List EXACTLY what the USA or the World gains by staying in the Iran deal

Let us know how a terrorist nation having nukes is good for the World
------------------------------------------------------------------ i guess that the Libertarian or American view would be that hey , USA has nukes so eveyone can have nukes . I mean , who is the USA to tell anyone that they can't have 'nukes' . Punish the terrorist country when and if they use the nukes against the USA . ------------------ i'm just answering the question the way that i think the FOUNDERS would have answered the question Rosy .
The schitzo believes they are a founding father....................

Let us know how a terrorist nation having nukes is good for the World

Iran gives up its supply of enriched uranium
Iran destroys it centerfuges
Signatories get to verify compliance

Something that is no longer in effect thanks to Fat Donnie
Iran will destroy its centrifuges right after the Pope destroys the Vatican and Israel destroys its synagogues

Do you understand what verification means?
Destruction was verified before sanctions were lifted
Centrifuges for refining Uranium were not destroyed........................Watch less CNN retard
Let us know how a terrorist nation having nukes is good for the World
------------------------------------------------------------------ i guess that the Libertarian or American view would be that hey , USA has nukes so eveyone can have nukes . I mean , who is the USA to tell anyone that they can't have 'nukes' . Punish the terrorist country when and if they use the nukes against the USA . ------------------ i'm just answering the question the way that i think the FOUNDERS would have answered the question Rosy .
The schitzo believes they are a founding father....................

--------------------------------------------------------- so you are just a big mouth name caller eh Rosy . I simply amswered a question Rosy .
Let us know how a terrorist nation having nukes is good for the World
------------------------------------------------------------------ i guess that the Libertarian or American view would be that hey , USA has nukes so eveyone can have nukes . I mean , who is the USA to tell anyone that they can't have 'nukes' . Punish the terrorist country when and if they use the nukes against the USA . ------------------ i'm just answering the question the way that i think the FOUNDERS would have answered the question Rosy .
The schitzo believes they are a founding father....................

--------------------------------------------------------- so you are just a big mouth name caller eh Rosy . I simply amswered a question Rosy .
Yes Sir Mr. Washington

yeah , sounds like YOU are simply a big mouth know nothing Rosy . I simply answered a question that you asked Rosy !!
Iran gives up its supply of enriched uranium
Iran destroys it centerfuges
Signatories get to verify compliance

Something that is no longer in effect thanks to Fat Donnie
Iran will destroy its centrifuges right after the Pope destroys the Vatican and Israel destroys its synagogues

Well not anymore! Thanks to trump .
Thanks to Trump, Iran can start rebuilding its centerfuges
Idiots don’t realize this is a multi nation deal . Russia and China are even in the mix!
The entire coalition is verifying Iran’s compliance

Who will Crooked Donnie have in his coalition?
Rosy. Isn't that comforting?
Let us know how a terrorist nation having nukes is good for the World
What do we gain from more war? Especially one that could potentially put us in a direct nuclear confrontation with Russia?
-------------------------------------------------------- you getting nervous again , you were nervous when the TRUMP was calling 'rocketman' a short fat feck . That blew over and now you are scared of the Russians . Watch that Fear Billo .
---------------------------------- i was going to say similar , besides that Israel is a civilized country especially when compared to 'iran' Fnneceo .
Civilized country my ass! They are the most militarized country on the planet and have started 5 out of the last 6 wars they have been in.

Iran, on the other hand, has not attacked another country in over 200 years.
yep , Israel is good at defending itself as it kicks its muslim enemies azzez Billo .
------------------------------------------ feck the 'un' , no ones business what the Israelis have Billo .
It's no ones business what Iran does within their sovereign borders.
------------------------------------------------ i was making that same rhetorical point to Rosy just for the sake of argument and conversation but then good old Rosy started calling names and being stupid Billo .

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