Liberals, Laziness, and the Homeless in America

Two young homeless men (20’s easy) were flopping outside the Wal-Mart today. One of them did not have shoes. But they did have a well fed dog and cigarettes to smoke despite their greasy dred hair and filthy clothes. I bought them “pop top” canned foods and plastic utensils, plus coffee, sugar, and lighter fluid. They were talking to an Army minister when I actually apologized to them and said, “guys it ain’t much...but I hope it helps.” These two were a product of the Neo-Democrats Liberal Great Society. Beg rather than work. Democrats want a victim class. They are narcissistic and condescending. They will think me an asshole for my core beliefs...but hard work and a paycheck would help them two today. But, the are millennial generation. “Mom kicked me out of the basement, now I’m homeless...what will I do.” Work=Paycheck. Billionaire liberals like Soros and his lackey Clinton’s want a victim mindset. We need a mindset that we live in the greatest nation on earth and can achieve a good life. Wonder what Mexican illegals think when they look at the white shit begging?

Most instances of homelessness are not like that at all. In fact...did you sit down and talk with them?

From a personal perspective - one of those men could easily have been my brother, who, in his early twenties, sick and psychotic from schitzophrenia - was homeless for a period.

Maybe less judging and giving of your generous help without censor...would be better.

Nope. Nice try. They were just societal drop outs. Your use of you legitimately mentally ill brother in this situation I find offensive to mentally ill people who need help. The fact that you pimped your brothers illness like, I find offensive. They were two scurvy dopers going from San Francisco to Florida...and most lycould. All mommyand caddy for $$$ at anytime. Made sure I took receipt out of bag so they would not return food for drug money.

How do you know? My brother also smoked pot - he said it helped. I wonder if mentally ill people who need help might find your statements offensive.

Did you talk with them?

Interesting article here: Mental illness and homelessness are connected. But not how you might think

Here we go again. Smoking “medical marijuana “ is the cure all. It helped. Sure. Night Train helps a wino.

No it is not when it comes to schitzophrenia - it reduces the effectiveness of medication, but it probably does something to help them cope short term or they wouldn't be doing it.

Because stepping up to the plate and taking a swing is too hard for them, they are quitters. When the going got tough...they stopped going. I take it your mother and father have passed? So did his sheltered world.
Two young homeless men (20’s easy) were flopping outside the Wal-Mart today. One of them did not have shoes. But they did have a well fed dog and cigarettes to smoke despite their greasy dred hair and filthy clothes. I bought them “pop top” canned foods and plastic utensils, plus coffee, sugar, and lighter fluid. They were talking to an Army minister when I actually apologized to them and said, “guys it ain’t much...but I hope it helps.” These two were a product of the Neo-Democrats Liberal Great Society. Beg rather than work. Democrats want a victim class. They are narcissistic and condescending. They will think me an asshole for my core beliefs...but hard work and a paycheck would help them two today. But, the are millennial generation. “Mom kicked me out of the basement, now I’m homeless...what will I do.” Work=Paycheck. Billionaire liberals like Soros and his lackey Clinton’s want a victim mindset. We need a mindset that we live in the greatest nation on earth and can achieve a good life. Wonder what Mexican illegals think when they look at the white shit begging?

Most instances of homelessness are not like that at all. In fact...did you sit down and talk with them?

From a personal perspective - one of those men could easily have been my brother, who, in his early twenties, sick and psychotic from schitzophrenia - was homeless for a period.

Maybe less judging and giving of your generous help without censor...would be better.

Let’s hope your bother is doing better and will continue to do better. We have a mental health issue in this country, where do we draw a line between helping and forcing.

With metal illness it is tough to know when to push and when to hold back. You are in a rock and a hard space, take care.

