Life During Sequester, the Survivors Speak

We had some problems with roving bands of Democrats, but we told them we had high capacity magazines and a trigger grip on our rifle and they scattered.
Day 3: Headed for the train station. Wonders if I need to buy the monthly ticket.

Thought I heard a coyote howling in the night
Train packed...people fleeing the devastation the sequester wrought at home, headed towards an uncertain far no roving gangs of children left homeless and abandoned by these devastating cuts in future spending

I cannot believe the devastation. This was once a world class city, the envy of the world, the shining success of American Innovation and Entrepreneurship. The people and industries have fled leaving chaos and crime in their wake. My God! Is this what Sequester is like?

Hell, no! This is Detroit and letting Democrats run things down to the ground
The sequester is some fun.


Saturday Night Live's Barack Obama, played by Jay Pharoah admitted that he had 'really no idea how money works or how budgets work'


SNL's Obama said that everyone was feeling the cuts, even in the White House, where the sequester means 'Michelle will only do four television appearances a week, down from her usual 75.'

The president then introduced a series of downbeat federal workers, all explaining what the budget cuts would mean for them.

An 'air traffic controller' joked that they would have to watch a 20-second ad for Doritos before looking at their radar screens.

Then an 'immigration officer' claimed they would let 'every tenth Mexican run across the border.'

Next came a cheerful astronaut who said that the glass had been removed from their helmets. It wouldn't matter she claimed, though, as during space walks her colleagues would just have to hold their breath.

But my favorite out of this story...

There was also time for a member of the military, a civil servant, construction worker and native American, resembling legendary disco group, the Village People to appear.

Obama quoted inspirational lyrics from their hit YMCA to the 'workers' as they performed the famous moves to the song.

And video at link:

What the sequester cuts really mean to you according to SNL: Obama admits he has 'no idea about money' but Michelle will now do only 4 weekly TV appearances instead of 75 | Mail Online

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