Low flying jet over Manhattan

just as it was too fucking funny when morons like YOU did the same thing with Bush

look in the mirror
Not even. Bush was given a couple of years of slack...until most of us saw footage in Iraq with no WMD in sight. You asses have been melting down since 1/20. And over the most idiotic things. Keep up the good work...
again, you moron, no one is melting down but YOU
you really need to learn what sarcasm is
I know what it is to you...every time you wingnuts make yourselves look like fools you pretend it was sarcasm. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Not even. Bush was given a couple of years of slack...until most of us saw footage in Iraq with no WMD in sight. You asses have been melting down since 1/20. And over the most idiotic things. Keep up the good work...
again, you moron, no one is melting down but YOU
you really need to learn what sarcasm is
I know what it is to you...every time you wingnuts make yourselves look like fools you pretend it was sarcasm. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
you calling me a wingnut shows how fucking clueless you are
Please go back through my entire posting history you fucking moron and show me where I have blamed Bush for everything.

Someone in The PENTAGON made a decision to update their file photo of Air Force 1 near the statue of Liberty. NOT OBAMA. Now, I'm sure Gates had to have knowledge of this since they were using F-16s. So GATES should have to answer for this. Obama kept Gates on to help us with the strategy in Iraq and Afghanistan - not for this bullshit.

you blame bush all the time for stuff...get real...

Can you show me an instance in where I blamed Bush for something that he had no control over? Come on, show me, fucker. I know my posts and my political opinions a LOT better than you do. And you're going to come on here and try to tell me that YOUR PATHETIC LITTLE ASS does? Just do us all a favor and STFU.

Who asked that. Why are you avoiding #85? Ah yeah, bad deal for you on this post. Thought you could blame DOD, when in fact, it was President Obama's staff. Not the fucking military.
This is just like the pirate thing...you all expect Obama to micromanage things...if he doesn't you pee your pants. If he does, you pee your pants. Hence...stock up on depends.

And when you aren't peeing your pants you are busy advocating sadism as an American value.

It's really fucking funny.

i supported obama dealing with the pirates....and ravi, this is america, it happened under his watch and it was his airplane...stop beign such a partisan hack
This is just like the pirate thing...you all expect Obama to micromanage things...if he doesn't you pee your pants. If he does, you pee your pants. Hence...stock up on depends.

And when you aren't peeing your pants you are busy advocating sadism as an American value.

It's really fucking funny.
just as it was too fucking funny when morons like YOU did the same thing with Bush

look in the mirror
Not even. Bush was given a couple of years of slack...until most of us saw footage in Iraq with no WMD in sight. You asses have been melting down since 1/20. And over the most idiotic things. Keep up the good work...

you call this idiotic???? the mayor, who supported obama is ticked, the democratic senators from ny are ticked and fuming, davids was livid....

but lo and behold it now is obama's fault and people are no longer angry

obama's followers are laughing stock
This is just like the pirate thing...you all expect Obama to micromanage things...if he doesn't you pee your pants. If he does, you pee your pants. Hence...stock up on depends.

And when you aren't peeing your pants you are busy advocating sadism as an American value.

It's really fucking funny.
just as it was too fucking funny when morons like YOU did the same thing with Bush

look in the mirror
Not even. Bush was given a couple of years of slack...until most of us saw footage in Iraq with no WMD in sight. You asses have been melting down since 1/20. And over the most idiotic things. Keep up the good work...

Oh for sure! That's why idiots on your side rioted in the streets on President Bush's inauguration day and threw eggs at his car.. Yep! for sure you are a hypocrite! par excellante!
just as it was too fucking funny when morons like YOU did the same thing with Bush

look in the mirror
Not even. Bush was given a couple of years of slack...until most of us saw footage in Iraq with no WMD in sight. You asses have been melting down since 1/20. And over the most idiotic things. Keep up the good work...

Oh for sure! That's why idiots on your side rioted in the streets on President Bush's inauguration day and threw eggs at his car.. Yep! for sure you are a hypocrite! par excellante!
ravi shows over and over how much of a moron she is
now that we know it was the whitehouse....liberals and the dem senators who earlier expressed outrage will be absolutely mum....

i think davids' rumor that this is a photo op celebrating obama's first 100 days is accurate...the timing is to coincidental...

another obama god complex...or is it as someone suggested him giving the silent finger again like he did during the campaigns....

This administration is so obsessed with marketing The Prophet,...well, fill in the blanks
and ravi thinks this is no big deal....

