Looking For a Reason To Abandon the GOP and create a NEW Conservative Party...Look No Farther!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
JUST when you thought the Washington Establishment, elite, career, self-appointed Oligarchist GOP leaders, SO intent on refusing to lose power / control by allowing the people to pick their own candidate, could not find another way to self-destruct and snatch certain DEFEAT from the potential 'jaws' of VICTORY, here they come to prove you wrong!

GOP Smart Set: Let’s Start ‘Smart Set Party,’ Back Third-Party Candidate:
-- Republican Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse says that he expects to “look for” a third-party candidate to challenge Donald Trump in the general election if Trump becomes the Republican nominee.

GOP Smart Set: Let's Start 'Smart Set Party,' Back Third-Party Candidate - Breitbart


'Trump-Fever' has evidently caught on. Trump is leading the 'revolution' against Washington Establishment' politicians (on both sides of the aisle, for many) who refuse to represent the people / the 'will of the people', who have elevated themselves above the laws and Constitution, and who have separated themselves from the people in order to better 'rule' them. Instead of learning from this, instead of HEARING the people, they are rejecting the message the people are sending them and seek, instead, to circumvent the seeming 'will of the people'.

The Object is to win the WH...pundits and analysts are actually starting to say that Trump could not only win the GOP nomination but could potentially win the Presidency. The GOP is looking at best-case scenario victory...and they are possibly seeking to cut their own throats, to knee-cap their own party's chance at winning the Presidency by creating a 3rd-Party that could potentially strip votes away from Trump and hand the Presidency to ... (gulp)...Hillary?!


I have never seen a party SO willing to sell out their own supposed ideology / beliefs, so willing and so quick to surrender / roll over to the wishes of the opposition, or so willing to secure DEFEAT than the current Republican Party.

They no LISTEN to their base / people.
They no longer REPRESENT their base / people.
They no longer FIGHT for their base / people.
They no longer support / defend the Constitution / Rule of Law.
They have elevated themselves above the Constitution and Law.
They surrender / fold like a cheap suit if their own jobs / power / money are threatened.
They continuously demand their members 'hold their nose' and vote for the candidate picked for them.

These F*ers made Trump take a vow that HE would not run as a 3rd party candidate if he did not win the nomination, and now THEY are talking about running a 3rd party candidate if Trump DOES win the nomination?!
-- Forget if you support Trump or not for a second and think about that!


If this I snot the final straw to convince people - 'Republicans' who have remained faithful to these F*ers for decades while being betrayed - that this Party no longer exists for any of the reasons they claim and should be 'burnt to the ground', abandoned, and another party be started - one that truly represents Conservatives (or any of the people they claim to represent, for that matter) then the stupid sheep will follow these F*ers until they get led right off of a cliff!

If they do this, I hope Americans abandon the GOP, create a NEW '2nd Party', and not a damn one of the current politicians serving as a Republican right now should be allowed to become a member / ever serve as a politician for that new party. Burn the GOP down, and start fresh - "Of the people, by the people, for the people"...
There are bad choices and then there are the Armageddon of choices. Hillary or that idiot Sanders are the latter one. I don't like Trump but I will not split the vote and put either the shrill or the socialist in the WH.

I wouldn't mind a Conservative Party running for seats in the house and Senate then a future run for the WH but its to late in the game to run for the big chair.

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