LORD or lord

I twisted nothing. I took this from Wikipedia as they did from history: "Conditions for Witnesses improved in 1942, when they were increasingly given work details that required little supervision, such as farming, gardening, transportation and unloading goods, while others worked in civilian clothing in a health resort, as housekeepers for Nazi officials, or were given construction and craft tasks at military buildings. In July 1944, Himmler ordered Ernst Kaltenbrunner, the head of the RSHA, to begin sending Jehovah's Witnesses to the occupied east. Himmler viewed the Jehovah's Witnesses as frugal, hard-working, honest and fanatic in their pacifism, and that these traits were extremely desirable for the suppressed nations in the east.)" - Wikipedia

I wonder what changed? Maybe that's when your founder false Prophet Rutherford who hated Catholics and Jews wrote to Hitler to get in favor of Hitler and did. And, we know JWs hate Catholics and Jews. While Jews held to their core beliefs, JW's apparently didn't and succumbed to the Nazis. It's all written down in history.

Rutherford did not hate Catholics and Jews, nor do the JW,s--Jesus taught LOVE. He hated the false religion as God does. They saw the real Jesus in the JW,s, that was the difference. Honest-trustworthy, etc. The bible teaches even if one is a slave--do your very best for your master. JW,s put God first always. You have it all twisted.
Yes they erred trying to date it--Those men have died and paid in full the wages of sin-- The JW leaders dont try to date it anymore. The only true prophets there ever were served-YHWH(Jehovah) a single being God. The JW leaders are not prophets.
From one of your Watch Towers of the past: WT 4/1/72 p. 197 "A third way of coming to know Jehovah God is through his representatives. In ancient times he sent prophets as his special messengers. While these men foretold things to come, they also served the people by telling them of God's will for them at that time. People today ... have at hand the Bible, but it is little read or understood. So, does Jehovah have a prophet to help them, to warn them of dangers and to declare things to come? These questions can be answered in the affirmative. Who is this prophet? This "prophet" was not one man, but was a body of men and women. It was the small group of footstep followers of Jesus Christ, known at that time as lnternational Bible Students. Today they are known as Jehovah's Christian witnesses ..."
In the New Testament, there were 12 at a time that were prophets, seers and revelators known as "Apostles." Groups of prophets have been established in the past as Apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ. So, those who errored as you put it, were prophets for your Church. Why do you then deny this? It The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we have 3 members of the First Presidency that are Apostles with one man called The Prophet of God. Then, we have the Quorum of the 12 Apostles who are Prophets, Seers and Revelators who testify of Jesus Christ and his divinity as the Son of the Father. As did the apostles in ancient days of Christ on the earth and afterwards for a short time. So, I don't object to this concept of theirs. I object to them spouting false prophecies as prophets as stated in the Watch Tower. They declared as a body of prophets falsely that the world would come to an end on certain dates 5 times. What else have they taught that is false? They have diminished the divinity of Jesus Christ and confused their people on who he is and His mission for mankind. They teach to deny the great intercession atonement for mankind's sins including the resurrection of Jesus Christ and eventually every man, woman and child who has ever lived on the earth. We combat this apostasy with true prophets and apostles, 70's, priests, teachers and so on with the truth that God the Father lives. Jesus Christ is His Son and our redeemer God. And, the Holy Ghost bears witness to this.
From one of your Watch Towers of the past: WT 4/1/72 p. 197 "A third way of coming to know Jehovah God is through his representatives. In ancient times he sent prophets as his special messengers. While these men foretold things to come, they also served the people by telling them of God's will for them at that time. People today ... have at hand the Bible, but it is little read or understood. So, does Jehovah have a prophet to help them, to warn them of dangers and to declare things to come? These questions can be answered in the affirmative. Who is this prophet? This "prophet" was not one man, but was a body of men and women. It was the small group of footstep followers of Jesus Christ, known at that time as lnternational Bible Students. Today they are known as Jehovah's Christian witnesses ..."
