Let's Round Up Those Law Breaking Children: Trump Likely To End DACA Immigrant Program

They need to go and come back legally like everyone else.....its draining state and federal budgets while keeping wages low for everyone else.
If there was a law that said the children of illegals had 24 hours after they turn 18 to apply for an adjustment of status, that would be okay.
Illegal alien children that is. We are in no position to have sympathy for these type people. We are a nation of laws. It's time to end DACA now and round them up and deport them. This is all about making America great again.

Trump likely to end DACA immigrant program
Steve, you are such an obvious troll. You word shit like this specifically for shock value and attention. You're pathetic, you know that right?
Do you support illegal aliens who break the law and refuse to take the oath of allegiance to America?
Then as usual you prove you are a traitor. There should be no amnesty for anyone who breaks the law, it is time to enforce the LAWS of this country especially the ones about riots, masks, and crossing state lines to commit a felony. It is also time FORCE states to round up and incarcerate illegals for deportation. That will give the DOJ the needed tool to arrest and charge dimshit governors and mayors with felonies and remove them from office forever.
So babies are guilty by association....interesting. The implications are astounding...
There should be zero tolerance and they need to be sent back. Our nation is not a day care center for illegal alien babies and young kids. Next Trump should close the loophole in the 14th Amendment to stop illegals from subverting it by having anchor babies. It was not designed for that purpose.
Should the baby of a murderer be executed?
The baby of a murderer would not get whatever benefit the murderer wanted. If a store clerk was murdered, the baby would not get the contents of the cash register.

Your talking about whether a baby is guilty because without choice he benefited? That sounds like the argument made for white priveledge.

So if a man kills and robs another, that money went to pay for his child's medical treatment, that baby benefited and should pay the price for murder.
There is no legal justification that absolves crime for the children.

If a man kills and robs another to pay for a child's medical treatment and the money is recovered, the child doesn't get the treatment. Papa goes to prison and doesn't get to kill more people to pay for additional treatment.

No matter how you slice this cake, children do not get to retain the benefit of parental crimes.

What you propose, with the best of intentions, is to create a class of crime without punishment. If it's for the children, it's legal. No it's not. Parents should think twice about committing a crime.

Punishing the children of illegals is very necessary. Illegals should not get the idea that no matter what else, their children will be allowed to stay. It's a magnet. Tell these parents that no matter how long it takes their children will be tracked down and deported. They might think twice about breaking the law.
No. That is not what I propose at all. Children are not culpable for their parents crimes in our society. That is not creating a special class at all. The father is still culpable, the child who received treatment is not.
They need to go and come back legally like everyone else.....its draining state and federal budgets while keeping wages low for everyone else.
DACA is for children who are contributing in a positive way. How is a student in medical school keeping wages low or draining budgets?
Illegal alien children that is. We are in no position to have sympathy for these type people. We are a nation of laws. It's time to end DACA now and round them up and deport them. This is all about making America great again.

Trump likely to end DACA immigrant program

This is not making America great NAZI!! The Democrats should hold out on either a budget or raising the debt ceiling. The fact is that we are facing a population crisis. If baby boomers want SS checks then we will need more people working.
Ridding the country of law breaking illegals IS making America great again. It moves us closer to nationalism.

You don't have a clue what making America great is. Racists like you make this country evil. People like you are a curse upon this country.
Illegals don't belong here. Why do you support these law breakers? Law breakers like illegals don't make America great.
Even better, anyone who breaks the law, like Trump, should be stripped of their citizenship and sent off to one of the many islands we own. We can be great again, with a population of 200 million or so.
DACA is for children who are contributing in a positive way. How is a student in medical school keeping wages low or draining budgets?
They would be a positive asset and an excellent vehicle for real change in their home countries. They need to go home and then if they still want to apply for legal entry into America they can.
DACA is for children who are contributing in a positive way. How is a student in medical school keeping wages low or draining budgets?
They would be a positive asset and an excellent vehicle for real change in their home countries. They need to go home and then if they still want to apply for legal entry into America they can.
They might not have those opportunities in countries they may have no memory of or relationship to. Many left those countries to scape gang violence.

