LOL, The GOP Makes Manchin Their B*tch....Again...


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"For the second time this year, Republicans today unanimously blocked voting-rights legislation from coming up for debate in the Senate. Democrats have the ability to pass the legislation on their own, but only if Manchin—among others—will allow them to do so. Republicans blocked the Democrats’ initial voting-rights proposal from coming up for debate. The new proposal, now called the Freedom to Vote Act, not only does Manchin support -- but -- he’s a co-sponsor of the bill.

Manchin told Democrats over the summer that he wanted time to reach out to Republicans to see if he could build support for the revised bill. What today’s vote made clear is that Manchin has persuaded exactly zero Republicans to back a bill that is now partially his own. Even Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, the lone GOP senator open to a fresh update of the 1964 Voting Rights Act, was against debating the Freedom to Vote Act."

So Manchin was just so sure that he could get Republicans to back voting rights if he would water it down and even add things Republicans said they wanted (like mandatory Voter ID) -- and once he did that, they still said no.....not just no to the bill, but no to even debating the bill...why? Because Conservatives have never liked voting rights unless it is done in a way that DRIVES DOWN voter turnout, not increase it...Conservatives do worse when the voter turnout is high...why? Because their policies are unpopular.....period....and it is much easier to write legislation to choose your voters than it is to write legislation that makes voters want to choose you..

Manchin can pretend to act shocked by the fact Republicans will oppose any and every piece of legislation that is popular with the majority of Americans -- but the truth is, Manchin likes being in the position of being the GOP's bitch......and it is also profitable too.....

Manchin understands one thing, large donations to his treasury sways his boat to any harbor.
Republicans are not enamored with Manchin either. his state provides lots of coal. the Bill being discussed reduces that. He has voted for a lot of prog agendas. This Bill as the follow on to Infrastructure is nothing but Globalism. I would expect the Repubs if they come back to power to remove a lot of what is passed anyway if they are true to their word. A big if. The social programs will be an issue as more get the freebies.
Carve out an exemption to the filibuster....

Like was done with federal judges...most recently, Supreme Court judges

That's a crock. Manchin has long said he would not mess with the filibuster.

Whatever I think of the bill I think it's good when politicians actually do what they say.

"For the second time this year, Republicans today unanimously blocked voting-rights legislation from coming up for debate in the Senate. Democrats have the ability to pass the legislation on their own, but only if Manchin—among others—will allow them to do so. Republicans blocked the Democrats’ initial voting-rights proposal from coming up for debate. The new proposal, now called the Freedom to Vote Act, not only does Manchin support -- but -- he’s a co-sponsor of the bill.

Manchin told Democrats over the summer that he wanted time to reach out to Republicans to see if he could build support for the revised bill. What today’s vote made clear is that Manchin has persuaded exactly zero Republicans to back a bill that is now partially his own. Even Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, the lone GOP senator open to a fresh update of the 1964 Voting Rights Act, was against debating the Freedom to Vote Act."

So Manchin was just so sure that he could get Republicans to back voting rights if he would water it down and even add things Republicans said they wanted (like mandatory Voter ID) -- and once he did that, they still said no.....not just no to the bill, but no to even debating the bill...why? Because Conservatives have never liked voting rights unless it is done in a way that DRIVES DOWN voter turnout, not increase it...Conservatives do worse when the voter turnout is high...why? Because their policies are unpopular.....period....and it is much easier to write legislation to choose your voters than it is to write legislation that makes voters want to choose you..

Manchin can pretend to act shocked by the fact Republicans will oppose any and every piece of legislation that is popular with the majority of Americans -- but the truth is, Manchin likes being in the position of being the GOP's bitch......and it is also profitable too.....

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Are you an expert on being made a bitch since it has happened to you so frequently?
Your Thread is probably the dumbest one I have ever read, and that is saying something.

Once again, when the Democrats inflict a huge sucking chest wound on themselves, destroying their own agenda and preventing them from passing anything, snowflakes lash out like tantrum-throwing children, attempting to blame the GOP.

The FACT is the Democrats have enough votes to pass - to ram - anything they want into law.

