Libertarians and the GOP

Sure show us where McCain voted for obamacare.

Romneycare is a "state" program in a LIBERAL state, so Romney gets a slight pass. Also, Romney said Romneycare should only be a STATE matter, not a national one like obamacare.

So what would McCain and Romney be doing like Obama????? Gutting the military....nope. Going after coal/oil companies.....nope. Supporting unions over business....nope. Taxing us to death.....nope. Lining the courts with pro-abortion judges....nope.

Come on kook.

How about I show you where McCain rushed back to Washington, along with Obama, to vote for TARP. And yes, Romney said it should be a state program only, while he was running for President. Romney is well known for saying whatever he needs to say in any given situation, regardless of what he's said before.

was TARP so bad for the country? Was the banking system not saved? Did the taxpayers not get paid back with interest?

Yes, no, and no.
Once again you ignore how a government functions. We the people elect our representatives. It is those representatives who decide what gets funded and what does not.

And if they don't, then the courts fix it with fiats...

And then there's Obamacare, which was funded when the people we elected did not want to fund it.

You're just making the crap up as you go to justify what you want. Which is other people's money. You should have worked harder, gotten more education and skills and saved instead of living paycheck to paycheck. That you didn't does not give you the right to the money of people who did.

The people we elected passed Obamacare and the people we elected funded it. It was a minority of the legislature that tried to defund it and shut down our government in a temper tantrum

It is OUR money which is contributed to OUR society. OUR elected officials decide how it will be spent
That is why I keep calling you a moron
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Actually, it is helping people who need help

Something all great societies have figured out and libertarians reject

We believe in private charity, once again, you can't even address our view. Once again, you show why I keep calling you a moron.

And the truth is that if you were actually a giver, you would realize that you can actually give money to charity without government taking it from you by force and doing it for you. You want your system because you're a lazy, greedy moocher who wants other people's money taken by force from them ... and given to you ...

I believe in private charity also, but understand its limitations when applying to a society of 300 million

That is why I keep calling you a moron

Bam, now that's what I'm talking about! That you gave up on coming up with your own lines and just repeated mine back to me can in no possible way say that you give up, you have nothing.

And even that was lame. I am pointing out that you are not correctly grasping my actual views, you just keep addressing your liberal caricature of them. That is what I am calling you a moron for. In discussion after discussion, you don't even grasp what I am arguing. You're saying in your dim witted use of my own line that you're calling me a moron because your caricature of libertarian views doesn't fit your view of the world. They are at fundamentally different levels.

Stop blaming other people for your own failures in life. You didn't earn low wages and endlessly struggle because of the rich or corporations or Republicans or libertarians or anyone else. You earned low wages and endlessly struggled because of you.
Once again you ignore how a government functions. We the people elect our representatives. It is those representatives who decide what gets funded and what does not.

And if they don't, then the courts fix it with fiats...

And then there's Obamacare, which was funded when the people we elected did not want to fund it.

You're just making the crap up as you go to justify what you want. Which is other people's money. You should have worked harder, gotten more education and skills and saved instead of living paycheck to paycheck. That you didn't does not give you the right to the money of people who did.

The people we elected passed Obamacare and the people we elected funded it. It was a minority of the legislature that tried to defund it and shut down our government in a temper tantrum

It is OUR money which is contributed to OUR society. OUR elected officials decide how it will be spent
That is why I keep calling you a moron

Actually, the Republicans were the majority in the House. You successfully steam rolled them through your military wing, the liberal media. Your greed won the day, but don't pretend you believe in democracy, you believe in winning.

Man up and pay your own bills, welfare whore.
We believe in private charity, once again, you can't even address our view. Once again, you show why I keep calling you a moron.

And the truth is that if you were actually a giver, you would realize that you can actually give money to charity without government taking it from you by force and doing it for you. You want your system because you're a lazy, greedy moocher who wants other people's money taken by force from them ... and given to you ...

I believe in private charity also, but understand its limitations when applying to a society of 300 million

That is why I keep calling you a moron

Bam, now that's what I'm talking about! That you gave up on coming up with your own lines and just repeated mine back to me can in no possible way say that you give up, you have nothing.

And even that was lame. I am pointing out that you are not correctly grasping my actual views, you just keep addressing your liberal caricature of them. That is what I am calling you a moron for. In discussion after discussion, you don't even grasp what I am arguing. You're saying in your dim witted use of my own line that you're calling me a moron because your caricature of libertarian views doesn't fit your view of the world. They are at fundamentally different levels.

Stop blaming other people for your own failures in life. You didn't earn low wages and endlessly struggle because of the rich or corporations or Republicans or libertarians or anyone else. You earned low wages and endlessly struggled because of you.

