Liberals: How Do You define What it Means to be a Liberal?

Do you ever ask yourself why there is more liberal college professors?
They teach one side of coin on controversial issues. It didn't used to be that way.
Teachers used to teach you how to think, now they teach you what to think

Colleges teach about Marx and Engles but they never teach the other argument against their theories by Fredrick von Mises.

Marx, Engels, and Mises, they speak plenty of those, for they preach submission to the bankster parasites.
The economic principles they absolutely hate and refuse to discuss are those of the Thomist.
Look it up.

I agree with you on Thomist.They did not teach about Mises at the U of A in Tucson in the 70's, there they shun both, you have learn it on your own.

Very good then.
Though, Mises is sometimes mentioned, just as the "bad guy", who really is not all that different from the others. Thomist economics is simply not allowed to be discussed, mentioned, or acknowledged in any way.
I am asking this question very sincerely. Liberals...what does it mean to you personally to be liberal? How do you define your liberal philosophy in personal terms?

I ask this question for several reasons.

1. Many liberals express frustration on this message board that they are misunderstood. When they are criticized, the general response often seems to be "you do not know where I am coming from. You really don't understand liberalism."

2. I have found most Conservatives and Libertarians are very willing to discuss their personal political philosophy. Maybe this is a generalization, but liberals seem very reluctant to get specific about what liberalism is...and what it means to them personally.

3. Maybe if you were more willing to discuss what liberalism means to you personally, there would be greater understanding.

I will speak for myself. I am probably socially left leaning. I support gay rights and gay marriage (neither are any of my business) , I don't like abortion but would not refuse women the right to seek one (again, not directly my business). I am generally very tolerant of different points of view and say live and let live as long as you are not hurting anyone else. So socially I'm probably libertarian/Democrat.

Fiscal issues...Constitutional Rights, Gun Ownership, personal responsibility for your own life, I'm pretty Conservative.

See, that was easy. So you folks who see yourself as do you define your beliefs? And please no links to 20 page Das Kapital position papers. This is what you believe. :)

Libertarians are for the most part, liberals, 'ya dum dum faggot.
The exception being that liberals, by their true definition, support the right to LIFE.

Gay slurs....really? Do you consider yourself an elightened liberal?
What do your Liberal scientists and engineers think about the science and engineering of high volume high pressure horizontal hydraulic fracturing?

"high volume of high pressure"?
Do you want to rephrase your question, or is English not your first language?

Hint: the correct phrase might be "high pressure".
Word count does not equal intelligence, quite the opposite in fact.

It's the language of the industry of which I speak and have been a part of for 37 years. Don't tread on my territory, you stupid fuck.

I think you can probably add homophobic as well.
What do your Liberal scientists and engineers think about the science and engineering of high volume high pressure horizontal hydraulic fracturing?

"high volume of high pressure"?
Do you want to rephrase your question, or is English not your first language?

Hint: the correct phrase might be "high pressure".
Word count does not equal intelligence, quite the opposite in fact.

It's the language of the industry of which I speak and have been a part of for 37 years. Don't tread on my territory, you stupid fuck.

No it is not, you simply have very poor skills in language and you appear to be claiming some sort of appeal to authority, combined with Ignoratio elenchi, which are a classic logical fallacies in a reasonable discussion.

All of which is quite humorous, considering your poor grasp of language to begin with.

It's ok, though it leaves little credibility in whatever you are trying to convey.
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"high volume of high pressure"?
Do you want to rephrase your question, or is English not your first language?

Hint: the correct phrase might be "high pressure".
Word count does not equal intelligence, quite the opposite in fact.

It's the language of the industry of which I speak and have been a part of for 37 years. Don't tread on my territory, you stupid fuck.

I think you can probably add homophobic as well.

Maybe, maybe not. That's beside the point. Fuck that shit stain.

Science and engineering are being crafted to suit the agenda of Liberal ideology.

It's a bended world now. The benefits of an argued Conservative world are being successfully gauged against the world of Liberals

Liberals are winning, and we as a society are losing.
It's the language of the industry of which I speak and have been a part of for 37 years. Don't tread on my territory, you stupid fuck.

