London Imam Choudary to Hannity: You Have 'No Choice,' Sharia Is 'Coming to a Place Near You'


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
London Imam Choudary to Hannity: You Have 'No Choice,' Sharia Is 'Coming to a Place Near You'
Truth Revolt ^ | August 28, 2014 | Caleb Howe

"The Sharia will be implemented in America. It's coming to a place very close to you."


On Wednesday night, Fox News' Sean Hannity interviewed Muslim cleric, Imam Anjem Choudary, who made outrageous claims including direct threats against the United States, should give any non-Muslim pause, . His point of view closely aligns with ISIS and is all too common in Great Britain.

Not only is Choudary a controversial and high profile cleric, but his followers reportedly indoctrinated and radicalized Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, the main suspect in the barbaric beheading of James Foley. He also recently sent some terrible, treasonous tweets about Great Britain, for which there appear to be no consequences. Hannity highlighted one of those tweets at the beginning of the interview to set the tone.

Whatever Cameron & May do they can't stop the rise of the awakening giant called the Muslim Ummah. Shari'ah will one day be law in the UK!

— Anjem Choudary (@anjemchoudary) August 23, 2014

During the interview the Imam did not temper his words with caution, but doubled and tripled down, going so far as to claim that the United States, too, would come under sharia law.

Among the more disturbing of his responses to Hannity's questions were these:

"If the Americans bomb and murder hundreds of thousands of people, and they torture people, and they continue to do so in Guantanamo Bay, obviously this will have repercussions. I think it was your own master George Bush who said either you're with us or you're with the terrorists. And you know, we're not with America definitely, so we must be with the terrorists."

On the persecution of Christians in Iraq:

"The Christians are actually queuing up to come back into Mosul because they realize life under the sharia is much better than the Nouri Al-Maliki regime which the Americans propped up and who was murdering and torturing the people in the region."

On the implementation of ISIS' goals:

"I'm afraid you are living in a dream world. The Sharia will be implemented in America. It's coming to a place very close to you."

Should women who commit adultery be stoned to death?

"Both men and women, if there are witnesses, or they are self-confession, of course they will be punished. In Islam there is punishment."

Should gay people be stoned to death?

"Under the Islamic state, people will not be doing this relationship in the public community. If they do, then there will be punishment. Of course."

On support of Israel's self-defense:

"When you live in America, you can believe that. The rest of the world think you're crazy."

And the quote of the day. Sean says "I don't want your sharia law, and neither does anybody in Great Britain that has a brain." The Imam responds definitively:

"You will have no choice about it Sean. It's coming to a place near you. It's coming to a place near you."

This is the voice of the enemy. To continue to turn a blind eye and deaf ear, as the American left and others would have you do, is simply absurd. It is hard to imagine what more an aggressive, militarized group can do to be clear that they are the enemy. At this point words like "non-interventionist" are just replacement words for "cowardice."​
I always laugh when the anti-muslim bed wetter's roll out Choudary as an example of Islam in the west.

The guy is the leader of a tiny mosque that has maybe 20 members. Yet the media hangs on to his every word.

Choudary and his followers are the Westboro Baptist Church version of Islam. ...... :lol:
you might be right Sunni , I'll try to find some details on his followers . Its just the way the guy talks , he reminds me of the groups in London that carry signs with messages of hate and defeat of the English / British .
you might be right Sunni , I'll try to find some details on his followers . Its just the way the guy talks , he reminds me of the groups in London that carry signs with messages of hate and defeat of the English / British .
The guy organizes marches, fifty people show up. He's a nobody, a professional agitator, just like Phelps's group
Hannity uses him for ratings. The perpetually afraid eat that shit up
Well dressed, beard trimmed, looks like he uses face cream.......................does he read the Koran before or after shopping at Burberry?
To continue to turn a blind eye and deaf ear, as the American left and others would have you do, is simply absurd. It is hard to imagine what more an aggressive, militarized group can do to be clear that they are the enemy. At this point words like "non-interventionist" are just replacement words for "cowardice."

Don't worry, I think you'll see Hilary come out as a neo neo-con because it makes sense nowadays and it makes her more credible as a woman candidate in a time of war.
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I always laugh when the anti-muslim bed wetter's roll out Choudary as an example of Islam in the west.

