Some Of The Stupidest Things Democrats And Their Corrupt Media Did In 2018


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
The list is long. Democrats and their corrupt friends in the media have destroyed lives and caused billions of dollars in damage to the federal government, the economy, and to the public.

If you want to talk about collusion, these people wrote the book on it.

I wanted to list the 10 or 20 stupidest things these scumbags have done to America in 2018.


  • The Courts. For generations, the left has stacked the courts with judicial activists determined to read their priorities into the law by twisting the Constitution beyond recognition. President Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell have successfully remade the federal judiciary by appointing and confirming judges dedicated to the proposition that the Constitution must be read as it was written. If Democrats somehow win back the Senate, they will hold open every single judicial seat, hoping that a Democrat takes the White House in 2020. Then they’ll go right back to rigging the judicial branch, using it as a club with which to destroy Constitutional rights and traditional values.
  • The Investigations. Democrats have already pledged investigations into every aspect of President Trump’s life. They’ll subpoena every member of government they can get their hands on. And we know that they don’t care about guilt or innocence – after all, they just tried to railroad a federal judge by claiming, without corroborating evidence, that he was an alleged gang rapist. In fact, Democrats have already pledged to launch another investigation into Justice Kavanaugh, hoping to undo the results of the confirmation vote. If you enjoyed the disgusting spectacle of Democrats trying to destroy due process of law, get ready for more.
  • Impeachment. While Democratic leadership has been lukewarm on the idea of impeaching President Trump, the base won’t settle for anything less if the Democrats take the House of Representatives. They’ll demand that Trump be impeached for any reason whatsoever – and then they’ll push the narrative that corrupt Republicans don’t care about the rule of law. Now, it’s just possible that Democrats could create a backlash that helps President Trump – that voters react to impeachment by supporting him. But that’s a risky proposition at best.
  • The Economy. President Trump’s chief selling point in his re-election effort will be the economy. And Democrats are dedicated to stifling economic growth if it means stopping Trump. They’ll hold up budgets, blow out spending, push for harsh anti-business regulation. They’ll kill the predictable pro-business climate President Trump has carefully crafted. The stock market will tumble as Wall Street begins to price in the effect of Democratic governance. And businesses will start to sock away capital again to prepare for the possibility that a unified Democratic government could enter Washington in 2020.
  • Foreign Policy. President Trump has done a fantastic job of drawing us closer to our allies and throwing a scare into our enemies. He’s done so because Republicans in Congress are willing to bolster our defense spending as necessary. The same isn’t true of Democrats, who would immediately move to cut defense spending, signaling to the world that President Obama’s weak-kneed foreign policy is back. Democrats would also attempt to undermine sanctions against the Iranian regime in keeping with Obama-era foreign policy.
  • Polarizing Culture Wars. We’ve already seen the Democrats suggest that mob politics is the new normal. We’ve seen the Democrats capitalize on racial issues to polarize the country; we’ve seen them try to divide Americans by class and sex as well. With the platform of Congress, look for Democrats to attempt a series of divisive maneuvers intended to relaunch the culture wars in new and frightening ways.​

