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When have we ever had a president refuse to return all classified materials before?
When have we ever had a demand like that made of a former president?

"You gotta go through all your papers, man, and sort everything out, and give it to us within 2 weeks."

And presidents have a LOT of paperwork. I doubt you could comply with what they demanded, which

is against the law (US Code) and court precedents, by the way.
When have we ever had a demand like that made of a former president?

"You gotta go through all your papers, man, and sort everything out, and give it to us within 2 weeks."

And presidents have a LOT of paperwork. I doubt you could comply with what they demanded, which

is against the law (US Code) and court precedents, by the way.

It's never been made before because no ex-president has ever made efforts before to not return all classified materials before.
It's never been made before because no ex-president has ever made efforts before to not return all classified materials before.
Oh YaY! Faun quoted me. Said No One Ever.

You're better off not interacting with me, douchebag.

No such ridiculous requests have ever occurred before, dumbass!

At least not before it was Cheated in Potato/Obama's illegal 3rd term.
First let me tell you. What about is a piss-poor legal argument. But let's talk about facts.

No, they didn't. They were the custodian of those records first off. None of them claimed ownership. Trump does. In the case when they were found to be in the possession of such documents, for instance in the case of Biden and Pence. The moment they found out they had such documents they were given to the National archives.

What Trump did was first take them. Then refuse to give them back to the National Archives. Then after the National Archives found some of those documents being classified and the DOJ notified, still refuse to give them back. After finally being served a subpoena, he hid those documents from his own lawyers so they would assert to the DOJ that all were delivered. Upon which the DOJ finding out this being a lie a search warrant was executed in which the FBI found over a hundred documents subject to the subpoena including in Trumps desk.

If Trump wanted to make this bogus ownership claim, he should have made it when he received the subpoena. He did not. Instead, he hid those documents. That's obstruction of justice. If you believe the government is claiming something that is yours. You can legally assert such ownership. You can't hide those documents any more then you can break into someone's house because you think he stole your TV.
Lol….Watching Chuck Todd this morning I see…You’re gonna be so triggered when Trump is your next President, and bewildered as to how, and I’m gonna laugh…
It's never been made before because no ex-president has ever made efforts before to not return all classified materials before.
America finds itself at a point in which the rules, laws and standards that have maintained us for nearly 250 years are being ignored at the upper ends of our own government.

We really don't know how to effectively address it, I guess because we assumed this would never happen. We assumed we were better than this. The 2016 election and subsequent years have demonstrated that we're not.
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America finds itself at a point in which the rules, laws and standards that have maintained us for nearly 250 years are being ignored at the upper ends of our own government.

We really don't know how to effectively address it, I guess because we assumed this would never happen. We assumed we were better than this.
All that is correct, but not for why you think, dumbass.

It's not all because of "The Bad Orange Man", it's because Democrats cheated in a potato that's really an Obama puppet

and the bureaus in America have been corrupted and don't care about the Constitution, The American People, or laws.
Just imagine if we held all politicians to the same standard as we do the orange ones.
Like, for some reason, we actually have standards for trump. But none for anyone else. Weird.
Seriously demented comment imho.

Any politician, in the history of mankind, that did all the criminal shit that Trump has done, would have been tried and imprisoned already.

THE EXCEPTION is Trump..... The special treatment, has been for Trump....his whole criminal, thieving life!
Seriously demented comment imho.

Any politician, in the history of mankind, that did all the criminal shit that Trump has done, would have been tried and imprisoned already.

THE EXCEPTION is Trump..... The special treatment, has been for Trump....his whole criminal, thieving life!
Trump has never been a criminal, whatever gave you that idea?

Obnoxious New Yorker? :dunno: Probably the epitome of that.

We've dealt with tons of them in Florida for decades, perhaps more since AC became more prevalent.

Trump is not a criminal or thief. Well I dunno now, maybe he stole your brain! :aargh:
As I've said about a thousand times, this has never been about Trump.

You simply lack the capacity to understand. I can't help that.

You can attack all you want. All you do is illustrate my point.
Mac1958, I have more capacity than your fucktarded ass. You've been batshit retarded since he got elected. Wtf is wrong with you?

I know it's not about Trump, it's about subverting America to be what they want it to be, not what it has been since the beginning.

That's something me and Trump and a whole lot of Americans understand, and it doesn't seem like you do. Why is that?
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Trump has never been a criminal, whatever gave you that idea?

Obnoxious New Yorker? :dunno: Probably the epitome of that.

We've dealt with tons of them in Florida for decades, perhaps more since AC became more prevalent.

Trump is not a criminal or thief. Well I dunno now, maybe he stole your brain! :aargh:
I spent several years growing up in New York City,
I know who he is...

Observers who have followed Trump's political career closely have seen instance after instance where Trump is accused of one nefarious or illegal act or another, and when the dust finally settles, Trump was innocent and the accusations were all not just incorrect, but intentionally slanderous.

The Russia collusion hoax.

The American Nazi's that Trump praised as "very fine people."

That Trump "bragged about grabbing people by [their private parts],"

Trump "raped" various women.

All nonsense. All lies.

And while this flurry of indictments are not exactly the same, they follow the same pattern. The Manhattan case is a joke, with no crime even accused. The Mar-a-Lago documents case is Constitutionally and logically preposterous; a person who had the absolute power to de-classify any document he wanted is being charged for handling those documents in a way that some bureaucrat didn't like; the President basically asks the Governor of Georgia to leave no stone unturned to find any and all Trump votes that may have previously been overlooked; the President continues claiming that the 2020 election was stolen after the New York Times decided that everything was in order.

Bullshit on steroids.
Observers with their eyes open have seen him settle out of court time and time again, be fined, and sanctioned.
I am not a fan of the way Trump has dealt with some contractors for sure.

But being president is not like dealing with contractors you have to pay and unions and city codes and all that.

All in all he's been successful at that, anyway.
Observers with their eyes open have seen him settle out of court time and time again, be fined, and sanctioned.
When people know you have money, you will be a target for lawsuits. It's a fact of life.

Unless they outlaw crazy lawsuits in America.

The number of judges and lawyers would have to be reduced by half.

It's big bidness!
Lol….Watching Chuck Todd this morning I see…You’re gonna be so triggered when Trump is your next President, and bewildered as to how, and I’m gonna laugh…
Not at all. I've been making parts of this argument since before he was indicted. In fact, the argument that Trump could have made objections to the subpoena known as he got it, and the fact that he didn't, makes the whole declassification argument moot, appears both in the prosecutors motions and the subsequent court order, when Canon was bitch slapped the first time by the court of appeals in her district.

I don't need the press to form my opinion. I just go the the primary sources.
Not at all. I've been making parts of this argument since before he was indicted. In fact, the argument that Trump could have made objections to the subpoena known as he got it, and the fact that he didn't, makes the whole declassification argument moot, appears both in the prosecutors motions and the subsequent court order, when Canon was bitch slapped the first time by the court of appeals in her district.

I don't need the press to form my opinion. I just go the the primary sources.
I'll give you that, but my opinion of your opinion is that your opinion is flawed and based on some falsehoods.

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