Let's examine Donald Trump's "terrific" stock market ... shall we?


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
If you invested in a medium risk mutual fund two years ago ... You are SUCKING and should probably take a look prior to claiming to have made 250% on your money. Trumptardians who pretend to be experts and claim that he's the greatest thing since sliced bread should probably take a closer look.

On Monday, February 24, Trump tweeted that the, “Stock Market starting to look very good to me!” after it had fallen 1,387 points since his February 19 tweet.

Unfortunately for Trump, his forecast was not very good as the market continued its rapid descent. The next day the Dow fell 879 points and over the next four days it dropped 2,551 points or over 9%, to close at 25,409.

Almost exactly two years ago on February 27, 2018, the Dow 30 Industrials closed at 25,410, which means all the Dow gains of the past two years have been wiped out in just over two weeks and the market has incurred the fastest 10% plus decrease in history.

Trump’s stock market returns vs. Obama’s

The four charts below show the gains for the Dow 30 Industrials that Trump tends to tweet and talk about and the S&P 500, which provides a broader view of the stock market.

The first two start with inauguration dates. Since their respective inaugurations, the Dow is up 28% under Trump and over the same time frame it was up 62% under Obama. These figures are based on Thursday’s close before the Dow fell an additional 1.4%.

For the first three plus years since Trump’s inauguration the S&P 500 has risen 30% while under Obama it increased 70%.​

And SOOO much more (Warning - Only for those Trumpublicans who dare ;-) :::

Four Charts Comparing Trump’s Vs. Obama’s Stock Market Returns
According to my records I'm still 50% ahead of where I was then ...sucks to be you
Let's examine DR Hate's asinine post shall we?

Keep in mind bed wetting pieces of shit like Dr Hate hold those who have significant amounts of money in stocks with contempt. You're the top 50% and pieces of shit like him want to steal more money from you, yet here he/she/it is pissing and moaning as if it gives a fruit fly's fuck about your investments.

Everyone knows the market shit the bed the day after the meat puppet faggot became POTUS, and barely recovered by the time his 8 years of stagnation, malaise and global instability was ended by the world's richest professional clown in 2016.

Bed wetting parasites like Dr Hate have been trying to rewrite history and to this day insist hitler wasn't a socialist (and of course neither is the meat puppet faggot ) jihadists aren't muslims, and now Trump's success is somehow the result of a moonbat messiah.

Let's examine DR Hate's asinine post shall we?

Keep in mind bed wetting pieces of shit like Dr Hate hold those who have significant amounts of money in stocks with contempt. You're the top 50% and pieces of shit like him want to steal more money from you, yet here he/she/it is pissing and moaning as if it gives a fruit fly's fuck about your investments.

Everyone knows the market shit the bed the day after the meat puppet faggot became POTUS, and barely recovered by the time his 8 years of stagnation, malaise and global instability was ended by the world's richest professional clown in 2016.

Bed wetting parasites like Dr Hate have been trying to rewrite history and to this day insist hitler wasn't a socialist (and of course neither is the meat puppet faggot ) jihadists aren't muslims, and now Trump's success is somehow the result of a moonbat messiah.

DrLove really IS dim, isn't he? His raging TDS clouds every thought and response. It must be horrific to be him.
Imagine if Hillary had won instead. Investors would be jumping off of buildings, Bill would be getting hundreds of millions of dollars from China, and we'd all be dying of the Chinese death virus.
Let's examine DR Hate's asinine post shall we?

Keep in mind bed wetting pieces of shit like Dr Hate hold those who have significant amounts of money in stocks with contempt. You're the top 50% and pieces of shit like him want to steal more money from you, yet here he/she/it is pissing and moaning as if it gives a fruit fly's fuck about your investments.

Everyone knows the market shit the bed the day after the meat puppet faggot became POTUS, and barely recovered by the time his 8 years of stagnation, malaise and global instability was ended by the world's richest professional clown in 2016.

Bed wetting parasites like Dr Hate have been trying to rewrite history and to this day insist hitler wasn't a socialist (and of course neither is the meat puppet faggot ) jihadists aren't muslims, and now Trump's success is somehow the result of a moonbat messiah.

You refuted absolutely nothing in the Forbes piece. Go slither back under your rock please.
Let's examine DR Hate's asinine post shall we?

Keep in mind bed wetting pieces of shit like Dr Hate hold those who have significant amounts of money in stocks with contempt. You're the top 50% and pieces of shit like him want to steal more money from you, yet here he/she/it is pissing and moaning as if it gives a fruit fly's fuck about your investments.

Everyone knows the market shit the bed the day after the meat puppet faggot became POTUS, and barely recovered by the time his 8 years of stagnation, malaise and global instability was ended by the world's richest professional clown in 2016.

Bed wetting parasites like Dr Hate have been trying to rewrite history and to this day insist hitler wasn't a socialist (and of course neither is the meat puppet faggot ) jihadists aren't muslims, and now Trump's success is somehow the result of a moonbat messiah.
DrLove really IS dim, isn't he? His raging TDS clouds every thought and response. It must be horrific to be him.

And we have another without a coherent response other than personal attacks and Nuh-Uhhh!! Sad :(
According to my records I'm still 50% ahead of where I was then ...sucks to be you

Then you're either getting insider tips, or you're a fucking Wall Street genius who knows how to pick stocks. I sincerely doubt the latter. ;)
Sincerely doubt you have any investments......ever heard of dividends …..part of it...….Simply because market is back to a certain level doesn't mean every issue is back to that level...….and went to cash for new 401 k money back in NOV
DrLove really IS dim, isn't he? His raging TDS clouds every thought and response. It must be horrific to be him.