In the New Testament, there were 12 at a time that were prophets, seers and revelators known as "Apostles." Groups of prophets have been established in the past as Apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ. So, those who errored as you put it, were prophets for your Church. Why do you then deny this? It The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we have 3 members of the First Presidency that are Apostles with one man called The Prophet of God. Then, we have the Quorum of the 12 Apostles who are Prophets, Seers and Revelators who testify of Jesus Christ and his divinity as the Son of the Father. As did the apostles in ancient days of Christ on the earth and afterwards for a short time. So, I don't object to this concept of theirs. I object to them spouting false prophecies as prophets as stated in the Watch Tower. They declared as a body of prophets falsely that the world would come to an end on certain dates 5 times. What else have they taught that is false? They have diminished the divinity of Jesus Christ and confused their people on who he is and His mission for mankind. They teach to deny the great intercession atonement for mankind's sins including the resurrection of Jesus Christ and eventually every man, woman and child who has ever lived on the earth. We combat this apostasy with true prophets and apostles, 70's, priests, teachers and so on with the truth that God the Father lives. Jesus Christ is His Son and our redeemer God. And, the Holy Ghost bears witness to this.

They dont teach that anymore. They do teach one must listen to the ones Jesus appointed, but they do not claim to be prophets. They have corrected many errors through the last 115 years or so, in the sight of all creation--proving 100% truth is what they seek and want, and will not settle for anything less. God has revealed truth at the proper time-Matt 24:45--If you ever read Ezekial prophecys, you find truth starts out as a shallow stream, then gradually grows into a deep watery body. Undoing 1750 years of errors does not occur overnight. It takes many men studying different bibles, lexicons, history, etc. And like the prophecy in Ezekial truth has grown abundant here in these last days( Daniel 12:4)--many x in Ezekial God says--about back then and here in these last days--They will have to know, i am YHWH(Jehovah). Jesus promised to keep on making his Fathers name known( John 17:26) and he has, through his one religion that he is with.
They dont teach that anymore. They do teach one must listen to the ones Jesus appointed, but they do not claim to be prophets. They have corrected many errors through the last 115 years or so, in the sight of all creation--proving 100% truth is what they seek and want, and will not settle for anything less. God has revealed truth at the proper time-Matt 24:45--If you ever read Ezekial prophecys, you find truth starts out as a shallow stream, then gradually grows into a deep watery body. Undoing 1750 years of errors does not occur overnight. It takes many men studying different bibles, lexicons, history, etc. And like the prophecy in Ezekial truth has grown abundant here in these last days( Daniel 12:4)--many x in Ezekial God says--about back then and here in these last days--They will have to know, i am YHWH(Jehovah). Jesus promised to keep on making his Fathers name known( John 17:26) and he has, through his one religion that he is with.
So, sense prophets are the messengers of God for us to know true doctrine and his will, you now claim you have none. So, all your blather isn't coming from God. Two things are true throughout the bible; 1. When the Lord is with His people, he speaks through only His servants, the Prophets. 2. The Lord instructs His people to build Temples. JW's = No prophets and no Temples...
So, sense prophets are the messengers of God for us to know true doctrine and his will, you now claim you have none. So, all your blather isn't coming from God. Two things are true throughout the bible; 1. When the Lord is with His people, he speaks through only His servants, the Prophets. 2. The Lord instructs His people to build Temples. JW's = No prophets and no Temples...

The apostles werent prophets. Yet appointed by Jesus to teach Gods truth. Jesus as well promised the holy spirit to lead into truth. Titus was one who took the lead teaching-he wasnt a prophet. Paul wasnt a prophet--So your theory is erred. They did get holy spirit though.
The apostles werent prophets. Yet appointed by Jesus to teach Gods truth. Jesus as well promised the holy spirit to lead into truth. Titus was one who took the lead teaching-he wasnt a prophet. Paul wasnt a prophet--So your theory is erred. They did get holy spirit though.
What is a prophet? He or she is a messenger bringing the word of God to the people. The apostles did just that. Also, they were seers like John the Revelator. And, revelators like Paul as well. WOW! Are all JWs this ignorant of the scriptures? This is why it says in the NT that Christ's church was founded upon the Prophets and Apostles.
