Let's talk about the rioters


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
And by rioters, I'm talking about the mobs in Kenosha. I've heard 1,000 already that Kyle Rittenhouse didn't have any reason to be there.
What is the purpose of those on the left, completely disregarding the actions of the rioters, looters, attackers and arsonist, to completely terrorize a city, over someone 99% of them didn't even know. They say they were out there for "social justice." But I dare say that most of them either had false information about Blake. Or had little to no information. Just bias info, without all the facts of the incident. Facts like Blake was tryin to kidnap that kid. That he was armed. That the cops had already tazed him and he still wouldn't take responsibility for his actions (The warrant he has on him at the time)
It's my opinion, that most of the rioters (not protestors... There's a difference) simply did not care why they were there. They just wanted to destroy and steal stuff. Some, like Rosenbaum, just wanted to abuse anyone he could.
Video evidence of Rosenbaum shows he got extremely upset over someone putting out the dumpster fire. Another time, got extremely aggressive because the militia guys wouldn't let him and the crowd close enough to the gas station so they could terrorize it.

So the question is, why won't the left even discuss these rioters? Why won't they hold them accountable for their terroristic actions and nature. What is it about these people, that the left feels like they have to protect? They'll go into detail about the militia guys, who didn't burn anything, didn't simply pick out people to harm. They just stood around, and tried to keep protestors from burning, looting and destroying things that were not their to destroy.

Is it because there's is no way to defend these thugs? Is it because the left knows that the rioters are wrong? And because they know they're wrong, it destroys any chance to continue the false narrative about social justice and racism, that's spread throughout the lefts social media and MSM.
In all honestly, it reminds me of a parent who has a loser 40yr old still living with them. They don't want to discuss the problem. They know the 40yr old is lazy, good for nothing , and never will be. They feel sorry for him, or maybe scared of him, so they just ignore him best they can.
That seems to be what the left is doing about these rioters.
If the left wanted to improve social justice and help bring what they think is equality to the blacks, seems they'd follow MLK's actual advise and stop rioting. But instead, they take MLK's words completely out of context, so they can continue to stage violent riots. And those not rioting, can continue to support those who are.


P.S. This thread is NOT about Rittenhouse or the trial. It's about the rioters, looters, abusers and arsonist.
And by rioters, I'm talking about the mobs in Kenosha. I've heard 1,000 already that Kyle Rittenhouse didn't have any reason to be there.
What is the purpose of those on the left, completely disregarding the actions of the rioters, looters, attackers and arsonist, to completely terrorize a city, over someone 99% of them didn't even know. They say they were out there for "social justice." But I dare say that most of them either had false information about Blake. Or had little to no information. Just bias info, without all the facts of the incident. Facts like Blake was tryin to kidnap that kid. That he was armed. That the cops had already tazed him and he still wouldn't take responsibility for his actions (The warrant he has on him at the time)
It's my opinion, that most of the rioters (not protestors... There's a difference) simply did not care why they were there. They just wanted to destroy and steal stuff. Some, like Rosenbaum, just wanted to abuse anyone he could.
Video evidence of Rosenbaum shows he got extremely upset over someone putting out the dumpster fire. Another time, got extremely aggressive because the militia guys wouldn't let him and the crowd close enough to the gas station so they could terrorize it.

So the question is, why won't the left even discuss these rioters? Why won't they hold them accountable for their terroristic actions and nature. What is it about these people, that the left feels like they have to protect? They'll go into detail about the militia guys, who didn't burn anything, didn't simply pick out people to harm. They just stood around, and tried to keep protestors from burning, looting and destroying things that were not their to destroy.

Is it because there's is no way to defend these thugs? Is it because the left knows that the rioters are wrong? And because they know they're wrong, it destroys any chance to continue the false narrative about social justice and racism, that's spread throughout the lefts social media and MSM.
In all honestly, it reminds me of a parent who has a loser 40yr old still living with them. They don't want to discuss the problem. They know the 40yr old is lazy, good for nothing , and never will be. They feel sorry for him, or maybe scared of him, so they just ignore him best they can.
That seems to be what the left is doing about these rioters.
If the left wanted to improve social justice and help bring what they think is equality to the blacks, seems they'd follow MLK's actual advise and stop rioting. But instead, they take MLK's words completely out of context, so they can continue to stage violent riots. And those not rioting, can continue to support those who are.