The FACT is the reason they can't is because of the DEMOCRATS - themselves, their own inner-civil war...2 strong, independent Democrats who refuse to drink the kool-aide, who refuse to kow-tow to the Far Left Extremists, who reject the self-enriching liars who packed the bill full of pork while telling Americans NOT ONLY that a $5.5 trillion spending bill costs 'ZERO' but that IT IS A TAX CUT.


Kudos to Manchin who took his party's insults, abuse, threats, intimidation , and attacks, stood firm to hs beliefs and principals. Kudos to him for his loyalty to his party, to decide to stay in hopes of making the party better instead of switching to the GOP (though I think he should become an independent).

"For the second time this year, Republicans today unanimously blocked voting-rights legislation from coming up for debate in the Senate. Democrats have the ability to pass the legislation on their own, but only if Manchin—among others—will allow them to do so. Republicans blocked the Democrats’ initial voting-rights proposal from coming up for debate. The new proposal, now called the Freedom to Vote Act, not only does Manchin support -- but -- he’s a co-sponsor of the bill.

Manchin told Democrats over the summer that he wanted time to reach out to Republicans to see if he could build support for the revised bill. What today’s vote made clear is that Manchin has persuaded exactly zero Republicans to back a bill that is now partially his own. Even Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, the lone GOP senator open to a fresh update of the 1964 Voting Rights Act, was against debating the Freedom to Vote Act."

So Manchin was just so sure that he could get Republicans to back voting rights if he would water it down and even add things Republicans said they wanted (like mandatory Voter ID) -- and once he did that, they still said no.....not just no to the bill, but no to even debating the bill...why? Because Conservatives have never liked voting rights unless it is done in a way that DRIVES DOWN voter turnout, not increase it...Conservatives do worse when the voter turnout is high...why? Because their policies are unpopular.....period....and it is much easier to write legislation to choose your voters than it is to write legislation that makes voters want to choose you..

Manchin can pretend to act shocked by the fact Republicans will oppose any and every piece of legislation that is popular with the majority of Americans -- but the truth is, Manchin likes being in the position of being the GOP's bitch......and it is also profitable too.....

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If that is how you see that, you are a deeply dumb human being...........the democrats can't force Manchin to walk the plank with idiot.
Your Thread is probably the dumbest one I have ever read, and that is saying something.

Once again, when the Democrats inflict a huge sucking chest wound on themselves, destroying their own agenda and preventing them from passing anything, snowflakes lash out like tantrum-throwing children, attempting to blame the GOP.

The FACT is the Democrats have enough votes to pass - to ram - anything they want into law.

The FACT is the reason they can't is because of the DEMOCRATS - themselves, their own inner-civil war...2 strong, independent Democrats who refuse to drink the kool-aide, who refuse to kow-tow to the Far Left Extremists, who reject the self-enriching liars who packed the bill full of pork while telling Americans NOT ONLY that a $5.5 trillion spending bill costs 'ZERO' but that IT IS A TAX CUT.


Kudos to Manchin who took his party's insults, abuse, threats, intimidation , and attacks, stood firm to hs beliefs and principals. Kudos to him for his loyalty to his party, to decide to stay in hopes of making the party better instead of switching to the GOP (though I think he should become an independent).

It's too bad the Republicans didn't say no earlier. They wouldn't be now either if Trump had won.
If that is how you see that, you are a deeply dumb human being...........the democrats can't force Manchin to walk the plank with idiot.

That plank had long ago been walked.
That's a crock. Manchin has long said he would not mess with the filibuster.

Whatever I think of the bill I think it's good when politicians actually do what they say.
Lol @ Manchin said he wouldn't mess with blah blah...

Relax....Manchin won't mess with the filibuster.....unless his donors tell him to....and right now, the only modification to the filibuster Manchin would make is one that makes it mandatory for coal plants to be in every state......
Lol @ Manchin said he wouldn't mess with blah blah...

Relax....Manchin won't mess with the filibuster.....unless his donors tell him to....and right now, the only modification to the filibuster Manchin would make is one that makes it mandatory for coal plants to be in every state......

Coal has nothing to do with his filibuster promise. Now if he voted to lift the filibuster to pass something that helped the coal companies you would have an argument.

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