  • 5ad0d8031eaa5.image.jpg

  • Attacks on Religious Liberty. President Trump has been stalwart in his defense of religious liberty. Democrats will be just as stalwart in their attacks on religious liberty. They’ll surely attempt to push so-called anti-discrimination laws directed at religious businesses, churches, and schools – and then they’ll dare President Trump to veto them so that they can claim that he is a bigot.
  • The Twisting Of Social Media. Democrats have made a habit of threatening our biggest social media companies with investigations and regulations should they fail to crack down on conservative perspectives. Democrats, angry at Hillary Clinton’s 2016 loss, blamed companies like Facebook for so-called “fake news,” and attributed Clinton’s utter incompetence to the impact of Russian bots. Democrats don’t believe any of that, but they’ve frightened social media companies into cracking down on free speech, as a leaked report from Google to Breitbart News showed this week. Social media companies are deeply afraid of Democrats punishing them for failing to target conservatives. Don’t be surprised if those social media companies escalate their efforts to do just that.
  • Radical Growth of the Democrat-Media Complex. We already know that the mainstream media institutions are dominated by Democratic supporters. And we know that those Democratic supporters will parrot any talking points the Democratic Party pushes. But with Democrats in power pushing every line of attack simultaneously, the media’s never-ending firehose of anti-Republican propaganda will merely widen the nozzle. If you’re worried about media bias now, wait until Democrats control the Congress and put President Trump in their sights.
  • Mob Rule. Democrats believe that they must lash out in anger in order to win in 2018. If they do win, they’ll double down on that anger, hoping it carries them to victory in 2020. Like the mobs invading the Senate and the steps of the Supreme Court? Enjoying top Democratic officials nodding and smiling at crowds harassing Republicans in restaurants? Get ready for much, much more. The only way to shut down the Democrats’ new mob rule strategy is to stop them cold at the ballot box.

    In 2016, Hillary Clinton lost the presidency because Democrats didn’t show up to vote. They simply assumed that she’d sweep to victory. They were wrong.
  • On 8 November 2016 Donald Trump won the US presidency. But it was also the day the Democratic party went awol. Almost two years later, the Democrats are still not to be found. They have no clear leader, or even leadership team, no convincing analysis of why they lost the election, and, consequently, no strategy to do better next time.

    In a July 2017 Washington Post-ABC News poll a majority of Americans (52%) said the Democratic party “just stands against Trump”, while just a minority (37%) believed the party “stands for something”. I seriously doubt these numbers will have changed much since then. As Democratic leaders limit their interventions to anti-Russia and anti-Trump platitudes, they might rally their partisan core, but they lose the bigger base – including millennials.
  • In recent weeks, Trump derangement syndrome on the left has reached critical mass. First, there was Robert De Niro’s “F--- Trump” tirade at the Tony awards, followed by Samantha Bee’s calling Ivanka Trump a “feckless c---” on her TV show. Then the owners of the Red Hen restaurant threw out White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders because she works for the president, while chanting protesters heckled Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen at a Mexican restaurant. Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) added fuel to the fire by openly calling on mobs of left-wing activists to “absolutely harass” Trump officials. Then there were the countless Trump opponents in the media, Congress and on Twitter who compared family separations at the southern border to Nazi Germany, and the Time magazine cover depicting Trump staring down heartlessly at a crying migrant girl and implying she was separated from her mother (until it emerged that she had not in fact been separated from her mother). And now come the threats to block Trump’s Supreme Court nominee before he has even nominated one.

  1. Democrats tried to frame Judge Kavanaugh
  2. Democrats literally stole seats in California and Arizona by using Vote Harvesting
  3. Hawaiian Judge and other liberal judges are trying to stop Trump from doing his job protecting the United States
  4. Democrats refuse to fund the wall
  5. Democrats Blue wave turns into a ripple
  6. Democrats take sides with MS-13 against US citizens
  7. Democrats create sanctuary state in California
  8. Democrats lose Senate seats
  9. Democrats in the Fed raise interest rates
  10. Robert Mueller can't find any Russian Collusion
2018 was a really bad year for America thanks to Democrats. I predict 2019 will be even worse once the Democrats take back the House and start intentionally trying to crash the economy.


The Democratic party went awol in 2016 – and is still missing | Cas Mudde
Ben Shapiro: 10 Reasons To Vote Republican In November
The left’s contempt is going to reelect Trump - The Washington Post
Last edited:
The list is long. Democrats and their corrupt friends in the media have destroyed lives and caused billions of dollars in damage to the federal government, the economy, and to the public.

If you want to talk about collusion, these people wrote the book on it.

I wanted to list the 10 or 20 stupidest things these scumbags have done to America in 2018.


