Life In Gaza Concentration Camp

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Hamas propaganda-
How good To Live In Gaza

These videos are brazen propaganda which the Israelis learned from the Third Reich.

Oh! Those poor miserable Jews in the Nazi Theresienstadt concentration Camp. So unhappy and mistreated.
Meanwhile our boys are dying at the front.

3rd Reich propaganda?? Look in the mirror.

Funny how Hamas produced video becomes an 'Israeli propaganda' when Your heroes contradict what You parrot.


Just remember whatever the Israelis do today, the Nazis did before them. How the Israelis talk of the Palestinians now, the Nazis said of the Jews before. It's the same old story ... the names change but the wickedness remains. Civilized people are tired of it.

Remember- You're talking to a Jew, this bs works only on naive westerners like Yourself. In reality You and Your ancestors are the last ones to have any valid say on this.

You have no argument, just slogans written for You by others.

Meanwhile Haj Amin al Husseini, the Palestinian mufti is still the hero of the day, and Mein Kampf still a best-seller in Arab countries.

Ahmad Tibi an opposition MP in the Knesset:

Hamas propaganda-
How good To Live In Gaza

These videos are brazen propaganda which the Israelis learned from the Third Reich.

Oh! Those poor miserable Jews in the Nazi Theresienstadt concentration Camp. So unhappy and mistreated.
Meanwhile our boys are dying at the front.

3rd Reich propaganda?? Look in the mirror.

Funny how Hamas produced video becomes an 'Israeli propaganda' when Your heroes contradict what You parrot.


Just remember whatever the Israelis do today, the Nazis did before them. How the Israelis talk of the Palestinians now, the Nazis said of the Jews before. It's the same old story ... the names change but the wickedness remains. Civilized people are tired of it.

Remember- You're talking to a Jew, this bs works only on naive westerners like Yourself. In reality You and Your ancestors are the last ones to have any valid say on this.

You have no argument, just slogans written for You by others.

Meanwhile Haj Amin al Husseini, the Palestinian mufti is still the hero of the day, and Mein Kampf still a best-seller in Arab countries.

Ahmad Tibi an opposition MP in the Knesset:


Indeed, you use the word scum for an Arab.The Nazis preferred Untermensch for people like you.
Hamas propaganda-
How good To Live In Gaza

These videos are brazen propaganda which the Israelis learned from the Third Reich.

Oh! Those poor miserable Jews in the Nazi Theresienstadt concentration Camp. So unhappy and mistreated.
Meanwhile our boys are dying at the front.

3rd Reich propaganda?? Look in the mirror.

Funny how Hamas produced video becomes an 'Israeli propaganda' when Your heroes contradict what You parrot.


Just remember whatever the Israelis do today, the Nazis did before them. How the Israelis talk of the Palestinians now, the Nazis said of the Jews before. It's the same old story ... the names change but the wickedness remains. Civilized people are tired of it.

Remember- You're talking to a Jew, this bs works only on naive westerners like Yourself. In reality You and Your ancestors are the last ones to have any valid say on this.

You have no argument, just slogans written for You by others.

Meanwhile Haj Amin al Husseini, the Palestinian mufti is still the hero of the day, and Mein Kampf still a best-seller in Arab countries.

Ahmad Tibi an opposition MP in the Knesset:

Hamas propaganda-
How good To Live In Gaza

These videos are brazen propaganda which the Israelis learned from the Third Reich.

Oh! Those poor miserable Jews in the Nazi Theresienstadt concentration Camp. So unhappy and mistreated.
Meanwhile our boys are dying at the front.

3rd Reich propaganda?? Look in the mirror.

Funny how Hamas produced video becomes an 'Israeli propaganda' when Your heroes contradict what You parrot.


Just remember whatever the Israelis do today, the Nazis did before them. How the Israelis talk of the Palestinians now, the Nazis said of the Jews before. It's the same old story ... the names change but the wickedness remains. Civilized people are tired of it.

Remember- You're talking to a Jew, this bs works only on naive westerners like Yourself. In reality You and Your ancestors are the last ones to have any valid say on this.

You have no argument, just slogans written for You by others.

Meanwhile Haj Amin al Husseini, the Palestinian mufti is still the hero of the day, and Mein Kampf still a best-seller in Arab countries.

Ahmad Tibi an opposition MP in the Knesset:


Indeed, you use the word scum for an Arab.The Nazis preferred Untermensch for people like you.

People like me??
You really don't have an argument don't You?