I get it, I get it

I got mine....if you can't do the same it is because you are lazy or stupid

Fundamental libertarianism

That is why I keep calling you a moron
How about I show you where McCain rushed back to Washington, along with Obama, to vote for TARP. And yes, Romney said it should be a state program only, while he was running for President. Romney is well known for saying whatever he needs to say in any given situation, regardless of what he's said before.

was TARP so bad for the country? Was the banking system not saved? Did the taxpayers not get paid back with interest?

Yes, no, and no.

I believe you're mistaken. I know for a fact that all the major banks paid the government back with interest. I just tried to check, but couldn't find anything definitive. Banking is thee comic engine that makes our economy run. Had we allowed the big banks to go under we would have experienced a systematic calamity of epic proportions.
An interesting article from the Brookings Institute that includes this:
First, according to the PRRI poll, libertarians represent only 12% of the Republican Party. This number is consistent with the findings of other studies by the Pew Research Center and the American National Election Study. This libertarian constituency is dwarfed by other key Republican groups, including white evangelicals (37%) and those who identify with the Tea Party (20%).

Is the GOP going to be so split that they will cede elections to Dems?

Read the article @ The Libertarian Challenge within the GOP | Brookings Institution

fuck 'em... I know where I stand... and I ain't fuckin' backin' down...
was TARP so bad for the country? Was the banking system not saved? Did the taxpayers not get paid back with interest?

Yes, no, and no.

I believe you're mistaken. I know for a fact that all the major banks paid the government back with interest. I just tried to check, but couldn't find anything definitive. Banking is thee comic engine that makes our economy run. Had we allowed the big banks to go under we would have experienced a systematic calamity of epic proportions.

The banking system is inherently unsound to begin with, as it is based on the fraudulent model of fractional reserve banking. To "let" such a system collapse would have been quite painful, but it was also necessary to return to actual health. Recessions are more correctly called corrections for a reason. All we have now is a zombie system that will inevitably collapse again and worse the next time.
Libertarians and the TeaTards will ensure the Republicans don't win a national election for a generation

heh... you 'n Dean are my two favorite dumbfuck's in here...

and I gotta admit that, no matter what, I hold a certain deeply-held fondness for both of you... :)
Yes, no, and no.

I believe you're mistaken. I know for a fact that all the major banks paid the government back with interest. I just tried to check, but couldn't find anything definitive. Banking is thee comic engine that makes our economy run. Had we allowed the big banks to go under we would have experienced a systematic calamity of epic proportions.

The banking system is inherently unsound to begin with, as it is based on the fraudulent model of fractional reserve banking. To "let" such a system collapse would have been quite painful, but it was also necessary to return to actual health. Recessions are more correctly called corrections for a reason. All we have now is a zombie system that will inevitably collapse again and worse the next time.

Our banking system is unsound? Really? Our banks are the most well capitalized institutions in the world. A collapse of the major banks and AIG would have been more than painful, it would have taken America to third world status. I agree with the concept that you have to let the economy heal on its own, but there is always special circumstances that change everything.
Oh.....that explains it

Libertarian......I got mine, fuck everyone else

Thank god you guys will never get elected

"I got mine, fuck everyone else" in no possible way describes any ideology more than liberalism.

Libertarianism is respect for the rights of others, because that is the only way they will respect our rights.

Once you start making choices about who has rights and who doesn't, then we end up with what you are doing to us, which is certainly fucking everyone else.

But my main point was your overt stupidity where you have no talking points except against Republicans, so you just call anyone who thinks differently than you do a Republican. If you were not a complete moron, you would be able to address my actual views instead of just saying in post after posts, duh, dar, sounds Republican to me.

Libertarians ignore the functions of a society. They are willing to take full benefit of that society, but balk at contributing.

bullshit. Society is one thing. Government is another. I don't benefit one iota from government ripping me off.
I believe you're mistaken. I know for a fact that all the major banks paid the government back with interest. I just tried to check, but couldn't find anything definitive. Banking is thee comic engine that makes our economy run. Had we allowed the big banks to go under we would have experienced a systematic calamity of epic proportions.

The banking system is inherently unsound to begin with, as it is based on the fraudulent model of fractional reserve banking. To "let" such a system collapse would have been quite painful, but it was also necessary to return to actual health. Recessions are more correctly called corrections for a reason. All we have now is a zombie system that will inevitably collapse again and worse the next time.

Our banking system is unsound? Really? Our banks are the most well capitalized institutions in the world. A collapse of the major banks and AIG would have been more than painful, it would have taken America to third world status. I agree with the concept that you have to let the economy heal on its own, but there is always special circumstances that change everything.

Yes. Fractional reserve banking is inherently unsound. It's not just the U.S., however, but much of the world. The laws of economics don't change.
"I got mine, fuck everyone else" in no possible way describes any ideology more than liberalism.

Libertarianism is respect for the rights of others, because that is the only way they will respect our rights.

Once you start making choices about who has rights and who doesn't, then we end up with what you are doing to us, which is certainly fucking everyone else.