  • The Courts. For generations, the left has stacked the courts with judicial activists determined to read their priorities into the law by twisting the Constitution beyond recognition. President Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell have successfully remade the federal judiciary by appointing and confirming judges dedicated to the proposition that the Constitution must be read as it was written. If Democrats somehow win back the Senate, they will hold open every single judicial seat, hoping that a Democrat takes the White House in 2020. Then they’ll go right back to rigging the judicial branch, using it as a club with which to destroy Constitutional rights and traditional values.
  • The Investigations. Democrats have already pledged investigations into every aspect of President Trump’s life. They’ll subpoena every member of government they can get their hands on. And we know that they don’t care about guilt or innocence – after all, they just tried to railroad a federal judge by claiming, without corroborating evidence, that he was an alleged gang rapist. In fact, Democrats have already pledged to launch another investigation into Justice Kavanaugh, hoping to undo the results of the confirmation vote. If you enjoyed the disgusting spectacle of Democrats trying to destroy due process of law, get ready for more.
  • Impeachment. While Democratic leadership has been lukewarm on the idea of impeaching President Trump, the base won’t settle for anything less if the Democrats take the House of Representatives. They’ll demand that Trump be impeached for any reason whatsoever – and then they’ll push the narrative that corrupt Republicans don’t care about the rule of law. Now, it’s just possible that Democrats could create a backlash that helps President Trump – that voters react to impeachment by supporting him. But that’s a risky proposition at best.
  • The Economy. President Trump’s chief selling point in his re-election effort will be the economy. And Democrats are dedicated to stifling economic growth if it means stopping Trump. They’ll hold up budgets, blow out spending, push for harsh anti-business regulation. They’ll kill the predictable pro-business climate President Trump has carefully crafted. The stock market will tumble as Wall Street begins to price in the effect of Democratic governance. And businesses will start to sock away capital again to prepare for the possibility that a unified Democratic government could enter Washington in 2020.
  • Foreign Policy. President Trump has done a fantastic job of drawing us closer to our allies and throwing a scare into our enemies. He’s done so because Republicans in Congress are willing to bolster our defense spending as necessary. The same isn’t true of Democrats, who would immediately move to cut defense spending, signaling to the world that President Obama’s weak-kneed foreign policy is back. Democrats would also attempt to undermine sanctions against the Iranian regime in keeping with Obama-era foreign policy.
  • Polarizing Culture Wars. We’ve already seen the Democrats suggest that mob politics is the new normal. We’ve seen the Democrats capitalize on racial issues to polarize the country; we’ve seen them try to divide Americans by class and sex as well. With the platform of Congress, look for Democrats to attempt a series of divisive maneuvers intended to relaunch the culture wars in new and frightening ways.​

  • 5ad0d8031eaa5.image.jpg

  • Attacks on Religious Liberty. President Trump has been stalwart in his defense of religious liberty. Democrats will be just as stalwart in their attacks on religious liberty. They’ll surely attempt to push so-called anti-discrimination laws directed at religious businesses, churches, and schools – and then they’ll dare President Trump to veto them so that they can claim that he is a bigot.
  • The Twisting Of Social Media. Democrats have made a habit of threatening our biggest social media companies with investigations and regulations should they fail to crack down on conservative perspectives. Democrats, angry at Hillary Clinton’s 2016 loss, blamed companies like Facebook for so-called “fake news,” and attributed Clinton’s utter incompetence to the impact of Russian bots. Democrats don’t believe any of that, but they’ve frightened social media companies into cracking down on free speech, as a leaked report from Google to Breitbart News showed this week. Social media companies are deeply afraid of Democrats punishing them for failing to target conservatives. Don’t be surprised if those social media companies escalate their efforts to do just that.
  • Radical Growth of the Democrat-Media Complex. We already know that the mainstream media institutions are dominated by Democratic supporters. And we know that those Democratic supporters will parrot any talking points the Democratic Party pushes. But with Democrats in power pushing every line of attack simultaneously, the media’s never-ending firehose of anti-Republican propaganda will merely widen the nozzle. If you’re worried about media bias now, wait until Democrats control the Congress and put President Trump in their sights.
  • Mob Rule. Democrats believe that they must lash out in anger in order to win in 2018. If they do win, they’ll double down on that anger, hoping it carries them to victory in 2020. Like the mobs invading the Senate and the steps of the Supreme Court? Enjoying top Democratic officials nodding and smiling at crowds harassing Republicans in restaurants? Get ready for much, much more. The only way to shut down the Democrats’ new mob rule strategy is to stop them cold at the ballot box.

