Life as the Palestinian's know it


Litre of the Band
Aug 14, 2005
Long Beach, Ca
Imagine yourself living under these conditions:

Living in limbo under a foreign occupier.

Having no self-determination, no right of return, and no power over your daily life.

Being in constant fear, economically strangled, and collectively punished.

Having your free movement denied by enclosed population centers, closed borders, regular curfews, roadblocks, checkpoints, electric fences, and separation walls.

Having your homes regularly demolished and land systematically stolen to build settlements for encroachers in violation of international law prohibiting an occupier from settling its population on conquered land.

Having your right to essential services denied – to emergency health care, education, employment, and enough food and clean water.

Being forced into extreme poverty, having your crops destroyed, and being victimized by punitive taxes.

Having no right for redress in the occupier’s courts under laws only protecting the occupier.

Being regularly targeted by incursions and attacks on the ground and from the air.

Being willfully harassed, ethnically cleansed, arrested, incarcerated, tortured, and slaughtered on any pretext, including for your right of self-defense.

Having no rights on your own land in your own country for over six decades and counting.

Vilified for being Muslims and called terrorists, Jihadists, crazed Arabs, and fundamentalist extremists.

Victimized by a slow-motion genocide to destroy you.
Such is the reality of life under Israel's brutal 49 year occupation.
Imagine yourself living under these conditions:

Living in limbo under a foreign occupier.

Having no self-determination, no right of return, and no power over your daily life.

Being in constant fear, economically strangled, and collectively punished.

Having your free movement denied by enclosed population centers, closed borders, regular curfews, roadblocks, checkpoints, electric fences, and separation walls.

Having your homes regularly demolished and land systematically stolen to build settlements for encroachers in violation of international law prohibiting an occupier from settling its population on conquered land.

Having your right to essential services denied – to emergency health care, education, employment, and enough food and clean water.

Being forced into extreme poverty, having your crops destroyed, and being victimized by punitive taxes.

Having no right for redress in the occupier’s courts under laws only protecting the occupier.

Being regularly targeted by incursions and attacks on the ground and from the air.

Being willfully harassed, ethnically cleansed, arrested, incarcerated, tortured, and slaughtered on any pretext, including for your right of self-defense.

Having no rights on your own land in your own country for over six decades and counting.

Vilified for being Muslims and called terrorists, Jihadists, crazed Arabs, and fundamentalist extremists.

Victimized by a slow-motion genocide to destroy you.
Such is the reality of life under Israel's brutal 49 year occupation.
Hey wait, that's my life!

Mu haaa ah!
Imagine yourself living under these conditions:

Living in limbo under a foreign occupier.

Having no self-determination, no right of return, and no power over your daily life.

Being in constant fear, economically strangled, and collectively punished.

Having your free movement denied by enclosed population centers, closed borders, regular curfews, roadblocks, checkpoints, electric fences, and separation walls.

Having your homes regularly demolished and land systematically stolen to build settlements for encroachers in violation of international law prohibiting an occupier from settling its population on conquered land.

Having your right to essential services denied – to emergency health care, education, employment, and enough food and clean water.

Being forced into extreme poverty, having your crops destroyed, and being victimized by punitive taxes.

Having no right for redress in the occupier’s courts under laws only protecting the occupier.

Being regularly targeted by incursions and attacks on the ground and from the air.

Being willfully harassed, ethnically cleansed, arrested, incarcerated, tortured, and slaughtered on any pretext, including for your right of self-defense.

Having no rights on your own land in your own country for over six decades and counting.

Vilified for being Muslims and called terrorists, Jihadists, crazed Arabs, and fundamentalist extremists.

Victimized by a slow-motion genocide to destroy you.
Such is the reality of life under Israel's brutal 49 year occupation.

OUTSTANDING POST! I agree Israel's Zionist agenda of peace offerings, security fence & land concessions have been brutal to Palestinians. Peace will come when Israel learns to communicate peace with the Palestinians like their own Arab brother king Hussein of Jordan did during Black September. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!
golly gee wally maybe they should have signed the peace accord Clinton worked his ass off to craft which met most of their demands
Imagine yourself living under these conditions:

Living in limbo under a foreign occupier.

Having no self-determination, no right of return, and no power over your daily life.

Being in constant fear, economically strangled, and collectively punished.

Having your free movement denied by enclosed population centers, closed borders, regular curfews, roadblocks, checkpoints, electric fences, and separation walls.

Having your homes regularly demolished and land systematically stolen to build settlements for encroachers in violation of international law prohibiting an occupier from settling its population on conquered land.

Having your right to essential services denied – to emergency health care, education, employment, and enough food and clean water.

Being forced into extreme poverty, having your crops destroyed, and being victimized by punitive taxes.

Having no right for redress in the occupier’s courts under laws only protecting the occupier.

Being regularly targeted by incursions and attacks on the ground and from the air.

Being willfully harassed, ethnically cleansed, arrested, incarcerated, tortured, and slaughtered on any pretext, including for your right of self-defense.

Having no rights on your own land in your own country for over six decades and counting.

Vilified for being Muslims and called terrorists, Jihadists, crazed Arabs, and fundamentalist extremists.

Victimized by a slow-motion genocide to destroy you.
Such is the reality of life under Israel's brutal 49 year occupation.

Some of this might be true, others are falsehoods or exaggerations. Let's take "extreme poverty" as an example. I read an article recently about 2 terrorist Palestinian brothers. One was an accountant and the other a gainfully employed plumber. I myself once met a Palestinian who had studied at Oxford University in England. Homes are not regularly demolished for no reason. Mostly they belong to terrorists' families. "Tortured and slaughtered" also seems to be exaggeration, unless you're talking about times of war.
Some of this might be true, others are falsehoods or exaggerations. Let's take "extreme poverty" as an example. I read an article recently about 2 terrorist Palestinian brothers. One was an accountant and the other a gainfully employed plumber. I myself once met a Palestinian who had studied at Oxford University in England. Homes are not regularly demolished for no reason. Mostly they belong to terrorists' families. "Tortured and slaughtered" also seems to be exaggeration, unless you're talking about times of war.
Do I need to remind you, the family of a terrorist, has committed no crime?
OUTSTANDING POST! I agree Israel's Zionist agenda of peace offerings, security fence & land concessions have been brutal to Palestinians. Peace will come when Israel learns to communicate peace with the Palestinians like their own Arab brother king Hussein of Jordan did during Black September. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!
Israel doesn't want peace, you fucked up little troll.
golly gee wally maybe they should have signed the peace accord Clinton worked his ass off to craft which met most of their demands
That doesn't justify Israel treating the Pals, like the Nazis treated the Jews.
They threw their future away..............they chose war instead of reconciliation........their choice, dont expect others to weep over idiocy
Some of this might be true, others are falsehoods or exaggerations. Let's take "extreme poverty" as an example. I read an article recently about 2 terrorist Palestinian brothers. One was an accountant and the other a gainfully employed plumber. I myself once met a Palestinian who had studied at Oxford University in England. Homes are not regularly demolished for no reason. Mostly they belong to terrorists' families. "Tortured and slaughtered" also seems to be exaggeration, unless you're talking about times of war.
Do I need to remind you, the family of a terrorist, has committed no crime?
The family of a terrorist RAISED a terrorist and that IS a crime.

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