I used the word 'SCUM' for this picture of an Israeli MP who smiles looking at a kid giving a Nazi salute while wearing the PA scarf saying "Palestine from the river to the see"...however You try to accuse Israelis of racism, the true racisms is clearly evident to the unbiased viewer:



These videos are brazen propaganda which the Israelis learned from the Third Reich.

Oh! Those poor miserable Jews in the Nazi Theresienstadt concentration Camp. So unhappy and mistreated.
Meanwhile our boys are dying at the front.

3rd Reich propaganda?? Look in the mirror.

Funny how Hamas produced video becomes an 'Israeli propaganda' when Your heroes contradict what You parrot.


Just remember whatever the Israelis do today, the Nazis did before them. How the Israelis talk of the Palestinians now, the Nazis said of the Jews before. It's the same old story ... the names change but the wickedness remains. Civilized people are tired of it.

Remember- You're talking to a Jew, this bs works only on naive westerners like Yourself. In reality You and Your ancestors are the last ones to have any valid say on this.

You have no argument, just slogans written for You by others.

Meanwhile Haj Amin al Husseini, the Palestinian mufti is still the hero of the day, and Mein Kampf still a best-seller in Arab countries.

Ahmad Tibi an opposition MP in the Knesset:

These videos are brazen propaganda which the Israelis learned from the Third Reich.

Oh! Those poor miserable Jews in the Nazi Theresienstadt concentration Camp. So unhappy and mistreated.
Meanwhile our boys are dying at the front.

3rd Reich propaganda?? Look in the mirror.

Funny how Hamas produced video becomes an 'Israeli propaganda' when Your heroes contradict what You parrot.


Just remember whatever the Israelis do today, the Nazis did before them. How the Israelis talk of the Palestinians now, the Nazis said of the Jews before. It's the same old story ... the names change but the wickedness remains. Civilized people are tired of it.

Remember- You're talking to a Jew, this bs works only on naive westerners like Yourself. In reality You and Your ancestors are the last ones to have any valid say on this.

You have no argument, just slogans written for You by others.

Meanwhile Haj Amin al Husseini, the Palestinian mufti is still the hero of the day, and Mein Kampf still a best-seller in Arab countries.

Ahmad Tibi an opposition MP in the Knesset:


Indeed, you use the word scum for an Arab.The Nazis preferred Untermensch for people like you.

People like me??
You really don't have an argument don't You?

I used the word 'SCUM' for this picture of an Israeli MP who smiles looking at a kid giving a Nazi salute while wearing the PA scarf saying "Palestine from the river to the see"...however You try to accuse Israelis of racism, the true racisms is clearly evident to the unbiased viewer:

If I'm not mistaken, Zionists claim Israel from the river to the sea. I might be wrong. LOL
3rd Reich propaganda?? Look in the mirror.

Funny how Hamas produced video becomes an 'Israeli propaganda' when Your heroes contradict what You parrot.

Just remember whatever the Israelis do today, the Nazis did before them. How the Israelis talk of the Palestinians now, the Nazis said of the Jews before. It's the same old story ... the names change but the wickedness remains. Civilized people are tired of it.

Remember- You're talking to a Jew, this bs works only on naive westerners like Yourself. In reality You and Your ancestors are the last ones to have any valid say on this.

You have no argument, just slogans written for You by others.

Meanwhile Haj Amin al Husseini, the Palestinian mufti is still the hero of the day, and Mein Kampf still a best-seller in Arab countries.

Ahmad Tibi an opposition MP in the Knesset:
3rd Reich propaganda?? Look in the mirror.

Funny how Hamas produced video becomes an 'Israeli propaganda' when Your heroes contradict what You parrot.

Just remember whatever the Israelis do today, the Nazis did before them. How the Israelis talk of the Palestinians now, the Nazis said of the Jews before. It's the same old story ... the names change but the wickedness remains. Civilized people are tired of it.

Remember- You're talking to a Jew, this bs works only on naive westerners like Yourself. In reality You and Your ancestors are the last ones to have any valid say on this.

You have no argument, just slogans written for You by others.

Meanwhile Haj Amin al Husseini, the Palestinian mufti is still the hero of the day, and Mein Kampf still a best-seller in Arab countries.

Ahmad Tibi an opposition MP in the Knesset:

Indeed, you use the word scum for an Arab.The Nazis preferred Untermensch for people like you.

People like me??
You really don't have an argument don't You?