    In 2016, Hillary Clinton lost the presidency because Democrats didn’t show up to vote. They simply assumed that she’d sweep to victory. They were wrong.
  • On 8 November 2016 Donald Trump won the US presidency. But it was also the day the Democratic party went awol. Almost two years later, the Democrats are still not to be found. They have no clear leader, or even leadership team, no convincing analysis of why they lost the election, and, consequently, no strategy to do better next time.

    In a July 2017 Washington Post-ABC News poll a majority of Americans (52%) said the Democratic party “just stands against Trump”, while just a minority (37%) believed the party “stands for something”. I seriously doubt these numbers will have changed much since then. As Democratic leaders limit their interventions to anti-Russia and anti-Trump platitudes, they might rally their partisan core, but they lose the bigger base – including millennials.
  • In recent weeks, Trump derangement syndrome on the left has reached critical mass. First, there was Robert De Niro’s “F--- Trump” tirade at the Tony awards, followed by Samantha Bee’s calling Ivanka Trump a “feckless c---” on her TV show. Then the owners of the Red Hen restaurant threw out White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders because she works for the president, while chanting protesters heckled Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen at a Mexican restaurant. Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) added fuel to the fire by openly calling on mobs of left-wing activists to “absolutely harass” Trump officials. Then there were the countless Trump opponents in the media, Congress and on Twitter who compared family separations at the southern border to Nazi Germany, and the Time magazine cover depicting Trump staring down heartlessly at a crying migrant girl and implying she was separated from her mother (until it emerged that she had not in fact been separated from her mother). And now come the threats to block Trump’s Supreme Court nominee before he has even nominated one.

  1. Democrats tried to frame Judge Kavanaugh
  2. Democrats literally stole seats in California and Arizona by using Vote Harvesting
  3. Hawaiian Judge and other liberal judges are trying to stop Trump from doing his job protecting the United States
  4. Democrats refuse to fund the wall
  5. Democrats Blue wave turns into a ripple
  6. Democrats take sides with MS-13 against US citizens
  7. Democrats create sanctuary state in California
  8. Democrats lose Senate seats
  9. Democrats in the Fed raise interest rates
  10. Robert Mueller can't find any Russian Collusion
2018 was a really bad year for America thanks to Democrats. I predict 2019 will be even worse once the Democrats take back the House and start intentionally trying to crash the economy.


The Democratic party went awol in 2016 – and is still missing | Cas Mudde
Ben Shapiro: 10 Reasons To Vote Republican In November
The left’s contempt is going to reelect Trump - The Washington Post

Excellent analysis.
The only thing that could be added is that the Democratic Party is like a combination of a crazy cult and organized crime.
Now there's this rubbish from the media:

CNN Still Bashing Trump for Iraq Visit, Not Meeting PM; Only Footnotes Obama Similarities

By Curtis Houck | December 27, 2018 4:01 PM EST
Along with Jim Acosta’s near-daily antics, Wednesday and Thursday served as another example of how far too many at CNN need to be told to get a life. Thursday’s Inside Politics led off with more kvetching about every aspect of President Donald Trump’s surprise visit to U.S. troops in Germany and Iraq, including how he didn’t meet with the Iraqi Prime Minister.

