Left Wing Ivy Leaguers who Firebombed Police Vehicle in George Floyd Riot Plead Guilty, Face 10 Years in Prison Under Terror Law


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
We need this times like 100,000.

Why aren't more of these pieces of shit being prosecuted from these riots?

"Two New York City lawyers pled guilty in a Brooklyn federal court Wednesday morning to one charge relating to the firebombing of a police vehicle during the George Floyd riots.

Colinford Mattis and Urooj Rahman each pled guilty to one count of possessing or making a destructive device, a charge carrying as much as 10 years in prison under a terrorism sentencing enhancement."


Is it wrong to throw a firebomb at a police car???
Won't see a day over one year...and that is pushing it.

This will drop off the news cycle like an oceanic trench.

Time served+$10K+100 hours community service
From the link in the OP:

Liberal legal elites flocked to the defense of Mattis and Rahman following their arrest in May 2020. Those advocates broadly accused Trump appointees at the Justice Department of railroading the defendants to underscore their tough on crime agenda in the midst of nationwide unrest following Floyd’s death. And they’ve urged the department’s Biden-appointed successors to chart a friendlier course.
The Washington Free Beacon reported in 2020 that an intelligence official in the Obama administration, Salmah Rizvi, guaranteed Rahman’s bail. Rachel Barkow, a former member of the U.S. Sentencing Commission and a major figure in criminal justice reform circles, urged the new Biden-appointed U.S. attorney in Brooklyn to stop pursuing the terror enhancement in a New York Daily News piece. And media outlets including NPR and BuzzFeed News published sympathetic profiles of the defendants.

This is who and what we are up against with the Maoists. The enemy within.
We need this times like 100,000.

Why aren't more of these pieces of shit being prosecuted from these riots?

"Two New York City lawyers pled guilty in a Brooklyn federal court Wednesday morning to one charge relating to the firebombing of a police vehicle during the George Floyd riots.

Colinford Mattis and Urooj Rahman each pled guilty to one count of possessing or making a destructive device, a charge carrying as much as 10 years in prison under a terrorism sentencing enhancement."


Is it wrong to throw a firebomb at a police car???
Good....so much for the rightwing whining that they are all getting away with stuff.
We need this times like 100,000.

Why aren't more of these pieces of shit being prosecuted from these riots?

"Two New York City lawyers pled guilty in a Brooklyn federal court Wednesday morning to one charge relating to the firebombing of a police vehicle during the George Floyd riots.

Colinford Mattis and Urooj Rahman each pled guilty to one count of possessing or making a destructive device, a charge carrying as much as 10 years in prison under a terrorism sentencing enhancement."


Is it wrong to throw a firebomb at a police car???
Well I guess there goes you dumbasses lying about lol "ANTIFA" protesters not being arrested and sentenced. BUUUUUUT I'm sure you'll continue lying about it.
Well I guess there goes you dumbasses lying about lol "ANTIFA" protesters not being arrested and sentenced. BUUUUUUT I'm sure you'll continue lying about it.

This is what you would call ANECDOTAL.

Does this represent all those who committed crimes?

Were there only 2?
This is what you would call ANECDOTAL.

Does this represent all those who committed crimes?

Were there only 2?
You'll never be satisfied. Just like you'll never be satisfied that trump lost the election. It's always the same thing with you dumb pieces of shit.
She now wants the charges and punishment to be dropped because she claims to be suffering from 'unprocessed trauma'.

'A left-wing lawyer who pleaded guilty to firebombing a police cruiser is asking for a commutation of her sentence, pointing to the fact that she was inebriated at the time of the offense and coping with “unprocessed trauma,” according to court filings.'
-- Urooj Rahman claims she was 'reeling' from her many “abusive partnership relationships” and processing “early trauma” from being taunted as a Muslim after 9/11.

'Her attorneys wrote in a memo that “tossing the Molotov cocktail was a (HER) way of expressing anger...'


1. The police had nothing to do with her poor relationship choices.

2. The police never harassed her for being a Muslim, and Floyd was not a Muslim.

3. As a lawyer, Rahman should fully understand and respect that people should not take the law into their own hands - admittedly.

4. As a lawyer, Rahman should understand that intoxication is not an excuse / 'get-out-of-jail-free' card for committing an act of terrorism.

5. IRONIC - Rahmen claims she felt traumatized for being UNJUSTLY 'taunted' for being a Muslim after 9/11, UNJUSTLY being associated with terrorists ... and years later she demonstrates those people who accused her of being a terrorist / associated her with terrorists were RIGHT to do so by committing this act of terrorism.

IMO, she will have plenty of time in jail to 'process' her 'trauma'!!

(*Extra Credit: These are the 2 lawyers whose bail at the time was reportedly paid by Barak Obama...yeah, THAT Barak Obama.)

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