What is a prophet? He or she is a messenger bringing the word of God to the people. The apostles did just that. Also, they were seers like John the Revelator. And, revelators like Paul as well. WOW! Are all JWs this ignorant of the scriptures? This is why it says in the NT that Christ's church was founded upon the Prophets and Apostles.

A prophet is one given directions from God to tell others. Anyone( living righteous) now can have holy spirit--they are not prophets.
I would say the last one given prophecys was John of Patmos the writer of revelation.
A prophet is one given directions from God to tell others. Anyone( living righteous) now can have holy spirit--they are not prophets.
I would say the last one given prophecys was John of Patmos the writer of revelation.
"A prophet is one given direction from God to tell others." = Messenger
"Anyone (living righteously) now can have holy spirit" = WRONG! The Holy Ghost must be given by one who has the authority to give the gift of the Holy Ghost. John the Baptist could not give the Holy Ghost to the people because he didn't have that authority and said someone would come who does have the authority to do so. Jesus taught this as well. There are two Orders of the Priesthood stated in the NT. Melchizedek and Aaron. Aaron is the lesser priesthood that was able to baptize. Melchizedek is the higher priesthood that has authority to give the gift of the Holy Ghost. Only one Church has this authority and it isn't the JWs.
Paul obviously was a prophet, seer and revelator as well. He saw the 3 degrees of heaven.
Can anyone have the influence of the Holy Ghost? Yes. Do they have to be doing righteous things? Nope. They just have to repent and have pure intentions to know their prayers can be answered. But, the influence is different than having the gift of the Holy Ghost. Once you have the gift, you will always have the HG as a companion as long as you don't do something really bad and repent of all other sins and transgressions.
"A prophet is one given direction from God to tell others." = Messenger
"Anyone (living righteously) now can have holy spirit" = WRONG! The Holy Ghost must be given by one who has the authority to give the gift of the Holy Ghost. John the Baptist could not give the Holy Ghost to the people because he didn't have that authority and said someone would come who does have the authority to do so. Jesus taught this as well. There are two Orders of the Priesthood stated in the NT. Melchizedek and Aaron. Aaron is the lesser priesthood that was able to baptize. Melchizedek is the higher priesthood that has authority to give the gift of the Holy Ghost. Only one Church has this authority and it isn't the JWs.
Paul obviously was a prophet, seer and revelator as well. He saw the 3 degrees of heaven.
Can anyone have the influence of the Holy Ghost? Yes. Do they have to be doing righteous things? Nope. They just have to repent and have pure intentions to know their prayers can be answered. But, the influence is different than having the gift of the Holy Ghost. Once you have the gift, you will always have the HG as a companion as long as you don't do something really bad and repent of all other sins and transgressions.

I didnt say John the baptizer could give holy spirit. Jesus sends the holy spirit to any righteous ones that asks for it. John of Patmos wrote the book of revelation. He made the prophecies of these last days. He was the last prophet.
Paul didnt prophecy. John of Patmos was after Paul. Revelation was the last book written.
Why dont you share with us all these revealed truths that came here in these last days mentioned at Daniel 12:4--If your teachers belong to Jesus they had to make corrections in front of all creation here in these last days, once those truths were revealed, because they were still in the bible all throughout the centuries and taught on, but in error since the truths were hidden. And at the proper time( Matt 24:45) the teachers that have Jesus got these truths through holy spirit and made corrections in front of all hearts, proving truth is they want. Proving they have Jesus as head of their religion.
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I didnt say John the baptizer could give holy spirit. Jesus sends the holy spirit to any righteous ones that asks for it. John of Patmos wrote the book of revelation. He made the prophecies of these last days. He was the last prophet.
Paul didnt prophecy. John of Patmos was after Paul. Revelation was the last book written.
Why dont you share with us all these revealed truths that came here in these last days mentioned at Daniel 12:4--If your teachers belong to Jesus they had to make corrections in front of all creation here in these last days, once those truths were revealed, because they were still in the bible all throughout the centuries and taught on, but in error since the truths were hidden. And at the proper time( Matt 24:45) the teachers that have Jesus got these truths through holy spirit and made corrections in front of all hearts, proving truth is they want. Proving they have Jesus as head of their religion.
