Let’s talk about repealing the Second Amendment

M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
Bridge, USS Enterprise
Too many gun safety advocates take precisely the wrong approach by tiptoeing around the Second Amendment, meekly reassuring that they only seek very limited reforms. This cautious approach defines the margins of public debate, and therefore the range of possibilities, far too narrowly. Rather, the very existence of a loud argument about the larger issue of repeal will make those incremental proposals seem more moderate, and therefore ultimately more achievable.
We need to counterbalance gun extremists with forceful, strong positions at the other end of the political spectrum. A campaign to repeal the Second Amendment is our best option.
Well, its good to know that at least SOME people on the left understand the 2nd - as intended - is in the way of what they want to do:
To wit:
To be clear, a ‘Repeal the Second Amendment’ campaign would not be to argue that nobody should have guns, but that not everyone should be able to have assault weapons on demand. It would not mean competitive shooters and hunters and people in need of personal protection should not have guns, but it could mean that the principal obstacle to any reasonable laws would be removed.
Well no - it means exactly that - the law abiding all over the country would lose their right to keep and bear arms at the simplest level.
Beside the point.

The point:
Why don't more of your advocate for this?
Why don't ALL pf you advocate for this?
If you are --serious-- about "gun safety", why are you wasting your time and effort to push for laws you know will be struck as a violation of the 2nd?
The pro-gun side often claims you aren't --serious-- about gun safety -- that your goal is to simply harass and limit the rights of the law abiding in whatever way you can; so long as you push for laws you know will be struck, this is a sound point.

C'mon. Do the work, Spend the time and make the effort.
Convince Congress to pass an amendment to repeal the 2nd.
Convince 38 states to ratify it - the fact 25 states do not require a permit to carry a concealed firearm shouldn't daunt you here - right?
Because otherwise you're just wasting time, needlessly harassing the law abiding, and making lawyers rich.
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Why do you think 38 States will give up the right to defend themselves? ... I believe 44 States have individual gun rights enshrined into their own State Constitutions ...

This will have to be "repeal and replace" ... so you don't have that 38 ...

Let's not forget that the Red Coats weren't able to recruit Americans with guns and form them into militia units ... not as well as the Americans ... ten years later, threat of imminent British invasion ... I don't know ... maybe letting the Original 13 Colonies keep their own armies going is a good idea ... that's the first part of the 2nd Amendment ...

I don't see the problem ... we'd save more live shutting down McDonald's ...
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Well, its good to know that at least SOME people on the left understand the 2nd - as intended - is in the way of what they want to do:
To wit:

Well no - it means exactly that - the law abiding all over the country would lose their right to keep and bear arms at the simplest level.
Beside the point.

The point:
Why don't more of your advocate for this?
Why don't ALL pf you advocate for this?
If you are --serious-- about "gun safety", why are you wasting your time and effort to push for laws you know will be struck as a violation of the 2nd?
The pro-gun side often claims you aren't --serious-- about gun safety -- that your goal is to simply harass and limit the rights of the law abiding in whatever way you can; so long as you push for laws you know will be struck, this is a sound point.

C'mon. Do the work, Spend the time and make the effort.
Convince Congress to pass an amendment to repeal the 2nd.
Convince 38 states to ratify it - the fact 25 states do not require a permit to carry a concealed firearm shouldn't daunt you here - right?
Because otherwise you're just wasting time, needlessly harassing the law abiding, and making lawyers rich.
Hellar is just a court case. It can be overturned like any other court cases.
It's easier to re-interpret the 2nd though our judicial system than to abolish it by amendment.
And the left hopes it can do this.
But they haven't considered what happens when a liberal court tells hundreds of millions of gun owners they suddenly do NOT have the right to own their guns.

What? Abortion?
The difference here is that gun owners have the teeth to make it stick.
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Well, its good to know that at least SOME people on the left understand the 2nd - as intended - is in the way of what they want to do:
To wit:

Well no - it means exactly that - the law abiding all over the country would lose their right to keep and bear arms at the simplest level.
Beside the point.

The point:
Why don't more of your advocate for this?
Why don't ALL pf you advocate for this?
If you are --serious-- about "gun safety", why are you wasting your time and effort to push for laws you know will be struck as a violation of the 2nd?
The pro-gun side often claims you aren't --serious-- about gun safety -- that your goal is to simply harass and limit the rights of the law abiding in whatever way you can; so long as you push for laws you know will be struck, this is a sound point.

C'mon. Do the work, Spend the time and make the effort.
Convince Congress to pass an amendment to repeal the 2nd.
Convince 38 states to ratify it - the fact 25 states do not require a permit to carry a concealed firearm shouldn't daunt you here - right?
Because otherwise you're just wasting time, needlessly harassing the law abiding, and making lawyers rich.
There is no repeal of the 2nd amendment planned at all. It is all in the minds of those who are addicted to guns and will not consider banning AR-15 and over 10 bullets used for some guns at a time. Background check.

Republicans absolutely need to stop inciting gun addicted people that the 2nd amendment is ever going to be repealed and their guns confiscated.

This is adult abuse on other adults, especially those who are not mature to deal with it.
Why do you think 38 States will give up the right to defend themselves? ... I believe 44 States have individual gun rights enshrined into their own State Constitutions ...
This will have to be "repeal and replace" ... so you don't have that 38 ...
You can't amend the constituton w/o 38 states.
Well, its good to know that at least SOME people on the left understand the 2nd - as intended - is in the way of what they want to do:
To wit:

Well no - it means exactly that - the law abiding all over the country would lose their right to keep and bear arms at the simplest level.
Beside the point.