Punishing children for the actions of their parents.
DACA is for children who are contributing in a positive way. How is a student in medical school keeping wages low or draining budgets?
They would be a positive asset and an excellent vehicle for real change in their home countries. They need to go home and then if they still want to apply for legal entry into America they can.
They might not have those opportunities in countries they may have no memory of or relationship to. Many left those countries to scape gang violence.

Punishing children for the actions of their parents.
You should let go of your sympathy for these law breakers. We are a nation that rules by law, not emotions.
DACA is for children who are contributing in a positive way. How is a student in medical school keeping wages low or draining budgets?
They would be a positive asset and an excellent vehicle for real change in their home countries. They need to go home and then if they still want to apply for legal entry into America they can.
They might not have those opportunities in countries they may have no memory of or relationship to. Many left those countries to scape gang violence.

Punishing children for the actions of their parents.
You should let go of your sympathy for these law breakers. We are a nation that rules by law, not emotions.

It's not emotion. It is what is right and wrong. If we punish children for the actions of their parents that means punishing innocent people.
The goal should be to do whatever moves the nations south of us towards democracy and decent governments and uncorrupted societies. Otherwise the flow of illegal entry will continue.

Remember the arguments for NAFTA? that was suppose to bring jobs to Mexico and south America making life there more appealing. We were told if we pass NAFTA illegal immigration would slow to a crawl. That has not been the case.

If we don't stop the flow at the border nothing in central or south America will ever change for the better. The people of those nations will still suffer in poverty.

Their younger healthier com padres will come north leaving them behind to live in a corrupt and dangerous society.

We must stop them at the border, we must send them home when we find them. We must make them understand that their only hope is to remain home and fight for change.

Otherwise we are the problem and we should hang our heads in shame for what continues to plague central and south America.
Closing time.

You don't have to go home, you just can't stay here.

Maybe Canada will will ignore their immigration laws be let anyone in.
The goal should be to do whatever moves the nations south of us towards democracy and decent governments and uncorrupted societies. Otherwise the flow of illegal entry will continue.

Remember the arguments for NAFTA? that was suppose to bring jobs to Mexico and south America making life there more appealing. We were told if we pass NAFTA illegal immigration would slow to a crawl. That has not been the case.

If we don't stop the flow at the border nothing in central or south America will ever change for the better. The people of those nations will still suffer in poverty.

Their younger healthier com padres will come north leaving them behind to live in a corrupt and dangerous society.

We must stop them at the border, we must send them home when we find them. We must make them understand that their only hope is to remain home and fight for change.

Otherwise we are the problem and we should hang our heads in shame for what continues to plague central and south America.

Yet our ancestors DID NOT remain home and fight for change in impoverished, corrupt, violent countries did they?

Our policies need to maintain their humanity. I totally support rapid deportation of violent criminals.
Yet our ancestors DID NOT remain home and fight for change in impoverished, corrupt, violent countries did they?

Our policies need to maintain their humanity. I totally support rapid deportation of violent criminals
If you go way back many of our ancestors came here on adventure. If you mean the Pilgrims, well they were greatly out maned but that being said maybe scores of suffering would have been erased if they stayed home and fought.
The Pilgrims fled to the new world but suffering did not stop back home. What about that humanity? When will it stop if no one capable is left there to stop it?
DACA is for children who are contributing in a positive way. How is a student in medical school keeping wages low or draining budgets?
They would be a positive asset and an excellent vehicle for real change in their home countries. They need to go home and then if they still want to apply for legal entry into America they can.
They might not have those opportunities in countries they may have no memory of or relationship to. Many left those countries to scape gang violence.

Punishing children for the actions of their parents.
You should let go of your sympathy for these law breakers. We are a nation that rules by law, not emotions.

It's not emotion. It is what is right and wrong. If we punish children for the actions of their parents that means punishing innocent people.
They punish for the sins of the father, just like their tiny small-minded God.
Trump is being humane.

He's not going to split up families.

When he deports the parents, the illegal children will go with them.

That's the only reason why Zero created this DACA shit. If we allow
the kids to stay, then the illegal parents will get to stay.

We're just kicking all of them out.
Punishing children.

How? The Donald will be ensuring that when he tosses out their
illegal parents, their illegal asses will have to go with them

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