Agree 100%
Look, Some you cannot get help for. The courts do not help you unless you can prove they are a threat to others or themselves, and even then the hold time is usually short. However you did it, you are fortunate. Most are not. Be thankful, rather than accusatory. Every situation is different.
That went too far, imo. Unless you have had a family member that suffers from mental illness, you have no idea. Be glad you don’t.
From a personal perspective - one of those men could easily have been my brother, who, in his early twenties, sick and psychotic from schitzophrenia - was homeless for a period.

Well that I believe. You are so freaking unhelpful and avoidant of contributing anything to the society that you wouldn't even help your own brother get a home and help in such a terrible situation.

Yet even though the though of helping your own family members revolts you, others should help total strangers... okay. I can see where the mental illness came from when surrounded by people like this - I would be insane too.

I have family members who suffer from Schizophrenia. Not homeless. What prevented Coyote from getting his brother some much needed help? Maybe the fact that him being a total asshole, he didn't give a shit.


I would have to agree with that. My late Uncle used to work at a hotel downtown. Two of his coworkers were homeless. It was not by choice, he said they busted their asses at work. When they got their paychecks, they would run back down to the railroad tracks where they lived somewhere, and he never knew what they did with them.

Between the two, they could easily have afforded an apartment and perhaps buy a home if they saved enough, but they chose to live the way they did.

Here up north, weather can get deadly like it currently is. Most of our schools closed down for the rest of the week because of temperatures and wind chills. Imagine how Fd up you would have to be to choose to live outside in these conditions. And mind you, Lake Erie has no sympathy.
I just got back from the North...-34 below there.
Around 2004-2005, after the collapse of my career as a computer programmer/data analyst, in desperation, I sought work through an outfit that was then called Labor Ready (now PeopleReady). The work was hard, and often dirty and unpleasant, and quite a shock to someone who was used to easier work in more comfortable working conditions.

In more prosperous times, I was not averse to occasionally giving a bit here and there to panhandlers. During this time, my view of them changed rather radically. I didn't have as much money as I used to, and I had to work a lot harder for it than I used to.

For a while, when approached by a panhandler, I would try to tell him about Labor Ready. I figured that anyone who was willing to work as hard as I did could be making just as much money as I was, so there was no good reason for me to give handouts to such people.

You'd be amazed at the excuses I've heard, why men younger than I was, and appearing to be stronger and healthier than I, couldn't do the work that I was doing.

It didn't take me long to come to the conclusion that I was not doing Labor Ready, nor myself or my fellow Labor Ready workers, any favors by trying to refer these panhandlers to Labor Ready.

I have to admit I have mixed feelings about panhandlers....some seem to me clearly down and out...others I'm less sure of - but then again, many issues aren't visible. But I do remember, years ago visiting NYC - and the panhandlers were VERY aggressive - as in, they'd get on the subway in "teams" and go down the aisles begging. One even had a seeing eye dog, and a buddy who could see with him. I also knew someone who was a college kid and in the off times - he panhandled. He was up front and said he could earn a lot of money that way and I guess he did. :dunno:

Another time recently I went to DC with my mother and had to take the metro. I hadn't been there in years and wasn't sure which lines I needed or which stop. A woman was there by the escalator and saw us and asked us where we were going and did we know which lines - long story short - she helped us, showed us where to go, how to get the tickets and where to change to the other line and what side of the platform to be on - I could guess what was coming though, because she then gave us a badluck schpeil about her life, and how she had to have a colostomy (patting a water bottle shaped bulge in her pocket....) - etc. We gave her some money - I figured we got a good service in return so it was a tip.
There in lies the problem.
That went too far, imo. Unless you have had a family member that suffers from mental illness, you have no idea. Be glad you don’t.
Two young homeless men (20’s easy) were flopping outside the Wal-Mart today. One of them did not have shoes. But they did have a well fed dog and cigarettes to smoke despite their greasy dred hair and filthy clothes. I bought them “pop top” canned foods and plastic utensils, plus coffee, sugar, and lighter fluid. They were talking to an Army minister when I actually apologized to them and said, “guys it ain’t much...but I hope it helps.” These two were a product of the Neo-Democrats Liberal Great Society. Beg rather than work. Democrats want a victim class. They are narcissistic and condescending. They will think me an asshole for my core beliefs...but hard work and a paycheck would help them two today. But, the are millennial generation. “Mom kicked me out of the basement, now I’m homeless...what will I do.” Work=Paycheck. Billionaire liberals like Soros and his lackey Clinton’s want a victim mindset. We need a mindset that we live in the greatest nation on earth and can achieve a good life. Wonder what Mexican illegals think when they look at the white shit begging?