P.S. This thread is NOT about Rittenhouse or the trial. It's about the rioters, looters, abusers and arsonist.
Over 250 arrests were made following the events in Kenosha. What more do you want?

But as usual, people like you cant put yourself in other peoples position. But I'll tell you one thing. If the 3 dudes that murdered Arbery are let off the hook this week, you are going to see rioting across this country like you've never seen before.
And by rioters, I'm talking about the mobs in Kenosha. I've heard 1,000 already that Kyle Rittenhouse didn't have any reason to be there.
What is the purpose of those on the left, completely disregarding the actions of the rioters, looters, attackers and arsonist, to completely terrorize a city, over someone 99% of them didn't even know. They say they were out there for "social justice." But I dare say that most of them either had false information about Blake. Or had little to no information. Just bias info, without all the facts of the incident. Facts like Blake was tryin to kidnap that kid. That he was armed. That the cops had already tazed him and he still wouldn't take responsibility for his actions (The warrant he has on him at the time)
It's my opinion, that most of the rioters (not protestors... There's a difference) simply did not care why they were there. They just wanted to destroy and steal stuff. Some, like Rosenbaum, just wanted to abuse anyone he could.
Video evidence of Rosenbaum shows he got extremely upset over someone putting out the dumpster fire. Another time, got extremely aggressive because the militia guys wouldn't let him and the crowd close enough to the gas station so they could terrorize it.

So the question is, why won't the left even discuss these rioters? Why won't they hold them accountable for their terroristic actions and nature. What is it about these people, that the left feels like they have to protect? They'll go into detail about the militia guys, who didn't burn anything, didn't simply pick out people to harm. They just stood around, and tried to keep protestors from burning, looting and destroying things that were not their to destroy.

Is it because there's is no way to defend these thugs? Is it because the left knows that the rioters are wrong? And because they know they're wrong, it destroys any chance to continue the false narrative about social justice and racism, that's spread throughout the lefts social media and MSM.
In all honestly, it reminds me of a parent who has a loser 40yr old still living with them. They don't want to discuss the problem. They know the 40yr old is lazy, good for nothing , and never will be. They feel sorry for him, or maybe scared of him, so they just ignore him best they can.
That seems to be what the left is doing about these rioters.
If the left wanted to improve social justice and help bring what they think is equality to the blacks, seems they'd follow MLK's actual advise and stop rioting. But instead, they take MLK's words completely out of context, so they can continue to stage violent riots. And those not rioting, can continue to support those who are.


P.S. This thread is NOT about Rittenhouse or the trial. It's about the rioters, looters, abusers and arsonist.

The cops handle it.

I'm not going to go out there and handle it. There a people paid to do this work.

The police.
Over 250 arrests were made following the events in Kenosha. What more do you want?

But as usual, people like you cant put yourself in other peoples position. But I'll tell you one thing. If the 3 dudes that murdered Arbery are let off the hook this week, you are going to see rioting across this country like you've never seen before.
This right here is the reason that this country is going down the shitter.

Note that nothing but a guilty verdict is enough for you, regardless of the facts or evidence presented.

You want to get what you want or you're going to burn the house down.

This is the reason why you can't have legitimate self-defense in this country because they would get in the way of your 'outrage'.
Over 250 arrests were made following the events in Kenosha. What more do you want?

But as usual, people like you cant put yourself in other peoples position. But I'll tell you one thing. If the 3 dudes that murdered Arbery are let off the hook this week, you are going to see rioting across this country like you've never seen before.
All of that has to be broken down by the offense charged with. Minor charges are nothing. And we need to charge them with the damage done.
The cops handle it.

I'm not going to go out there and handle it. There a people paid to do this work.

The police.

You see, this is what I'm talking about, ignoring, dodging and spinning the topic. We're not discussing who's responsibility it is to handle the rioters. It's why the rioters are there, and why the left won't address the wrong doing of the rioters. The left don't even discuss how and why rioting is wrong.
They say they're for peace. And yet, they refuse to demand peace from their own rioters.

