Living in the Past ! Us Baby Boomers are wanting things that will never


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
be again. Being in the middle of the Baby Boom generation, and of course hanging out with other Baby Boomers we talk about how spoiled the young are now, just like our parents thought we were spoiled. The GOP wants to go backwards in time, its not going to happen, Most Baby Boomers (unless wealthy) and most Millennials are Democratic. You are not going to pollute more and you are not going to take away our SS and Medicare, and we are all sick of the elites running everything. We have worked hard and we want what is coming to us, and the Millennials are not going to put up with working 12 hour days, 6 days a week, just to get by and have health insurance that covers nothing, and stuck in a job due to a preexisting condition. You are not going to force fundamentalism down their throats, and PP is going to continue. The GOP had best wise up.

There are an estimated 80 million young Americans who belong to the so-called millennial generation, roughly ages 18 to 35. By next year, they are expected to comprise 36% of the U.S. workforce, and by 2020, millennials will be nearly half of all workers.

While millennials are the most educated and culturally diverse of any generation before them, they're also notorious job-hoppers who dislike bureaucracy and distrust traditional hierarchies—leaving many business leaders scratching their heads. What motivates this rising cohort? How do you keep them engaged, earn their trust and get the most out them? Leadership and millennial experts weighed in with a few surprising—and surprisingly easy—ways to inspire millennial workers.

7 Surprising Ways To Motivate Millennial Workers

Millennials Infographic

Here are the birth years for each generation:

· Gen Z, iGen, or Centennials: Born 1996 and later.

· Millennials or Gen Y: Born 1977 to 1995.

· Generation X: Born 1965 to 1976.

· Baby Boomers: Born 1946 to 1964.

· Traditionalists or Silent Generation: Born 1945 and before.
I am a baby boomer and the Millennials, including my two oldest grandkids, work 40-60 hours a week. They are not tech jobs. What I see is the younger people through technology can get things done in half the time we could, so why do they need to work 12 hours a day? Hell even today, unlike 6 or 7 years ago I can get my work done in just about half the time through technology, the internet.

My grandkids may have good work ethics because I made their parents work for everything they got and they did not get what every other kid had while growing up. I did not spoil them. My kids do spoil their kids but have instilled a good work ethic.

Yes, there ae those millennials that want everything without working but I believe those are few. I know more gen X er's that sit around expecting things to come their way sitting on their butts. Some gen x even though in mid 40's and early 50's are sucking off their parents and the parents are letting them.

Oh job hopping is the thing today and widely accepted.
Golden age was the WW2 Generation that fought in and survived WW2 as the USA was a wide open oyster with very few rules regulations and much less laws and enforcement by taxpayer paid enforcers . ------------------ second best was my generation , good jobs just for showing up and asking and then working . Less rules , regulations and far fewer tax payer paid enforcers of laws , rules and regulations . ------------------------- things started changing for the worse in the USA about the time that it took a married couple both working at jobs to support themselves and a couple of kids . When was that , about the late 80s I guess .
I am a baby boomer and the Millennials, including my two oldest grandkids, work 40-60 hours a week. They are not tech jobs. What I see is the younger people through technology can get things done in half the time we could, so why do they need to work 12 hours a day? Hell even today, unlike 6 or 7 years ago I can get my work done in just about half the time through technology, the internet.

My grandkids may have good work ethics because I made their parents work for everything they got and they did not get what every other kid had while growing up. I did not spoil them. My kids do spoil their kids but have instilled a good work ethic.

Yes, there ae those millennials that want everything without working but I believe those are few. I know more gen X er's that sit around expecting things to come their way sitting on their butts. Some gen x even though in mid 40's and early 50's are sucking off their parents and the parents are letting them.

Oh job hopping is the thing today and widely accepted.

You're of an age such that you witnessed (assuming you were paying attention to something other than your television) the past half century's deterioration of the lives, livelihoods and futures of the american working and underclass as the economic system was rerigged resulting in the ultimate wealth redistribution to the top.