But my main point was your overt stupidity where you have no talking points except against Republicans, so you just call anyone who thinks differently than you do a Republican. If you were not a complete moron, you would be able to address my actual views instead of just saying in post after posts, duh, dar, sounds Republican to me.

Libertarians ignore the functions of a society. They are willing to take full benefit of that society, but balk at contributing.

bullshit. Society is one thing. Government is another. I don't benefit one iota from government ripping me off.

Spoken like a true idiot libertarian
The banking system is inherently unsound to begin with, as it is based on the fraudulent model of fractional reserve banking. To "let" such a system collapse would have been quite painful, but it was also necessary to return to actual health. Recessions are more correctly called corrections for a reason. All we have now is a zombie system that will inevitably collapse again and worse the next time.

Our banking system is unsound? Really? Our banks are the most well capitalized institutions in the world. A collapse of the major banks and AIG would have been more than painful, it would have taken America to third world status. I agree with the concept that you have to let the economy heal on its own, but there is always special circumstances that change everything.

Yes. Fractional reserve banking is inherently unsound. It's not just the U.S., however, but much of the world. The laws of economics don't change.

How is it unsound? Be specific please. You realize without the Fed the big banks would be determining the money supply.
An interesting article from the Brookings Institute that includes this:

Is the GOP going to be so split that they will cede elections to Dems?

Read the article @ The Libertarian Challenge within the GOP | Brookings Institution

Either libertarians and TeaPs and socons get together with the mainstream, or the Dems will win by default.

We will just as soon as we run the fake conservatives like you out of the party.

You are an anarchist, so your comment about the GOP is immaterial. Step off.
Either libertarians and TeaPs and socons get together with the mainstream, or the Dems will win by default.

We will just as soon as we run the fake conservatives like you out of the party.


Like Specter...........Changed Parties at the end.............

The Joke being, What he Changed Parties...........What did he become a Republican................


:lol: Watch the TeaPs get primaried out this coming year.
Our banking system is unsound? Really? Our banks are the most well capitalized institutions in the world. A collapse of the major banks and AIG would have been more than painful, it would have taken America to third world status. I agree with the concept that you have to let the economy heal on its own, but there is always special circumstances that change everything.

Yes. Fractional reserve banking is inherently unsound. It's not just the U.S., however, but much of the world. The laws of economics don't change.

How is it unsound? Be specific please. You realize without the Fed the big banks would be determining the money supply.

How is holding a small amount of the money people deposit in your bank unsound? What if too many of them want to withdraw their money at once? That's how it's unsound. Now we can talk about the FDIC, which means they'll simply make money out of thin air to cover their backsides should that situation arise, but it's fraud plain and simple.

And you realize that with the Fed the money supply might as well be left to the big banks? In reality, the money supply would be dictated by the market. It would be dictated by what the market wants to use as money, and what the market wants to use for other purposes. And it would not be worthless pieces of paper, but rather things of actual value.
Yes. Fractional reserve banking is inherently unsound. It's not just the U.S., however, but much of the world. The laws of economics don't change.

How is it unsound? Be specific please. You realize without the Fed the big banks would be determining the money supply.

How is holding a small amount of the money people deposit in your bank unsound? What if too many of them want to withdraw their money at once? That's how it's unsound. Now we can talk about the FDIC, which means they'll simply make money out of thin air to cover their backsides should that situation arise, but it's fraud plain and simple.

And you realize that with the Fed the money supply might as well be left to the big banks? In reality, the money supply would be dictated by the market. It would be dictated by what the market wants to use as money, and what the market wants to use for other purposes. And it would not be worthless pieces of paper, but rather things of actual value.

You do realize that during the height of the banking crisis depositor accounts were never at risk, right?
How is it unsound? Be specific please. You realize without the Fed the big banks would be determining the money supply.

How is holding a small amount of the money people deposit in your bank unsound? What if too many of them want to withdraw their money at once? That's how it's unsound. Now we can talk about the FDIC, which means they'll simply make money out of thin air to cover their backsides should that situation arise, but it's fraud plain and simple.

And you realize that with the Fed the money supply might as well be left to the big banks? In reality, the money supply would be dictated by the market. It would be dictated by what the market wants to use as money, and what the market wants to use for other purposes. And it would not be worthless pieces of paper, but rather things of actual value.

You do realize that during the height of the banking crisis depositor accounts were never at risk, right?

You do realize that's because the Fed promised to print any money necessary to "insure" those accounts, right?

I've seen/heard/read many Republicans say they would rather not vote than vote for a RINO. I don't know how many of them would actually follow through on that, but it ain't a good sign.


Some may do that but I'll bet it isn't as many as that.

I'm a Libertarian. I vote libertarian locally, and Republican where there are no LP candidates running. In the national and State elections I vote LP in the primaries if possible and then vote for the GOP in the general.

I'll bet I'm not nearly alone.

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