The guy is the leader of a tiny mosque that has maybe 20 members. Yet the media hangs on to his every word.

Choudary and his followers are the Westboro Baptist Church version of Islam. ...... :lol:

I noted he does.appear more...MEDIA friendly than many religious leaders of Islam, you disagreed. Thank you for confirmation now.
I always laugh when the anti-muslim bed wetter's roll out Choudary as an example of Islam in the west.

The guy is the leader of a tiny mosque that has maybe 20 members. Yet the media hangs on to his every word.

Choudary and his followers are the Westboro Baptist Church version of Islam. ...... :lol:

Of course thats idiotic given that Choudary speaks the same values now taking over the Middle East while Westborough speaks only for itself.
I always laugh when the anti-muslim bed wetter's roll out Choudary as an example of Islam in the west.

The guy is the leader of a tiny mosque that has maybe 20 members. Yet the media hangs on to his every word.

Choudary and his followers are the Westboro Baptist Church version of Islam. ...... :lol:

I noted he does.appear more...MEDIA friendly than many religious leaders of Islam, you disagreed. Thank you for confirmation now.
The disagreement was for the Quran comment you nitwit. ... :cool:
I always laugh when the anti-muslim bed wetter's roll out Choudary as an example of Islam in the west.

The guy is the leader of a tiny mosque that has maybe 20 members. Yet the media hangs on to his every word.

Choudary and his followers are the Westboro Baptist Church version of Islam. ...... :lol:

I noted he does.appear more...MEDIA friendly than many religious leaders of Islam, you disagreed. Thank you for confirmation now.
The disagreement was for the Quran comment you nitwit. ... :cool:

I apologize, I did not intend to mock the Koran, only the sharp dressed man claiming to speak for Islam.
London Imam Choudary to Hannity: You Have 'No Choice,' Sharia Is 'Coming to a Place Near You'
Truth Revolt ^ | August 28, 2014 | Caleb Howe

"The Sharia will be implemented in America. It's coming to a place very close to you."


On Wednesday night, Fox News' Sean Hannity interviewed Muslim cleric, Imam Anjem Choudary, who made outrageous claims including direct threats against the United States, should give any non-Muslim pause, . His point of view closely aligns with ISIS and is all too common in Great Britain.

Not only is Choudary a controversial and high profile cleric, but his followers reportedly indoctrinated and radicalized Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, the main suspect in the barbaric beheading of James Foley. He also recently sent some terrible, treasonous tweets about Great Britain, for which there appear to be no consequences. Hannity highlighted one of those tweets at the beginning of the interview to set the tone.

Whatever Cameron & May do they can't stop the rise of the awakening giant called the Muslim Ummah. Shari'ah will one day be law in the UK!

— Anjem Choudary (@anjemchoudary) August 23, 2014

During the interview the Imam did not temper his words with caution, but doubled and tripled down, going so far as to claim that the United States, too, would come under sharia law.

Among the more disturbing of his responses to Hannity's questions were these:

"If the Americans bomb and murder hundreds of thousands of people, and they torture people, and they continue to do so in Guantanamo Bay, obviously this will have repercussions. I think it was your own master George Bush who said either you're with us or you're with the terrorists. And you know, we're not with America definitely, so we must be with the terrorists."

On the persecution of Christians in Iraq:

"The Christians are actually queuing up to come back into Mosul because they realize life under the sharia is much better than the Nouri Al-Maliki regime which the Americans propped up and who was murdering and torturing the people in the region."

On the implementation of ISIS' goals:

"I'm afraid you are living in a dream world. The Sharia will be implemented in America. It's coming to a place very close to you."

Should women who commit adultery be stoned to death?

"Both men and women, if there are witnesses, or they are self-confession, of course they will be punished. In Islam there is punishment."

Should gay people be stoned to death?

"Under the Islamic state, people will not be doing this relationship in the public community. If they do, then there will be punishment. Of course."

On support of Israel's self-defense:

"When you live in America, you can believe that. The rest of the world think you're crazy."

And the quote of the day. Sean says "I don't want your sharia law, and neither does anybody in Great Britain that has a brain." The Imam responds definitively:

"You will have no choice about it Sean. It's coming to a place near you. It's coming to a place near you."