There are no "thoughts" involved. No one who has the capacity to THINK concludes:

Obozo presided over an era of prosperity.

MMGW is a fact, algore did not promote a hoax to become a billionaire.

Marxist collectivism can work, if people just give it a chance.

These are mindless drones, they may suffer from emotional symptoms like children do when forced to stop sucking their thumbs. However they have never had a developed frontal lobe. They have no critical thinking skills and do not analyse data as individuals like the rest of us. They can not even determine if the data they receive is true or false. They actually seem to prefer false data that reinforces their ignorance.

Just look at them...

Pathetic accidents that should have been aborted....

DrLove really IS dim, isn't he? His raging TDS clouds every thought and response. It must be horrific to be him.

There are no "thoughts" involved. No one who has the capacity to THINK concludes:

Obozo presided over an era of prosperity.

MMGW is a fact, algore did not promote a hoax to become a billionaire.

Marxist collectivism can work, if people just give it a chance.

These are mindless drones, they may suffer from emotional symptoms like children do when forced to stop sucking their thumbs. However they have never had a developed frontal lobe. They have no critical thinking skills and do not analyse data as individuals like the rest of us. They can not even determine if the data they receive is true or false. They actually seem to prefer false data that reinforces their ignorance.

Just look at them...

Pathetic accidents that should have been aborted....

I really believe some of these idiots are getting paid to post their nonsense. No one COULD be as dumb as these idiots are.
The S&P 500 Is at an All Time High—But It Still Performed Far Better Under Obama Than Trump

"And so, as Fortune did in early June, we decided to take a look at how the markets performed during the Administrations of Barack Obama and Trump.

"We downloaded historical information on the Dow, S&P 500, Nasdaq, and Russell 2000 indexes from Yahoo Finance.

"Then we compared the same periods for both presidents: from inauguration on January 20 to Oct. 31 in their third year of office.

"Because the market had already run up a long way before Trump was elected, the absolute numbers would be misleading.

"Instead, Fortune compared the performance under each president to his initial inauguration day to get an accurate comparison of growth under each."

The stock market reflects the economic well-being of ten percent of Americans at best. 90% of Americans continue to exist precariously in a "gig" economy without benefits and bereft of reasonable expectations for improvement.

Since many of these workers are already working multiple jobs, advising them to find additional employment (exploitation) opportunities makes little sense unless you are among the ten percent who profit from their misery.
If you invested in a medium risk mutual fund two years ago ... You are SUCKING and should probably take a look prior to claiming to have made 250% on your money. Trumptardians who pretend to be experts and claim that he's the greatest thing since sliced bread should probably take a closer look.

On Monday, February 24, Trump tweeted that the, “Stock Market starting to look very good to me!” after it had fallen 1,387 points since his February 19 tweet.

Unfortunately for Trump, his forecast was not very good as the market continued its rapid descent. The next day the Dow fell 879 points and over the next four days it dropped 2,551 points or over 9%, to close at 25,409.

Almost exactly two years ago on February 27, 2018, the Dow 30 Industrials closed at 25,410, which means all the Dow gains of the past two years have been wiped out in just over two weeks and the market has incurred the fastest 10% plus decrease in history.

Trump’s stock market returns vs. Obama’s

The four charts below show the gains for the Dow 30 Industrials that Trump tends to tweet and talk about and the S&P 500, which provides a broader view of the stock market.

The first two start with inauguration dates. Since their respective inaugurations, the Dow is up 28% under Trump and over the same time frame it was up 62% under Obama. These figures are based on Thursday’s close before the Dow fell an additional 1.4%.

For the first three plus years since Trump’s inauguration the S&P 500 has risen 30% while under Obama it increased 70%.​

And SOOO much more (Warning - Only for those Trumpublicans who dare ;-) :::

Four Charts Comparing Trump’s Vs. Obama’s Stock Market Returns

The market was at a low when Obama came on board. When you take the baseline as 90% of max, he did next to nothing.

The market was going to recover even with a moron like you in the WH.
Let's examine DR Hate's asinine post shall we?

Keep in mind bed wetting pieces of shit like Dr Hate hold those who have significant amounts of money in stocks with contempt. You're the top 50% and pieces of shit like him want to steal more money from you, yet here he/she/it is pissing and moaning as if it gives a fruit fly's fuck about your investments.

Everyone knows the market shit the bed the day after the meat puppet faggot became POTUS, and barely recovered by the time his 8 years of stagnation, malaise and global instability was ended by the world's richest professional clown in 2016.

Bed wetting parasites like Dr Hate have been trying to rewrite history and to this day insist hitler wasn't a socialist (and of course neither is the meat puppet faggot ) jihadists aren't muslims, and now Trump's success is somehow the result of a moonbat messiah.

You refuted absolutely nothing in the Forbes piece. Go slither back under your rock please.

There is nothing to refute.

Forbes uses the super low valuation of the market as it's baseline.

Even a moron like you would look great as EVERYONE knows the market will recover to within 90% of max valuation.

Using 90% of max as the starting valuation...it took forever for him to get to zero and the market performance was pathetic under our Affirmative Action Failure.
It's a hell of a lot easier to go from 6000 to 16000 than from 16000 to 29000.

The DOW took 12 days to go from 25000 to 26000. Find me any 12 day stretch in 8 years of Obama that even comes CLOSE to that.

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