LGBT Activist Teaches How To Destroy Credibility, Never Be Considered 'Credible' Again


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
All too often Liberals allow their own personal hatred to say the STUPIDEST d@mn things that make people roll their eyes, walk away, and never listen to anything they have to say ever again...

Meet Brandon such Liberal.


Mike is very passionate about LGBTs and the LGBT passionate that he allowed his emotions to get the best of him, prompting him to declare:

"If Mike Pence were president, he’d put ‘gay people’ in ‘concentration camps"

From any reasonable, well-grounded, sane person, such a comment evokes one of several responses:

1) :wtf:

2) 'STFU'

or 3) People roll their eyes, turn, and walk away.

Don't be a 'Mike Wolf'.

*This was a Public Service Announcement paid for by the 'Coalition of Those Tired of Emotional Over-The-Top Liberal Nonsense'.
** LGBT activist: If Mike Pence were president, he’d put ‘gay people’ in ‘concentration camps’
Sadly, the vast majority of them are like that. Or at least far too many for the health of the nation.

In "Liberal Screwal safe zones", I'd bet that has been said many times in their snowflake circles.

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