This is the voice of the enemy. To continue to turn a blind eye and deaf ear, as the American left and others would have you do, is simply absurd. It is hard to imagine what more an aggressive, militarized group can do to be clear that they are the enemy. At this point words like "non-interventionist" are just replacement words for "cowardice."​
Sean Hannity goes for guests who are nothing but second rate shock jocks, like Anne Coulter for instance. It's all about ratings, Mattie. Roger Ailes likes to make money. It's not about news.
I always laugh when the anti-muslim bed wetter's roll out Choudary as an example of Islam in the west.

The guy is the leader of a tiny mosque that has maybe 20 members. Yet the media hangs on to his every word.

Choudary and his followers are the Westboro Baptist Church version of Islam. ...... :lol:
He s echoing sentiments that can be heard from muslims all over the middle east and the world. Muslims are shitty people, and the civilized world should always condemn them.
London Imam Choudary to Hannity: You Have 'No Choice,' Sharia Is 'Coming to a Place Near You'
Truth Revolt ^ | August 28, 2014 | Caleb Howe

"The Sharia will be implemented in America. It's coming to a place very close to you."


On Wednesday night, Fox News' Sean Hannity interviewed Muslim cleric, Imam Anjem Choudary, who made outrageous claims including direct threats against the United States, should give any non-Muslim pause, . His point of view closely aligns with ISIS and is all too common in Great Britain.

Not only is Choudary a controversial and high profile cleric, but his followers reportedly indoctrinated and radicalized Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, the main suspect in the barbaric beheading of James Foley. He also recently sent some terrible, treasonous tweets about Great Britain, for which there appear to be no consequences. Hannity highlighted one of those tweets at the beginning of the interview to set the tone.

Whatever Cameron & May do they can't stop the rise of the awakening giant called the Muslim Ummah. Shari'ah will one day be law in the UK!

— Anjem Choudary (@anjemchoudary) August 23, 2014

During the interview the Imam did not temper his words with caution, but doubled and tripled down, going so far as to claim that the United States, too, would come under sharia law.

Among the more disturbing of his responses to Hannity's questions were these:

"If the Americans bomb and murder hundreds of thousands of people, and they torture people, and they continue to do so in Guantanamo Bay, obviously this will have repercussions. I think it was your own master George Bush who said either you're with us or you're with the terrorists. And you know, we're not with America definitely, so we must be with the terrorists."

On the persecution of Christians in Iraq:

"The Christians are actually queuing up to come back into Mosul because they realize life under the sharia is much better than the Nouri Al-Maliki regime which the Americans propped up and who was murdering and torturing the people in the region."

On the implementation of ISIS' goals:

"I'm afraid you are living in a dream world. The Sharia will be implemented in America. It's coming to a place very close to you."

Should women who commit adultery be stoned to death?

"Both men and women, if there are witnesses, or they are self-confession, of course they will be punished. In Islam there is punishment."

Should gay people be stoned to death?

"Under the Islamic state, people will not be doing this relationship in the public community. If they do, then there will be punishment. Of course."

On support of Israel's self-defense:

"When you live in America, you can believe that. The rest of the world think you're crazy."

And the quote of the day. Sean says "I don't want your sharia law, and neither does anybody in Great Britain that has a brain." The Imam responds definitively:

"You will have no choice about it Sean. It's coming to a place near you. It's coming to a place near you."

This is the voice of the enemy. To continue to turn a blind eye and deaf ear, as the American left and others would have you do, is simply absurd. It is hard to imagine what more an aggressive, militarized group can do to be clear that they are the enemy. At this point words like "non-interventionist" are just replacement words for "cowardice."​
Sean Hannity goes for guests who are nothing but second rate shock jocks, like Anne Coulter for instance. It's all about ratings, Mattie. Roger Ailes likes to make money. It's not about news.
Just goes to show if you want a guest to play a role there's someone out there willing
London Imam Choudary to Hannity: You Have 'No Choice,' Sharia Is 'Coming to a Place Near You'
Truth Revolt ^ | August 28, 2014 | Caleb Howe

"The Sharia will be implemented in America. It's coming to a place very close to you."


