine flu caused the market to dip. Have we become so weak as a country that a plane flying by downtown NYC causes everyone to grab their binky?

I guess the terrorists have won.
You are wrong Ravi, this caused a major panic in lower Manhatten and on the Jersey Shore.

NY mayor Bloomberg said 'furious' was too soft a word for how he felt about it.

This was a major mistake by the DoD.
I think it was stupid but at the same time I don't think Obama had anything to do with it. I also have to wonder why after all this time we should treat New Yorkers like the mentally unstable.

And before you get on your high horse...even DavidS wasn't that upset when he started this thread. He originally titled the thread "Nevermind" and edited his post to say it was just a photo op...not exactly the reaction of someone that was panicked.
the problem wasnt the fly by so much as not informing the people well enough
Actually, it wasn't really a problem of informing the people either. The police, NYC FAA, as well as the mayor's office asked questions when they were told about it.

They were also told to keep it under their hats and not tell ANYONE about it.

So much for "clear and transparent government" eh?
The swine flu caused the market to dip. Have we become so weak as a country that a plane flying by downtown NYC causes everyone to grab their binky?

I guess the terrorists have won.
You are wrong Ravi, this caused a major panic in lower Manhatten and on the Jersey Shore.

NY mayor Bloomberg said 'furious' was too soft a word for how he felt about it.

This was a major mistake by the DoD.
I think it was stupid but at the same time I don't think Obama had anything to do with it. I also have to wonder why after all this time we should treat New Yorkers like the mentally unstable.

And before you get on your high horse...even DavidS wasn't that upset when he started this thread. He originally titled the thread "Nevermind" and edited his post to say it was just a photo op...not exactly the reaction of someone that was panicked.

why do you keep ignoring the question:

bush is responsible for 9/11...but when obama's own airplanes do a flyover of new york and cause widespread panie obama is not at fault....

how can you possibly reconcile your partisan views? '

and ravi, face it, people were panicked, that is a fact, stopy denying it

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