I think you can probably add homophobic as well.

Maybe, maybe not. That's beside the point. Fuck that shit stain.

Science and engineering are being crafted to suit the agenda of Liberal ideology.

It's a bended world now. The benefits of an argued Conservative world are being successfully gauged against the world of Liberals

Liberals are winning, and we as a society are losing.

Wonderful!, now we are getting somewhere!

Sir, now we may be at a place where reality may be discussed.
Liberal ideology has nothing to do with how the true sciences are being ruined by the bankster tribe. Liberals certainly are not "winning", the very term has been twisted into an opposite meaning! True liberals are certainly losing to the international banker.

And you are helping the bankster!
As evidenced by your complete ignorance of the very meaning of true classic liberalism.

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It's the language of the industry of which I speak and have been a part of for 37 years. Don't tread on my territory, you stupid fuck.

I think you can probably add homophobic as well.

Maybe, maybe not. That's beside the point. Fuck that shit stain.

Science and engineering are being crafted to suit the agenda of Liberal ideology.

It's a bended world now. The benefits of an argued Conservative world are being successfully gauged against the world of Liberals

Liberals are winning, and we as a society are losing.

Maybe. True science is a direct appeal to logic and facts. It speaks for itself. People can use it for their own political purposes. If you have a brain you evaluate the data yourself and reach your own conclusions.

For example: Global warming. The data trend has basically stopped over the past 15 years despite all the predictions and data modelling. Why? Legitimate science wants to know the why, not shove a political conclusion down your throat with insufficient or contradictory data.

I think you and I agree...I just wish others did as well.
What do your Liberal scientists and engineers think about the science and engineering of high volume high pressure horizontal hydraulic fracturing?

"high volume high pressure"?
Do you want to rephrase your question, or is English not your first language?

Hint: the correct phrase might be "high pressure".
Word count does not equal intelligence, quite the opposite in fact.

You should learn about new technology before you go around insulting people. Technology of Horizontal Hydraulic Fracturing - Quesitons.pdf
I am asking this question very sincerely. Liberals...what does it mean to you personally to be liberal? How do you define your liberal philosophy in personal terms?

I ask this question for several reasons.

1. Many liberals express frustration on this message board that they are misunderstood. When they are criticized, the general response often seems to be "you do not know where I am coming from. You really don't understand liberalism."

2. I have found most Conservatives and Libertarians are very willing to discuss their personal political philosophy. Maybe this is a generalization, but liberals seem very reluctant to get specific about what liberalism is...and what it means to them personally.

3. Maybe if you were more willing to discuss what liberalism means to you personally, there would be greater understanding.

I will speak for myself. I am probably socially left leaning. I support gay rights and gay marriage (neither are any of my business) , I don't like abortion but would not refuse women the right to seek one (again, not directly my business). I am generally very tolerant of different points of view and say live and let live as long as you are not hurting anyone else. So socially I'm probably libertarian/Democrat.

Fiscal issues...Constitutional Rights, Gun Ownership, personal responsibility for your own life, I'm pretty Conservative.

See, that was easy. So you folks who see yourself as do you define your beliefs? And please no links to 20 page Das Kapital position papers. This is what you believe. :)

Funny, I've found that most scientists and engineers are liberal. As well as college professors.

I've found that conservatives think science is a faith, evolution a lie and climate change a conspiracy. Conservatives can't take responsibility for a single one of their failed policies. Not for the war they tricked this country in to. They ruin government. Have no policies anyone likes. They even blame policies they passed through reconciliation on Democrats, like the deficit creating Bush tax cuts.

When they hold hostage millions of Americans, like the unemployed, to force the extension their failed tax cuts, they blame the tax cuts on the Democrats for extending them..

The entire rest of the word is scared of them and thinks they are dangerous loons.

Worse, in spite of the damage they cause, they think they are maligned. They refuse to see any side except the one they imagine. They think blacks were better off as "slaves". They think there is a "gay agenda". They feel women belong in the home and women's bodies should be legislated. They fight for the fetus and will turn away from hungry children.

How do we know these things? They tell us. But when we repeat their zany positions or link to them, they call us liars.