On Wednesday night, Fox News' Sean Hannity interviewed Muslim cleric, Imam Anjem Choudary, who made outrageous claims including direct threats against the United States, should give any non-Muslim pause, . His point of view closely aligns with ISIS and is all too common in Great Britain.

Not only is Choudary a controversial and high profile cleric, but his followers reportedly indoctrinated and radicalized Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, the main suspect in the barbaric beheading of James Foley. He also recently sent some terrible, treasonous tweets about Great Britain, for which there appear to be no consequences. Hannity highlighted one of those tweets at the beginning of the interview to set the tone.

Whatever Cameron & May do they can't stop the rise of the awakening giant called the Muslim Ummah. Shari'ah will one day be law in the UK!

— Anjem Choudary (@anjemchoudary) August 23, 2014

During the interview the Imam did not temper his words with caution, but doubled and tripled down, going so far as to claim that the United States, too, would come under sharia law.

Among the more disturbing of his responses to Hannity's questions were these:

"If the Americans bomb and murder hundreds of thousands of people, and they torture people, and they continue to do so in Guantanamo Bay, obviously this will have repercussions. I think it was your own master George Bush who said either you're with us or you're with the terrorists. And you know, we're not with America definitely, so we must be with the terrorists."

On the persecution of Christians in Iraq:

"The Christians are actually queuing up to come back into Mosul because they realize life under the sharia is much better than the Nouri Al-Maliki regime which the Americans propped up and who was murdering and torturing the people in the region."

On the implementation of ISIS' goals:

"I'm afraid you are living in a dream world. The Sharia will be implemented in America. It's coming to a place very close to you."

Should women who commit adultery be stoned to death?

"Both men and women, if there are witnesses, or they are self-confession, of course they will be punished. In Islam there is punishment."

Should gay people be stoned to death?

"Under the Islamic state, people will not be doing this relationship in the public community. If they do, then there will be punishment. Of course."

On support of Israel's self-defense:

"When you live in America, you can believe that. The rest of the world think you're crazy."

And the quote of the day. Sean says "I don't want your sharia law, and neither does anybody in Great Britain that has a brain." The Imam responds definitively:

"You will have no choice about it Sean. It's coming to a place near you. It's coming to a place near you."

This is the voice of the enemy. To continue to turn a blind eye and deaf ear, as the American left and others would have you do, is simply absurd. It is hard to imagine what more an aggressive, militarized group can do to be clear that they are the enemy. At this point words like "non-interventionist" are just replacement words for "cowardice."​
Sean Hannity goes for guests who are nothing but second rate shock jocks, like Anne Coulter for instance. It's all about ratings, Mattie. Roger Ailes likes to make money. It's not about news.
Just goes to show if you want a guest to play a role there's someone out there willing

Always, and they groom themselves into the role, rather than the reverse of being tapped for their knowledge and expertise outside the talk show circuits. And Hannity is their bitch.
I always laugh when the anti-muslim bed wetter's roll out Choudary as an example of Islam in the west.

The guy is the leader of a tiny mosque that has maybe 20 members. Yet the media hangs on to his every word.

Choudary and his followers are the Westboro Baptist Church version of Islam. ...... :lol:

Of course thats idiotic given that Choudary speaks the same values now taking over the Middle East while Westborough speaks only for itself.
There is around 3 million muslims in the UK.

But unfortunately, this guy Choudary and his tiny group of followers get all of the media attention.
I always laugh when the anti-muslim bed wetter's roll out Choudary as an example of Islam in the west.

The guy is the leader of a tiny mosque that has maybe 20 members. Yet the media hangs on to his every word.

Choudary and his followers are the Westboro Baptist Church version of Islam. ...... :lol:
He s echoing sentiments that can be heard from muslims all over the middle east and the world. Muslims are shitty people, and the civilized world should always condemn them.

Time for your personal TWO MINUTES HATE? Many heart patients Dr. Mubashir Mumtaz has helped survive, and live normal lives would disagree.
I hope that you are correct ' hjmick ' although I worry about my kids and Grandkids . Worlds going crazy and the west keeps importing problems IMO !!
How does one become the voice of a Mosque? Is there a leadership within or above him to kick him out? Muslims need to take out the trash. Jihad on twisted believers.

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