Love It!… Sarah Palin Brings Her Own Big Gulp With Her to CPAC Speech (Video)

You must not look up too often. Nobody said gov't should tell people what to eat. Sarah isn't part of the gov't.

left-wing turds say that all the time.

Who do you think you're fooling?

She's a conservative leader (believe it or not). Instead of playing games, she should be addressing a real problem -- obesity. It is a real problem. But go ahead and gargle Mountain Dew and eat double mc bacon cheeseburgers. I'm sure you'll be in top shape when the gov't comes after you.

And just how do you think she should "address" the problem of obesity?
You missed the point entirely. I was not supporting Bloomberg like bans on the ever increasing size of sodas. I was suggesting that instead of quipping about it, Palin could have taken the opportunity to point out that there is an obesity problem and what conservatives could be offering as a solution. She didn't. She went low ball which is what is expected of her.

In other words, you're supporting Bloomberg's ban. You libturds just can't stand it whenever someone ridicules you're feaux heroes.
She didn't offer a solution because it's not the job of the govt to solve perceived problematic eating problems.

Get it? Im sure you don't but I offered anyhow.

Perceived? A big first step is acknowledging that there is a problem.

The latest national security threat: obesity
There may be a problem for some but here's the thing....

It's their problem, not mine or yours or the govt.
It's what's causing ALL of our health care costs to skyrocket.

I'm not in favor of any drink bans, but good god, if you don't think the epidemic of obesity is a problem affecting all of us, then you're blind.
Failed in life? Wow, little hyperbolic aren't we?

I was not suggesting "gubmit solutions" to the problem, but Sarah had an opportunity to point out that obesity is a problem that needs combating. Sell your "free market" principles all you want to, but acknowledge the fucking problem instead of making "the first lady is a fatass" jokes.

She used it to strike a blow against fascists like you and Mayor Bloomberg instead.

bravo for her.

She wasn't put on this earth to advance your political agenda. Get that through your head.

Palin is nothing more then a cheap side show act who doesn't know when to get off the stage,The wasilla hillbilly is laughing all the way to the bank .

My, my, my. Look at all the virulent hatred for women the libturds are spewing.

Is this the war on women thread?

Or just the im so fucking ugly I have to hate on pretty people thread?

Almost thought I stumbled into the tent of liberal tolerance.

Then I realized it was just a bunch of pathetic hacks being hypocrits about the above subjects.
No, I don't support them. I do, however, acknowledge that there is a problem and am eager to hear solutions from all sides.

Palin offered is expected of her. Cute and dumb, she plays it well. Great for fucking, not for governing.

A bigger problem is fascist politicians who want to run our lives for us.
Lets see, you've lost the popular vote in 5 of the last 6 Presidential elections....
You've lost 4 of the last 6 electoral votes...

Does the responsibility for any of that fall on the shoulders of the GOP?

You've heard Palin's act for 6 years now...does she resonate with the Party? Sure. Does she resonate with anyone outside the party--those that decide the Frankly she's a moron.

Is this the direction that the party should go in to change course? Hardly. But hey, if it feels good, do it I suppose.
No, I don't support them. I do, however, acknowledge that there is a problem and am eager to hear solutions from all sides.

Palin offered is expected of her. Cute and dumb, she plays it well. Great for fucking, not for governing.

A bigger problem is fascist politicians who want to run our lives for us.

She's eager to hear a solution..... lmao

Protip: if you're fat dont eat the Big Mac.

Problem solved
Conservatives don't tell people what to eat, or how much.

Right. They just tell them who they are allowed to sleep with or marry.

Lawrence v. Texas happened many years ago. People have the right to sleep with anyone they wish. They can have the same contractual rights and obligations as any heterosexual couple.

Roe v Wade is decided law too...doesn't mean ya'll haven't been trying to get rid of that.

There are plenty of conservatives that would love to bring back Sodomy laws and jail the gays for fucking in the privacy of their own homes. A few posters here have suggested just that to combat AIDS...keep gays from fucking or jail 'em when they do.

Denial, it ain't just a river baby!

I think we can combat abortion, STDs, unwanted pregnancies, etc through education and science, not bans. I think we can do the same for the obesity epidemic.

No, we don't have the same contractual rights to marry the non-familial consenting adult partner of choice. Saying it over and over doesn't make it will become clear to you after the SCOTUS rules. Gonna be a great summer!
When are all of you freedom-loving conservatives going to tell gov't to to stay out of a gay couple's decision to marry or a single woman's decision to have an abortion. Gov't shouldn't tell people what to do, right? That is what you all have been saying this entire thread.
Are liberals really so dumb that they have to be told what to eat?

In honor of our hateful lefties I think I will goto Chic Fil A today and order the most fattening I hate Christians meal I can find on the menu.
Don't tell us what type of gun we can own; don't tell us what type of ammo we can own; definitely don't tell us that felons shouldn't be permitted to purchase weapons at gun shows; don't tell us what type of food we can eat; how much salt is in our processed foods; or dictate which sizes of soda are permitted; but dammit to hell, don't let those gays marry or allow women to make choices about their own bodies.

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