Conveniently, the panel downplayed the broader and positive symbolism of having a President visit troops and footnoted the similarities between Trump and predecessor Barack Obama in not meeting face-to-face with Iraqi leaders.

Fill-in host Nia-Malika Henderson immediately set the tone, declaring that Trump “parachute[d] into a war zone and
with controversy tailing him back to Washington”
as he “shook hands and signed MAGA hats” before making troops “proxies in his political battle here at home with Democrats over southern border wall.”

Going to Pentagon correspondent Barbara Starr for reaction, Henderson teed her up by giving a nod to those (read: the media) who’ve patted themselves on the back as somehow shaming Trump into going overseas: “We know that this President has obviously been criticized for not visiting troops overseas. He’s finally done that. So, how is this trip and the President's comments playing with the Pentagon?”

Starr reported that “Pentagon officials are happy the President made the trip,” but soon after expressed dismay (click “expand”):

The deeper question, of course, is Mr. Trump's political statements in front of a military audience because the U.S. military is not a political organization. It serves the country. It serves the American people. They have seen the President do this before. You get, you know, the big sigh and the slump at the shoulders. He's doing it again. I think the — his statement there about the U.S. being suckers is pretty interesting that he would make that in front of those troops, many who are veterans of multiple combat deployments, many if whose families have sacrificed greatly. I'm not sure they see themselves as suckers. They are volunteers to defend the country. So, his choice of words may be a bit awkward in front of a military audience, Nia.

Henderson went next to Bloomberg’s Shannon Pettypiece, telling her that t couldn’t have come to a surprise to this White House that the President turned what would normally, for most Presidents, just be a speech into almost a political rally.”

Pettypiece rehashed the complaints that seemingly endless news outlets offered up in the past 24 hours, stating in part that Trump’s behavior has been “his hallmark sense since the beginning of his presidency.”

Later, diplomatic correspondent Elise Labott blasted Trump for lacking a basic understand of the region, tearing into Trump for failing to properly carry out his duties on the trip as commander-in-chief:

I think the thing we are talking about here is that when the commander in chief goes to talk to the troops for this holiday, it’s really is [sic] important....and a boost to the military, but it's also about the awesome weight of being the commander in chief. Being the commander of all of these troops out there and the sacrifices that they’re making for American democracy, to defend American liberty, but also to help allies around the world and I think, in his political message, it didn't reflect the weight of the office of commander in chief.

In contrast, congressional correspondent Phil Mattingly appropriately emphasized the importance of any U.S. president visiting soldiers overseas before shifting to objectively outlining the problems facing the administration.

But when it came to how Trump didn’t meet with Iraqi Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi, Labott noted the security concerns and how the Iraqi government looks far more different since those led by longtime cleric Muqtada al-Sadr received the most votes for Parliament. She and New York Times correspondent Michael Shear admitted that Obama had his own issues with the Iraqis (click “expand”):

LABOTT: I must say, though, that President Obama didn’t really go to great lengths to go to Iraq and meet with the leaders there either. He kept a little bit of a distance. But it is important to kind of reach out to this new government, especially when we’re asking them to stand up more and, know, take on more of the burden of defending themselves.

HENDERSON: And, at some point, apparently there was an invitation to come to the White House and maybe that's something that will happen down the line.

SHEAR: Yeah, I mean, for all of the reasons that Elise just mentioned. It’s a little bit fraught in terms of both sides and the politics both domestic politics in the United States and then domestic politics in Iraq. Whether or not how that happens and how it happens under what circumstances, you can obviously — American presidents can have a wide range of options. You can bring somebody in for a quickie meeting that happens in a couple of hours and then — and then leaves or you can have all the frills....And as Elise said, Obama had fraught relationships over the years with the allies, both the governments in both Afghanistan and Iraq in terms of the tensions as, you know, inside the countries and about what the direction of the effort was going to be between the United States and their partners and that always is difficult no matter who the President is.