From a personal perspective - one of those men could easily have been my brother, who, in his early twenties, sick and psychotic from schitzophrenia - was homeless for a period.

Well that I believe. You are so freaking unhelpful and avoidant of contributing anything to the society that you wouldn't even help your own brother get a home and help in such a terrible situation.

Yet even though the though of helping your own family members revolts you, others should help total strangers... okay. I can see where the mental illness came from when surrounded by people like this - I would be insane too.

I have family members who suffer from Schizophrenia. Not homeless. What prevented Coyote from getting his brother some much needed help? Maybe the fact that him being a total asshole, he didn't give a shit.


If you have family members with this disease, you would realize how difficult that disease is - when my brother had his first psychotic break he was a teen as was I. When he was homeless - he was 22 - and it was for a few months. My mother did everything to help him - but in the mid 1970's there isn't a whole lot you can do and the prevailing theory of schitzophrenia is not "brain disease" but frigid mother. When the person is an adult your options are even more limited in regards to what can legally be done. My brother has had periods of stability and some more serious breaks and was almost homeless again. You have no idea of the things we had to do to get him into a safe and stable situation and at any point he could have walked out and made a different choice and our hands were tied. So fuck you.

I can’t imagine, just curious, does your brother resist taking his medications? I heard this is very common. My best to you and your mother in trying to help your brother, take care.
Most instances of homelessness are not like that at all. In fact...did you sit down and talk with them?

From a personal perspective - one of those men could easily have been my brother, who, in his early twenties, sick and psychotic from schitzophrenia - was homeless for a period.

Maybe less judging and giving of your generous help without censor...would be better.
Nope. Nice try. They were just societal drop outs. Your use of you legitimately mentally ill brother in this situation I find offensive to mentally ill people who need help. The fact that you pimped your brothers illness like, I find offensive. They were two scurvy dopers going from San Francisco to Florida...and most lycould. All mommyand caddy for $$$ at anytime. Made sure I took receipt out of bag so they would not return food for drug money.

How do you know? My brother also smoked pot - he said it helped. I wonder if mentally ill people who need help might find your statements offensive.

Did you talk with them?

Interesting article here: Mental illness and homelessness are connected. But not how you might think
Here we go again. Smoking “medical marijuana “ is the cure all. It helped. Sure. Night Train helps a wino.

No it is not when it comes to schitzophrenia - it reduces the effectiveness of medication, but it probably does something to help them cope short term or they wouldn't be doing it.
Because stepping up to the plate and taking a swing is too hard for them, they are quitters. When the going got tough...they stopped going. I take it your mother and father have passed? So did his sheltered world.
No my mother is still alive and she planned for his future, we are fortunate in that.
That went too far, imo. Unless you have had a family member that suffers from mental illness, you have no idea. Be glad you don’t.
From a personal perspective - one of those men could easily have been my brother, who, in his early twenties, sick and psychotic from schitzophrenia - was homeless for a period.

Well that I believe. You are so freaking unhelpful and avoidant of contributing anything to the society that you wouldn't even help your own brother get a home and help in such a terrible situation.

Yet even though the though of helping your own family members revolts you, others should help total strangers... okay. I can see where the mental illness came from when surrounded by people like this - I would be insane too.

I have family members who suffer from Schizophrenia. Not homeless. What prevented Coyote from getting his brother some much needed help? Maybe the fact that him being a total asshole, he didn't give a shit.


