List of people dragged before McCarthy's HUAC and forced to admit or deny Communist ties


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Here's the list of people dragged before McCarthy's HUAC and forced to admit or deny Communist ties.


Were you going to insert a link, or list them individually?
not to get off topic--but to compare:
..I'm not saying we shouldn't kill all terrorists/etc--but as far as getting involved in foreign wars= are we labeling ''everyone''/non-terrorists as terrorist? and vilifying them for no reason as we did like McCarthy did??
..if we have proof such as Afghanistan/Taliban, sure--go in and blast to hell.....
...but we spent BILLIONS/involved CIA and troops/thousands dead '''fighting communism''' in Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam--and clearly, obviously that was wrong/wasteful/etc
not to get off topic--but to compare:
..I'm not saying we shouldn't kill all terrorists/etc--but as far as getting involved in foreign wars= are we labeling ''everyone''/non-terrorists as terrorist? and vilifying them for no reason as we did like McCarthy did??
..if we have proof such as Afghanistan/Taliban, sure--go in and blast to hell.....
...but we spent BILLIONS/involved CIA and troops/thousands dead '''fighting communism''' in Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam--and clearly, obviously that was wrong/wasteful/etc

>> As Senator Margaret Chase Smith of Maine boarded the Senate subway, she encountered the junior senator from Wisconsin, Joe McCarthy. “Margaret, you look very serious,” he said. “Are you going to make a speech?” Without hesitation, Smith replied: “Yes, and you will not like it!” The date was June 1, 1950, and Smith was about to deliver the most memorable speech of her long career.

... At first, Smith hesitated to speak. “I was a freshman Senator,” she explained, “and in those days, freshman Senators were to be seen and not heard [poster note - that's still true now]” She hoped a senior member would take the lead. “This great psychological fear...spread to the Senate,” she noted, “where a considerable amount of mental paralysis and muteness set in for fear of offending McCarthy.” As the weeks passed, Smith grew increasingly angry with McCarthy’s attacks and his defamation of individuals she considered above suspicion. Bowing to Senate rules on comity, Smith chose not to attack McCarthy, but to denounce the tactics that were becoming known as “McCarthyism.”

"Mr. President," she began, "I would like to speak briefly and simply about a serious national condition.... The United States Senate has long enjoyed worldwide respect as the greatest deliberative body.... But recently that deliberative character has...been debased to...a forum of hate and character assassination." In her 15-minute address, delivered as McCarthy looked on, Smith endorsed every American’s right to criticize, to protest, and to hold unpopular beliefs. “Freedom of speech is not what it used to be in America,” she complained. “It has been so abused by some that it is not exercised by others.” She asked her fellow Republicans not to ride to political victory on the “Four Horsemen of Calumny–Fear, Ignorance, Bigotry, and Smear.” As she concluded, Smith introduced a statement signed by herself and six other Republican senators–her “Declaration of Conscience."

Her speech triggered a public explosion of support and criticism. “This cool breeze of honesty from Maine can blow the whole miasma out of the nation’s soul,” commented the Hartford Courant. “By one act of political courage, [Smith has] justified a lifetime in politics,” commented another. Newsweek magazine ran a cover story entitled “Senator Smith: A Woman Vice President?” Critics called her “Moscow-loving,” and much worse. McCarthy dismissed her and her supporters as “Snow White and the Six Dwarfs.”

Smith’s Declaration of Conscience did not end McCarthy’s reign of power, but she was one of the first senators to take such a stand. She continued to oppose him, at great personal cost, for the next four years. Finally, in December of 1954, the Senate belatedly concurred with the “lady from Maine” and censured McCarthy for conduct “contrary to senatorial traditions.” McCarthy’s career was over. Margaret Chase Smith’s career was just beginning. <<​

I've always said, if the Republican Party had got behind Smith as its POTUS candidate in 1964 (for which she ran), we may have had a completely different world. Everlasting respect to MCS for declining to go along with the mob mentality. Smith the female Senator showed more balls than anybody else in her party.

Declaration of Conscience - US Senate June 1, 1950
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Here's the list of people dragged before McCarthy's HUAC and forced to admit or deny Communist ties.


When was McCarthy in the House of Reps?

You do know that's what H stands for --- right?

The List so far:

Looks amazingly similar to the list of people dragged before a prior President for a news conference:

Was there a point coming with this thread sometime today? I'll set my alarm.
So, we can't find ANYONE who was dragged before the HUAC by McCarthy to defend their Communist ties?

Again ------- Senators tend to hang in the Senate.... not the House.

But I'll tell ya what this empty list of impossible-to-exist people reminds me of.

---- your equally empty list of the similarly nonexistent people who verified that "Liz Warren lied".

Member that list? Good times. Looks just like it.
Here's the list of people dragged before McCarthy's HUAC and forced to admit or deny Communist ties.

Yes, conservatives are truly this stupid.

If you weren't so dense, C_Chamber_Pot, you'd have gotten the tongue-in-cheek. you've proven time and again, one needs more than a double digit IQ to have a sense of humor.
Here's the list of people dragged before McCarthy's HUAC and forced to admit or deny Communist ties.


When was McCarthy in the House of Reps?

You do know that's what H stands for --- right?

That's the point he was making, you dunce.

Uuuuhhhhhmmm..... Frank started the thread. Thanks for playin'.

SMH sorry if I triggered your anxiety..... dunce.

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