The point:
Why don't more of your advocate for this?
Why don't ALL pf you advocate for this?
If you are --serious-- about "gun safety", why are you wasting your time and effort to push for laws you know will be struck as a violation of the 2nd?
The pro-gun side often claims you aren't --serious-- about gun safety -- that your goal is to simply harass and limit the rights of the law abiding in whatever way you can; so long as you push for laws you know will be struck, this is a sound point.

C'mon. Do the work, Spend the time and make the effort.
Convince Congress to pass an amendment to repeal the 2nd.
Convince 38 states to ratify it - the fact 25 states do not require a permit to carry a concealed firearm shouldn't daunt you here - right?
Because otherwise you're just wasting time, needlessly harassing the law abiding, and making lawyers rich.
They don’t need to. They are having stunning success regulating the 2A out of its intended purpose to begin with. With no shortage of self professed 2A supporters tripping over one another in their zeal to show compliance with every infringement they come up with…
America is trapped in the status quo situation of gun violence and gun related mass murders that reach far out of proportion to any other normal country.

This needs to be the starting point for any discussion that is related to breaking the hold of it's 2nd. amendment.

Fwiw, it's most likely that nothing can be done to change the situation as the issue sits at this point in time.

Only a significant increase in gun violence against school children will be the motivation of the people to demand change.

A doubling or even tripleing of a base level from the year 2000? Is there any breaking point for the hearts of parents who lose their little ones?
America is trapped in the status quo situation of gun violence and gun related mass murders that reach far out of proportion to any other normal country.

This needs to be the starting point for any discussion that is related to breaking the hold of it's 2nd. amendment.

Fwiw, it's most likely that nothing can be done to change the situation as the issue sits at this point in time.

Only a significant increase in gun violence against school children will be the motivation of the people to demand change.

A doubling or even tripleing of a base level from the year 2000? Is there any breaking point for the hearts of parents who lose their little ones?
Any other useful tips for the deranged, Leftist maniacs you want to throw out there..?
They don’t need to. They are having stunning success regulating the 2A out of its intended purpose to begin with.
The have had success. This will soon be fleeting.
The USSC GVR'd several circuit court decisions regarding the crown jewels of anti-gun legislation -- bans on 'assault weapons and 'high capacity' magazines -- all of which will fail at circuit level.

v Bruen is extremely powerful and the pro-gun side is filing lawsuit after lawsuit after lawsuit.
There is no repeal of the 2nd amendment planned at all. It is all in the minds of those who are addicted to guns and will not consider banning AR-15 and over 10 bullets used for some guns at a time. Background check.

Republicans absolutely need to stop inciting gun addicted people that the 2nd amendment is ever going to be repealed and their guns confiscated.

This is adult abuse on other adults, especially those who are not mature to deal with it.

When you idiots put cops under the same 10 round restriction I will consider it, until then pound sand.
I've offered no suggestions, but only the facts on the situation concerning the slaughter by gun.

And I have no interest in your spam!
Good thing, cuz I'm not sharing my Spam with anyone. From my cold dead hands!
Why do you think 38 States will give up the right to defend themselves? ... I believe 44 States have individual gun rights enshrined into their own State Constitutions ...

This will have to be "repeal and replace" ... so you don't have that 38 ...

Let's not forget that the Red Coats weren't able to recruit Americans with guns and form them into militia units ... not as well as the Americans ... ten years later, threat of imminent British invasion ... I don't know ... maybe letting the Original 13 Colonies keep their own armies going is a good idea ... that's the first part of the 2nd Amendment ...

I don't see the problem ... we'd save more live shutting down McDonald's ...
It is the exact point he is making.

They try to do this through unConstitutional legislation because they cannot appeal to the States or expect that enough citizens are dumb enough (yet) to want to remove the Second Amendment.

So, they will continue to conflate the numbers into some crisis and start (educating) our young people on the evils of opposing the government and gun ownership.

Take note, gun ownership is NOT a cry to actively oppose the government. It is a response to a tyrannical government. The preferred way to oppose the government is through voting.
“To be clear, a ‘Repeal the Second Amendment’ campaign would not be to argue that nobody should have guns, but that not everyone should be able to have assault weapons on demand. It would not mean competitive shooters and hunters and people in need of personal protection should not have guns, but it could mean that the principal obstacle to any reasonable laws would be removed.

We might not get repeal for decades, if ever…”

In which case there’s no point in ‘repealing’ the Second Amendment.

In the coming decades the political climate will likely change where the composition of the Supreme Court will be such that Heller, McDonald, and Bruen will be overturned, well before the political climate will be such to support amending the Constitution to repeal the Second Amendment.
There is no repeal of the 2nd amendment planned at all.
I know. That's the point. You're wasting time and money, only to harass law abiding gun owners.
It is all in the minds of those who are addicted to guns and will not consider banning AR-15 and over 10 bullets used for some guns at a time.
There's no rational, reasoned argument for a ban on AR15s or 20-30-50-100rd magazines.
Republicans absolutely need to stop inciting gun addicted people that the 2nd amendment is ever going to be repealed and their guns confiscated.
Funny how you say that in response to an article calling for exactly that.
Republicans absolutely need to stop inciting gun addicted people that the 2nd amendment is ever going to be repealed and their guns confiscated.
True – but that’s not going to happen.

Conservatives will continue to lie about ‘bans’ and ‘confiscations’ that will never happen.

It’s how the dishonest right keeps the Republican base ignorant, angry, and going to the polls, by lying about ‘bans’ and ‘confiscations.’

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