If you have family members with this disease, you would realize how difficult that disease is - when my brother had his first psychotic break he was a teen as was I. When he was homeless - he was 22 - and it was for a few months. My mother did everything to help him - but in the mid 1970's there isn't a whole lot you can do and the prevailing theory of schitzophrenia is not "brain disease" but frigid mother. When the person is an adult your options are even more limited in regards to what can legally be done. My brother has had periods of stability and some more serious breaks and was almost homeless again. You have no idea of the things we had to do to get him into a safe and stable situation and at any point he could have walked out and made a different choice and our hands were tied. So fuck you.

I can’t imagine, just curious, does your brother resist taking his medications? I heard this is very common. My best to you and your mother in trying to help your brother, take care.

He actuslly was really good until his fifties then things went really downhill for a number of reasons. Now thoughhe seems stsble again, hasa good doctor who cares and is happier :)
Most instances of homelessness are not like that at all. In fact...did you sit down and talk with them?

From a personal perspective - one of those men could easily have been my brother, who, in his early twenties, sick and psychotic from schitzophrenia - was homeless for a period.

Maybe less judging and giving of your generous help without censor...would be better.
Nope. Nice try. They were just societal drop outs. Your use of you legitimately mentally ill brother in this situation I find offensive to mentally ill people who need help. The fact that you pimped your brothers illness like, I find offensive. They were two scurvy dopers going from San Francisco to Florida...and most lycould. All mommyand caddy for $$$ at anytime. Made sure I took receipt out of bag so they would not return food for drug money.

How do you know? My brother also smoked pot - he said it helped. I wonder if mentally ill people who need help might find your statements offensive.

Did you talk with them?

Interesting article here: Mental illness and homelessness are connected. But not how you might think
Here we go again. Smoking “medical marijuana “ is the cure all. It helped. Sure. Night Train helps a wino.

No it is not when it comes to schitzophrenia - it reduces the effectiveness of medication, but it probably does something to help them cope short term or they wouldn't be doing it.
Because stepping up to the plate and taking a swing is too hard for them, they are quitters. When the going got tough...they stopped going. I take it your mother and father have passed? So did his sheltered world.
You cant step up to the plate when your brain is broken and your convinced that the bat is a CIA device listening in on your thoughts.
That went too far, imo. Unless you have had a family member that suffers from mental illness, you have no idea. Be glad you don’t.
Well that I believe. You are so freaking unhelpful and avoidant of contributing anything to the society that you wouldn't even help your own brother get a home and help in such a terrible situation.

Yet even though the though of helping your own family members revolts you, others should help total strangers... okay. I can see where the mental illness came from when surrounded by people like this - I would be insane too.

I have family members who suffer from Schizophrenia. Not homeless. What prevented Coyote from getting his brother some much needed help? Maybe the fact that him being a total asshole, he didn't give a shit.


If you have family members with this disease, you would realize how difficult that disease is - when my brother had his first psychotic break he was a teen as was I. When he was homeless - he was 22 - and it was for a few months. My mother did everything to help him - but in the mid 1970's there isn't a whole lot you can do and the prevailing theory of schitzophrenia is not "brain disease" but frigid mother. When the person is an adult your options are even more limited in regards to what can legally be done. My brother has had periods of stability and some more serious breaks and was almost homeless again. You have no idea of the things we had to do to get him into a safe and stable situation and at any point he could have walked out and made a different choice and our hands were tied. So fuck you.

I can’t imagine, just curious, does your brother resist taking his medications? I heard this is very common. My best to you and your mother in trying to help your brother, take care.

He actuslly was really good until his fifties then things went really downhill for a number of reasons. Now thoughhe seems stsble again, hasa good doctor who cares and is happier :)

Glad to know he is doing better, a good doctor can go a long way in helping them to keep on medications and keep them stable. Take care of yourself.

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