I already gave you first Corinthians as an example of Paul's visions of prophecy. There are many others as well. He also said there would be an apostasy before the coming back of the Lord. So, you are completely arrogant to say he did not prophecy.
Daniel, like Isaiah, reveal that a sealed book would come forth in the last days. Ezekiel also does as well in chapter 37 where he says this book will be joined by the Bible and be one in thine hand. The Stick of Joseph though Ephraim will be joined with the Stick of Judah, the Bible. We have that Book. It's called the Book of Mormon. Remember that after Jesus died, he came back and said that he was going to go to those of another fold meaning tribe. Those people lived here in the Americas.
At Jesus baptism, the holy ghost came upon him. At that point, he knew the rest of the story of his life. To atone for the sins of mankind and to lead the resurrection of the body and spirits of all those who have lived on the earth and will live on the earth. It's very sad that you have no way of repenting of your sis because you reject Jesus as your personal Savior.
I already gave you first Corinthians as an example of Paul's visions of prophecy. There are many others as well. He also said there would be an apostasy before the coming back of the Lord. So, you are completely arrogant to say he did not prophecy.
Daniel, like Isaiah, reveal that a sealed book would come forth in the last days. Ezekiel also does as well in chapter 37 where he says this book will be joined by the Bible and be one in thine hand. The Stick of Joseph though Ephraim will be joined with the Stick of Judah, the Bible. We have that Book. It's called the Book of Mormon. Remember that after Jesus died, he came back and said that he was going to go to those of another fold meaning tribe. Those people lived here in the Americas.
At Jesus baptism, the holy ghost came upon him. At that point, he knew the rest of the story of his life. To atone for the sins of mankind and to lead the resurrection of the body and spirits of all those who have lived on the earth and will live on the earth. It's very sad that you have no way of repenting of your sis because you reject Jesus as your personal Savior.
I know 100% Jesus is my savior. Yes the son of peredition( destruction)( 2Thess 2:3) is the great apostasy-the religion that came out of Rome and her 33,999 branches of a house divided, it will not stand. Jesus mentioned the other sheep= the great crowd no man can number--they are promised earth-Matt 5:5, Psalm 37:29, Prov 2:21-22-- The little flock( Luke 12:32) are the bride of Christ = 144,000--these will rule as kings and priests. The only ones bought from the earth to heaven. Rev 14:3
I know 100% Jesus is my savior. Yes the son of peredition( destruction)( 2Thess 2:3) is the great apostasy-the religion that came out of Rome and her 33,999 branches of a house divided, it will not stand. Jesus mentioned the other sheep= the great crowd no man can number--they are promised earth-Matt 5:5, Psalm 37:29, Prov 2:21-22-- The little flock( Luke 12:32) are the bride of Christ = 144,000--these will rule as kings and priests. The only ones bought from the earth to heaven. Rev 14:3
So, how can Jesus be your savior if only 144,000 will survive and be with him? You don't even believe Jesus was resurrected. And, you aren't one of the 144,000. You are doomed if you believe this JW nonsense. You misinterpret everything including the 144,000.
So, how can Jesus be your savior if only 144,000 will survive and be with him? You don't even believe Jesus was resurrected. And, you aren't one of the 144,000. You are doomed if you believe this JW nonsense. You misinterpret everything including the 144,000.

You seemed very confused. We most definitely believe Jesus was resurrected. Only the144,000 are promised heaven= the little flock( Luke 12:32) numbered at 144,000)--The other sheep( John 10:16)= the great crowd ( Rev 7:9)which no man can number- are promised to live on earth forever( Psalm 37:29) Prov 2:21-22) Matt 5:5)--So why would they be doomed?
To live forever in perfection, not aging like now, never sick, never without, all motives of every human out of love, not profit or self. On a paradise( Eden) earth= the new earth= Gods kingdom rule in full control forever, no more satan influences. Sounds great to my view, not doomed.
You seemed very confused. We most definitely believe Jesus was resurrected. Only the144,000 are promised heaven= the little flock( Luke 12:32) numbered at 144,000)--The other sheep( John 10:16)= the great crowd ( Rev 7:9)which no man can number- are promised to live on earth forever( Psalm 37:29) Prov 2:21-22) Matt 5:5)--So why would they be doomed?
