Love this quote by a protestor

Tell me what degree is an absolute must in order to learn a skill?

Can one learn anatomy without a degree? The answer is obviously yes.

Can one learn to program a computer without a degree? Again, yes

Can one learn to design a circuit board without a degree? Yes.

The list is endless.

I notice no answer to my question in all that.

I don't happen to know any surgeons. But Doctors in general don't like to admit that practicing medicine isn't as hard as they like people to believe.

I did mention earlier that I know a person who learned how to spay a dog without a degree. A veterinarian showed her and over a period of several weeks she learned how to make the incision, remove the reproductive organs and suture.

It is just a set of skills and nothing else

Then SHUT THE FUCK UP until you know what you're talking about.
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I notice no answer to my question in all that.

don't happen to know any surgeons. But Doctors in general don't like to admit that practicing medicine isn't as hard as they like people to believe.

I did mention earlier that I know a person who learned how to spay a dog without a degree. A veterinarian showed her and over a period of several weeks she learned how to make the incision, remove the reproductive organs and suture.

It is just a set of skills and nothing else

Then SHUT THE FUCK UP until you know what you're talking about.

just because you flunked out of premed is no reason to get all cranky.
don't happen to know any surgeons. But Doctors in general don't like to admit that practicing medicine isn't as hard as they like people to believe.

I did mention earlier that I know a person who learned how to spay a dog without a degree. A veterinarian showed her and over a period of several weeks she learned how to make the incision, remove the reproductive organs and suture.

It is just a set of skills and nothing else

Then SHUT THE FUCK UP until you know what you're talking about.

just because you flunked out of premed is no reason to get all cranky.

Wrong again, numbskull.
I notice no answer to my question in all that.

I don't happen to know any surgeons. But Doctors in general don't like to admit that practicing medicine isn't as hard as they like people to believe.

I did mention earlier that I know a person who learned how to spay a dog without a degree. A veterinarian showed her and over a period of several weeks she learned how to make the incision, remove the reproductive organs and suture.

It is just a set of skills and nothing else

Then SHUT THE FUCK UP until you know what you're talking about.

What's the matter Sally? Don't get all upset because you don't understand the concept.
The job market is shitty because the left has been harassing business out of the country for long time. It was a mistake to encourage everyone to go to college. Not everyone is capable. Many colleges today have to send hundreds of students for remedial education. Send them to a trade school. Do some good.
So Sally it is your position that no one without a medical degree can practice or contribute to the medicine yes?

Funny how I can prove you wrong with the example of Augusto Odone>

Despite having no medical training, they contacted specialists and combed the scientific journals. In 1987, having taken early retirement, Augusto Odone invented a treatment, in the form of a vegetable oil, that appeared to arrest the progress of ALD. To help with the oil's development, the Odones enlisted a British scientist, Don Suddaby, who had worked at the Croda Universal chemical company in Hull. He came out of retirement to help produce an edible mixture of olive and rapeseed oil extract, finally sending the Odones a bottle of what would become known as "Lorenzo's oil". Although the Odones were told that the oil might have a deleterious effect, they decided, in view of the rapid deterioration in their son's condition, to risk administering it: Lorenzo in fact has lived 22 years longer than the doctors predicted.

So you wouldn't have used Lorenzo's oil if you needed it because a person with a medical degree didn't discover it?
Have they ever heard of working their way through college instead of taking out loans?
That's what I did.

That's ridiculous. I worked a day job in a factory, used the GI Bill and still ended up with $56,000 in loans which I have since paid off.
The days of "working your way through college" are over and anyone who said they did is either a liar, they went to a Bible College, mom and dad paid for it, or they never went at all.

If you don't have the money, you will have to take out loans for any meaningful education.

Even back in the day College was expensive.
Those of us who worked our way through (not all) started in a local community college (less expensive) worked full time and took night classes or worked part time at took classes in the morning.
I started working part time in High school and full time during the summer. And my Mom paid for half of the tuition and I paid for the other half.

Then you graduate get a full time job and save up for the 1st year at a more protégés college, in your state.
Then you would graduate from that college and work full time saving up for, if you want to go an Ivy league college in the future.
It takes longer to get your degree but you are not in the hole either.
Part of the high tuition at Harvard is that you must have a mandatory Medical Insurance that costs anywhere from 593.00 up to 917.00 each semester.
This is ridiculous, micro managing at it's finest.
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Our local Cochise College has a very fine and meaningful education and you can graduate with a degree and have a starting salary of 75,00.00.
It cost's around 3,000.00 a year.
The on line colleges are also cheaper.
I don't happen to know any surgeons.

So shut the fuck up and go ride your BigWheel until you have something to contribute, Poindexter.

i DO KNOW veterinarian who performs surgery and the skill set is no different from those of needed to perform surgery on people.

And as I have said twice that veterinarian taught a friend of mine how to spay a dog.

Why do you keep ignoring that bit of info? Is it because you can't mesh it with your unbending paradigm that one can only learn something in a university?

You really have a hard time thinking about things unless someone else spoon feeds you huh?
I don't happen to know any surgeons.

So shut the fuck up and go ride your BigWheel until you have something to contribute, Poindexter.

i DO KNOW veterinarian


Stop embarrassing yourself. You have admitted several times that you cannot answer the question. Overcompensation for your terrible inferiority complex seems to be preventing your from just keeping your piehole shut unti you actually have something to say.
I don't happen to know any surgeons.

So shut the fuck up and go ride your BigWheel until you have something to contribute, Poindexter.
Who the hell are you to tell ANYBODY to "shut the fuck up"?

Here, watch this: SHUT THE FUCK UP.

I know you've got your own dire inferiority complex to deal with, and it is clear you are losing that battle, but at least try to exert a little self control, weakling.
It is not considered a good investment by anyone with a brain. They probably have a degrees in Elizabethan English.
So going to a school that is in the top 25 for graduate salary statistics is a bad investment?

One has to wonder if you guys think only rich people should get a Ivy League education, and have a better chance at earning a larger income.

My real point is, the only reason most have a problem with this person is they are a college student. If it was a tea party member with a home mortgage it would be a different story.

Wasn't it the tea party, and the right that made a big deal about the bail outs?

Did they go to one of those 25 schools? Does everyone who goes to those schools get top salary?

The problem here is the idea that education is an investment, it isn't, it is a foundation. Investments produce returns, hopefully, because other people do the work. An education gives you what you need to succeed, but you still have to do the work.
Um, in the OP it said she goes to Columbia. Can you read?

Investments produce returns,

Your words. ;) IN the last two days you haven't impressed me. Wouldn't a higher salary, and a chance of that be producing a return? If one has a bachelors or masters they will most likely earn more in their life time than a person who just went to high school. I would say that was a return on an investment.

Just because this girl went to an ivy league school, and is getting a graduate school she is more likely to earn more money, and find a job once she graduates. But hey it isn't a good investment according to you, it is just a good foundation. :lol:

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