When President Obama learned of the episode on Monday afternoon, aides said, he, too, was furious. Senior administration officials conveyed the president’s anger in a meeting with Mr. Caldera on Monday afternoon.

her messiah is furious

1. i can't believe he didn't know about this
2. inept CIC leadership
3. he lied when he said the buck stops with him
4. when anyone in bush's admin was responsible, dems of course blamed bush as president, but obama, nah, he gets to blame others
and ravi thinks this is no big deal....

When President Obama learned of the episode on Monday afternoon, aides said, he, too, was furious. Senior administration officials conveyed the president’s anger in a meeting with Mr. Caldera on Monday afternoon.

her messiah is furious

1. i can't believe he didn't know about this
2. inept CIC leadership
3. he lied when he said the buck stops with him
4. when anyone in bush's admin was responsible, dems of course blamed bush as president, but obama, nah, he gets to blame others
Bush was held accountable for everything from hurricanes to 6 national guardsmen deciding to act like idiots
and ravi thinks this is no big deal....

When President Obama learned of the episode on Monday afternoon, aides said, he, too, was furious. Senior administration officials conveyed the president’s anger in a meeting with Mr. Caldera on Monday afternoon.
her messiah is furious

1. i can't believe he didn't know about this
2. inept CIC leadership
3. he lied when he said the buck stops with him
4. when anyone in bush's admin was responsible, dems of course blamed bush as president, but obama, nah, he gets to blame others
Bush was held accountable for everything from hurricanes to 6 national guardsmen deciding to act like idiots

Bush wasn't responsible for Katrina - Bush was partially responsible for not acting soon enough and organized enough in a response to Katrina. FEMA is the most inept government organization that there has ever been. Parts of NO have STILL not been re-built. God forbid we have a major earthquake in SF or LA - those cities will NEVER recover until we replace FEMA.

Abu Ghraib - the soldiers there were acting on orders handed down from the SecDef, Rumsfeld himself. Instead of Rumsfeld acting like a conservative would act, taking responsibility for his own actions and turning himself in, he let low ranking soldiers who were just following orders take the fall.

If Obama himself ordered the FAA to do the flyover today, I would ask for Obama's resignation. But Obama had nothing to do with this. You just think you're playing the same game the lefties played in the past 8 years when everything that went wrong was Bush's fault. So because they were really annoying and idiots for 8 years, you can be one too? Is that your strategy? Good luck with that...
and ravi thinks this is no big deal....

her messiah is furious

1. i can't believe he didn't know about this
2. inept CIC leadership
3. he lied when he said the buck stops with him
4. when anyone in bush's admin was responsible, dems of course blamed bush as president, but obama, nah, he gets to blame others
Bush was held accountable for everything from hurricanes to 6 national guardsmen deciding to act like idiots

Bush wasn't responsible for Katrina - Bush was partially responsible for not acting soon enough and organized enough in a response to Katrina. FEMA is the most inept government organization that there has ever been. Parts of NO have STILL not been re-built. God forbid we have a major earthquake in SF or LA - those cities will NEVER recover until we replace FEMA.
BULLSHIT, i saw several blame him for the actual storm
and since things werent a clusterfuck in AL, MS, and FL, how can you place the blame on FEMA??????
only a partisan fuck could

Abu Ghraib - the soldiers there were acting on orders handed down from the SecDef, Rumsfeld himself. Instead of Rumsfeld acting like a conservative would act, taking responsibility for his own actions and turning himself in, he let low ranking soldiers who were just following orders take the fall.
they were acting on their OWN perverted minds
and that is why they were convicted

If Obama himself ordered the FAA to do the flyover today, I would ask for Obama's resignation. But Obama had nothing to do with this. You just think you're playing the same game the lefties played in the past 8 years when everything that went wrong was Bush's fault. So because they were really annoying and idiots for 8 years, you can be one too? Is that your strategy? Good luck with that...
of course, the buck never stops at Obama's desk
its always someone elses fault
yet you didnt give Bush that same thought
you are as bad a partisan hack as TNM
and ravi thinks this is no big deal....

her messiah is furious

1. i can't believe he didn't know about this
2. inept CIC leadership
3. he lied when he said the buck stops with him
4. when anyone in bush's admin was responsible, dems of course blamed bush as president, but obama, nah, he gets to blame others
Bush was held accountable for everything from hurricanes to 6 national guardsmen deciding to act like idiots

Bush wasn't responsible for Katrina - Bush was partially responsible for not acting soon enough and organized enough in a response to Katrina. FEMA is the most inept government organization that there has ever been. Parts of NO have STILL not been re-built. God forbid we have a major earthquake in SF or LA - those cities will NEVER recover until we replace FEMA.

Abu Ghraib - the soldiers there were acting on orders handed down from the SecDef, Rumsfeld himself. Instead of Rumsfeld acting like a conservative would act, taking responsibility for his own actions and turning himself in, he let low ranking soldiers who were just following orders take the fall.