To live forever in perfection, not aging like now, never sick, never without, all motives of every human out of love, not profit or self. On a paradise( Eden) earth= the new earth= Gods kingdom rule in full control forever, no more satan influences. Sounds great to my view, not doomed.
Little Flock has to do with the Celestial Glory of Heaven that differs from the Terrestrial and Telestial in 1Corinthians chapter 15. And, the 144,000 is like 40 days and that sort of thing. It's just a number. God won't keep someone out if they are the 144,001 person. Your utter nonsense is grotesque. We in the True Church with the True Gospel of Jesus Christ, understanding who Jesus Christ really is explain that the 144,000 are kings and priests “converted, baptized, endowed, married for eternity, and finally sealed up unto eternal life.” Their mission is not merely to bring people into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It goes beyond that. Their special assignment centers in getting people sealed into the church of the Firstborn through the administration of the fullness of the endowment. But, the 144,000 refer to the 12 tribes of Israel. 12 squared is 144 and John the Revelator simply amplified this by multiplying 144 by 1,000. Much like the Bible says one day is like a 1,000 to God. It's just to help understand that there will be actually a large number of people who will receive their calling and election made sure. But, in context with the billions of people that will have been born on earth, it's a little flock.
Little Flock has to do with the Celestial Glory of Heaven that differs from the Terrestrial and Telestial in 1Corinthians chapter 15. And, the 144,000 is like 40 days and that sort of thing. It's just a number. God won't keep someone out if they are the 144,001 person. Your utter nonsense is grotesque. We in the True Church with the True Gospel of Jesus Christ, understanding who Jesus Christ really is explain that the 144,000 are kings and priests “converted, baptized, endowed, married for eternity, and finally sealed up unto eternal life.” Their mission is not merely to bring people into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It goes beyond that. Their special assignment centers in getting people sealed into the church of the Firstborn through the administration of the fullness of the endowment. But, the 144,000 refer to the 12 tribes of Israel. 12 squared is 144 and John the Revelator simply amplified this by multiplying 144 by 1,000. Much like the Bible says one day is like a 1,000 to God. It's just to help understand that there will be actually a large number of people who will receive their calling and election made sure. But, in context with the billions of people that will have been born on earth, it's a little flock.
My teachers are correct on the matter--Prov 2:21-22 assures the great crowd remains on earth as does Matt 24:22
My teachers are correct on the matter--Prov 2:21-22 assures the great crowd remains on earth as does Matt 24:22
You might want to actually read the entire chapters and the entire Bible before taking a verse here and a verse there out of context. Your teachers are crap. Yes, there will be an 2nd Coming of Christ in which all wars and evil will cease because Satan will be caged for a very long time. But, there is no indication in these versus what the judgment seat of God will represent and who will be in front of God. Nor does it say one thing about who shall be resurrected and what kinds of bodies they will have, Celestial, Terrestrial or Telestial. Or, will they have no glory and live with Satan for eternity? You have a very limited understanding of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Plan of God. I've shared information with you on this straight from the Bible and you refuse to read and learn.
You might want to actually read the entire chapters and the entire Bible before taking a verse here and a verse there out of context. Your teachers are crap. Yes, there will be an 2nd Coming of Christ in which all wars and evil will cease because Satan will be caged for a very long time. But, there is no indication in these versus what the judgment seat of God will represent and who will be in front of God. Nor does it say one thing about who shall be resurrected and what kinds of bodies they will have, Celestial, Terrestrial or Telestial. Or, will they have no glory and live with Satan for eternity? You have a very limited understanding of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Plan of God. I've shared information with you on this straight from the Bible and you refuse to read and learn.
Acts 24:15--a resurrection of both righteous and unrighteous)--The bible teaches-Every grave will be emptied. Satan will be abyssed for 1000 years. Rev 20:7)-- The lake of fire = eternal destruction, Not eternal life of suffering. God is not a sadist. Your teachers are the ones who are in error on most matters.