I used the word 'SCUM' for this picture of an Israeli MP who smiles looking at a kid giving a Nazi salute while wearing the PA scarf saying "Palestine from the river to the see"...however You try to accuse Israelis of racism, the true racisms is clearly evident to the unbiased viewer:
If I'm not mistaken, Zionists claim Israel from the river to the sea. I might be wrong. LOL

Are we talking about the same Zionists who expelled 600,000 Jews from Gaza area for a Judenrein Hamas'tan? Or the Zionists who accepted the partition plan?
Maybe the Zionist expulsion of Jews just last week?

Still best place for a Palestinian is Israel, where Arabs are at least 20% of the population, with a strong representation in the parliament and other spheres. They (Arabs) call them (Israeli Arabs) 'creme Arabs'.

Meanwhile no Jew in Palestine, and that's the sole precondition on the part of PA-
Judenrein Palestine.
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3rd Reich propaganda?? Look in the mirror.

Funny how Hamas produced video becomes an 'Israeli propaganda' when Your heroes contradict what You parrot.

Just remember whatever the Israelis do today, the Nazis did before them. How the Israelis talk of the Palestinians now, the Nazis said of the Jews before. It's the same old story ... the names change but the wickedness remains. Civilized people are tired of it.

Remember- You're talking to a Jew, this bs works only on naive westerners like Yourself. In reality You and Your ancestors are the last ones to have any valid say on this.

You have no argument, just slogans written for You by others.

Meanwhile Haj Amin al Husseini, the Palestinian mufti is still the hero of the day, and Mein Kampf still a best-seller in Arab countries.

Ahmad Tibi an opposition MP in the Knesset:
3rd Reich propaganda?? Look in the mirror.

Funny how Hamas produced video becomes an 'Israeli propaganda' when Your heroes contradict what You parrot.

Just remember whatever the Israelis do today, the Nazis did before them. How the Israelis talk of the Palestinians now, the Nazis said of the Jews before. It's the same old story ... the names change but the wickedness remains. Civilized people are tired of it.

Remember- You're talking to a Jew, this bs works only on naive westerners like Yourself. In reality You and Your ancestors are the last ones to have any valid say on this.

You have no argument, just slogans written for You by others.

Meanwhile Haj Amin al Husseini, the Palestinian mufti is still the hero of the day, and Mein Kampf still a best-seller in Arab countries.

Ahmad Tibi an opposition MP in the Knesset:

Indeed, you use the word scum for an Arab.The Nazis preferred Untermensch for people like you.

People like me??
You really don't have an argument don't You?

I used the word 'SCUM' for this picture of an Israeli MP who smiles looking at a kid giving a Nazi salute while wearing the PA scarf saying "Palestine from the river to the see"...however You try to accuse Israelis of racism, the true racisms is clearly evident to the unbiased viewer:
If I'm not mistaken, Zionists claim Israel from the river to the sea. I might be wrong. LOL

You are mistaken. But then, that is the expectation.

I commend Israel for making gestures of good will, even though those gestures are futile in the face of Islamic terrorist intransigence.

Israel's capture in 1967 of Sinai, the West Bank, Gaza, and the Golan Heights was in response to Arab aggression. Israel voluntarily returned of the Sinai to Egypt followed formal recognition and a peace treaty with that nation.

The lesson is the willingness of Israel to return land for peace with her neighbors. This underlies all treaties and actions (even the unilateral withdrawals from south Lebanon and from Gaza) that followed from 1982 to the present day.

A similar peace with Syria could lead to the return of most if not all of the Golan.

Similarly with the so-called “Pal'istanian”s with regard to the West Bank and Gaza. Although, as we know from experience, Israel's unilateral withdrawal from Gaza resulted only in that area becoming just another Islamic terrorist enclave, interested only in Jew killing as opposed to building a functioning civil society.
Just remember whatever the Israelis do today, the Nazis did before them. How the Israelis talk of the Palestinians now, the Nazis said of the Jews before. It's the same old story ... the names change but the wickedness remains. Civilized people are tired of it.

Remember- You're talking to a Jew, this bs works only on naive westerners like Yourself. In reality You and Your ancestors are the last ones to have any valid say on this.

You have no argument, just slogans written for You by others.

Meanwhile Haj Amin al Husseini, the Palestinian mufti is still the hero of the day, and Mein Kampf still a best-seller in Arab countries.

