LGBT & ? vs Utah: Legal Arguments at 10th Circuit Begin April 10, 2014

So those donor eggs weren't yours?

Goddamn...I even gave you the fucking link! No, the eggs were not mine. I've told you this already three or four times now. What is it with you?

Trying to catch you in a slip up , so far - with minor flaws your story is pretty consistent and convenient.

Those Poor Children, I shutter to think what those pitiful little tykes will grow up to be, raised by such sick devious bastards - hopefully they have a good childhood at least.

Since my "story" is true there have been no flaws at all, but feel free to try and point some out...and don't forget the links.

Don't worry about our kids, they're the kids of divorce, those kids deserve your pity.
Since my "story" is true there have been no flaws at all, but feel free to try and point some out...and don't forget the links.

Don't worry about our kids, they're the kids of divorce, those kids deserve your pity.

OK. How well did you screen the gay men you carried the babies for? Did you do a criminal background check? Have you seen for instance, this statistical data when considering of handing babies over to gay men is a really good idea?

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

Mayo Clinic 2007

One of the most obvious examples of an environmental
factor that increases the chances of an individual becoming
an offender
is if he or she were sexually abused as a child.

This relationship is known as the “victim-to-abuser cycle”
or “abused-abusers phenomena.”

why the “abused abusers phenomena” occurs: identification with the aggressor,
in which the abused child is trying to gain a new
identity by becoming the abuser; an imprinted sexual
arousal pattern established by early abuse; early abuse
leading to hypersexual behavior; or a form of social learning took place
Goddamn...I even gave you the fucking link! No, the eggs were not mine. I've told you this already three or four times now. What is it with you?

Trying to catch you in a slip up , so far - with minor flaws your story is pretty consistent and convenient.

Those Poor Children, I shutter to think what those pitiful little tykes will grow up to be, raised by such sick devious bastards - hopefully they have a good childhood at least.

Since my "story" is true there have been no flaws at all, but feel free to try and point some out...and don't forget the links.

Don't worry about our kids, they're the kids of divorce, those kids deserve your pity.

So how many "long Term" partners have you had ??? LMAO -[remember- Your old posts are still on record]
Trying to catch you in a slip up , so far - with minor flaws your story is pretty consistent and convenient.

Those Poor Children, I shutter to think what those pitiful little tykes will grow up to be, raised by such sick devious bastards - hopefully they have a good childhood at least.

Since my "story" is true there have been no flaws at all, but feel free to try and point some out...and don't forget the links.

Don't worry about our kids, they're the kids of divorce, those kids deserve your pity.

So how many "long Term" partners have you had ??? LMAO -[remember- Your old posts are still on record]

Guess that depends on what you consider long term. I go with over six months and there have been that many...six over six.
Since my "story" is true there have been no flaws at all, but feel free to try and point some out...and don't forget the links.

Don't worry about our kids, they're the kids of divorce, those kids deserve your pity.

OK. How well did you screen the gay men you carried the babies for? Did you do a criminal background check? Have you seen for instance, this statistical data when considering of handing babies over to gay men is a really good idea?

I didn't have to. Everything was arranged through an agency. Of course, we got to know them before I agreed to carry their babies, but the agency matched us. They are very good at what they do.

Yes, having these men's children was a fantastic idea. It was certainly one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. They are an amazing family and we enjoy spending time with them when we can.

That will be the last response you get from me. I'm tired of your bullshit insinuations about gays and children.
Since my "story" is true there have been no flaws at all, but feel free to try and point some out...and don't forget the links.

Don't worry about our kids, they're the kids of divorce, those kids deserve your pity.

OK. How well did you screen the gay men you carried the babies for? Did you do a criminal background check? Have you seen for instance, this statistical data when considering of handing babies over to gay men is a really good idea?

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

Mayo Clinic 2007

One of the most obvious examples of an environmental
factor that increases the chances of an individual becoming
an offender
is if he or she were sexually abused as a child.

This relationship is known as the “victim-to-abuser cycle”
or “abused-abusers phenomena.”

why the “abused abusers phenomena” occurs: identification with the aggressor,
in which the abused child is trying to gain a new
identity by becoming the abuser; an imprinted sexual
arousal pattern established by early abuse; early abuse
leading to hypersexual behavior; or a form of social learning took place

Gay press promotes sex with children

Mainstream homosexual culture commonly promotes sex with children.

