President* Biden, White Democrats, Christian Woke When They Suddenly Realize What the Point Was

Street Juice

Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2018
Years ago I often heard Japan criticized for insufficiently apologizing for its role in World War II, the terrible things it did in Korea and China, the Rape of Nanking, torture and murder of POWs, etc. I was in agreement with these criticisms.

As I watched what was happening in my own nation, with constant discussion of America’s sins, which could never be put behind us and absolutely never forgiven, I came to respect the Japanese approach. For a nation, as for an individual, it is unhealthy to spend an inordinate amount of time dwelling on your flaws and past sins. Psychologically, it destroys you.

And then I realized that that was the whole point: not to make us a better people, but simply to destroy us.
Years ago I often heard Japan criticized for insufficiently apologizing for its role in World War II, the terrible things it did in Korea and China, the Rape of Nanking, torture and murder of POWs, etc. I was in agreement with these criticisms.
As I watched what was happening in my own nation, with constant discussion of America’s sins, which could never be put behind us and absolutely never forgiven, I came to respect the Japanese approach. For a nation, as for an individual, it is unhealthy to spend an inordinate amount of time dwelling on your flaws and past sins. Psychologically, it destroys you.
And then I realized that that was the whole point: not to make us a better people, but simply to destroy us.
Don't forget all those abused Nazis and Commies, too.
Disagree with the OP. The "whole point" of "reparations" is to get more cash for doing nothing.
From the point of view of those getting the cash, yes. But they aren't the reason for the program. They are simply the willing dupes in a much grander scheme to destroy free, founding stock Americans.
Years ago I often heard Japan criticized for insufficiently apologizing for its role in World War II, the terrible things it did in Korea and China, the Rape of Nanking, torture and murder of POWs, etc. I was in agreement with these criticisms.

As I watched what was happening in my own nation, with constant discussion of America’s sins, which could never be put behind us and absolutely never forgiven, I came to respect the Japanese approach. For a nation, as for an individual, it is unhealthy to spend an inordinate amount of time dwelling on your flaws and past sins. Psychologically, it destroys you.

And then I realized that that was the whole point: not to make us a better people, but simply to destroy us.

American radical leftism is a suicide cult. The ultimate goals democrat platforms all lead to are the destruction of America, the deaths of millions and millions of Americans—and prevention of the births of countless millions of Americans. And yet, somehow, American voters still vote democrat, still vote for their own destruction.
Disagree with the OP. The "whole point" of "reparations" is to get more cash for doing nothing.
From the point of view of those getting the cash, yes. But they aren't the reason for the program. They are simply the willing dupes in a much grander scheme to destroy free, founding stock Americans.
Renaming schools and destroying monuments to the Founding Fathers disrespects America, our purpose, and our history.
The Founding Fathers risked everything to get free of the British crown. That's why we honor them.
The antifa and BLM losers couldn't even get their "autonomous zone" to survive a month, and that zone wasn't even attacked by authorities. They have no class or "sacred honor", they are just soulless losers, no talent "anarchists" who need others to provide for them.
When are the stupid uneducated asshole Moon Bats going to wake up to the damage cause by the filthy ass BLM terrorists and the ANTIFA shitheads?

Disagree with the OP. The "whole point" of "reparations" is to get more cash for doing nothing.
Everyone disagrees with the OP for one reason or another, he's a babbling moron.
Years ago I often heard Japan criticized for insufficiently apologizing for its role in World War II, the terrible things it did in Korea and China, the Rape of Nanking, torture and murder of POWs, etc. I was in agreement with these criticisms.
As I watched what was happening in my own nation, with constant discussion of America’s sins, which could never be put behind us and absolutely never forgiven, I came to respect the Japanese approach. For a nation, as for an individual, it is unhealthy to spend an inordinate amount of time dwelling on your flaws and past sins. Psychologically, it destroys you.
And then I realized that that was the whole point: not to make us a better people, but simply to destroy us.
Don't forget all those abused Nazis and Commies, too.
Showing the American flag means nothing. We all have views of it in our lives. For the last decade or so it has been shit on badly. It deserves a bit better.
The Dems/MSM have gone for throttle Cultural Marxist. That stuff used to be hidden. I am kinda glad it is out there in the open so it can be publicly destroyed. In order to destroy the Constitution, governing laws etc., they have to discredit destroy Christianity and people of Euro essence the people that created the country. They probably think the have the demographics now to try to. That is what Hart Cellar was really about the American Kalergi Plan.
Disagree with the OP. The "whole point" of "reparations" is to get more cash for doing nothing.
What happened to the Irish immigrants in America is deplorable and reparations are required.
My grandfather was a "breaker boy" in a colliery.
He said that from picking rocks out of the coal he could see the bones in his fingers after working.
We should get reparations too.
I heard it figured a few years ago that African American reparation's would amount to $2300 dollars per African American citizen after the different governments got their cuts....lets just call it good and consider the stimulus checks to count as reparation's....
Maybe then the whining will cease....

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