Ahmad Tibi an opposition MP in the Knesset:
Just remember whatever the Israelis do today, the Nazis did before them. How the Israelis talk of the Palestinians now, the Nazis said of the Jews before. It's the same old story ... the names change but the wickedness remains. Civilized people are tired of it.

Remember- You're talking to a Jew, this bs works only on naive westerners like Yourself. In reality You and Your ancestors are the last ones to have any valid say on this.

You have no argument, just slogans written for You by others.

Meanwhile Haj Amin al Husseini, the Palestinian mufti is still the hero of the day, and Mein Kampf still a best-seller in Arab countries.

Ahmad Tibi an opposition MP in the Knesset:

Indeed, you use the word scum for an Arab.The Nazis preferred Untermensch for people like you.

People like me??
You really don't have an argument don't You?

I used the word 'SCUM' for this picture of an Israeli MP who smiles looking at a kid giving a Nazi salute while wearing the PA scarf saying "Palestine from the river to the see"...however You try to accuse Israelis of racism, the true racisms is clearly evident to the unbiased viewer:
If I'm not mistaken, Zionists claim Israel from the river to the sea. I might be wrong. LOL

You are mistaken. But then, that is the expectation.

I commend Israel for making gestures of good will, even though those gestures are futile in the face of Islamic terrorist intransigence.

Israel's capture in 1967 of Sinai, the West Bank, Gaza, and the Golan Heights was in response to Arab aggression. Israel voluntarily returned of the Sinai to Egypt followed formal recognition and a peace treaty with that nation.

The lesson is the willingness of Israel to return land for peace with her neighbors. This underlies all treaties and actions (even the unilateral withdrawals from south Lebanon and from Gaza) that followed from 1982 to the present day.

A similar peace with Syria could lead to the return of most if not all of the Golan.

Similarly with the so-called “Pal'istanian”s with regard to the West Bank and Gaza. Although, as we know from experience, Israel's unilateral withdrawal from Gaza resulted only in that area becoming just another Islamic terrorist enclave, interested only in Jew killing as opposed to building a functioning civil society.

YES! Israel grants the Pali's demand for a Jew free Gaza & Israel is thanked with rocket missiles. No more of Israel placating endless Palestinian demands. Just treat the Palis' like the Arab countries do & LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!
The Hasbara propaganda is hilarious if it weren't so reminiscent of the South African Apartheid rhetoric. Gaza turned into a concentration camp under the complete control of Israel with Israel controlling borders, air space and territorial sea and collecting taxes that they steal from the Palestinians is now a generous gift from the vile Zionists. You people should understand that not all goyim are morons like MJB.
The Hasbara propaganda is hilarious if it weren't so reminiscent of the South African Apartheid rhetoric. Gaza turned into a concentration camp under the complete control of Israel with Israel controlling borders, air space and territorial sea and collecting taxes that they steal from the Palestinians is now a generous gift from the vile Zionists. You people should understand that not all goyim are morons like MJB.
The propaganda from Israelis is meant for the consumption of American and some English politicians, not to be believed but to justify the Occupation of Palestinian land and the occasional massacre in Gaza. Everyone with the slightest curiosity about the Israel/Palestine problem is onto them.
The Hasbara propaganda is hilarious if it weren't so reminiscent of the South African Apartheid rhetoric. Gaza turned into a concentration camp under the complete control of Israel with Israel controlling borders, air space and territorial sea and collecting taxes that they steal from the Palestinians is now a generous gift from the vile Zionists. You people should understand that not all goyim are morons like MJB.

Really have You heard of other concentration camps where people are building palaces, malls and Olympic pools?

You people should understand that Jews clearly see You have a problem only when the Jews having control, 25000 massacred Palestinians is ok, Gaza annexation by Egypt too...Just please not the Jews!!!

You people should understand that not all Jews are going to buy Your crocodile tears.
You people should understand that we view Jew control over non-Jews no better than white control over non-whites. Get it you racist p.o.s.
The Hasbara propaganda is hilarious if it weren't so reminiscent of the South African Apartheid rhetoric. Gaza turned into a concentration camp under the complete control of Israel with Israel controlling borders, air space and territorial sea and collecting taxes that they steal from the Palestinians is now a generous gift from the vile Zionists. You people should understand that not all goyim are morons like MJB.
The propaganda from Israelis is meant for the consumption of American and some English politicians, not to be believed but to justify the Occupation of Palestinian land and the occasional massacre in Gaza. Everyone with the slightest curiosity about the Israel/Palestine problem is onto them.
Judging by the quality of Your 'arguments' it's clear that people who buy the Islamist narrative are nothing more than useful the infamous 'Gays for Hamas'...they must have been curious too right?
The Hasbara propaganda is hilarious if it weren't so reminiscent of the South African Apartheid rhetoric. Gaza turned into a concentration camp under the complete control of Israel with Israel controlling borders, air space and territorial sea and collecting taxes that they steal from the Palestinians is now a generous gift from the vile Zionists. You people should understand that not all goyim are morons like MJB.