It is an unsustainable trajectory for society as a whole, but the power structure has decided. Since the power structure cannot be examined or challenged, another out-group must be targeted as scapegoats.
I am a baby boomer and the Millennials, including my two oldest grandkids, work 40-60 hours a week. They are not tech jobs. What I see is the younger people through technology can get things done in half the time we could, so why do they need to work 12 hours a day? Hell even today, unlike 6 or 7 years ago I can get my work done in just about half the time through technology, the internet.

My grandkids may have good work ethics because I made their parents work for everything they got and they did not get what every other kid had while growing up. I did not spoil them. My kids do spoil their kids but have instilled a good work ethic.

Yes, there ae those millennials that want everything without working but I believe those are few. I know more gen X er's that sit around expecting things to come their way sitting on their butts. Some gen x even though in mid 40's and early 50's are sucking off their parents and the parents are letting them.

Oh job hopping is the thing today and widely accepted.

I do think Gex X are more spoiled, worked through the 90's which were robust. Also very spoiled from us Baby Boomers, wanting their life to be easier. Some not all, many work hard. We use to have the days when a college ed got one a good job, today they barely mean nothing.
Work is a good thing when you can find it.

This gets harder as you get older.

All generations will find this out eventually.
Generalizations are like ass holes, everybody has one. There is no doubt that the (mostly democrat) so-called "greatest generation" thought baby boomers were job hoppers who dislike bureaucracies and distrust traditional hierarchies just like the (mostly democrat) baby boomers generalize about millennials today but it's just B.S. based left wing propaganda. For the most part millennials are just as tough as their grandparents were and they are far better informed than their grandparents or parents ever were. There was a time when the only information available to Americans was left wing propaganda filtered through Walter Cronkite and his clones. Millennials are smarter and they are able to grasp complex political issues far better today than any other generation and maybe that's why lazy Americans, who vote for democrats because daddy did, hate and fear millennials. Democrats just can't get a handle on the information age and that's why they lost the presidency, both houses of congress, most governors and about 3,000 state and local elections in less than a decade.
It will be interesting to see what the voter demographics look like for the 2018 and 2020 elections if Trump and the GOP are able to get the economy going better than Obama did. Particularly those younger voters, will they care about the political bullshit going on or will they make their decision based on their own best interests. Some forecasters say we're overdue for another recession, too much debt and an overpriced stack market.
It will be interesting to see what the voter demographics look like for the 2018 and 2020 elections if Trump and the GOP are able to get the economy going better than Obama did. Particularly those younger voters, will they care about the political bullshit going on or will they make their decision based on their own best interests. Some forecasters say we're overdue for another recession, too much debt and an overpriced stack market.
It's an interesting concept that (mostly lefties) seem to advance that making political decisions based on a person's best interest is a bad thing. Have generations of kids been so infused with Marxist propaganda that their own best interests are in conflict with the left's political agenda? The concept is proof that democrats are so out of touch with the age of information that they still play by the old LBJ playbook. No wonder the democrat party has gone from a political power to a whiny leaderless mob in less than a decade that actually thought it was time for a socialist to run for president.
It will be interesting to see what the voter demographics look like for the 2018 and 2020 elections if Trump and the GOP are able to get the economy going better than Obama did. Particularly those younger voters, will they care about the political bullshit going on or will they make their decision based on their own best interests. Some forecasters say we're overdue for another recession, too much debt and an overpriced stack market.
It's an interesting concept that (mostly lefties) seem to advance that making political decisions based on a person's best interest is a bad thing. Have generations of kids been so infused with Marxist propaganda that their own best interests are in conflict with the left's political agenda? The concept is proof that democrats are so out of touch with the age of information that they still play by the old LBJ playbook. No wonder the democrat party has gone from a political power to a whiny leaderless mob in less than a decade that actually thought it was time for a socialist to run for president.

My main problem with the progressive left is that they want to decide for you what's in your best interests, trust us to what's good and fair. But if you don't agree with us or like what we want to do, tough shit we're going to do it anyway. So many kids detest their parents for doing exactly what the Democrats want to do, forgetting that their parents love them but the democratic party doesn't.
All I know is, I want old people to die.

That is my ideology. The death of old people.

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