“The editorial board of the leading pedophile academic journal, Paidika, is dominated by prominent homosexual scholars such as San Francisco State University professor John DeCecco, who happens to edit the Journal of Homosexuality,” Baldwin wrote.

During his research, he also found:

The Journal of Homosexuality recently published a special double-issue entitled, “Male Intergenerational Intimacy,” containing many articles portraying sex between men and minor boys as loving relationships. One article said parents should look upon the pedophile who loves their son “not as a rival or competitor, not as a theft of their property, but as a partner in the boy’s upbringing, someone to be welcomed into their home.”

In 1995 the homosexual magazine “Guide” said, “We can be proud that the gay movement has been home to the few voices who have had the courage to say out loud that children are naturally sexual” and “deserve the right to sexual expression with whoever they choose. …” The article went on to say: “Instead of fearing being labeled pedophiles, we must proudly proclaim that sex is good, including children’s sexuality … we must do it for the children’s sake.”

Larry Kramer, the founder of ACT-UP, a noted homosexual activist group, wrote in his book, “Report from the Holocaust: The Making of an AIDS Activist”: “In those instances where children do have sex with their homosexual elders, be they teachers or anyone else, I submit that often, very often, the child desires the activity, and perhaps even solicits it.”
In a study of advertisements in the influential homosexual newspaper, The Advocate, Reisman found ads for a “Penetrable Boy Doll … available in three provocative positions. She also found that the number of erotic boy images in each issue of The Advocate averaged 14.

Homosexual newspapers and travel publications advertise prominently for countries where boy prostitution is heavy, such as Burma, the Philippines, Sri Lanka and Thailand.

Report: Pedophilia more common among ?gays?

Sick Bastards those Faggots ....
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"Mainstream homosexual culture commonly promotes sex with children."

Greenbean deliberately and knowingly and falsely suggests the man-boy champions are the norm of the homosexual community, when in fact pedophilia happens much more in the straight community.
OK. How well did you screen the gay men you carried the babies for? Did you do a criminal background check? Have you seen for instance, this statistical data when considering of handing babies over to gay men is a really good idea?

How well to straight couples get screened? Do they do a criminal background check?

People are people. Gay people in general aren't going to abuse their adopted children just because they're gay. Straight couples have abused kids in the past, as well as gay couples.

"Foster care author accused of abusing adopted kids"

This one isn't sexual abuse in any way, it's more harsh parenting.

These two appear to be lesbians, who maltreated their kids (possibly their own kids).
OK. How well did you screen the gay men you carried the babies for? Did you do a criminal background check? Have you seen for instance, this statistical data when considering of handing babies over to gay men is a really good idea?

How well to straight couples get screened? Do they do a criminal background check?

People are people. Gay people in general aren't going to abuse their adopted children just because they're gay. Straight couples have abused kids in the past, as well as gay couples.

"Foster care author accused of abusing adopted kids"

This one isn't sexual abuse in any way, it's more harsh parenting.

These two appear to be lesbians, who maltreated their kids (possibly their own kids).

The CDC info in the Clinical Psychiatry article only cited that with gay men in particular there was an "epidemic" of their having been sexually abused. The Mayo Clinic stated that a strong predictor of a person turning out to be oriented towards sex with children is if they were themselves abused sexually as a child.

I'm not aware of any statistics that say there is an "epidemic" with straight men having been molested as boys... If you find one of those studies, post it here.
Since my "story" is true there have been no flaws at all, but feel free to try and point some out...and don't forget the links.

Don't worry about our kids, they're the kids of divorce, those kids deserve your pity.

So how many "long Term" partners have you had ??? LMAO -[remember- Your old posts are still on record]

Guess that depends on what you consider long term. I go with over six months and there have been that many...six over six.

I gotta respect your honesty on that. But do your realize tha you've made the claim several times that people should worry more about the children of divorced couples than that of homosexuals ?

Homosexual relationships are generally less stable and highly transient as opposed to healthy heterosexuals. Homosexuals also tend to be highly promiscuous, most will boink anything that moves.