Really have You heard of other concentration camps where people are building palaces, malls and Olympic pools?

You people should understand that Jews clearly see You have a problem only when the Jews having control, 25000 massacred Palestinians is ok, Gaza annexation by Egypt too...Just please not the Jews!!!

You people should understand that not all Jews are going to buy Your crocodile tears.
Not all Jews talk like you, thank God.
You people should understand that we view Jew control over non-Jews no better than white control over non-whites. Get it you racist p.o.s.

Monte called me a 'racist' after bringing up the white/non-white narrative...:lmao:

Projecting much?
No, you are the one that glorifies Jew control over non-Jews. You are projecting.

I'm telling You- it's the best of Your arguments Professor.

Now after all the failure to erase Jews from history do You have any mature point here..or just the usual neurotic fixation?
The Hasbara propaganda is hilarious if it weren't so reminiscent of the South African Apartheid rhetoric. Gaza turned into a concentration camp under the complete control of Israel with Israel controlling borders, air space and territorial sea and collecting taxes that they steal from the Palestinians is now a generous gift from the vile Zionists. You people should understand that not all goyim are morons like MJB.

Really have You heard of other concentration camps where people are building palaces, malls and Olympic pools?

You people should understand that Jews clearly see You have a problem only when the Jews having control, 25000 massacred Palestinians is ok, Gaza annexation by Egypt too...Just please not the Jews!!!

You people should understand that not all Jews are going to buy Your crocodile tears.
Not all Jews talk like you, thank God.

Oh the horror...

What will You do when the slogans don't work?
No, you are the one that glorifies Jew control over non-Jews. You are projecting.

There is a significant difference between "Jew control" or "Jew rule" and Jewish self-determination. The choice of language is illuminating.
The Hasbara propaganda is hilarious if it weren't so reminiscent of the South African Apartheid rhetoric. Gaza turned into a concentration camp under the complete control of Israel with Israel controlling borders, air space and territorial sea and collecting taxes that they steal from the Palestinians is now a generous gift from the vile Zionists. You people should understand that not all goyim are morons like MJB.

Really have You heard of other concentration camps where people are building palaces, malls and Olympic pools?

You people should understand that Jews clearly see You have a problem only when the Jews having control, 25000 massacred Palestinians is ok, Gaza annexation by Egypt too...Just please not the Jews!!!

You people should understand that not all Jews are going to buy Your crocodile tears.
Not all Jews talk like you, thank God.

Oh the horror...

What will You do when the slogans don't work?
Yes, we have heard it before. Broadcasting that you are a Zionist is no different from Adolf Eichmann who claimed the same.
Give us a break, for Pete's sake.


Eichmann -- a Zionist in uniform
The Hasbara propaganda is hilarious if it weren't so reminiscent of the South African Apartheid rhetoric. Gaza turned into a concentration camp under the complete control of Israel with Israel controlling borders, air space and territorial sea and collecting taxes that they steal from the Palestinians is now a generous gift from the vile Zionists. You people should understand that not all goyim are morons like MJB.

Really have You heard of other concentration camps where people are building palaces, malls and Olympic pools?

You people should understand that Jews clearly see You have a problem only when the Jews having control, 25000 massacred Palestinians is ok, Gaza annexation by Egypt too...Just please not the Jews!!!

You people should understand that not all Jews are going to buy Your crocodile tears.
Not all Jews talk like you, thank God.

Oh the horror...

What will You do when the slogans don't work?
Yes, we have heard it before. Broadcasting that you are a Zionist is no different from Adolf Eichmann who claimed the same.
Give us a break, for Pete's sake.


Eichmann -- a Zionist in uniform

So You compare me to Eichman but get all touchy feely when accused of ignorance?

Do You know what an argument is?
And most importantly do You have ANYTHING related to the subject but the usual anti-semitic melodrama covered by the famous crocodile tears?

Get it right- You behaving like this only encourages more Jews to come and settle where You like them the least :)
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