If Obama himself ordered the FAA to do the flyover today, I would ask for Obama's resignation. But Obama had nothing to do with this. You just think you're playing the same game the lefties played in the past 8 years when everything that went wrong was Bush's fault. So because they were really annoying and idiots for 8 years, you can be one too? Is that your strategy? Good luck with that...

do you have any proof obama had nothing to do with this? see, obama said the buck stops with him...now, you are making him a liar. he can't even control his own airplanes....what an inept CIC...it happened under his watch...you blame bush for 9/11...but obama gets a pass when his own planes do the fly over of new york...unbelievable

and look at you generalizing cons in your post....lool, hack
People, people...please! Have you ever heard of a fire drill or a tornado drill? When they pulled the lever, the little kids were not notified in advance. This is the same thing...a terrorist drill. Geez!
President Obama has given the Saturday Night live comedy show enough material to keep them busy for the next 3 1/2 years if he were to stop with everything today, they would still have us laughing in 3 1/2 years. They can't keep up with him and his administration. They need to do the show on a daily basis just to stay on top of him, thing is that might not be enough.

810 billion dollar stimulus bill that no one read before they signed. Boy, that's real transperancy there. Full of pork, will do little to create jobs. Fish barrier removal projects and 30 million to study a mouse out in San Francisco. bonuses that Chris Dodd wrote in it for failed AIG execs.

410 billion dollar omnibus bill that had 9,000 earmarks, one of which studies why pigs stink. Keep in mind that Bush refused to sign it because of these earmarks so the democratic congress held it over for Obama. Didn't he say that he would not sign anything with earmarks????

3.7 Trillion dollar budget that his own congressional budget office has stated is unsustainable.

100 million that he is ordering congress to cut from this budget which amounts to a 1/2 drip of water in a 5 gallon bucket.

Releasing classified documents of interogation techniques against the advise of 4 former CIA directors including his current one. Caving to the ACLU and Move on Dot. org. This is the transperancy that our country needs, giving classified information to our enemies. Can anybody say Jimmy Carter 2 ?????

Now his administration buzzing the city of Manhattan in Air Force one to take a picture of the Statue of Liberty at tax payer's expense and scaring the be-jesus out of everyone.

I hope that you all got to see that bull running loose in the grocery store, I am sure it's on the web, but that's my opinion of his first 100 days. :lol:
Now his administration buzzing the city of Manhattan in Air Force one to take a picture of the Statue of Liberty at tax payer's expense and scaring the be-jesus out of everyone.
Were you really scared? I doubt it. I wasn't.
Oh, the OUTRAGE by the RWN Obama haters was set to "High and WILD" by this event.
A few more OUTRAGE episodes like this and you RWers will be
worn out. Spent.

Better get you some OUTRAGE Viagra from one of your RWN websites,
to keep your wild excited Obama hating far fetched assumptions and crazy ravings
up to Peak Performance.
Remember, consult with your doctor if your OUTRAGE lasts more than 4 hours
or if you pass out from too much loonytoons OUTRAGING.

Don't you see -
It is a plot to wear you guys down, to check your responses, and to tire you out.
FOX News was right.
You react to the stimulai as predictably as Pavlov's dogs,
Obama should fire the idiot that ordered this.

Not because it scared people in New York, but because it was an incredible waste of the taxpayer's money.

I saw Air Force One on the tarmac in New York.

Beautiful plane, magnificient!
Source: White House was updating AF One file photo

Again - not Obama's fault - but whoever planned this and said NOT to alert NYC residents or decided NOT to do this with fucking Photoshop or over the Grand Canyon is absolutely the biggest fucking moron I have ever heard of in my lifetime. This guy's head BETTER be on a fucking silver platter by the end of the week.

how is this not obama's fault? he is the CIC...the buck stops with him...amazing, you blame bush for every little concievable thing, but obama gets a pass that HIS presidential plane scares the crap out of manhattan, causes stocks to fall and massive panic....

you're an obama bot

Please go back through my entire posting history you fucking moron and show me where I have blamed Bush for everything.

Someone in The PENTAGON made a decision to update their file photo of Air Force 1 near the statue of Liberty. NOT OBAMA. Now, I'm sure Gates had to have knowledge of this since they were using F-16s. So GATES should have to answer for this. Obama kept Gates on to help us with the strategy in Iraq and Afghanistan - not for this bullshit.

Lovely fallacious absurdity... truly, you're gifted....

OK, so at some pendatic point, perhaps its true that you've not blamed BUSH FOR EVERYTHING... but ya do tend to excuse The Lord of the Idiots and as evidence of that I submit this immutable, incontestable PROOF:


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