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Emulation is flattery. You see effectiveness in what I do and decide to copy and do the same. Glad I could help
I used your words against you because you're a DOLT . You are proud of it which makes my opinion of you even worse LOL dolt.
If something was used to rig an election I’d definitely not be ok with it. This letter was not that. Not even close
Joe Biden used the letter during the debate. It was propaganda and you're okay with it. I don't really read a lot of what you say now because I've lost total respect for you as an anti American socialist. I'll just keep hammering that you are okay with censorship and propaganda. You lose. Shrink away and think about where you went wrong.
I also said regardless of whether it changed the election or not. It was called censorship and propaganda. You are okay with that. I get it
A private business can choose regulate their content as they please. That’s why you don’t see porn all over Facebook. Is that censorship in your eyes too?
Yes. Yes. Yes. No
Yes you are, because Joe Biden used propaganda to influence a debate with Donald Trump and influence his voters. I'm positive that that laptop and the lack of coverage on it ,and the lies that Joe Biden was allowed to tell ,influenced that election. Rigged
A private business can choose regulate their content as they please. That’s why you don’t see porn all over Facebook. Is that censorship in your eyes too?
Nice deflection, the (FBI a government agency) influenced Facebook into suppressing the story. That makes it not a private business. That's public stuff that we pay for.
Joe Biden used the letter during the debate. It was propaganda and you're okay with it. I don't really read a lot of what you say now because I've lost total respect for you as an anti American socialist. I'll just keep hammering that you are okay with censorship and propaganda. You lose. Shrink away and think about where you went wrong.
Yeah all candidates use many things to try and influence the election in their favor during an election. They use articles, poll numbers, surrogates, etc….. what’s your point?
It's obvious by your support of Joe Biden that you have a concrete biased non-intellectual point of view. I would call it stupidity.
You don't keep up very well.
I'm sorry.

All Politicians are Corrupt.
W/trump being the most corrupt and dishonest POTUS in our History.
Yes you are, because Joe Biden used propaganda to influence a debate with Donald Trump and influence his voters. I'm positive that that laptop and the lack of coverage on it ,and the lies that Joe Biden was allowed to tell ,influenced that election. Rigged
What’s stupid statement. Every candidate running for office uses propaganda to advance their cause. That pretty much what a campaign is. If I point out Trump doing the same would you condemn him in the same way you are Biden?

You sure you want to go down this road?
Nice deflection, the (FBI a government agency) influenced Facebook into suppressing the story. That makes it not a private business. That's public stuff that we pay for.
The FBI didn’t say a word about the laptop. Zuckerberg in your link even said it was facebooks call to limit the organic spread of that story for a week while they vetted it
Yeah all candidates use many things to try and influence the election in their favor during an election. They use articles, poll numbers, surrogates, etc….. what’s your point?
The point is that you are okay with government propaganda and censorship. That is evil
You don't keep up very well.
I'm sorry.

All Politicians are Corrupt.
W/trump being the most corrupt and dishonest POTUS in our History.
Again you are wrong, Joe Biden has proven to be corrupt and dishonest. The only thing that comes out of his mouth are lies. Trump is a saint comparatively. I'm not the only one who thinks that, I'm in the majority here.
What’s stupid statement. Every candidate running for office uses propaganda to advance their cause. That pretty much what a campaign is. If I point out Trump doing the same would you condemn him in the same way you are Biden?

You sure you want to go down this road?
Someone who advocates for propaganda and censorship by a government doesn't deserve to live in the United States. I don't know if I can make it any clearer than that statement. You should hit the road towards a communist country (is it okay if I use the word road now that you've used it?)( don't get all full of yourself now)
Whatever, if you think that gives you a win in this argument you really are an idiot. Loser
My ego isn’t big enough to need constant feeding from fictitious victories. I see you need that while you repetitively claim wins for yourself. That’s fine. If that’s what you need then go right ahead. Doesn’t bother me any.
Yeah all candidates use many things to try and influence the election in their favor during an election. They use articles, poll numbers, surrogates, etc….. what’s your point?
What don't you understand about the fact that the fbi influenced Facebook to suppress that story. That moves it Beyond a public company.
The point is that you are okay with government propaganda and censorship. That is evil
Uhh no im not ok with that. Dont put words in my mouth. I just don’t see this situation as censorship because I can objectively look at the facts
Someone who advocates for propaganda and censorship by a government doesn't deserve to live in the United States. I don't know if I can make it any clearer than that statement. You should hit the road towards a communist country (is it okay if I use the word road now that you've used it?)( don't get all full of yourself now)
I don’t advocate for censorship and propaganda. You claiming that’s what I do certainly doesn’t prove I do it
What don't you understand about the fact that the fbi influenced Facebook to suppress that story. That moves it Beyond a public company.
It’s perfectly ok for the FBI to issue warnings when they see potential threats on the way. That’s not unlawful influence. That’s all they did. Facebook made the choice to choose that story as something to carefully vet. They didn’t even ban the story from their site. You’re making a mountain out of an anthill
Uhh no im not ok with that. Dont put words in my mouth. I just don’t see this situation as censorship because I can objectively look at the facts
Yes, you are okay with that. You've been arguing FOR CENSORSHIP for 2 days. Just because you don't see it as censorship doesn't mean it is not. You are not the brightest bulb on the Block

"Shellenberger's new installment centers on Twitter's decision to temporarily block a New York Post story about Hunter Biden just before the 2020 election. This was also the subject of the first Twitter Files thread, from Matt Taibbi."


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