Still of full of shyt I see. Most scientists are liberals and many are independent. Most engineers are conservative. Why ?

Because those of us who are engineers live in the real world...not the white coated lab rat world of the scientist.

When are you going to get your mother to teach you something useful ?
Regardless of left or right persuasion, know that you cannot depend on anyone but yourself. In America, it's "every man for himself." If you depend on corporations or the government, you are eventually going to be disappointed. And "you can take that to the bank." The bank...:lol:...the origin of the word, definition, and its practice in American History, should give anyone pause.

I'm going to disagree.

In America you get what you pay for. The more government and/or corporate influence you can afford, the more you 'get'.

Do you REALLY think that the owners of production are interested in seeing unemployment drop below 7%? It's right where they (who supply the campaign cash to BOTH parties) want it.
As I just said in another are very angry. It is not healthy. Dial back the paranoia a little bit.

This has been a good discussion. I have learned some things. I see agreement in that both sides seem to distrust Corporate power and believe money has way too much influence in politics. There seems to be a libertarian strain in both philosophies that is emerging. I hope to learn more. If you feel you can read my mind or motivations you are wrong.

I am not angry....but I have no time for liars. Tell the will be treated more kindly by me. Try it.

Here's the thing...and it is not personal...I am really not interested in your opinion. I have been sincere in what I have expressed. I think most people have. If your attempts to continually call me a liar makes you feel better go for it. Water off a duck's back. :)

I know that you are not interested in my opinion. That is the point that I have been making since you started this thread.

See post #'s 12 and 14.

What have you learned since? Have you determined that liberals are, in fact, willing to define themselves?
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I am asking this question very sincerely. Liberals...what does it mean to you personally to be liberal? How do you define your liberal philosophy in personal terms?

I ask this question for several reasons.

1. Many liberals express frustration on this message board that they are misunderstood. When they are criticized, the general response often seems to be "you do not know where I am coming from. You really don't understand liberalism."

2. I have found most Conservatives and Libertarians are very willing to discuss their personal political philosophy. Maybe this is a generalization, but liberals seem very reluctant to get specific about what liberalism is...and what it means to them personally.

3. Maybe if you were more willing to discuss what liberalism means to you personally, there would be greater understanding.

I will speak for myself. I am probably socially left leaning. I support gay rights and gay marriage (neither are any of my business) , I don't like abortion but would not refuse women the right to seek one (again, not directly my business). I am generally very tolerant of different points of view and say live and let live as long as you are not hurting anyone else. So socially I'm probably libertarian/Democrat.

Fiscal issues...Constitutional Rights, Gun Ownership, personal responsibility for your own life, I'm pretty Conservative.

See, that was easy. So you folks who see yourself as do you define your beliefs? And please no links to 20 page Das Kapital position papers. This is what you believe. :)

Libertarians are for the most part, liberals, 'ya dum dum faggot.
The exception being that liberals, by their true definition, support the right to LIFE.

Wrong. Liberals by their true definition support the right to personal choice and personal responsibility. Liberals understand that the technology behind abortion is not going to go away, so they'll fight for two things: Making sure that the choice is available and safe if a family finds itself in the unfortunate position of having to consider that choice, and making sure that Americans are educated beyond the need to turn abortion into an 'industry'.

It's not rocket science.
I am asking this question very sincerely. Liberals...what does it mean to you personally to be liberal? How do you define your liberal philosophy in personal terms?

I ask this question for several reasons.

1. Many liberals express frustration on this message board that they are misunderstood. When they are criticized, the general response often seems to be "you do not know where I am coming from. You really don't understand liberalism."

2. I have found most Conservatives and Libertarians are very willing to discuss their personal political philosophy. Maybe this is a generalization, but liberals seem very reluctant to get specific about what liberalism is...and what it means to them personally.

3. Maybe if you were more willing to discuss what liberalism means to you personally, there would be greater understanding.

I will speak for myself. I am probably socially left leaning. I support gay rights and gay marriage (neither are any of my business) , I don't like abortion but would not refuse women the right to seek one (again, not directly my business). I am generally very tolerant of different points of view and say live and let live as long as you are not hurting anyone else. So socially I'm probably libertarian/Democrat.