Acts 24:15--a resurrection of both righteous and unrighteous)--The bible teaches-Every grave will be emptied. Satan will be abyssed for 1000 years. Rev 20:7)-- The lake of fire = eternal destruction, Not eternal life of suffering. God is not a sadist. Your teachers are the ones who are in error on most matters.
Again, you simply refuse to accept the errors of your teachers. You first claim only the 144,000 will be resurrected and everyone else will stay in the grave and be lost. Now you find some other verse to actually support what I've been saying all along that all will be resurrected. Have you heard the verse "Mercy cannot rob justice?" God is a god of justice in the end. That means that all those who remain against God at the judgment seat will in fact be cast out as Lucifer was with a third of the hosts of heaven to be subject to Satan forever. When the Holy Ghost shows you at the Judgment Seat that Jesus Christ atoned for our sins and was in fact Jehovah, and you deny this in front of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, that is the unpardonable sin. Denying the Holy Ghost in which you do right now. So, judging people and placing them where they have earned, Celestial, Terrestrial, Telestial Glory or Perdition is not sadism. Such a nutty thing to say. I would say what we teach is far better than most protestant churches teach that they will burn in Hell eternally. I'm obviously not saying that, am I? Stop moving the goal posts. It just shows you have lost another round.
Again, you simply refuse to accept the errors of your teachers. You first claim only the 144,000 will be resurrected and everyone else will stay in the grave and be lost. Now you find some other verse to actually support what I've been saying all along that all will be resurrected. Have you heard the verse "Mercy cannot rob justice?" God is a god of justice in the end. That means that all those who remain against God at the judgment seat will in fact be cast out as Lucifer was with a third of the hosts of heaven to be subject to Satan forever. When the Holy Ghost shows you at the Judgment Seat that Jesus Christ atoned for our sins and was in fact Jehovah, and you deny this in front of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, that is the unpardonable sin. Denying the Holy Ghost in which you do right now. So, judging people and placing them where they have earned, Celestial, Terrestrial, Telestial Glory or Perdition is not sadism. Such a nutty thing to say. I would say what we teach is far better than most protestant churches teach that they will burn in Hell eternally. I'm obviously not saying that, am I? Stop moving the goal posts. It just shows you have lost another round.

144,000 get the first resurrection, Rev 20:6-- These are the bride of Christ= the little flock( Luke 12:32) Only these were present at the last supper, only these have a special covenant to rule on thrones beside Jesus in heaven as kings and priests, helping to the judging as well. Rev 1:6--Rev 20: 6-- The other sheep( John 10:16)---( not of this fold( little flock)= the great crowd no man can number are not the bride, these are promised earth-Matt 5:5, Psalm 37: 9-11,29-- The little flock is numbered.
144,000 get the first resurrection, Rev 20:6-- These are the bride of Christ= the little flock( Luke 12:32) Only these were present at the last supper, only these have a special covenant to rule on thrones beside Jesus in heaven as kings and priests, helping to the judging as well. Rev 1:6--Rev 20: 6-- The other sheep( John 10:16)---( not of this fold( little flock)= the great crowd no man can number are not the bride, these are promised earth-Matt 5:5, Psalm 37: 9-11,29-- The little flock is numbered.
Again, 144,000 are 12,000 from each of the 12 tribes of Israel. Or, 12 x 12 = 144. Then, 144 x 1,000. The 1,000 is just a number used by the writers to illustrate a large number of people or time periods. There will be the morning of the first resurrection where the just who kept their testimonies of Jesus Christ. That would not include you because you do not glorify Christ as the Son of God and part of the Godhead. Your testimony waivers. But, the good news is that you will not be cast out to Perdition. For, God has made it possible for nearly all to obtain life in Heaven. But, as First Corinthians chapter 15 explains, their will be different glories in the resurrection base on our testimonies of Christ. Three mansions specifically, Celestial, Terrestrial, Telestial (Stars).
Not sure what you are trying to say about the other sheep? After his death, he told his disciples that he has other sheep, meaning other people on the earth, to go and preach to. And, he came to the America's and showed himself to the people in the America's. This is recorded in The Book of Mormon." For scriptural references: Ezekiel 37:15 - 20; Isaiah 29:4, 10 - 18;
Psalms 85:11; John 10:16

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