This tends to suggest that kids raised by perverts such as yourself are more likely to face repeated family disruption, much more so than that of normal people.
So how many "long Term" partners have you had ??? LMAO -[remember- Your old posts are still on record]

Guess that depends on what you consider long term. I go with over six months and there have been that many...six over six.

I gotta respect your honesty on that. But do your realize tha you've made the claim several times that people should worry more about the children of divorced couples than that of homosexuals ?

Homosexual relationships are generally less stable and highly transient as opposed to healthy heterosexuals. Homosexuals also tend to be highly promiscuous, most will boink anything that moves.

This tends to suggest that kids raised by perverts such as yourself are more likely to face repeated family disruption, much more so than that of normal people.

No actually, our relationships aren't any less stable than yours. I'm sure when the data rolls in, our divorce rates will be about the same as yours...which is pretty abysmal, but you can't really blame us for that now can you?
OK. How well did you screen the gay men you carried the babies for? Did you do a criminal background check? Have you seen for instance, this statistical data when considering of handing babies over to gay men is a really good idea?

How well to straight couples get screened? Do they do a criminal background check?

People are people. Gay people in general aren't going to abuse their adopted children just because they're gay. Straight couples have abused kids in the past, as well as gay couples.

"Foster care author accused of abusing adopted kids"

This one isn't sexual abuse in any way, it's more harsh parenting.

These two appear to be lesbians, who maltreated their kids (possibly their own kids).

How well to straight couples get screened? Do they do a criminal background check?

Every state has standards that adoptive parents must meet before they are allowed to adopt. A home study, or family study, is conducted on the adoptive family which involves obtaining criminal records, FBI and child abuse clearance reports , references, medical and financial information.

The standards are so ridiculous in most states that American Orphans frequently never get adopted . Prospective parents are forced to seek adoptees in Foreign countries. Some foreign countries have actually banned American Gays from adopting their children [Gee go figure - those haters ! All kids should have an equal opportunity to get molested by a Yankee Homo]

People are people. Gay people in general aren't going to abuse their adopted children just because they're gay.

Time and Time again information has been presented by myself ,silhouette and others proving that claim to be bogus, a sort of Urban Legend that Gay People are perfectly normal in all other aspects except their sexual orientation. IT's false , a misconception and distortion of reality perpetuated by Gay Activists.

Straight couples have abused kids in the past, as well as gay couples.

Yes, they have. However, Statistically and proportionately there is a much lower percentage [per capita] of straight couples molesting kids.
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Guess that depends on what you consider long term. I go with over six months and there have been that many...six over six.

I gotta respect your honesty on that. But do your realize tha you've made the claim several times that people should worry more about the children of divorced couples than that of homosexuals ?

Homosexual relationships are generally less stable and highly transient as opposed to healthy heterosexuals. Homosexuals also tend to be highly promiscuous, most will boink anything that moves.

This tends to suggest that kids raised by perverts such as yourself are more likely to face repeated family disruption, much more so than that of normal people.

No actually, our relationships aren't any less stable than yours. I'm sure when the data rolls in, our divorce rates will be about the same as yours...which is pretty abysmal, but you can't really blame us for that now can you?

If I wanted to use the type of spin that you socio-fascists are so good at , I could even find a way to blame you for Pearl Harbor and 9-11 - but I'd have a tough time keeping a straight face.

So you think your 6 X 6 claim is normal ??
I gotta respect your honesty on that. But do your realize tha you've made the claim several times that people should worry more about the children of divorced couples than that of homosexuals ?

Homosexual relationships are generally less stable and highly transient as opposed to healthy heterosexuals. Homosexuals also tend to be highly promiscuous, most will boink anything that moves.

This tends to suggest that kids raised by perverts such as yourself are more likely to face repeated family disruption, much more so than that of normal people.

No actually, our relationships aren't any less stable than yours. I'm sure when the data rolls in, our divorce rates will be about the same as yours...which is pretty abysmal, but you can't really blame us for that now can you?

If I wanted to use the type of spin that you socio-fascists are so good at , I could even find a way to blame you for Pearl Harbor and 9-11 - but I'd have a tough time keeping a straight face.

So you think your 6 X 6 claim is normal ??

Normal for who? I've dated six women over six months, two of them were over five years and one of them has been over 18. Yeah, I'd say that's pretty normal.
No actually, our relationships aren't any less stable than yours. I'm sure when the data rolls in, our divorce rates will be about the same as yours...which is pretty abysmal, but you can't really blame us for that now can you?