Fiscal issues...Constitutional Rights, Gun Ownership, personal responsibility for your own life, I'm pretty Conservative.

See, that was easy. So you folks who see yourself as do you define your beliefs? And please no links to 20 page Das Kapital position papers. This is what you believe. :)

Funny, I've found that most scientists and engineers are liberal. As well as college professors.

I've found that conservatives think science is a faith, evolution a lie and climate change a conspiracy. Conservatives can't take responsibility for a single one of their failed policies. Not for the war they tricked this country in to. They ruin government. Have no policies anyone likes. They even blame policies they passed through reconciliation on Democrats, like the deficit creating Bush tax cuts.

When they hold hostage millions of Americans, like the unemployed, to force the extension their failed tax cuts, they blame the tax cuts on the Democrats for extending them..

The entire rest of the word is scared of them and thinks they are dangerous loons.

Worse, in spite of the damage they cause, they think they are maligned. They refuse to see any side except the one they imagine. They think blacks were better off as "slaves". They think there is a "gay agenda". They feel women belong in the home and women's bodies should be legislated. They fight for the fetus and will turn away from hungry children.

How do we know these things? They tell us. But when we repeat their zany positions or link to them, they call us liars.

What do your Liberal scientists and engineers think about the science and engineering of high volume high pressure horizontal hydraulic fracturing?

Not being a scientist or engineer, I can't say. But as a liberal citizen, I say get 'er done.

PROVIDED that the top priority in the industry is safe, environmentally sound and community aware extraction, instead of the kind of profits that lead to million dollar campaign contributions to pay for 'special' treatment by government for those interests.
I am asking this question very sincerely. Liberals...what does it mean to you personally to be liberal? How do you define your liberal philosophy in personal terms?

I ask this question for several reasons.

1. Many liberals express frustration on this message board that they are misunderstood. When they are criticized, the general response often seems to be "you do not know where I am coming from. You really don't understand liberalism."

2. I have found most Conservatives and Libertarians are very willing to discuss their personal political philosophy. Maybe this is a generalization, but liberals seem very reluctant to get specific about what liberalism is...and what it means to them personally.

3. Maybe if you were more willing to discuss what liberalism means to you personally, there would be greater understanding.

I will speak for myself. I am probably socially left leaning. I support gay rights and gay marriage (neither are any of my business) , I don't like abortion but would not refuse women the right to seek one (again, not directly my business). I am generally very tolerant of different points of view and say live and let live as long as you are not hurting anyone else. So socially I'm probably libertarian/Democrat.

Fiscal issues...Constitutional Rights, Gun Ownership, personal responsibility for your own life, I'm pretty Conservative.

See, that was easy. So you folks who see yourself as do you define your beliefs? And please no links to 20 page Das Kapital position papers. This is what you believe. :)

Funny, I've found that most scientists and engineers are liberal. As well as college professors.

I've found that conservatives think science is a faith, evolution a lie and climate change a conspiracy. Conservatives can't take responsibility for a single one of their failed policies. Not for the war they tricked this country in to. They ruin government. Have no policies anyone likes. They even blame policies they passed through reconciliation on Democrats, like the deficit creating Bush tax cuts.

When they hold hostage millions of Americans, like the unemployed, to force the extension their failed tax cuts, they blame the tax cuts on the Democrats for extending them..

The entire rest of the word is scared of them and thinks they are dangerous loons.

Worse, in spite of the damage they cause, they think they are maligned. They refuse to see any side except the one they imagine. They think blacks were better off as "slaves". They think there is a "gay agenda". They feel women belong in the home and women's bodies should be legislated. They fight for the fetus and will turn away from hungry children.

How do we know these things? They tell us. But when we repeat their zany positions or link to them, they call us liars.

You're also the guy who keeps telling us that "our infrastructure is crumbling"

Why do Liberal engineers design inferior products could it be that they're more concerned about "how does this bridge feel about transporting all these global warming vehicles across its span" instead of staying with the science and engineering?
"high volume of high pressure"?
Do you want to rephrase your question, or is English not your first language?