Over 250 arrests were made following the events in Kenosha. What more do you want?

But as usual, people like you cant put yourself in other peoples position. But I'll tell you one thing. If the 3 dudes that murdered Arbery are let off the hook, you are going to see rioting across this country like you've never seen before.

The mobs and rioters had no business in kenosha. End. Of. Story. The city council and police dept failed their community. Those guys murdered arbery and should be convicted.
Over 250 arrests were made following the events in Kenosha. What more do you want?

But as usual, people like you cant put yourself in other peoples position. But I'll tell you one thing. If the 3 dudes that murdered Arbery are let off the hook this week, you are going to see rioting across this country like you've never seen before.
I have not followed that case. If he is guilty he needs to pay for it. As for rioting, have at it. Destroy everything you can. There comes a point where it is easier to be over it. Remember...Progs told us they know better. They don't.
And by rioters, I'm talking about the mobs in Kenosha. I've heard 1,000 already that Kyle Rittenhouse didn't have any reason to be there.
What is the purpose of those on the left, completely disregarding the actions of the rioters, looters, attackers and arsonist, to completely terrorize a city, over someone 99% of them didn't even know. They say they were out there for "social justice." But I dare say that most of them either had false information about Blake. Or had little to no information. Just bias info, without all the facts of the incident. Facts like Blake was tryin to kidnap that kid. That he was armed. That the cops had already tazed him and he still wouldn't take responsibility for his actions (The warrant he has on him at the time)
It's my opinion, that most of the rioters (not protestors... There's a difference) simply did not care why they were there. They just wanted to destroy and steal stuff. Some, like Rosenbaum, just wanted to abuse anyone he could.
Video evidence of Rosenbaum shows he got extremely upset over someone putting out the dumpster fire. Another time, got extremely aggressive because the militia guys wouldn't let him and the crowd close enough to the gas station so they could terrorize it.

So the question is, why won't the left even discuss these rioters? Why won't they hold them accountable for their terroristic actions and nature. What is it about these people, that the left feels like they have to protect? They'll go into detail about the militia guys, who didn't burn anything, didn't simply pick out people to harm. They just stood around, and tried to keep protestors from burning, looting and destroying things that were not their to destroy.

Is it because there's is no way to defend these thugs? Is it because the left knows that the rioters are wrong? And because they know they're wrong, it destroys any chance to continue the false narrative about social justice and racism, that's spread throughout the lefts social media and MSM.
In all honestly, it reminds me of a parent who has a loser 40yr old still living with them. They don't want to discuss the problem. They know the 40yr old is lazy, good for nothing , and never will be. They feel sorry for him, or maybe scared of him, so they just ignore him best they can.
That seems to be what the left is doing about these rioters.
If the left wanted to improve social justice and help bring what they think is equality to the blacks, seems they'd follow MLK's actual advise and stop rioting. But instead, they take MLK's words completely out of context, so they can continue to stage violent riots. And those not rioting, can continue to support those who are.


P.S. This thread is NOT about Rittenhouse or the trial. It's about the rioters, looters, abusers and arsonist.

All the facts you post will be ignored and ignored and ignored by the media who will only double down now to protect themselves. Your really spot on. Regular citizens have more right to be on the street than rioters do... and somehow the left turns that on its head and make it the other way around. If your a concerned citizen during a BLM riot. it makes you anti black and a racist apparently. Rittenhouse carried a gun to protect himself because there was a RIOT going on... something conveniently overlooked by everyone on the left. The only way he could legaly carry a gun to protect himself would be to bring a long rifle.... It was also his community and he had every right to be there.
Had there been MORE armed citizens out in the street.. Rosenbaum perhaps never would have attacked. The fault lies with the adults in the room who let this shit take place in the first place. Now they want to lay it all on a 17 year old who reacted to the shit they created.