If I wanted to use the type of spin that you socio-fascists are so good at , I could even find a way to blame you for Pearl Harbor and 9-11 - but I'd have a tough time keeping a straight face.

So you think your 6 X 6 claim is normal ??

Normal for who? I've dated six women over six months, two of them were over five years and one of them has been over 18. Yeah, I'd say that's pretty normal.

Since my first Child was born, the only woman I've "dated" has been his Mother- who has bore several since then, we are a family , unlike your tribe .
If I wanted to use the type of spin that you socio-fascists are so good at , I could even find a way to blame you for Pearl Harbor and 9-11 - but I'd have a tough time keeping a straight face.

So you think your 6 X 6 claim is normal ??

Normal for who? I've dated six women over six months, two of them were over five years and one of them has been over 18. Yeah, I'd say that's pretty normal.

Since my first Child was born, the only woman I've "dated" has been his Mother- who has bore several since then, we are a family , unlike your tribe .

You do realize that you are the one that isn't "normal", right? While I find your relationship status admirable, it isn't "normal" by any stretch of the imagination.

Rush Limbpalls has been divorced how many times now? Gingrich? Fidelity or lack thereof is not the sole property of the gay community.
Normal for who? I've dated six women over six months, two of them were over five years and one of them has been over 18. Yeah, I'd say that's pretty normal.

Since my first Child was born, the only woman I've "dated" has been his Mother- who has bore several since then, we are a family , unlike your tribe .

You do realize that you are the one that isn't "normal", right? While I find your relationship status admirable, it isn't "normal" by any stretch of the imagination.

Rush Limbpalls has been divorced how many times now? Gingrich? Fidelity or lack thereof is not the sole property of the gay community.

What , pray tell , does Rush "Limpballs" or Newt Gingrich have to do with the fact that Faggots make bad parents ??? You're grasping at straws girl - and straws don't float under the weight of truth and science - so you're basically sinking .

[PS all balls are limp - that's not the part that's suppossed to hard :lol: ]
Since my first Child was born, the only woman I've "dated" has been his Mother- who has bore several since then, we are a family , unlike your tribe .

You do realize that you are the one that isn't "normal", right? While I find your relationship status admirable, it isn't "normal" by any stretch of the imagination.

Rush Limbpalls has been divorced how many times now? Gingrich? Fidelity or lack thereof is not the sole property of the gay community.

What , pray tell , does Rush "Limpballs" or Newt Gingrich have to do with the fact that Faggots make bad parents ??? You're grasping at straws girl - and straws don't float under the weight of truth and science - so you're basically sinking .

[PS all balls are limp - that's not the part that's suppossed to hard :lol: ]

Gays don't make bad parents. As stated multiple times, and supported by links, the children of gays are at no disadvantage to those of straights. Gays are parents just like straights are parents. Some are good, some aren't so good.

You're the one that brought up longevity of relationships. Bean, when over 50% of straight marriages are ending in divorce, gays aren't your worry.
You do realize that you are the one that isn't "normal", right? While I find your relationship status admirable, it isn't "normal" by any stretch of the imagination.

Rush Limbpalls has been divorced how many times now? Gingrich? Fidelity or lack thereof is not the sole property of the gay community.

What , pray tell , does Rush "Limpballs" or Newt Gingrich have to do with the fact that Faggots make bad parents ??? You're grasping at straws girl - and straws don't float under the weight of truth and science - so you're basically sinking .

[PS all balls are limp - that's not the part that's suppossed to hard :lol: ]

Gays don't make bad parents. As stated multiple times, and supported by links, the children of gays are at no disadvantage to those of straights. Gays are parents just like straights are parents. Some are good, some aren't so good.

You're the one that brought up longevity of relationships. Bean, when over 50% of straight marriages are ending in divorce, gays aren't your worry.

Gays don't make bad parents. As stated multiple times, and supported by links

All discredited links and poorly documented and opinionated.

Gays are parents just like straights are parents. Some are good, some aren't so good.

Gays are perverts first , parents second . The propensity for Gays to engage in child abuse has been clearly demonstrated . Gays, in general do not make good parents and never will.

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