Henderson then went to commercial break with a soundbite from Bush’s November 27, 2003 visit to Iraq and give thanks to the troops there. Of course, there wasn’t any mention of how the press ripped Bush for that visit, down to expressing doubt about whether the turkey he held in a dining hall was real.

The list is long. Democrats and their corrupt friends in the media have destroyed lives and caused billions of dollars in damage to the federal government, the economy, and to the public.

If you want to talk about collusion, these people wrote the book on it.

I wanted to list the 10 or 20 stupidest things these scumbags have done to America in 2018.


  • The Courts. For generations, the left has stacked the courts with judicial activists determined to read their priorities into the law by twisting the Constitution beyond recognition. President Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell have successfully remade the federal judiciary by appointing and confirming judges dedicated to the proposition that the Constitution must be read as it was written. If Democrats somehow win back the Senate, they will hold open every single judicial seat, hoping that a Democrat takes the White House in 2020. Then they’ll go right back to rigging the judicial branch, using it as a club with which to destroy Constitutional rights and traditional values.
  • The Investigations. Democrats have already pledged investigations into every aspect of President Trump’s life. They’ll subpoena every member of government they can get their hands on. And we know that they don’t care about guilt or innocence – after all, they just tried to railroad a federal judge by claiming, without corroborating evidence, that he was an alleged gang rapist. In fact, Democrats have already pledged to launch another investigation into Justice Kavanaugh, hoping to undo the results of the confirmation vote. If you enjoyed the disgusting spectacle of Democrats trying to destroy due process of law, get ready for more.
  • Impeachment. While Democratic leadership has been lukewarm on the idea of impeaching President Trump, the base won’t settle for anything less if the Democrats take the House of Representatives. They’ll demand that Trump be impeached for any reason whatsoever – and then they’ll push the narrative that corrupt Republicans don’t care about the rule of law. Now, it’s just possible that Democrats could create a backlash that helps President Trump – that voters react to impeachment by supporting him. But that’s a risky proposition at best.
  • The Economy. President Trump’s chief selling point in his re-election effort will be the economy. And Democrats are dedicated to stifling economic growth if it means stopping Trump. They’ll hold up budgets, blow out spending, push for harsh anti-business regulation. They’ll kill the predictable pro-business climate President Trump has carefully crafted. The stock market will tumble as Wall Street begins to price in the effect of Democratic governance. And businesses will start to sock away capital again to prepare for the possibility that a unified Democratic government could enter Washington in 2020.
  • Foreign Policy. President Trump has done a fantastic job of drawing us closer to our allies and throwing a scare into our enemies. He’s done so because Republicans in Congress are willing to bolster our defense spending as necessary. The same isn’t true of Democrats, who would immediately move to cut defense spending, signaling to the world that President Obama’s weak-kneed foreign policy is back. Democrats would also attempt to undermine sanctions against the Iranian regime in keeping with Obama-era foreign policy.
  • Polarizing Culture Wars. We’ve already seen the Democrats suggest that mob politics is the new normal. We’ve seen the Democrats capitalize on racial issues to polarize the country; we’ve seen them try to divide Americans by class and sex as well. With the platform of Congress, look for Democrats to attempt a series of divisive maneuvers intended to relaunch the culture wars in new and frightening ways.​

