'Let's Not Shoot These Kids': Florida Police Caught In Shootout With 12yo Boy, 14yo Girl

This is just sad. In America in 2021 we now have children shooting at police with the police hoping that they don't have to shoot back.

I understand this. I wouldn't want to shoot a child.

This is America. Weapons everywhere.

Yet we are much less safe.

These kids were raised in bad conditions......but you want to blame guns......600 million guns in private hands, over 19.4 million Americans can carry guns for self defense in public

1.1 million Americans use guns each year to save lives from rape, brutal beatings, robberies and murder...

But two kids raised in horrible situations, the girl apparently had issues and set fires and the boy was in foster care.........but you want to blame guns...

This is why we don't take you seriously.
This is just sad. In America in 2021 we now have children shooting at police with the police hoping that they don't have to shoot back.

I understand this. I wouldn't want to shoot a child.

This is America. Weapons everywhere.

Yet we are much less safe.

how come you did not ask about what kind of parents these kids have?....

They didn't live with their parents, they were in a Junile Home.....

The pair had broken into the home after fleeing from a juvenile home northeast of Orlando,
Florida United Methodist Church, the home that had fostered the children, has placed a moratorium on its Emergency Shelter Care programme for the next 30 days, according to its president and CEO, Kitwana McTyer.

In a statement, McTyer said the number of children being sent to the home for housing is "beyond the scope of our capabilities to provide the care required".

What this idiot is doing is saying that the girl in Columbus, who was about to stab the other girl with the knife....who was also in foster care with lots of problems.......

Why does America have so many knives......? That is what the first post is essentially asking instead of asking why these kids are from foster homes and group homes instead of two parent families.....
This is just sad. In America in 2021 we now have children shooting at police with the police hoping that they don't have to shoot back.

I understand this. I wouldn't want to shoot a child.

This is America. Weapons everywhere.

Yet we are much less safe.

The kids were in a group home......with lots of issues...

"They were coming out to kill cops," Chitwood told reporters Tuesday night.
Kitwana McTyer, president and CEO of Florida United Methodist Children’s Home, where the children lived, called the incident "tragic" and said it is "the result of the system failing our children."

"These children are in desperate need of care in the appropriate setting, which is a higher level of care than we provide," McTyer said in a statement.

Both children were in the home's emergency shelter care program, which is currently serving three children, McTyer said.

"We have recently made changes to our Emergency ShelterCare program and have been working with our partners, including Sheriff Chitwood, CommunityPartnership for Children (CPC), and the Department of Child Welfare to address the state of child welfare in our community and the gaps in the system that result in the lack of adequate or appropriate placement for children who should at times be in the care of the Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ)," McTyler said.

This is America. Weapons everywhere.

Yet we are much less safe.
More bullshit from our resident retard. Violent crime has been on a downward trend for YEARS

The downward trend started in the early 1990s and ended in 2015 when obama and the democrats decided to make war on he police..........

And the trend was down even as millions of Americans went out, bought guns, and then began to carry them...showing that gun ownership does not increase gun crime...

Attacking the police and releasing violent criminals, as the democrats do....causes crime.
This is just sad. In America in 2021 we now have children shooting at police with the police hoping that they don't have to shoot back.

I understand this. I wouldn't want to shoot a child.

This is America. Weapons everywhere.

Yet we are much less safe.

And more to the story....the girl, who seems to be the likely leader of the two......has a history of problems and crime...

The 14-year-old was arrested for stealing dogs, for larceny, she then got teen court, and was sentenced to a halfway house in Flagler County,” Sheriff Chitwood said. “She burned that halfway house down on April 10 of 2021 and the Department of Juvenile Justice placed her in Florida United Methodist Children’s Home.”

This is just sad. In America in 2021 we now have children shooting at police with the police hoping that they don't have to shoot back.

I understand this. I wouldn't want to shoot a child.

This is America. Weapons everywhere.

Yet we are much less safe.

Let the parents discipline the children first. And stop the total equality of men and women. They are both equal but in different ways. You are operating on the assumption that women are just innocent of everything while uplifting them to pure equality. What more evidence do you need of the craziness?
This is just sad. In America in 2021 we now have children shooting at police with the police hoping that they don't have to shoot back.

I understand this. I wouldn't want to shoot a child.

This is America. Weapons everywhere.

Yet we are much less safe.

Let the parents discipline the children first. And stop the total equality of men and women. They are both equal but in different ways. You are operating on the assumption that women are just innocent of everything while uplifting them to pure equality. What more evidence do you need of the craziness?

Seems like the girl might have been the leader of the two....
This is America. Weapons everywhere.

Me thinks I smell a fishy story!
  • Two children break out of juvenille hall to break into a home that just happens to have guns laying out all over the place loaded and ready to go? When are the police filing charges against the home-owner for not securing his weapons?
  • 14 year old girl comes our flashing a shotgun? I want to see a 14 y.o. girl SHOOT a 12 ga. 00 shotgun!
You spent a year calling the police criminals, defunding them, denouncing them, criminalizing them, rioting against them, and now that some kids act on that feedback they've gotten from the radical left and shoot at them---- YOU BLAME THE GUNS?
This is just sad. In America in 2021 we now have children shooting at police with the police hoping that they don't have to shoot back.

I understand this. I wouldn't want to shoot a child.

This is America. Weapons everywhere.

Yet we are much less safe.

how come you did not ask about what kind of parents these kids have?....
the children are in foster care. That should answer your question.
This is just sad. In America in 2021 we now have children shooting at police with the police hoping that they don't have to shoot back.

I understand this. I wouldn't want to shoot a child.

This is America. Weapons everywhere.

Yet we are much less safe.

how come you did not ask about what kind of parents these kids have?....
the children are in foster care. That should answer your question.

What you got against kids in foster care? Millions of them every day manage to not shoot at cops. Why paint with such a broad brush?
This is just sad. In America in 2021 we now have children shooting at police with the police hoping that they don't have to shoot back.

I understand this. I wouldn't want to shoot a child.

This is America. Weapons everywhere.

Yet we are much less safe.

how come you did not ask about what kind of parents these kids have?....
the children are in foster care. That should answer your question.

What you got against kids in foster care? Millions of them every day manage to not shoot at cops. Why paint with such a broad brush?
Was the question NOT what kind of parents these kids have? Yes it was. The answer is, the children are in foster care. That's what kind of parents they have. The kind that lost custody.

These were not brother and sister. Are just two children who have a history of troubled behavior. Unlike others, they were not police haters. They didn't want to kill anyone. They thought they were playing a live version of Grand Theft Auto. These are children that have retreated into a world of their own. A guess could be ventured that their own lives were so bad that Grand Theft Auto became more than a game. That's some serious trouble for a child.

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