Hint: the correct phrase might be "high pressure".
Word count does not equal intelligence, quite the opposite in fact.

It's the language of the industry of which I speak and have been a part of for 37 years. Don't tread on my territory, you stupid fuck.

No it is not, you simply have very poor skills in language and you appear to be claiming some sort of appeal to authority, combined with Ignoratio elenchi, which are a classic logical fallacies in a reasonable discussion.

All of which is quite humorous, considering your poor grasp of language to begin with.

It's ok, though it leaves little credibility in whatever you are trying to convey.

Nit-picking over words and phrases like you're doing is a wast of political time. Do you understand what he MEANS? If not, ask an intelligent question for clarification. If you do understand the gist of his post, make a relevant comment and move on.

Political nit-pickers are part of the problem, not the solution.
I am asking this question very sincerely. Liberals...what does it mean to you personally to be liberal? How do you define your liberal philosophy in personal terms?

I ask this question for several reasons.

1. Many liberals express frustration on this message board that they are misunderstood. When they are criticized, the general response often seems to be "you do not know where I am coming from. You really don't understand liberalism."

2. I have found most Conservatives and Libertarians are very willing to discuss their personal political philosophy. Maybe this is a generalization, but liberals seem very reluctant to get specific about what liberalism is...and what it means to them personally.

3. Maybe if you were more willing to discuss what liberalism means to you personally, there would be greater understanding.

I will speak for myself. I am probably socially left leaning. I support gay rights and gay marriage (neither are any of my business) , I don't like abortion but would not refuse women the right to seek one (again, not directly my business). I am generally very tolerant of different points of view and say live and let live as long as you are not hurting anyone else. So socially I'm probably libertarian/Democrat.

Fiscal issues...Constitutional Rights, Gun Ownership, personal responsibility for your own life, I'm pretty Conservative.

See, that was easy. So you folks who see yourself as do you define your beliefs? And please no links to 20 page Das Kapital position papers. This is what you believe. :)

You see that description of yourself up there?

Imagine for a moment that an honest person described him or herself in that manner. Add some common sense details to the "fiscal issues" tab and a realization that our constitution is a living document.

Then, my nutter friend, you will have discovered a liberal.

Merry Christmas.

My dear nutter friend, did you catch "personal responsibility for your own life?" That precludes many of liberals from the conservative way of life.

I, too feel that Conservatives and liberals are much the same on many subjects, but the true testing grounds are the personal responsibility issue.

Matter of fact, if we would put up that Libertarian test again, we might find the Democrat - Republican and Liberal - Conservative labels are just out of place these days. We have vehement discussions arguing over semantics, when it's actually one issue we disagree most on and agree with most others.
Conservatives know the difference between classic liberal and the liberals of today.
They are as different as night and day.
What conservatives are calling liberals are the ones like Nancy Pelosi who are Socialist Democrats.
The ones who love communism and the communist leaders. These are the ones who love redistribution of wealth and a large portion of communist ideology. These are the ones who want an Americanized Communist country. These are the ones who are pushing for no boarders and want a one world government. Bush Sr. was one of these types of liberals, so it's not just one party, they are in both parties. Some of us call them liberal and some of us call them progressives.
This administration is full of them, and many are in the Democratic party. There are some in the Republican party just not as many as in the Dems party.
They are not out of place, they are spot on correct when they are talking about these types of liberals.
Do you ever ask yourself why there is more liberal college professors?
They teach one side of coin on controversial issues. It didn't used to be that way.
Teachers used to teach you how to think, now they teach you what to think

Colleges teach about Marx and Engles but they never teach the other argument against their theories by Ludwig von Mises.

YOU are a perfect example of a KNOW NOTHING.
Do you ever ask yourself why there is more liberal college professors?
They teach one side of coin on controversial issues. It didn't used to be that way.
Teachers used to teach you how to think, now they teach you what to think

Colleges teach about Marx and Engles but they never teach the other argument against their theories by Ludwig von Mises.

YOU are a perfect example of a KNOW NOTHING.

You are the perfect example of asleep at the switch. :lol:

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