  • 5ad0d8031eaa5.image.jpg

  • Attacks on Religious Liberty. President Trump has been stalwart in his defense of religious liberty. Democrats will be just as stalwart in their attacks on religious liberty. They’ll surely attempt to push so-called anti-discrimination laws directed at religious businesses, churches, and schools – and then they’ll dare President Trump to veto them so that they can claim that he is a bigot.
  • The Twisting Of Social Media. Democrats have made a habit of threatening our biggest social media companies with investigations and regulations should they fail to crack down on conservative perspectives. Democrats, angry at Hillary Clinton’s 2016 loss, blamed companies like Facebook for so-called “fake news,” and attributed Clinton’s utter incompetence to the impact of Russian bots. Democrats don’t believe any of that, but they’ve frightened social media companies into cracking down on free speech, as a leaked report from Google to Breitbart News showed this week. Social media companies are deeply afraid of Democrats punishing them for failing to target conservatives. Don’t be surprised if those social media companies escalate their efforts to do just that.
  • Radical Growth of the Democrat-Media Complex. We already know that the mainstream media institutions are dominated by Democratic supporters. And we know that those Democratic supporters will parrot any talking points the Democratic Party pushes. But with Democrats in power pushing every line of attack simultaneously, the media’s never-ending firehose of anti-Republican propaganda will merely widen the nozzle. If you’re worried about media bias now, wait until Democrats control the Congress and put President Trump in their sights.
  • Mob Rule. Democrats believe that they must lash out in anger in order to win in 2018. If they do win, they’ll double down on that anger, hoping it carries them to victory in 2020. Like the mobs invading the Senate and the steps of the Supreme Court? Enjoying top Democratic officials nodding and smiling at crowds harassing Republicans in restaurants? Get ready for much, much more. The only way to shut down the Democrats’ new mob rule strategy is to stop them cold at the ballot box.

    In 2016, Hillary Clinton lost the presidency because Democrats didn’t show up to vote. They simply assumed that she’d sweep to victory. They were wrong.
  • On 8 November 2016 Donald Trump won the US presidency. But it was also the day the Democratic party went awol. Almost two years later, the Democrats are still not to be found. They have no clear leader, or even leadership team, no convincing analysis of why they lost the election, and, consequently, no strategy to do better next time.

    In a July 2017 Washington Post-ABC News poll a majority of Americans (52%) said the Democratic party “just stands against Trump”, while just a minority (37%) believed the party “stands for something”. I seriously doubt these numbers will have changed much since then. As Democratic leaders limit their interventions to anti-Russia and anti-Trump platitudes, they might rally their partisan core, but they lose the bigger base – including millennials.
  • In recent weeks, Trump derangement syndrome on the left has reached critical mass. First, there was Robert De Niro’s “F--- Trump” tirade at the Tony awards, followed by Samantha Bee’s calling Ivanka Trump a “feckless c---” on her TV show. Then the owners of the Red Hen restaurant threw out White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders because she works for the president, while chanting protesters heckled Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen at a Mexican restaurant. Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) added fuel to the fire by openly calling on mobs of left-wing activists to “absolutely harass” Trump officials. Then there were the countless Trump opponents in the media, Congress and on Twitter who compared family separations at the southern border to Nazi Germany, and the Time magazine cover depicting Trump staring down heartlessly at a crying migrant girl and implying she was separated from her mother (until it emerged that she had not in fact been separated from her mother). And now come the threats to block Trump’s Supreme Court nominee before he has even nominated one.

  1. Democrats tried to frame Judge Kavanaugh
  2. Democrats literally stole seats in California and Arizona by using Vote Harvesting
  3. Hawaiian Judge and other liberal judges are trying to stop Trump from doing his job protecting the United States
  4. Democrats refuse to fund the wall
  5. Democrats Blue wave turns into a ripple
  6. Democrats take sides with MS-13 against US citizens
  7. Democrats create sanctuary state in California
  8. Democrats lose Senate seats
  9. Democrats in the Fed raise interest rates
  10. Robert Mueller can't find any Russian Collusion
2018 was a really bad year for America thanks to Democrats. I predict 2019 will be even worse once the Democrats take back the House and start intentionally trying to crash the economy.


The Democratic party went awol in 2016 – and is still missing | Cas Mudde
Ben Shapiro: 10 Reasons To Vote Republican In November
The left’s contempt is going to reelect Trump - The Washington Post



Goddamn that was funny!

Pointless much



A thread for whiney little bitches.

Hey, didn’t scott walker get a hot poker up the jacksee. Yes, yes he did.
Scott walker

71 million in 52 days.

Beat the next election at home

Beam him up Kirk

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