And this comes from Biden on down.... his only fucking job as president is to uphold the rule of law.... not to give his opinion on a kid being a white supremacist... without having FACTS..and without an investigation having taken place. and now... he barely accepts the decision of a lawful jury....
And by rioters, I'm talking about the mobs in Kenosha. I've heard 1,000 already that Kyle Rittenhouse didn't have any reason to be there.
What is the purpose of those on the left, completely disregarding the actions of the rioters, looters, attackers and arsonist, to completely terrorize a city, over someone 99% of them didn't even know. They say they were out there for "social justice." But I dare say that most of them either had false information about Blake. Or had little to no information. Just bias info, without all the facts of the incident. Facts like Blake was tryin to kidnap that kid. That he was armed. That the cops had already tazed him and he still wouldn't take responsibility for his actions (The warrant he has on him at the time)
It's my opinion, that most of the rioters (not protestors... There's a difference) simply did not care why they were there. They just wanted to destroy and steal stuff. Some, like Rosenbaum, just wanted to abuse anyone he could.
Video evidence of Rosenbaum shows he got extremely upset over someone putting out the dumpster fire. Another time, got extremely aggressive because the militia guys wouldn't let him and the crowd close enough to the gas station so they could terrorize it.

So the question is, why won't the left even discuss these rioters? Why won't they hold them accountable for their terroristic actions and nature. What is it about these people, that the left feels like they have to protect? They'll go into detail about the militia guys, who didn't burn anything, didn't simply pick out people to harm. They just stood around, and tried to keep protestors from burning, looting and destroying things that were not their to destroy.

Is it because there's is no way to defend these thugs? Is it because the left knows that the rioters are wrong? And because they know they're wrong, it destroys any chance to continue the false narrative about social justice and racism, that's spread throughout the lefts social media and MSM.
In all honestly, it reminds me of a parent who has a loser 40yr old still living with them. They don't want to discuss the problem. They know the 40yr old is lazy, good for nothing , and never will be. They feel sorry for him, or maybe scared of him, so they just ignore him best they can.
That seems to be what the left is doing about these rioters.
If the left wanted to improve social justice and help bring what they think is equality to the blacks, seems they'd follow MLK's actual advise and stop rioting. But instead, they take MLK's words completely out of context, so they can continue to stage violent riots. And those not rioting, can continue to support those who are.


P.S. This thread is NOT about Rittenhouse or the trial. It's about the rioters, looters, abusers and arsonist.
I agree with you that, if they were doing any damage or carrying weapons of any kind, they were thugs or encouraged by thugs to do the dirty. I also think that Rittenhouse had no business being there, because this type of activity attracts naive young people with wannabe ambitions to act out their fantasies. Law enforcement has put many of these violent people in jail, as they are tracked down and arrested.
I have not followed that case. If he is guilty he needs to pay for it. As for rioting, have at it. Destroy everything you can. There comes a point where it is easier to be over it. Remember...Progs told us they know better. They don't.
Three white men chased down a black jogger who stopped at a construction site to get some water. They then proceeded to shoot and kill him.

What people are protesting is the disparity in justice. Pretty simple.
Three white men chased down a black jogger who stopped at a construction site to get some water. They then proceeded to shoot and kill him.

What people are protesting is the disparity in justice. Pretty simple.

Protests are fine. I support that 100 percent.... Riots? if you have riots then the protests are forced to stop until people can police themselves... destruction of property and hurting people in the name of justice is a crock of shit and means you are mentally weak...
Over 250 arrests were made following the events in Kenosha. What more do you want?

I want the left to take responsibility for their rioters. To accept that they're wrong. To stop overlooking what their side is doing. To do something about your "problem child."
They're creating too many innocent victims. And the left doesn't even seem to care that their side is the ones creating the innocent victims.
But as usual, people like you cant put yourself in other peoples position.
I can't put myself in a rioters position, no. Because I'm not a violent person. I respect other peoples property. There's been no one I know, killed by police officer. So, no, I'm not going to go rioting. It's called being a decent American. I don't create innocent victims. And I'm proud of it.
You see something wrong with that?

But I'll tell you one thing. If the 3 dudes that murdered Arbery are let off the hook this week, you are going to see rioting across this country like you've never seen before.

What you're really telling me is that like most lefties, you don't want to address the thugs on your side, who do create innocent victims. What you are telling me is that you're going to attempt to change the subject.

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